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Muyco, Carlos Pons & Torres, Paulo 10-11-18

Subject: Purposive communication 1BSBA2

Interviewer: Good afternoon, Paulo Torres! Please, take a seat. I am the H.R. of Carlos Muyco,
hiring associate of Nestle Philippines. And I see you are applying for the position of a
management trainee.
Interviewee: Yes!
Interviewer: Also, your résumé states that you graduated from Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration Major in Management at University of Asia and the Pacific.
Interviewee: Yes, sir !
Interviewer: All right, let’s start with the interview.

1. How are you?

I’m fine, thank you.

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My strengths are determination, hard work, inclination to learn new things and new
challenges because these are opportunities to improve and advance my skills. On the
other hand, my weakness is that I’m emotional and I don’t interact much with others
unless it is needed and urgent.

3. How do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Five years from now, I’m determined in establishing a long-term commitment to my next
position. Judging by what’ve you told me about this position, this is exactly what I am
looking for and what I am capable and qualified to do. My potential opportunities will
positively come true if I do my work with confidence and excellence.

4. Describe yourself.
1. The potency to adapt to the changes in company culture.
2. The ability to learn from errors and mistakes.
3. Hard-working, honest and self-motivated with an optimistic perspective towards
things and my career.

5. How do your work under pressure?

In my own opinion, under pressure is important because it helps me to stay motivated and
productive. Although, oftentimes, under pressure may not be good since it leads to stress.
So, to cope with this, I have to observe and know the deadlines of each task and project,
and make a schedule based on the deadlines of each project and assignment. In that way,
I may be able to break them down piece-by-piece into small assignments and accomplish
them ahead of time.

6. What is your best asset?

My dedication to grow as a leader and to make sacrifices for the team, and the
determination to achieve the supporting objectives of the org. Furthermore, the discipline
to do my work safely and efficiently while managing on a hostile and remote
environment. With that said, I can say that I can be an asset to the organization.
Muyco, Carlos Pons & Torres, Paulo 10-11-18
Subject: Purposive communication 1BSBA2

7. What made you decide to apply for this company?

I decide to apply for this company because I believe your company improves quality of
life and ensures the safety and welfare of your people, and your cultural values are
established in respect: for yourselves, for others, for diversity and for the future.
 Moreover, your company offers employees good working conditions and helping them
to stay safe, healthy and engaged.

8. If you will be hired, what would you be the first thing that you will do?
The first thing I would do is focus more on the innovation and modernization. By
increasing the technological developments of the company, Nestle would be able to
create unprecedented, and sustainable and profitable developments. Through boosting its’
research and development, Nestle may also enhance innovative technologies for new
product development and apply them to the company’s operations.

9. Why should we hire you?

As I understand the demand of your company, I can assure you that I can do better in this
position. Furthermore, my determination for this company will make real success and help the
betterment and development of the organization. I’m the one who displays discipline and
determination in all tasks given to me, and setting high quality standards for its outputs. 

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