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Detailed Lesson Plan in English II


At the end of 45 minutes discussion, with 80% proficiency level the pupils are
expected to:
A. identify verbs;
B. construct sentences using verbs; and,
C. build clear and effective communication.


A. Topic: Verbs.
B. References: English For You and Me Pg. 99-105.
C. Materials: Pictures, Action Verb Chart, Activity Sheets, Manila Paper,
and Pentel Pen.
D. Value Focus: Building Effective Communication

Teachers’ Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
-Please all stand for our prayer.
-Edrian please lead the prayer. -(The pupils will pray).
b. Greetings
-Good morning class. -Good morning teacher, good morning
classmates it’s nice to see you again.
c. Opening Song
-Let’s sing “fly, fly, fly the
butterfly”). -(The pupils will sing “fly, fly, fly the
-Please take your seat
-Thank you teacher
d. Checking of Attendance
-Are all present today?
-Yes teacher
e. Setting of class standards
- Class what will you do if the class
is going on? -If the class is going on we must sit
-What else?
-Raise our right hand if we want to answer.
-What else?
-Listen carefully
-Can I expect all of that from you
-Yes teacher!
B. Developmental Activities
a. Review
-Let see if you can still recall our
topic yesterday. Who can tell me - A noun is a word that names a person, a
what is a noun? place, a thing or an idea.

C. Motivation
-Class I will show you some
pictures and tell me what have
you observed on it.
-(The teacher will show the pictures
and let the children tell what they
have observed.) -run

-Based on the pictures I showed, do -Based on the pictures you showed to us,
you have an idea if what will be our topic for today will be all about actions.
our topic for today?

a. Presentation
-Today we will learn about verbs.
-(The teacher will let the pupils to
read the objectives) -(The pupils will read the objectives)

D. Activity
-This time we will have a group
activity. I will group you into two
groups. I will give you a manila
paper with illustrations and a
TASK: Group 1 & 2
 Match the pictures to the
sentences. Then underline
the verbs.
 Write it on your manila paper.
 Choose a leader, secretary, -Yes/None Teacher.
-Are there any clarifications?
and a reporter.
 Each group will be given 10
minutes to finish the activity.
G1 G2
Teamwork - (The pupils will do the activity)
Total -(Activity for groups 1 & 2)
-(Match the pictures to the sentences
below. Then underline the verbs.)
Legend: = 10 =5

1. A. I drink milk.

2. B. I eat vegetables.

3. C. I jump rope.

4. D. I play a toy truck.

5. E. I win the race.

-(The pupils will report their output)

-(Pupils will volunteer to aswer the
E. Analysis
-Based on the activity, the verbs that we
-(The teacher will ask questions
identified are drink, eat, jump, play , and
based on pupils activity)
win teacher.
-Based on your activity, what are
the verbs that you identified?

-(Pupils will volunteer to answer the

-She eats vegetables teacher.

-What is the child doing in the first

-Eat teacher.
-He jumps rope teacher.
-What verb is used in the sentence?
-Jump teacher.
-What is the child doing in the
-He plays a toy truck teacher.
second picture?
-What verb is used in the sentence?
-Play teacher.
-How about the third picture?
-He wins the race teacher.
-What verb is used in the sentence?
-Win teacher.
- What is the child doing in the
fourth picture? -He drinks milk teacher.

-What verb is used in the sentence? -Drink teacher.

-How about the last picture?

-What verb is used in the

F. Abstraction
-(The teacher will discuss about
action verb)
-A verb shows action. It tells
what the subject of the sentence or
the noun does. -(The pupils will read the chart)
-These are some action words.
Please read the chart.

-(The teacher will read the action

words and pupils will repeat after.)


-(Teacher will give examples of

identifying verbs in simple
sentences and answer

G. Application

 Think of a verb that will match
Verb: Verb:
each picture and use each in a Sentence: Sentence:
 Each group will be given action
word pictures, marker, and
manila paper.
 Each group will be given 10
minutes to finish this activity. RUBRICS Sentence:
Verb: Verb:
 Choose a presenter to present
G1 G2
your output.
Legend: = 10 = 5 Teamwork
Verb: Verb:
Sentence: Sentence:
-(The pupils will do the activity)
-(The pupils will present their output.)

-To make our activity successful we

cooperate with each other teacher.

-(Presentation) -We participate teacher.

-(The teacher will check the output
of the pupils.) -Cooperation is important so that we can
a. Valuing finish the activity easily.
-what did you do to make your
activity successful? -Yes teacher. Because learning verbs
helps us build clear communication.

-What else? -It is important so we can easily

understand each other.
-Why cooperation is important in
every activity? -It can avoid misunderstanding or conflict.
-Did you enjoy learning verbs? Why -It can convince, gain attention, and
is it important to learn verbs? interest from the listeners or audiences.

-Why is it important to build clear

and effective communication?
-A verb shows action.
-What else?
-It tells what the subject of the sentence or
-What else? the noun does.

-The examples of verb are sing, dance,

walk, climb, run, jump, eat, drink, play.
H. Generalization
-Who can tell me what is a verb?

-What else?

-Who can give me an example of a


Directions: Identify the verb shown in every picture. Then fill in the blank to
complete the sentence. Choose your answer in the box.

Walk Ride Dance Sit Write

1. Bella ________ a letter to her Mother.

2. She ________ in the program.

3. He ________ a bike.

4. Ethan _________ on the grass.

5. I _________ to school in the morning.

Direction: Write one sentence about the things you and your family enjoy doing
every Sunday. Write it on your assignment notebook.

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