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THE OLD ENGLISH EXODUS TEXT, TRANSLATION, AND COMMENTARY BY Jj. R. R. TOLKIEN EDITED BY JOAN TURVILLE-PETRE OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1981 Oxford University Press, Waitox Street, Oxford OX2 6DP London Clo Kinda Lumps Singajore Hong Kong Tokyo Nairobi Dar es Salaam Cape Town Melbourne Auckland canal asseciate companies in Beirut Berlix Ibadan Mexico City Published in the United States by Osfard Lincoarsity Press, New York © Kditavial Apparatus: Joan Turville-Petre 1981 © All otiuee matter : The Executors of the JR. R, Tolhion Estate 1981 i rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, ed in o retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, wiachenical, photacopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Tolkien, RR The Old English Exodus 1. Anglo-Saxon povtry J. Title I. Turville-Petre, Joan 829°. PR1609.A7 ISBN 0-19-813277-0 Printad in Great Britain at the University Cress, Oxford by Bric Buckley Printer ta the University EDITOR’S PREFACE Tis work is based on full notes for a series of lectures delivered to a specialist class in the 19308 and 1940s; the notes were retouched in the following decade. It was never intended as an edition, although the lecturer scrupulously drew up an edited text as the basis of his commentary. It is an interpreta- tion of the poem, designed to reconstruct the original (as far as that is possible), and to place it in the context of Old English poetry. Thave abbreviated the commentary systematically. Tolkien himself left the work unfinished, with such variants as may be selected at need. It should be remembered that these lectures were never prepared for formal delivery; they represent rather the discourse of a teacher among a small group of pupils, expressing his understanding of the text in the circumstances of that time. It is impossible to re-create this situation; the attempt could only be tedious and confusing. So diffuse com- ments and some basic instruction have been reduced: such as observations on phonology and morphology, which are now succinctly presented in standard works (as, for instance, Campbell’s Old English Grammar). Also, 1 have excluded palaeographical description that is by now irrelevant or mis- taken. What remains is essential to the argument, although it may seem old-fashioned. Tolkien’s strictures on the editorial practices of Blackburn and Sedgefield are likewise unneces- sary, since their only purpose was to remove obstacles that do not now exist. Tolkien would have used the editions of E. B. Irving (1953: corrections and additions 1972, 1974) and P. J. Lucas (1977) if they had been available. The second of these acknowledges the influence of Tolkien’s lectures, and adopts two of his emendations. I have retained folkien’s transposition of lines 93-107, 108-24 (following Gollancz, 1927), although there is no way of explaining such a displacement in the present state of our knowledge. This rearrangement is an essential part of his understanding of the poem; and the clarification it offers has vi EDITOR'S PREFACE not been equalled by editors who keep strictly to the con- ventions of modern scholarship. It should be clear that J have not aimed to preserve material of purely historic interest. Tolkien deserves better than this, for he showed his pupils that the prime purpose of edition and commentary is to free the text from obscurity. If I had not regarded his work as valid here and now, I should not have undertaken the task of editing it. Any necessary observations of my own are enclosed in square brackets. In six instances Thave added a brief note to clarify or supplement a point. The bibliography consists principally of those authorities on which Tolkien based his text; the editions of Irving and Lucas are included because I have occasion to refer to them. once or twice. I am deeply grateful to the Trustees of the Tolkien Estate for the opportunity they have given me to edit this material, and for the confidence they have shown in my judgement. The staff of Oxford University Press have guided me through the many difficulties that arose, and shown unfailing helpful- ness. Above all, I salute the memory of an inspiring teacher. CONTENTS SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY TEXT WITH VARIANTS NOTE TO TRANSLATION TRANSLATION COMMENTARY INDEX 19 20 33 81 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY P. A. BLacKsurn, Exodus and Daniel, Two Old English Poems Preserved in MS Junius 11 in the Bodleian Library of the University of Oxford, England (2907). [Blackburn] J. Bosworta and 'T. N. Toruer, An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary (1808); ‘Supplement (1921). [BTS] K. W. Bourerwex, Caedmon's des Angelsachsen biblische Dichtungen (1849-54). [Bouterwek] —— I Theil 3 Abth. (1854), containing Erlduterungen. [Bouterwek?] J. W. Brit, ‘Notes on the Cadmonian Exodus’, MLN xvii (1902), 424-6. [Bright] ~—— ‘On the Anglo-Saxon Poem Exodus’, MLN xxvii (1912), 13-19. [Bright] P. J. Cosuyn, ‘Anglosaxonica’, Beitrdge xix (1894), 457-61. [Cosijn] —— ‘Anglosaxonica IT’, Beitréige xx (1895), 98-106. [Cosiin™} F. Dieraicn, ‘Zu Cidmon’, Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Altertum x (1856), 339-55. [Dietrich] I. Gortancz, The Ceedmon Manuseript of Anglo-Saxon Biblical Poesry, Junius 11 in the Bodleian Library. Facsimile edition (1927). [Gollancz] F. Graz, ‘Beitriige cur Textkritik der sogenannten Cadmon’schen Dicht- ungen’, Englische Studien xxi (1893), 1-27. [Graz] C. W. M. Gren, Bibliothek der angelstichsischen Poesie Bd. 1 (1857). [Grein] ~~ ‘Zur Textkritik der angelsiichsischen Dichter’, Germania x (1865), 418. [Grein®] C.W. M. Grenvand J.J, KOHver (with F. Houmiausen), Sprachschatz der angelstichsischen Dichter (1912). [G-K] E. J. Grorn, Composition und Alter der altenglischen (angelsiichsischen) Frcodus (1883). [Groth] E. B. Tnvtne, The Old English Exodus (1953; repr. with supplementary bibliography, 1970). , [Erving] F. Junis, Cedmonis Monachi Paraphrasis Poetica Genesios ac prae- cipuarum Sacrae paginae Historiarum ... (1653). [Junius] F. Kuavepr, ‘Zu altenglischen Dichtung’, Archiv cxiii (1904), 146-7. —— ‘Die dltere Genesis und Beowulf’, Englische Studien xlii (1910), 321-38. —-— ‘Concerning the relations between Exodus and Beowulf’, MLN xxxiii (1918), 218-24. Beowulf and the Fight at Finnsburh (edition); and edn, (1922), 3rd edn. (1936). x SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY F. Kiuce, Angelsdichsisches Lesebuch (1888): Exodus 1-361, 447-590. [Kluge] G. P. Krapp, The Junius Manuscript. Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records I (1931). [Krapp] P. J. Lucas, Exodus (Methuen’s Old English Library, 1977). [Lucas] G. Mirxens, ‘Untersuchungen iiber das altenglische Exoduslied’, Borer Beitréige ii (1899), 62~117. (Miirkens] A. S. Napur, “The Old English “Exodus” It. 63-134’, MLR vi (1911), 165-8. [Napier] M. Rincer, “Die alt- und angelsichsische verskunst’, Zeitschrift. fiir deutsche Philologievii (1876), t-64. [Rieger] W. J. Sepcerusn, An Anglo-Saxon Verse Book (1922): Exodus 1-36, 477-390. [Sedgefield] E. Sievers, ‘Zu Codex Junius xi’, Beitrége x (1885), 195-9. [Sievers] “Zur rhythmik des germanischen Alliterationsverses IT’, Beitrdge x (1885), 45-545. [Sievers] —— Altenglische Grammatik nach der angelstichsischen Grammatik von Eduard Sievers neubearbeitet von Karl Brunner (1942). [Sievers-Brunner] B. Tuores, Caedmon's Metrical Paraphrase of Parts of the Holy Scriptures, in Anglo-Saxon (1832). [Thorpe] R. P. Witter, Bibliothek der angelsiichsischen Poesie Bd. 2 (1894), 445-73. [Wiitker} 20 TEXT weet we feor and neah gefrigen habbad ofer middangeard Moyses domas wratlico wordriht wera cneorissum— in uprodor eadigra gehwam zefter bealuside bote lifes, lifigendra gehwam langsumne red— haledum secgan: gehyre se de wille! Done on westenne weroda Drihten, sodfest Cyning, mid his sylfes miht gewyrdode, and him wundra fela ece Alwalda in zht forgeaf. He wees leof Gode leoda aldor, horse and hredergleaw herges wisa, from folctoga. Faraones cyn, Godes andsacan, gyrdwite band. ber him gesealde sigora Waldend modgum magoraswan his maga feorh, onwist edles Abrahames sunum. Heah wes bet handlean, and him hold Fréa gesealde wacpna geweald wid wradra gryre; ofercom mid py campe cneomaga fela, feonda folcriht. Da wees forma sid pet hine weroda God wordum negde, per he him geswgde sodwundra fela, hu pas woruld worhte witig Drihten, eordan ymbhwyrft and uprodor gesette sigerice, and his sylfes naman, done ylda bearn zr ne cudon, frod faedeta cyn, peah hie fela wiston. Readings suggested independently by ‘Tolkien are denoted 7. 1 P. 143 begins HWART WE FEOR 7 NEAH with ornamental H bad] habad MS ~~ wrattlico] wreclico MS_—_8_weroda] werode MS 14 from Kluge] freom MS 15 andascan| -saca MS 17. magor- swan] -wam MS 22 feonda written twice MS ~o MS 4 TERT go Haefde he pa geswided sofum crefium and gewurdodne werodes alder, Faraones feond, on fordwegas, pa wees ungeara caldum witum deade gedreceed dribtfolea mxst— 3s. hordwearda hryre heaf wees geniwad, swefon seledreamas since berofene; hefde mansceada et middere niht freene gefylled frumbearna gehwyle, abrocene burhweardas. Bana wide scrad, w lad leodhata, Land drysmode deadra hrawum. Dugoéd ford gewat— wop wars wide, worulddreama lyt; wren hleahtorsmidum handa belocene; alyfed ladsid leode gretan— 45 fole ferende. Feond wes bereafod. Hergas onheldon—heof bider becom— ‘druron deofolgyld. Dag wees mare oter middangeard pa seo mengeo for; swa bees facen dreah fela missera 50 ealdwerigra Egypta folc, bus pe hie wideferd wyrnan pohton Moyses magum, gif hie Metod lete, on langne lust leofes sides. Vyrd was gefysed; from se de ledde, ss modig magoreswa, megburh heora. Oferfor he mid py foice feestenna worn, land and leodweard ladra manna, enge anpadas, uncud gelad, 08 pet hie on gudmyrce gearwe baron. 60 Weron land heora lyfthelme bepeaht, mearchofu morheald. Moyses ofer pa 30 P. 144 begins 33 ungeara] ingere MS 34 gedrecced] gedrenced MS; renced in larger later hand aver erasure 37 manscendal} -an MS 38 gehwyle 7.] fela MS 40 drysmode Sedge- field] dryrmyde MS 45 P. 145 begins feond Thorpe freond MS 46 onheldon T.] on helie MS heof 7.) heofon MS 49 facen T.) fersten MS 50 ealdwerigra Sievers?] -werige MS magoreswa Thorpe] mago rewa MS 56 faestenna Sievers*] ~ena MS TEXT felamodigra fyrde geledde. Heht pa ymb twa niht tirfeeste haled, siddan hie feondum odfaren hefdon, 63 ymbwicigean werodes bearhtme mid elfere Athanes byrig, megnes mzste, mearclandum on. Nearwe geneddon on nordwegas; wiston him be sudan Sigelwarena land, zo Forberned beorh-hleodu, brune leode hatum heofoncolum. ber halig God wid feerbryne folc gescylde, belce oferbredde byrnende heofon, halgan nette hatwendne lyft. 5 Hafde wederwolcen widum fedmum eordan and uprodor zfre gedzled, ledde leodwerod; ligfyr adrane hate heofontorht. Hzled wafedon drihta gedrymost. Degsceldes hleo 80 wand ofer wolcnum; hefde witig God sunnan sidfaet segle ofertolden, swa ba mestrapas men ne cudon, ne da seglrode geseon meahton eordbuende ealle craefte, gs hu afeestnod was feldhusa mest. $iddan He mid wuldre geweordode peodenholde, ba wes bridde wic folce to frofre. Fyrd eall geseah hu peer hlifedon halige seglas, go lyftwundor leoht; leode ongeton, dugod Israhela, pet peer Drihten cwom, 92 weroda Waldend, wicsteal metan. x 62 felamodigra T.} fela meoringa MS 63 P. 146 begins with EXT and space for large init. cap. _tirfexste Bouterwek*] -ne MS 66 alf- zre] alf ere MS ZEthanes] h suprascript MS 68 gened- don Dietrich] genyddon MS 69 Sigelwarena T-] sigelwara MS 7@ beorhhleodu Thorpe] burh- MS; cf. 132, 222 76 wefre Tjefne MS 79 dmgsceldes} -scealdes MS Sr segle Thorpe} swegle MS 87 pridde] -a MS 92 waldend T] drihten MS + TEXT reS 42 fenna gehwam oder wundor syllic efter sunnan setlrade bebead iro ofer leodwerum lige scm byrnende beam. Blace stodon ofer sceatendum scire leoman. Scinon scyldhreodan. Sceade swidredon. Neewle nihtsecawan neah ne mihton v3 heolstor ahydan. Heofoncandel barn. Niwe aihtweard nyde sceolde wician ofer weredum, py les him westengryre, har hedstapa, holmegum wederum on feerclamme ferhd getwefde. vzo Hafde foregenga fyrene loccas, blace beamas; beelegsan hweop in bam herepreate hatan lige pect he on wesienne werod forbernde, rag nymde hie modhwate Moyses hyrde. 93 Him beforan foran fyr and wolcen in beorhtrodor, beamas twegen, 93 para wehweeder efngedalde heahpeguunga haliges gastes, deormodra sid, dagum and nihtum. Da ic on morgen gefraegn modes rofan hebban herebyman hludan stefnum, aco wuldres woman. Werod eall aras, modigra magen, swa him Moyses bebead, mere magoraswa, Metodes folce. Fus fyrdgetrum ford gesawon lifes latbeow lyftweg metan. ros Segl side weold; semen wfter foron flodwege. Folc was on salum, 107 hlud herges cyrm. Heofonbeacen astah; 125 scean scir werod, scyldas lixton. 108 wfenna]-ena MS 109 bebead T.Jbehoold MS 113 sceado Thorpe] sceadoMS 118 harhadstapa Reeger|harhadMS 119 on ferclamme; on ferclamme Kiuge| ofer clamme MS getwaefde Thorpe] gevwaef MS 121 balegsan; bel- Blackburn} bellfegsan MS 96 PB. 147 begins 105 segl Bouterceck"} sweel MS toy P. 148 begins with LUD and space for large init. cap., hin margin herges| heriges MS, with i expuncted 130 135 140 145 150 155 187, uw TEXT Gesawon randwigan rihte strate, segn ofer sweotum, 0d pet saefeesten. lJandes zt ende leodmzgne forstod, fus on fordweg. Fyrdwic aras. wyrpton hie werige—wiste genegdon modige metebegnas—hyra mzegen betton; breddon zefter beorgum, siddan byme sang, flotan feldhusum. Pa was feorde wic, randwigena rest, be ban Readan Se. Deer on fyrd hyra ferspell beewom, oht inlende. Egsan stodan, welgryre weroda. Wrecmon gebad ladne lastweard, se de him lange zr edelleasum onnied gescraf, wean witum fzst—-were ne gymdon, deah pe se yldra cyning zr ge wegon wigend unforhte, hare heoruwulfas hilde gretton burstige brecwiges, beodenholde. Haefde him alesene leoda dugede tireadigra twa pusendo-— ass beet waeron cyningas and cneowmagas on peet ealde riht wdelum deore. rho rearranged first thus Grein (note) 161 no gap in MS 162 breepon Bouterwel| hwrespon AS, 2nd 0 above a expuncied hilde- gradig Tj-ige MS 163 deawigfedera T.]-federe MS 164 Pog begins; Povsoblank 167 fyll Bouterwek®|ful MS 168 middam] and d suprascrip) MS 169 gest T.gast MS gehneged Bouter- evek®] gehaged MS 172 sigecyning Grein| segnevning MS 176 wathlencan Aouterwek] heel hlencan MS 178 #yrdgetram given as MS until Wiilker, wha prints it as emend.| syrd getrum MS on segon T.; onsegon Dietrich] onsigon MS 180 wepn; BTS inserts wapen before wagon] lacking in MS 381 heoruwulfas K/uge] heora walfas MS 183 alesene Kluge] alesen MS 186. calde Kluge] eade MS 190 w a 210 TEXT a Fordon anra gehwile ut aledde wepnedeynnes wigan eghwiicne para be he on bam fyrste findan mihte; weron ingemen calle etgedere cyninges on cordre. Cuéd oft gebead horn on heape to hwes hagstealdmen, gudpreat gumena, gearwe beron. Swa per corp werod ec on l2zddon, lad eefter ladum, leodmegnes worn; pusendmalum pider weron fuse. Heefdon hie gemynted magenheapum to bam zrdzge Israhela cynn billum abreotan on hyra brodorgyld. For bon wees in wicum wop up ahafen, atol z2fenleod—egesan stodon; weredon welnet; ba se woma cwom, flugon frecne spell; feond wes anmod, werud wes wigblac—o6 pet wlance forsceaf mihtig engel se da menigeo beheold, - pet peer gelade mid him leng ne mihton geseon tosomne; sid wes gedzled. Heefde nydfara nihtlangne fyrst, peah pe him on healfa gehwam hettend seomodon, megen od0e merestream. Nahton maran hwyrft, weron orwenan edelrihtes; seeton wzfter beorgum in blacum reafum wean on wenum. Weeccende bad eall seo sibgedriht somod axtgedere maran mgenes, 00 Moyses bebead eorlas on ubttid arnum bemum folc somnigean, frecan arisan, habban heora hlencan, hycgan on ellen, beran beorht searo, beacnum cigean sweot sande near. Snelle gemundon weardas wigleod, werod wes gefysed. Brudon ofer beorgum (hyman gehyrdon} tg1 cyninges Bouterwek"|-as MS gebead Grein] gebad MS 194 ec on T.]ecan MS 197 P. 153 begins; P. 152 blank — magenheapumn; pam m, Cosijn®] to bam m. MS 208 P.154 begins 216 bemum Thorpe] benum MS 2a2 beorgum Grein] burgum MS 8 TEXT flotan feldhusum; fyrd was on ofste. 5iddan hie getealdon wid pam teonhete on bam fordherge fedan twelfe mode rofra—meagen wes onhrered; ws on anra gehwam edelan cynnes alesen under lindum leoda dugede on folcgetel fiftig cista; 230 heftde cista gehwile cudes werodes garberendra gudfremmendra tyn hund geteled tireadigra. Pat wies wiglic werod. Wace ne gretton in peet rincgetzl raeswan herges, 235 ba be for geogude gyt ne mihton under bordhreodan breostnet wera wid flane feond folmum werigean, ne him bealubenne gebiden hzefdon ofer linde larig licwunde spor 240 gylpplegan gares; gamele ne moston hare headorincas, hilde onbeon, gif him modheapum megen swidrade— ac hie be wastmum wigend curon, hu in leodscipe lastan wolde 24s mod mid aran, eac ban magenes creeft, garbeames feng. Pa wes handrofra here etgadere fus on foréwegas. Fana uppe rad, beacna beorhtost. Bidon ealle pa gen zse hwonne sidboda sastreamum neah Jeoht ofer lindum lyftedoras bre. Ahleop pa for haledum hildecalla, bald bodhata bord up ahof, heht pa folctogan fyrde gestillan, ass penden modiges medel monige gehyrdon. » 226 rolra Bonterwek*| rofa MS 233 wace Grein] wac MS 239 spor Grein] swor MS 24s P.155 begins with onpeon 243 wigend; wigende Mirkens] wig MS 246 gretan at gude suppl. T. before garbeames feng] no gap in MS 248 fuson fordwegas Khigel fos fordwezas MS uppe rad T.; up gerad Sievers] up rad MS 249 beacna Cosijn®| beama MS bidon Grein] buton MS 252 P. 156 begins with AHeop, large cap. A 253 bodhata Bouterwek"] beo} hata MS TEXT 9 Wolde reordigean rices hyrde ofer hereciste halgan stefne. Werodes wisa wurdmyndum sprzec: “Ne beod ge py forhtran beah be Faraon brohte 260 sweordwigendra side hergas, eorla unrim! Him eallum wile muhtig Drihten purh mine hand to dege bissum deaedlean gyfan, pet hie lifigende leng ne moton 26; zgnian mid yrmdum Israhela cyn. Ne willad eow ondredan deade fedan, feege ferhdlocan—fyrst is zt ende lenes lifes. Eow is lar Godes abroden of breostum. Ic con beteran rad: ajo bet ge gewurdien wuldres aldor, and eow Liffréan lissa bidden, sigora gesynto, ber ge sidien. Bis is se ecea Abrahames God, frumsceafta frea, se das fyrd wered 27s modig and megenrof mid miclan hand.” Hof da for hergum hlude stefne lifigendra leod, ba he to leofum sprec: “Hweet! ge nu eagum on lociad, folca leofost, faerwundra sum, 280 nu ic sylfa sloh and beos swidre hand grene tane garsecges deop. Y¥8 up fered, ofstum wyrced weeter wealfesten! wegas syndon dryge, haswe herestreta, holm gerymed, 28; ealde stadolas pa ic er ne gefregn ofer middangeard men geferan, fage feldas ba ford heonon in ecnesse yde beahton, selde segrundas. Sund wind fornam, 269 iccon Cosin] icon MS 275 mid miclan T_] mid pare m. MS 276 P. 157 begins 277 leod Bouterwek*| peod MS —_leofum T.] leodum MS 278 on lociad Bright] to on lociad MS 280 nu T] hu MS 281 tane Bouterwek*] tacne MS 283 weter wealfesten Thorpe] w. 7 w. MS 288 ecnesse Sedgefield ; ecnysse Kluge] ece MS 289 sund wind Cosijn*] sudwind MS 10 TEXT ago badweges blast; brim wees areafod, sand secir span. Ic wat sod gere peet eow mihtig God miltse gecydde, eorlas zerglade! Ofest is selost pet ge of feonda fedme weorden, 2os5 nu se agendfrea up arerde reade streamas in randgebeorh. Syndon pa foreweallas feegre gestepte, wreetlicu wagfaru, 08 wolcna hrof.’ 7Efter pam wordum werod eall aras, 300 modigra megen; mere stille bad. Hofon herecyste hwite linde, segnas on sande. Seweaill astah, uplang gestod wid Israhelum andzegne fyrst. Waes se eorla gedriht 3o5 anes modes... feestum feedmum freodoweere heold. Nalles hie gehyrwdon haliges lare, siddan leofes leop leste near 308+ Claestan ongunnon leoda dugude>, sweg swidrode and sanges bland. gro Pa beet feorde cyn fyrmest eode, wod on wegstream wigan on heape ofer grenne grund; ludisc feda an onette uncud gelad for his meegwinum, Swa him mihtig God 315 bas dagweorces deop lean forgeald; siddan him geszelde sigorworca hred, pzet he ealdordom agan sceolde ofer cynericu, cneowmaga bleed. Ha:fdon him to segne pa hie on sund stigon. 320 ofer bordhreodan beacen arzered in pam garheape, gyldenne leon, drihtfolea mest, deora cenost. Be pam herewisan hynéo ne woldon 290 brim Thorpe] bring MS; wes T.]is MS 295 agendfrea Bouterwek*] agend MS 305 hie ece drihten suppl. Grein®] no gap in MS 308+ lestan ongunnon leoda dugude suppl. T.; see Com- mentary 313 an onette Sedgefield] an on orette MS 319 P. 160 begins with large cap. H; P. 159 blank 32r leon Thorpe] leor MS TEXT tr be him lifigendum lange polian, 325 bonne hie to guée garwudu rerdon, deoda enigre. Pracu wes on ore, heard handplega, hegsteald madig, wepna welslihtes, wigend unforht, bilswadu blodig, beadumegnes res, 330 grimhelma gegrind, peer Tudas for. After pere fyrde flota modgade, Rubenes sunu; randas beron. seewicingas ofer sealtne mersc, manna menio; micel angetrum 33s eode unforht, He his ealdordom. synnum aswefede, pzt he sidor for on leofes last. Him on leodsceare frumbearnes riht freabrodor odpah, ead and adelo: he wes gearu swa-beah. 340. (For) peer him efter folca pryQum sunu Simeones-—-sweotum comon pridde peodmegen; bufas wundon ofer garfare---guécyste onbrang deawigsceaftan. Degwoma becwom 345 ofer garsecge, Godes beacna sum, morgen meretorht. Mzgen ford gewat. Da ber folemzgen for zfter odrum (isernhergum an wisode meegenbrymmum mest—pby he mere weard) 350 folc after folcum on foréwegas cynn efter cynne; cude eghwilc megburga riht, swa him Moises bead, eorla edelo. Him wees an feeder: leof leodfruma landriht gebah 35s frod on ferhée, freomagum leof; cende cneowsibbe cenra manna 326 pracu Greft] praca MS 327 modig T.] modige MS 329 blodig Sievers"] blodige MS 334 manna Sievers"] man MS 340 for ber him wfter T.; for ber efter him Mirkens| pax efter him MS, nogap 344 deawigsceaftan T.] deawig sceaftum MS 345. garsecge Graz] garsecges MS 346 meretorht Kluge] mare- MS 350 P. 160 ends on fordwegas fole after, P. r61 begins wolenum —_ foleum Thorpe] wolenum MS; order emend. T. 12 360 365 379 375 380 385 390 TEXT heahfeedera sum, halige beode, Israhela cyn onriht Godes, swa bet orpancum ealde reccad, pa be magburge mest gefrunon frumcyn feora, faederzedelo gehwees. Niwe flodas Noe oferlad, brymfzst peoden, mid his prim sunum, pone deopestan drenceflada para Se gewurde on woruldrice. Heefde him on hredre halige treowa; for bon he geladde ofer lagustreamas madmhorda mest, mine gefrage: on feorhgebeorh foldan hefde eallum eordcynne ece lafe, frumcneow gehwes, feeder and moder tuddorteondra geteled rime mislecra ma bonne men cunnon, snottor seleoda. Eac pon seda gehwile on bearm scipes beornas feredon para be under heofonum heeled bryttigad. Swa pet wise men wordum secgad pat from Noe nigoda ware feeder Abrahames on folctale. Pet is se Abraham se him engla God naman niwan asceop, eac bon neah and feor halige heapas in gehyld bebead, werbeoda geweald. He on wrece lifde. | Siddan he geladde leofost feora Haliges hasum; heahlond stigon sibgemagas on Seone beorh. Were hie per fundon; wuldor gesawon, halige heahtreowe, swa hzled gefrunon. Peer eft se snottra sunu Davides, wuldorfest cyning, witgan larum getimbrede tempel Dryhtne, 364 drencefloda Graz] dren fleda MS 368 gefraege Thorpe] fr frege MS 371 gchwes Junius and edd] gehws MS 373 ma suppl. Grein (note) 384 geledde] altered from gelifde in MS 386 P. 162 begins 391 drihtne Graz] gode MS ats 420 TEXT 13 alh haligne, eorécyninga se wisesta on woruldrice, hehst and haligost, haledum gefregost, meest and merost para be manna bearn, fira after foldan, folmum geworhte. To pam medelstede magan geledde Abraham Isaac—adfyr onbran, fus ferhdbana; no py feegra waes— wolde pone lastweard lige gesyllan, in belblyse beorna selost, his sweesne sunu to sigetibre, angan ofer eordan yrfelafe, feores frofre. Da he swa foré gebad, leodum to lare, langsumne hiht. He pet gecydde, pa he pone cniht genam feeste mid folmum, folecud geteag ealde lafe (ecg grymetode), pat he him lifdagas leofran ne wisse ponne he hyrde heofoncyninge. Se eorl up arazemde, wolde slean eaferan sinne unweaxenne, ecgum reodan, magan mid mece, gif hine Metod lete. Ne wolde him beorht Fader bearn zt niman, halig tiber, ac mid handa befeng. ba him styran cwom stefn of heofonum, wuldres hleodor, word efter spree. “Ne sleh bu, Abraham, pin agen bearn, sunu mid sweorde! Sod is gecyded, nu bin cunnode Cyning alwihta, pet pu wid Waldende were heolde, feeste treowe, seo be freoda sceal in lifdagum lengest weoréan awa to aldre unswiciendo. Hu pearf mannes sunu maran treowe? Ne behwylfan meg heofon and eorde 392 alh Bouterwek] alhn MS 394 hehst] heahst MS-~——-399 fus Klaeber (1904)} fyrst MS 405 lare Bouterwek|lafe MS 4IT se eorluparamde order corr. T. 412 ecgum Thorpe] cagum MS 414 wt niman Sievers*] etniman MS 418 P. 163 begins 421 wal- dende T.] waidend MS 42a freoda T.; freode Gras] freodo MS

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