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Sociological perspectives of education


Submitted to,

Dr.Geetha Janet Vitus


Department of Education

University of Kerala

Module 1

1. ————put forth the ideals and values which education has to achive ?
a) sociology b) education c) social system d) social norms.
2. Schools are social institutions because they,
a) preserve and instill in future generations, the knowledge, ideas and customs of our culture.
b) suggest ways and means of social progress.
c) suggest solutions to social problems.
d) are established by the society.

3. The concept of sociology of education implies.

a) use of sociology for making learning socially implies.

b) devising ways and means of education to reach all sections of society.

c) consideration on the uses of education from sociological perspective.

d) discussion on the implications of sociology for education.

4. Care and protection is the function of which among the following?

a) school b) family c) society d) none of these.

5 ) Explain the scope and role of sociology of education in the current society ? (10 marks)
The scope of sociology of education is vast.

1• It is concerned with such general concepts such as society itself,

culture, community, class, environment, socialization,

internalization, accommodation, assimilation, cultural lag, sub-

culture, status, role and so forth.

2• It is further involved in cases of education and social class, state,

social force, cultural change, various problems of role structure,

role analysis in relation to the total social system and the micro

society of the school such as authority, selection, and the organization of learning, streaming, curriculum
and so forth.

3• It deals with analysis of educational situations in various geographical and ethnological contexts eg.
Educational situations in rural, urban and tribal areas, in different parts of the country/world, with the
background of different races, cultures etc.

4• It helps us to understand the effectiveness of different educational methods in teaching students

with different kinds of intelligences.

5• It studies the effect of economy upon the type of education provided to the students eg. education
provided in IB, ICSE, SSC, Municipal schools.

6• It helps us to understand the effect of various social agencies like

family, school on the students.

7• It studies the relationship between social class, culture, language, parental education, occupation and
the achievement of the students.

8• It studies the role and structure of school, peer group on the

personality of the students.

9• It provides an understanding of the problems such as racism,

communalism, gender discrimination etc.

10• It studies the role of schools in socialization of the students.

11• It suggests ways to develop national integration, international

understanding, the spirit of scientific temper , globalization among the students.

12• It promotes research studies related to planning, organization and application of various theories in

It is concerned with such general concepts such as society itself,culture, community, class, environment,
socialization, internalization, accommodation, assimilation, cultural lag, subculture, status, role and so
forth. It is further involved in cases of education and social class, state, social force, cultural change,
various problems of role structure, role analysis in relation to the total social system and the micro
society of the school such as authority, selection, and the organization of learning, streaming, curriculum
and so forth. It deals with analysis of educational situations in various geographical and ethnological
contexts. E.g. Educational situations in rural, urban and tribal areas, in different parts of the
country/world, with the background of different races, cultures etc. It helps us to understand the
effectiveness of different educational methods in teaching students with different kinds of intelligences.
It studies the effect of economy upon the type of education provided to the students.

6) How education influence the sustenance and transformation in society ? (10 marks)

Without education, there can be no social transformation, is what this implies, and education
therefore comes prior to social change. Many reforms are initiated within the social areas but since the
people lack education, the reforms are ineffective in practice. Hence, education should bridge the gap.
The most important agent to alter is Education. It is expected to alter the attitudes and values among
people and build in them a desire for progress. Education can help in increasing contemporary
knowledge and within the dissemination of data on current facts, scientific ideas will be spread among
people through education. Education has enabled many children from the poorer state of a society to go
ahead and to obtain a profession, followed by a job and then a better status than their father had in his
life. The outlook of many people has changed also due to this opportunity for education.

Education provides knowledge, training and skills as well as inculcates new thoughts and attitudes
among the young. Many of the old superstitious beliefs and absolute values which prevent progress,
through Education can be changed in the favour of enlightened ideas. Backwardness and Poverty of the
masses are mainly due to illiteracy and ignorance. Hence, education can be the instrument of rescuing
them from their plight.

The basic scheme of education was designed as an instrument of social transformation. In its goals and
methods, we discover all the necessary components of a dynamic plan to change society.

In the present times, many schools and colleges, established by Government and local bodies (as
compared with those run by private bodies) often do not consider themselves to be instruments of
social change consciously i.e. they often ignore their function of promoting social transformation
consciously through their educational programmes and activities. The teachers too do not always realize
their function of promoting social change by their teaching as well as by personal example. Children take
over the ideas, opinions and values of their teacher. A degree of achievement, motivation, sensitivity,
high standards of learning and performance, vocation and a desire to work for the country’s unity and
progress, all these ideals can be inculcated in the classroom by teachers.

Every school needs to keep as its objective, not only knowledge through subjects, but also the needs of
the country. The people and the teachers should endeavor to fulfill those needs through a vitalized
educational programme. Unfortunately very few schools do more than the minimum that is required of
them. Hence, the school can hardly be called an instrument of change in such cases.

If education is the outcome of social transformation it means that social transformation has produced an
urge for education. If their effect is a great demand for education, then the nature of education should
be connected with the type of social change that occurred. Education may, therefore, have certain
objectives. Education for awareness, like, discussing, problem solving, debate, original thinking must be
encouraged in the classroom from a very early age.

Industrialization, scientific inventions and technology have made life more comfortable by providing
trains, cars, jet planes, factories for rapid production of standardized goods, antibiotics against disease
and many other amenities. Pollution of air, land and water have resulted all over the planet, farms, fields
and forests have been destroyed to make room for factories and mills. Noise and smoke have altered
the climate, of cities. The greater the technological progress in a country, the greater the danger to life
and the lesser the chances of survival from poisonous air, water, land, accidents, noise and other agents
of destruction.

It can be concluded that effective dynamic education may sometimes bring words of wisdom from the
young mind which may cause his teachers to wonder. Thus, the interrelationship between Education
and Social transformation can be proved through this.

7) Briefly explain the concept sociology of education ? (2 marks)

The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individuals experiences affect
education and its outcomes (Corwin, 1965). • According to Marshall (1998), in sociology of education we
are very much concerned with public schooling systems of modern industrial societies including the
expansion of higher, further, adult, and continuing education.

The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect
education and its outcomes. It is mostly concerned with the public schooling systems of modern
industrial societies, including the expansion of higher, further, adult, and continuing education.

8) What is the relationship between education and sociology ? (2 marks)

Sociology is the science of society and education in an implicit aspect of any social system.
Sociology studies the structure and functions of social systems, while education is one of the important
functions of any social system. Education is the means for achieving the goals of sociology. Education is
the laboratory and workshop of sociology. Sociology develops methods and techniques to be utilized by
educational system to attain its goals. Sociology contributes greatly to the planning, execution,
monitoring and evaluation of educational process.

9) major aims of sociology in education ? (5marks)

• Development of social feelings and qualities.

• Development of a socially efficient individual. • Improvement of social heritage.

• Transmission of social heritage.

• Diffusion of more and more knowledge.

• Development of constructive and creative outlook of individual.

• Use of leisure time and development of healthy recreational pursuits.

• Education for social service, social efficiency emotional integration rational unity.

10) Explain the meaning , concept and definition of Sociology ? (5marks)

The word Sociology derived from the combination of Latin word Socius meaning ‘Companion’ and
Greek word logos meaning ‘The Study ’. So the literally meaning of sociology the study of
Companionship or Social relationship. Study of the origin, Development, Organization, and functioning
of human society. It is the science of fundamental laws of social behavior, relation and Institutions, etc.

Sociology is the study of human social relationship and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter is
diverse, turning from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social
class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in whole
societies. Is the study of societies and how humans act in groups? . Sociology is a social science. People
who study sociology are called sociologists. It is the scientific study of society, including patterns of social
relationships, social interaction, and culture.

Sociology Specifically Seeks to • Explain the causes of human behaviors; • Recognize the patterns of
human behaviors • Predict the future behaviors of people • SOCIALIZATION Socialization is the process
whereby an individual learns to appreciate the meaning and values that exist in the culture at large and
eventually internalizes such beliefs and values as guides for human conduct.

11) Diffentiate Educational Sociology and Sociology of Education ? (5 marks )

There appeared to be confusion as to what the proper dimensions of educational sociology should be.
There were differences of opinion regarding what types of researches are to be classified under the
heading of educational sociology. This led to the thinking that there should be a separate branch of
knowledge which can be designated as sociology of education.

The Sociology of Education is dominated by tension between: 1-Those who regard it as a science, and
those who see it as an applied and policy-related discipline, 2-The empirical (the study of education
scientifically as it is) and the normative (the study of it in terms of what it ought to be). Those who saw
the discipline as an objective science used the label “Sociology of Education,” and those who saw it in
policy and reform terms used the label

Sociology of Education depicts an analysis of the sociological processes involved in the educational
institution. It emphasizes the study within the institution of education. Educational Sociology is the
application of general principles and findings of sociology to the administration and processes of
education. The approach means the application of sociology to the institution of education as a separate
societal unit.

The terms Educational Sociology and Sociology of Education are used in the discipline as approaches to
the two extremes. Educational Sociology would imply an emphasis upon educational and social
questions, while Sociology of Education emphasizes sociological problems in the realm of education
which is the concern of sociologists. However, in the contemporary world, Sociology of Education is
commonly in use.

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