Heat Transfer: Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University

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Heat Transfer

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical

Najaf Technical College
Power Mechanics Department
Third Stage
By Dr. Basil N. Merzah
Heat source or heat generation
Many practical heat applications involve the conversion of some form of energy
into heat energy in the medium. Such mediums are said to involve internal heat
generation, which manifests as a rise in temperature throughout the medium. Some
examples of heat generation are resistance heating in wire, exothermic chemical
reactions in a solid, and nuclear reactions in nuclear fuel rods where electrical, chemical,
and nuclear energies are converted to heat, respectively.

Heat generation or source is usually expressed per unit volume of the medium, and
is denoted by g, whose unit is W/m3. For example, heat generation in an electrical
wire of outer radius ro and length L can be expressed as:
𝒈,𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝒆
𝟐 𝟑
𝒘𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒐

Where (I) is the electric current and (Re ) is the electrical resistance of the wire.
The temperature of the medium rises during heat generation as a result of the
absorption of the generated heat by the medium during transient start-up period. As the
temperature of the medium increases, so dose the heat transfer from the medium to its
surroundings. This continues until steady operating conditions are reached and the rate
of heat generation equals the rate of heat transfer to the surroundings. Once steady
operation has been established, the temperature of the medium at any point no longer
Plane Wall
A. With Energy Generation And Constant Surface Temperature
Consider a plane wall of thickness L. The boundary surfaces at x=0 and x=L are
maintained at constant but different temperature T1, and T2, respectively. The thermal
conductivity of the slab k is constant, and within the slab energy is generated at a
constant rate of W/m3. The governing differential equation is:

Then the mathematical formulation of this heat conduction problem

24/01/2021 Heat transfer (third stage ) by dr. Basil N.Merzah ( Lecture No.5) 4
in 0 < x < L

at x=0

at x=L

The temperature distribution T(x) in the slab can readily be determined by direct
integration of the differential equation and then application of the boundary conditions.
Integrating equation twice as follows:

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The application of the first boundary condition gives:
B.C.1 at x=0

and the application of the second boundary condition results in

B.C.2 at x=L

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knowing C1 and C2, the temperature distribution becomes:

𝟐 𝟏 𝟏

This is the (T.D.E) in the plane wall with heat generation and constant surface
temperature. It is a parabolic temperature distribution. Here, the first term on the right-
hand side is the contribution of the energy generation in the medium to the temperature
distribution, and the second and third terms are that contributions of the boundary
To determine the heat transfer from the surfaces at x=0 and x=L, we can use the heat
flow equation as:
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The (T.D.E)

Now by deriving the (T.D.E) at x=0, and x=L, we get

so heat transfer to the surface at x=0 becomes:

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we can omit the negative by assuming the heat flow from the surface

and the heat transfer from the surface at x=L

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B. With Energy Generation Boundary Surface Temperature Are Equal

If the boundary surface temperature T1=T2=Tw , the equation


which is a parabolic and symmetrical temperature

distribution having a maximum temperature at the
symmetry axis x=L/2, as illustrated in figure.

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For this particular case the problem has both geometric
and thermal symmetry about the centerline of the plane.
In such situations it is convenient to formulate the
problem by shifting the origin of the x coordinate to the
centerline of the plate, as illustrated in Figure. Then the
mathematical formulation of the problem is considered
only for one half of the plate, 0<x<L as given below
(the total thickness is 2L)

Steady-state one – dimensional heat transfer with heat generation

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Heat transfer (third stage ) by dr. Basil N.Merzah ( Lecture No.5)
B.C.1 at x=0

B.C.2 at

Applied B.c.1 =0
𝗀̇ 𝗀̇
Applied B.c.2

Substitute and in in (T.D.E), this equation becomes:

𝟐 𝟐

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Or the resulting expression for the temperature becomes:

where the origin of the x-coordinate is at the centerline of the slab, as shown in Figure. The
Temperature at the centerline, x=0, is obtained from above Equation by setting x=0.

To find the heat leaving the surface at x= ± L the heat leaving the surface at x=L is

the heat flux at x=L is leaving the surface at right-hand direction and the heat flux at x=-L
is leaving the surface but in left-hand side, so the two quantities are leaving the body so
the total heat flux leaving the body is equal to:

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C. With Heat Generation And Convection Boundary condition
The solution of heat conduction problem for a plan wall with energy generation of a constant rate
(W/m2 ) and with a convection boundary condition, we consider the physical problem illustrated in
Figure, here, the boundary surface at x=0 is insulated (i.e. adiabatic), and the boundary surface at
x=L dissipates heat convection with a heat transfer coefficient into an ambient at
temperature . The mathematical formulation of the problem is given by:

Steady-state one – dimensional heat transfer with heat generation

B.C.1 at x=0

B.C.2 at
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To solve the conduction problem, is integrated twice. The first integration gives

and by application of the B.C.1, establishes C1 as

0 = 0 + C1 or C1 = 0

The integration of this equation results in


the application of B.C.2 gives

𝙜̇ 𝒙 𝟐 𝙜̇
Then the (T.D.E), = 𝟐 +
𝟐𝒌 𝑳 𝒉
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A plane wall with thickness L, has a uniform energy generation. The surface at x=0
is insulated, and the surface at x=L is at a constant temperature. Find the (T.D.E) and
the heat flow from the wall with k=f(T)=ko+k1T, where ko, and k1 are constants.


A plane wall with thickness=L Properties, k=f(T)

Assumption: steady- state, heat conduction

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Analysis: the mathematical formulation for this problem Figure

The governing differential equation and the boundary conditions

equations can be written as follows

in 0 < x < L

B.C.1 at x=0

B.C.2 at
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The first integration of the governing differential equation (G.D.E) gives

The application of the (B.C.1),

B.C.1 at x=0

The equation becomes

𝑜 1 𝑜 1

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by integration this:

The application of the B.C.2 at will give:

substituting this in (T.D.E), we get

( )
𝒌 𝑳𝟐 𝒙𝟐 𝒌 𝑻𝟐
−𝒌𝒐 ± 𝒌𝟐𝒐 − 𝟒 𝟐𝟏 𝙜̇ 𝟐 − 𝟐 +𝒌𝒐 𝑻𝒘 + 𝟏𝟐 𝒘 It is the final form of the (T.D.E)
𝑻 𝒙 =
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Consider a slab of thickness 0.1m. One of the boundary surfaces that at x=0, is kept
insulated, and the outer, at x=0.1m, is kept at 0oC. There is uniform energy generation at a
rate of 106W/m3 in the solid, and the thermal conductivity is constant [ k=40W/m.oC].
Determine the temperature of the insulated surface.
The problem is illustrated in the Figure. Given L=0.1m,
k=40W.moC, =106W/m3, and Tw=0oC.
Assumption : steady-state condition
( )
Boundary conditions: at x=0 = , and x=L T(x)=Tw=0oC

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B.C.1 at x=0 B.C.2 at

To solve the conduction problem, is integrated twice. The first integration gives

and by application of the B.C.1, establishes C1 as

0 = 0 + C1 or C1 = 0
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The integration of this equation results in

the application of B.C.2 gives

substituting this in (T.D.E), we get

𝟐 𝟐
𝟐 𝟐
𝒘 𝒘

the temperature at the wall where x=0

∗( . )
∗ .

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