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CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management:

Applications Foundation Training Workbook

Infor CloudSuite Financials

May 8, 2019
Course code: 01_0121100_IEN1181_S3O
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Table of contents
About this workbook .................................................................................................................................. 7
Course overview ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Course description and agenda .............................................................................................................. 10
Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces ............................................................................................... 15
Course introduction ................................................................................................................................. 16
User interface overview ........................................................................................................................... 17
Landmark web user interface .................................................................................................................. 18
Infor Rich Client user interface ................................................................................................................ 29
External network user interface - Supplier Portal .................................................................................... 32
Check your understanding....................................................................................................................... 36
Lesson 2: Infor CloudSuite Financials Core & Infor Supply Management applications and business
processes overview .................................................................................................................................. 37
Introduction to Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management ................ 38
Applications overview .............................................................................................................................. 40
Paths for integration ................................................................................................................................ 42
Business processes used for integration ................................................................................................. 43
Check your understanding....................................................................................................................... 44
Lesson 3: Requisition-to-inventory process .......................................................................................... 45
Financials process overview.................................................................................................................... 46
Procurement process overview ............................................................................................................... 49
Requisition-to-inventory process overview .............................................................................................. 52
Requisitions setup requirements ............................................................................................................. 56
Creating requisitions ................................................................................................................................ 63
Processing requisitions ............................................................................................................................ 65
Creating a journal entry in the Global Ledger.......................................................................................... 69
Check your understanding....................................................................................................................... 73
Lesson 4: Requisition-to-check process ................................................................................................ 74
Requisition-to-check process overview ................................................................................................... 75
Creating a requisition in Requisition Self Service ................................................................................... 79
Managing purchasing requests ............................................................................................................... 82
Receiving the items ................................................................................................................................. 85
Managing the invoice and matching it to receiver and purchase order ................................................... 87
Payment cycle process............................................................................................................................ 91
Running a payment cycle ........................................................................................................................ 93
Journalizing to the Global Ledger ............................................................................................................ 97
Check your understanding....................................................................................................................... 99
Lesson 5: Purchase order-to-asset management process ................................................................. 100
Purchase order-to-asset management process overview ..................................................................... 101
Purchasing application .......................................................................................................................... 102
Asset Accounting setup requirements ................................................................................................... 105
Creating a purchase order with an asset template ................................................................................ 113
Receiving the purchase order ............................................................................................................... 116
Adding the invoice and matching .......................................................................................................... 118
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 121
Lesson 6: Requisition-to-global ledger process.................................................................................. 122
Requisition-to-global ledger process overview ...................................................................................... 123
Project Ledger overview ........................................................................................................................ 124
Adding requisitions with Project Ledger ................................................................................................ 126
Creating purchase orders from manage purchase requests ................................................................. 129
Receiving the purchase order ............................................................................................................... 132
Adding an invoice and matching ........................................................................................................... 134
Journalizing to the Global Ledger .......................................................................................................... 137

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 3

Running the Global Ledger posting ....................................................................................................... 139
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 141
Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process......................................................... 142
Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order overview ............................................................................. 143
Strategic Sourcing overview .................................................................................................................. 144
Integration of the Strategic Sourcing application with other Infor applications...................................... 146
Strategic Sourcing setup requirements ................................................................................................. 147
Creating a requisition to Strategic Sourcing .......................................................................................... 156
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 164
Lesson 8: Requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process ..................................................................... 165
Requisition-to-sourcing-to-contract process overview .......................................................................... 166
Contract Management overview ............................................................................................................ 167
Contract Management setup requirements ........................................................................................... 168
Integration of the Contract Management application with other Infor applications ............................... 171
Creating a contract from a sourcing event ............................................................................................ 173
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 179
Lesson 9: Billing and receivables processes ...................................................................................... 180
Billing process overview ........................................................................................................................ 181
Receivables process overview .............................................................................................................. 184
Entering a Receivables invoice ............................................................................................................. 188
Applying payment to a Receivables invoice .......................................................................................... 191
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 194
Lesson 10: Close and reconciliation processes .................................................................................. 195
Close management processes overview............................................................................................... 196
Reconciliation management process overview ..................................................................................... 199
Integration of the Close and Reconciliation Management applications with other Infor applications ... 202
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 203
Lesson 11: Cash management process ............................................................................................... 204
Cash management process overview ................................................................................................... 205
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 209
Lesson 12: Landmark Technology basics ............................................................................................ 210
Landmark Technology overview ............................................................................................................ 211
Landmark Technology system tiers ....................................................................................................... 212
Terminology ........................................................................................................................................... 213
Lawson Grid for Landmark .................................................................................................................... 215
Landmark Technology components ...................................................................................................... 217
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 218
Lesson 13: Security overview ................................................................................................................ 219
Security overview .................................................................................................................................. 220
Security fundamentals ........................................................................................................................... 221
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 226
Lesson 14: Configuration Console overview ....................................................................................... 227
Configuration Console overview ............................................................................................................ 228
Personalizations and configurations ...................................................................................................... 229
Personalizations .................................................................................................................................... 230
Configuration overview .......................................................................................................................... 232
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 233
Lesson 15: Infor Process Automation overview .................................................................................. 234
Infor Process Automation overview ....................................................................................................... 235
How Infor Process Automation works ................................................................................................... 236
User configuration menu ....................................................................................................................... 238
Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 240
Lesson 16: Infor Spreadsheet Designer overview ............................................................................... 241
Infor Spreadsheet Designer overview ................................................................................................... 242
Infor Spreadsheet Designer terminology ............................................................................................... 244
Queries .................................................................................................................................................. 247

Check your understanding..................................................................................................................... 250
Lesson 17: Infor Business Intelligence overview ................................................................................ 251
Infor Business Intelligence overview ..................................................................................................... 252
Course summary ..................................................................................................................................... 253
Appendices .............................................................................................................................................. 254
Appendix A: User accounts ................................................................................................................... 255
Appendix B: Lease Accounting ............................................................................................................. 258
Appendix C: Grant Accounting .............................................................................................................. 260
Appendix D: Mobile applications ........................................................................................................... 262
Appendix E: Procurement Cards ........................................................................................................... 265

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 5

About this workbook
Welcome to this Infor Education course! We hope you will find this learning experience enjoyable and
instructive. This Training Workbook is designed to support the following forms of learning:
• Classroom instructor-led training
• Virtual instructor-led training
• Self-directed learning
This Training Workbook is not intended for use as a product user guide.

Activity data
You will be asked to complete some practice exercises during this course. Step-by-step instructions are
provided in this guide to assist you with completing the exercises. Where necessary, data columns are
included for your reference.
Your instructor will provide more information on systems used in class, including server addresses, login
IDs, and passwords.

Self-directed learning
If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, there may be instructor-recorded presentations
and/or simulations available to assist you.
If instructor-recorded presentations are available, a hyperlink to the recording will be included on the first
page of each corresponding Lesson.
If simulations are available, the demos and exercises throughout this Training Workbook will include
hyperlinks that allow you to view and/or practice the execution of the demo or exercise in a simulated
training environment.

Learning Libraries
Learning Libraries in Infor Campus include learning materials that are available to you online, anytime,
anywhere. These materials can supplement instructor-led training, providing you with additional learning
resources to support your day-to-day business tasks and activities.
Please note that if you accessed this Training Workbook directly via a Learning Library, you will not have
access to the Infor Education Training Environment that is provided with all instructor-led and most self-
directed learning course versions, as referenced above. Therefore, you will not be able to practice the
exercises in the specific Training Environment for which the exercises in this Training Workbook were

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 7

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Symbols used in this workbook

Hands-on exercise
For your reference Question

Instructor demonstration
Your notes Answer

Can be used for either

“Scenario” or “Discussion”
 Task simulation

8 About this workbook

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Course overview
Reference materials
Landmark reference materials are available from the following locations:
• Infor Infocenter
• Infor Xtreme®

Course duration
40 hours

Learning objectives
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Describe how to navigate the user interfaces.
• Identify the applications and business processes used in Infor® CloudSuite™ Financials™ Core
and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management™.
• Describe the requisition-to-inventory process.
• Describe the requisition-to-check process.
• Describe the purchase order-to asset-management process.
• Describe the requisition-to-global ledger process.
• Describe the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process.
• Describe the requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process.
• Describe the processes for the Billing and Receivables applications.
• Describe the processes for the Close Management and Reconciliation Management applications.
• Describe the process for the Cash Management application.
• Discuss basic information about Landmark Technology.
• Describe the basics of security in Infor CloudSuite Financials applications.
• Explain how the Configuration Console is used.
• Explain how Infor Process Automation is used.
• Explain how Infor Spreadsheet Designer is used.
• Describe Infor Business Intelligence

• Customer User
• Pre-Sales Consultant
• Business Consultant
• Technical Consultant
• Support
• System Administrator

System requirements
• EDU: Landmark 11 GL Plus v4 Training Environment

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 9

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Course description and agenda
This course is an introduction to the application scope and business processes used in Infor®
CloudSuite™ Financials™ and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management™. The course topics provide an
introduction to the applications most often implemented, how the applications work together, and setup
considerations. The goal is to help you understand how the various applications interface and integrate,
leading to the next logical step for you to set up these applications for an organization’s business use.
This course also provides an overview of technology and security and the business process tools such
as Infor Process Automation, Infor Spreadsheet Designer, and Configuration Console. Infor Business
Intelligence is also included.

Prerequisite knowledge
To optimize your learning experience, Infor recommends that you have the following knowledge prior to
attending this course:
• Experience with business processes
• Some financial and supply management knowledge
• Navigation of Infor Ming.le™

Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

Course overview Review course expectations. 1

1 Navigating the user Describe how to navigate the user interfaces. 1

interfaces • Describe the Landmark web user interface.
• Describe the Infor Rich Client user
• Identify the navigation features in the
Landmark web user interface.
• Identify the navigation features in the Infor
Rich Client user interface.
• Describe how to register as a supplier in the
Supplier Portal.

2 Infor CloudSuite Financials Identify the applications and business processes 1

Core & Infor Supply used in Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and
Management applications Infor CloudSuite Supply Management.
and business processes • Identify the applications that make up Infor
overview CloudSuite Financials Core.
• Identify the applications that make up Infor
CloudSuite Supply Management.
• List the paths for integration.
• List the business processes used for
integration in Infor CloudSuite Financials
Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply

3 Requisition-to-inventory Describe the requisition-to-inventory process. 1

process • Describe the Global Ledger.
• Describe the procurement process.
• List the objectives for the requisition-to-
inventory process.
• Describe how to create a requisition.

10 About this workbook

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

• Describe how to create a journal entry.

4 Requisition-to-check process Describe the requisition-to-check process. 1/2

• Identify the process flow for the requisition-
to-check process.
• Identify the setup requirements for the
Requisitions application.
• Describe how to create a requisition in
Requisition Self Service.
• Describe how to create a purchase order
from a requisition.
• Describe how to receive goods.
• Identify the process for entering and
matching an invoice to the receiver and
purchase order.
• List the four parts to Payables processing.
• Explain how to run a payment cycle.
• Describe how to journalize to the Global

5 Purchase order-to-asset Describe the purchase order-to asset- 2

management process management process.
• Identify the process flow for the purchase
order-to asset-management process.
• List the four main processes in the
Purchasing application.
• Identify the setup requirements for Asset
• Describe how to create an asset.
• Describe how to create a purchase order
with an asset template.
• Describe how to receive a purchase order.
• Describe how to add the invoice and
perform the match.

6 Requisition-to-global ledger Describe the requisition-to-global ledger 2

process process.
• Identify the process flow for the requisition-
to-global ledger process.
• Describe Project Ledger.
• Identify the setup requirements for Project
• Describe how to post journals.

7 Requisition-to-sourcing-to- Describe the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase 3

purchase order process order process.
• Identify the process flow for the requisition-
to-sourcing-to-purchase order process.
• Describe how the Strategic Sourcing
application integrates with other Infor
• Identify the setup requirements for Strategic

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 11

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

• Describe how to create a requisition to
Strategic Sourcing.
• Explain how to create a manual response.
• Describe how to award all to a purchase

8 Requisition-to-sourcing-to Describe the requisition-to-sourcing-to contract 3

contract process process.
• Identify the process flow for the requisition-
to-sourcing-to contract process.
• Identify the setup requirements for Contract
• Describe how the Contract Management
application integrates with other Infor
• Describe the process for negotiating and
creating a contract document.

9 Billing and receivables Describe the processes for the Billing and 4
processes Receivables applications.
• Identify the billing process flow.
• Describe the Receivables application.
• Describe the processes in the Receivables
• Describe how to enter a Receivables
• Describe how to process a Receivables

10 Close and reconciliation Describe the processes for the Close 4

processes Management and Reconciliation Management
• Describe the function and purpose of the
Close Management application.
• Describe the function and purpose of the
Reconciliation Management application.
• Describe how to process a basic
• Explain how the Close and Reconciliation
Management applications integrate with
other Infor applications.

11 Cash management process Describe the process for the Cash Management 4
• Describe the function and purpose of the
Cash Management application.
• Identify the process flow for the Cash
Management application.
• Describe how the Cash Management
application integrates with other Infor

12 About this workbook

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

12 Landmark Technology Discuss basic information about Landmark 5

basics Technology.
• Describe Landmark.
• Explain Landmark system tiers.
• Define technology terms.
• Identify the components of the Lawson Grid
for Landmark.

13 Security overview Describe the basics of security in Infor 5

CloudSuite Financials applications.
• Describe how security works.
• Describe the purpose and benefits of
• Define security terminology.
• Describe security structure.
• Explain how security templates are
delivered and used.
• Explain how to access and view security
• Describe security access.

14 Configuration Console Explain how the Configuration Console is used. 5

overview • Describe the purpose and benefits of the
Configuration Console.
• Describe how to access the Configuration
• Describe how to create personalizations.
• Describe configurations.

15 Infor Process Automation Explain how Infor Process Automation is used. 5

overview • Explain the purpose for using Infor Process
• Describe how Infor Process Automation
• Define a work unit.
• Identify the options available to the process
server administrator from the User
Configuration menu.
• Describe the process for adding a task to
an Infor Process Automation user.

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 13

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day

16 Infor Spreadsheet Designer Explain how Infor Spreadsheet Designer is used. 5

overview • Identify the functions of Infor Spreadsheet
• Explain the key features of Infor
Spreadsheet Designer.
• Define basic Infor Spreadsheet Designer
• Describe how to create a basic query.

17 Infor Business Intelligence Describe Infor Business Intelligence. 5

overview • Describe how to access the Dashboard.
• Describe how to access FSM Reports.

Course summary Debrief course. 5

There are appendices at the end of this Training Workbook that you may find useful. They contain
information that is not part of the instructional content of this course, but provide additional related
reference information.

Appendix Appendix title Content description

Appendix A User accounts This appendix provides a reference for student login

Appendix B Lease Accounting This appendix provides a brief overview, process flow details,
integration points, and setup tasks for Lease Accounting.

Appendix C Grant Accounting This appendix provides a brief overview, process flow details,
integration points, and setup tasks for Grant Accounting

Appendix D Mobile This appendix provides a brief overview, process flow details,
applications integration points, and setup tasks for multiple mobile

Appendix E Procurement This appendix provides a brief overview, process flow, and
Cards setup tasks for Procurement Cards.

14 About this workbook

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces
Estimated time
1.5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how to navigate the user interfaces. In this lesson,
you will:
• Describe the Landmark web user interface.
• Describe the Infor Rich Client user interface.
• Identify the navigation features in the Landmark web user interface.
• Identify the navigation features in the Infor Rich Client user interface.
• Describe how to register as a supplier in the Supplier Portal.

• Course introduction
• User interface overview
• Landmark web user interface
• Infor Rich Client user interface
• External network user interfaces – Supplier Portal
• Check your understanding

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 15

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Course introduction
This course is an introduction to the application scope and business processes used in Infor CloudSuite
Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management that run on the Landmark platform. The course
topics introduce the applications most often implemented, how the applications work together, and setup
considerations. The goal is to help you understand how the various applications interface and integrate,
leading to the next logical step for you to set up these applications for an organization’s business use.
This course also provides an overview of technology, security, and the business process tools such as Infor
Process Automation, Infor Spreadsheet Designer, and Configuration Console. We conclude the course with
a lesson on Infor Business Intelligence.





16 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
User interface overview
This lesson provides an overview of the basic definitions, navigation features, and guidance for the following
user interfaces:
• Landmark web user interface
• Infor Rich Client user interface
• External network user interface – Supplier Portal





CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 17

© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Landmark web user interface
Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management are built for the Landmark
platform. You use the Landmark web user interface to access your CloudSuite applications. The user
interface uses hypertext markup language five (HTML5), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) languages, markup, and techniques.
The Landmark web user interface is Infor Ming.le. Infor Ming.le is an application framework that provides a
common user interface for your integrated CloudSuite applications. Infor Ming.le resides within the Microsoft®
SharePoint® framework. All the integrated CloudSuite applications in Infor Ming.le use SharePoint
functionality, navigational elements, and connectivity to social media outlets, providing access for Infor
partners and customers.
The major features of the Landmark web user interface are the following:
• Set an ‘As of Date’ to view application data as of a past, current, or future date
• View the progress of action requests and scheduled activities
• Generate comma-separate value (CSV) or portable document format (PDF) outputs from lists
• Create custom reports by filtering delivered lists
• Personalize the current list
• Customize web application home pages
You click the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon on the Infor Ming.le header to access your CloudSuite
Financials applications.

CloudSuite Financials icon

The setup for all of Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management applications
are role-based. The Application Switcher gives users access to the roles assigned to the applications within
the Infor CloudSuite Financials Core or Infor CloudSuite Supply Management applications. All processes and
actions are pulled together by role. This gives users access to their role or roles in one place on the menu.
The following image illustrates the menu bar in Infor Ming.le with access to the Application Switcher.

Menu bar in Infor Ming.le with access to the Application Switcher

18 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces
© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Landing pages
Landing pages are the home pages of the web-based applications. Landing pages provide users with a high-
level view into critical areas of concern and are intended to give users insights, call exceptions to their
attention, allow simple actions, and provide links to areas within the application where they do their work.
Landing pages are configurable and they can be personalized. They are tailored for the user’s processes.
Widgets on the landing page provide access to analytics, wizards, action requests, and list views.
The following image is an example of a landing page with widgets.

Landing page and widget example

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 19

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Dashboards and embedded analytics
Roles have access to customized dashboards and embedded analytics.
The following image is an example of a dashboard.

Dashboard example
You can drill down into the embedded analytics for more detail information.
The following image is an example of embedded analytics.

Embedded analytics example

20 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces

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Features and navigation
Landmark-based applications are made up of standard types of user interfaces. The following are some of the
features in the Landmark web user interface.
• Lists display the records, or a subset of records, from the database table associated with a business
• Forms enable you to view, add, modify, and delete data associated with a business class.
• Pages are composites that combine lists into a single, viewable screen.
• Lists are placed on the page in panes using different layout formats and one or more tabs.
The following images are examples of features on the Landmark web user interface.

Landmark web user interface - list

Landmark web user interface – form, pane, and tabs

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 21

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The following table provides a description of the navigation features of the Landmark web user interface.

Navigation feature Description

Financials Financials gives you access to the applications within

Financials Core, for example, Global Ledger,
Payables, and Receivables.

Supply Management Supply Management gives you access to the

applications within Supply Management. For example,
Supply Management Setup, Inventory Control
Processing, and Purchasing Processing.

Search Use the Search field to type the full or partial name of
the menu item you want to locate. As you type, the
forms that contain the string that you have typed

Notifications Notifications can identify work units waiting for an

approver’s action or notification of print files available,
and other notifications that can be set up within Infor
Process Automation.

User Account The User Account menu provides access to the

functionality and the navigation menu of the
application. Included in the User Account menu are
options for the following functionality and navigation:
• My Inbasket
• My Jobs
• My Print Files
• My Actions
• Create Report
• Set ‘As Of Date’
• Proxy Management

Set ‘As Of Date’ The ‘Set As Of Date’ allows you to view application
records as they existed on a date that you specify. For
example, when you are looking at records that display
in lists, you can change the ‘As Of Date’ to be a date

22 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces

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Navigation feature Description

in the future or past (or today, which is the default as

of date).
The Landmark web user interface displays a banner
message when the ‘As Of Date’ is set. When you
close the banner message, you clear the ‘As Of Date’
setting. You can also remove the ‘As Of Date’ setting
by selecting Clear ‘As Of Date’ in the User Account

Form structure Forms are primarily presented as list records. This

provides the following benefits:
• The option to search for specific records
• Panels to organize data
Forms also include:
• Actions menu
• Options menu
• Drill Around® menu

Form actions When you open a form or a list, you can access the
actions in one of the following ways:
• If an All Actions Menu item appears on the toolbar,
all the possible actions for the form reside under
the All Actions Menu.
All Actions Menu • The most frequently used actions may also appear
on the toolbar and are represented by icons, for
example, Create, Open, or Save.
• For lists, if items exist, generally you right-click the
item to view the available actions.
As you work in the applications, you will
find that some fields or tabs are not initially
visible when you access a form. Upon
executing a form action, fields or tabs
become visible. Fields may be populated
with data or you may need to add data to
the field.

Personalize Any lists can be personalized to add fields, change

field labels, remove fields, set automatic filter criteria,
add charts, information, and even restrict specific
actions. This allows the user to customize the
information that is displayed providing quick access to
the business processes needed.

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 23

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Navigation feature Description

Audit logs Audit logs capture all changes made in your

applications. The audit log adds an audit line with the
following information each an object changes:
• Period of the record (current, past, or future)
• System date when the change was made
• Effective date of the change
• User identification (ID) of the person who made the
• Kind of action (update or create)
• Action reason and comments
• New field values of the record
Security rights can also be assigned to enable a user
to perform history corrections in certain audit logs by
updating existing records or adding a new entry.
Additionally, other features of the audit log let you:
• Sort log entries in ascending or descending order
• Compare the differences between any two log

Actions menu
The Actions menu contains typical actions such as Create, Update, Delete, and View Audit Log. There are
two rows of Action menus that look identical. The row of actions that are in the header only apply to the
information/data within that header. Sometimes actions are also stored under the All Actions Menu icon.
A good rule of thumb to remember is that actions located directly below the title of a form or list only apply to
that form or list.
The following image is an example of available options when the Actions menu is opened.

Actions menu example

24 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces

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Options menu
The Options menu allows access to printing or exporting features as well as creating reports.
The following image is an example of available options when the Options menu is opened.

Options menu example

Drill Around® menu

The Drill Around® menu provides quick access to other forms that are related to the form that you are
currently on. For example, if you are in the Suppliers form, the related forms are Event Metrics, Contracts,
Vendor Dashboard, and Commodity Codes.
The following image is an example of available options when the Drill Around® is opened.

Drill Around® menu example

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Demo: Navigate the Landmark web user interface
Your instructor will demonstrate how to navigate the Landmark web user interface.





Exercise 1.1: Navigate the Landmark web user interface

In this exercise, you will navigate the Landmark web user interface.

Verify you are logged in to the Training Desktop. If not, log in following instructions
provided by your course instructor.
Note: If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, follow the instructions on the
course Lab On Demand screen.

Exercise 1.1 steps

Part 1: Log in to the Landmark web user interface
1. Double-click the Infor Ming.le shortcut icon on the training desktop. The Infor, Inc window opens.
Note: The Infor Ming.le icon provides access to the Landmark web user interface.
2. Type <your assigned username> in the field. Note: Refer to Appendix A
for your login credentials.
3. Type Tr@in123 in the Password field.
4. Click Sign in. At the bottom of the window, a message, “Would you like to store your password
for” displays. This stores the password, so you don’t need to enter it each time you
log in.
5. Click Yes. The Infor Ming.le home page opens.

Part 2: Explore the Application Switcher, Financials, and Supply Management applications
1. Click the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Click the Application Switcher down arrow located beside Requester in the menu bar. A list of role
options displays in alphabetical order. Note: Landing pages that you use at your organization will be
set up based on your role.
3. Select Application Administrator from the list of role options. The Application Administrator
landing page opens and Financials and Supply Management display in the menu bar.
4. Click the Financials down arrow in the menu bar. A list of Infor CloudSuite Financials Core
applications displays.
26 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces
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5. Click the Supply Management down arrow in the menu bar. A list of Infor CloudSuite Supply
Management applications displays.

Part 3: Explore a role

1. Click the down arrow in the Application Switcher.
2. Click the arrow at the bottom of the displayed role list. Note: You can scroll through the list of roles.
3. Select the Requester role. You have assumed the Requester role. Note: The actions for the
Requester role display in the menu bar.
4. Click My Requisitions in the menu bar. The Unreleased Requisitions form opens and tabs display
on the Unreleased Requisitions form.
5. Click the Open tab. Open requisitions display in a list.
6. Repeat step 4 and explore the options for the following requester actions:
o My Requisition Statuses
o Create Requisition
o More

Part 4: Explore form structure

1. Click My Requisitions. The Unreleased Requisitions form opens.
2. Click the Open tab. Open requisitions display in a list.
3. Hover the mouse over the following icons on the toolbar. Note: This will identify the name/action of
the icon.
o Create Menu
o Open
o Refresh
4. Click the Actions button. A list of form actions displays.
5. Click the Options button. A list of form options displays.
6. Click the Drill Around® button. A list of forms displays.

Part 5: Explore a form

1. Click <a line> on the Open form.
2. Click the Open button. The Requisitions form opens. Note: Alternately, you can select Actions >
Open or double-click the line.
3. Review the following on the Requisitions form:
o Tabs on the left of the form
o Available actions on the toolbar
o Information on the form header
4. Click the back arrow. You return to the Open form.
o The back arrow is located to the left of the browser.
o Alternately, you can right-click in a white space and select Back from the list of options.

Part 6: Perform a search

1. Click the Search icon in the menu bar. A text field displays.

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2. Type purchasing in the Search field. As you type, the forms or roles that contain the word or string
display below the field.
3. Click Purchasing Manager - Requester. The landing page for the Purchasing Manager opens.

Part 7: Log out of the Landmark user interface (Infor Ming.le)

1. Click <your user ID> at the top right of the browser window. A list of options displays.
2. Select Sign Out from the list of options. The Infor Ming.le Sign out screen opens.
3. Click X on the browser tab. The browser window closes, and you return to the training desktop.









28 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces

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Infor Rich Client user interface
Infor Rich Client is the integrated desktop (also called the canvas) provided with your Infor CloudSuite
Infor Rich Client gives you additional tools to interface with the CloudSuite application you are working on,
and a way to link directly to other applications or documents you may need while you are working on the

Glossary of Infor Rich Client terms

The following table lists key Infor Rich Client terms.

Term Description

Data menu The Data menu is accessed under the User Account menu and displays
the business classes and modules within the data area chosen.

Applications menu The Applications menu is accessed under the User Account menu and
displays the applications available within the data area chosen.

Data area A data area is a set of database tables potentially representing a product
line. A product line is a group of modules.
• Example: iefin

Business classes Business classes are objects that contain data and business logic. They
are essentially tables within the database.
• Example: Data > person > Business Classes > Actor

Canvas The canvas is a background desktop for the Infor Rich Client that displays
widgets and shortcuts with multiple spaces for customizing the user

Features and navigation

Some of the key features of the Infor Rich Client include the following:
• Keep thumbnail versions of open application forms at the top of the page without cluttering your work
• Create shortcuts from any application forms that can be retained on your workspace when you leave
the application
• Create shortcuts to documents on your computer, to the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) addresses,
and/or external applications (such as Microsoft® Word® or Excel®)
• Create shortcut groups, one of which can be designated as a startup group (which will cause any
external applications and application forms in the group to automatically open at startup)
• Locate forms in the application by typing a name or partial name

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Demo: Navigate the Infor Rich Client user interface
Your instructor will demonstrate how to navigate the Infor Rich Client user interface.





Exercise 1.2: Navigate the Infor Rich Client user interface

In this exercise, you will navigate the Infor Rich Client user interface.

Exercise 1.2 steps

Part 1: Log in to the Infor Rich Client user interface
1. Double-click the Infor Rich Client Admin IRC64 Web-IEFIN (iefin).bat icon on the training desktop.
The Infor, Inc window opens.
2. Type <your assigned username> in the field. Refer to Appendix A for your
login credentials.
3. Type Tr@in123 in the Password field.
4. Click Sign In. The Infor Rich Client canvas displays.

Part 2: Explore an Infor Rich Client form

1. Click the down-arrow beside the Start menu. Note the following options:
o You have access to Applications, Folders, Reports, and Data on the left.
o You have access to options for functionality and navigation on the right.
2. Click the right-facing arrow beside Data to expand it. A list of options displays.
3. Expand person. A list of options displays.
4. Expand Business Classes. A list of options displays.
5. Select Actor from the list of options. The Actor List form opens.
6. Click Actions. A list of form actions displays.
7. Click Options. A list of form options displays.
8. Click Drill Around™. A list of forms displays.
9. Hover the mouse over the following icons on the toolbar. Note: This will identify the name/action of
the icon.
o New
o Open
o Delete
o Open the search bar
o Refresh
30 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces
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Notice that the thumbnail of the opened forms displays in the top panel of the
canvas. You can use the thumbnails to navigate between open forms.
• To close a form, click the X to the right of the form name.
• To close a browser window, click the X at the top right of the canvas.

10. Click X in the top-right corner of the Actor List form to close it. The Canvas displays.

Part 3: Log out of Infor Rich Client

1. Select Start > Log Off. The Infor Rich Client dialog box opens and the message, “Closing Infor Rich
Client. Did you intend to shut down the Infor Rich Client?” displays.
2. Click Yes. The Infor Rich Client Login window opens.
3. Click X on the Infor Rich Client Login window to close it. You return to the training desktop.









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External network user interface - Supplier Portal
The Supplier Portal is an external website used by suppliers and vendors to perform the following tasks:
1. Register as a supplier to provide bid responses from bids created in the Strategic Sourcing
2. Negotiate terms and conditions in the Strategic Sourcing and Contracts Management applications
3. View purchase orders
4. View receipts
5. View invoices
6. View payments
7. Enter direct invoices or invoices related to purchase orders
8. View contracts awarded to them
9. View inventory items for supplier replenishment purposes

Suppliers can only view tasks #3 – #9 listed above if granted security access using
predefined security roles.





32 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces

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Demo: Register as a supplier in the Supplier Portal
Your instructor will demonstrate how to register as a supplier in the Supplier Portal.





Exercise 1.3: Register as a supplier in the Supplier Portal

In this exercise, you will register as a supplier in the Supplier Portal.

Exercise 1.3 steps

1. Double-click the Supplier Portal icon on the training desktop. The Supplier Portal page opens in a
browser window.

The Supplier Portal URL used in the training environment is https://lmk11-
ierPage?csk.SupplierGroup=4000. 4000 is the Supplier Group.

2. Click Register As A Supplier. The Supplier Registration form opens on the Terms and
Conditions tab.
3. Select the Accept Terms and Conditions check box.
4. Click Next. The Credentialing tab displays.
5. Click Next. The Contact Information form opens.
6. Type the values from the table below to create an account for a supplier.

Field Value

User Name user<XX>

Note: See Appendix A.

Password Tr@in123

Confirm Password Tr@in123

Title CEO

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Field Value

First Name Sam

Last Name Supplier

Phone Number (second field) 555-555-5555

Email Address User<XX>

Note: See Appendix A.

7. Click Next. The Company Information tab displays.

8. Type or select the values from the table below to create company information.

Field Value

Company Name User<XX> Super Supplier

Note: See Appendix A.

Business Type Corporation

Tax Id Type Federal Tax Id

Tax ID 345123456

Country US
• To make your selection in this field, click the
Search icon in the Country field. A dialog box
• Select US from the list of options. US populates
the Country field.
Note: You will need to press Tab for the address
fields to populate the form.

Street Address 900 Main Street

City Minneapolis

State MN

Postal Code 55114

9. Select the Check If Remit To Address Is The Same As Mailing Address check box.
10. Click Next. The Diversity Codes tab displays.
11. Click Next. The Commodity Codes tab displays.

34 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces

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12. Click the Select Commodity Codes button. The Available Commodity Codes form opens.
13. Select the check box next to commodity code 120 – BOATS, MOTORS, AND MARINE
14. Click Attach To Contact. A confirmation message displays. Note: In this application, when an action
is complete, a confirmation message appears at the top of the screen. This message disappears
within a few seconds and does not restrict you from completing further steps.
15. Click Close. The Available Commodity Codes form closes, and Commodity Code 120 appears on
the list.
16. Click Next. The Proxy Notifications tab displays.
17. Click Next. The Status tab displays with your supplier number listed; your registration is complete.
18. Click <your supplier’s name> in the top-right corner of the screen. A list of options displays.
19. Select Sign out from the list of options.
20. Click X to close the browser window. You return to the training desktop.





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Check your understanding

What is the name of the Landmark web user interface used to access your CloudSuite
Financials and CloudSuite Supply Management applications?




What is the purpose and function of landing pages?




Match each of the following navigation features with the definition. The possible navigation
features are: Application Switcher, Canvas, Actions menu, and Drill Around® menu.

Definition Navigation feature

Provides quick access to other forms that are

related to the form that you are currently on
A background desktop for the Infor Rich Client
that displays widgets and shortcuts with
multiple spaces for customizing the user
Gives users access to their role or roles in one
place on the menu
Contains typical actions such as Create,
Update, Delete, and View Audit Log

36 Lesson 1: Navigating the user interfaces

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Lesson 2: Infor CloudSuite Financials
Core & Infor Supply Management
applications and business processes
Estimated time
.5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to identify the applications and business processes used in Infor
CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management. In this lesson, you will:
• Identify the applications that make up Infor CloudSuite Financials Core.
• Identify the applications that make up Infor CloudSuite Supply Management.
• List the paths for integration.
• List the business processes used for integration in Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor
CloudSuite Supply Management.

• Introduction to Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management
• Applications overview
• Paths for integration
• Business processes used for integration
• Check your understanding

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Introduction to Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and
Infor CloudSuite Supply Management
This lesson provides an overview of Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply
Management. The lesson topics provide a high-level view of the following topics:
• Infor CloudSuite Financials Core
• Infor CloudSuite Supply Management
• Applications overview
• Paths for integration
• Business processes used for integration
The introductory topics presented in this lesson are covered in more detail in future lessons where you will get
hand-on experience working with the various Infor CloudSuite Financials applications.

Infor CloudSuite Financials

Infor CloudSuite Financials consists of Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply
The following image illustrates the relationship of Infor CloudSuite Financials to Infor CloudSuite Financials
Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management.

Infor CloudSuite Financials, Infor CloudSuite Financials Core, and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management

Infor CloudSuite Financials Core

Infor CloudSuite Financials Core provides a powerful core financials capability including stronger, faster, and
broader financial management.
Infor CloudSuite Financials Core consolidates information across the enterprise and delivers financial data to
decision makers who can improve budget management, cost reduction strategies, and forecast accuracy.
Infor CloudSuite Financials Core provides organizations with a robust, scalable solution that supports:
• Financial accounting
• Project accounting
• Lease accounting
• Asset accounting
• Global accounting for multi-national operations
38 Lesson 2: Infor CloudSuite Financials Core & Infor Supply Management applications and business
processes overview
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Infor CloudSuite Supply Management
Infor CloudSuite Supply Management is an integrated procurement and distribution solution. It helps
organizations to reduce costs through enhanced supply management processes and more effective supply
change management.
Infor CloudSuite Supply Management focuses on the actual needs of an organization’s business and its
supply chain. The suite helps to standardize and automate indirect procurement processes, monitor and
control spending, and manage supplier relationships.
In addition, the suite allows organizations to:
• Take control of purchasing expenses and processes
• Optimize the entire vendor relationship
• Transform the way organizations receive, deliver, and replenish
• Extend the value of the supply chain
Infor CloudSuite Supply Management provides organizations with a comprehensive, robust, and scalable
solution for:
• Purchasing
• Procurement
• Inventory management
• Healthcare recall management
• Strategic sourcing
• Contract management





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Applications overview
The following applications make up the Infor CloudSuite Financial Core:
• Global Ledger
• Reconciliation Management
• Payables
• Receivables
• Cash Management
• Project Ledger
• Project Invoicing
• Asset Accounting
• Lease Accounting
• Matching
• Item & Order Billing
• Close Management
• Grant Accounting
• Inter Company Billing
The following image illustrates the Infor CloudSuite Financials Core applications.

Infor CloudSuite Financials Core applications

40 Lesson 2: Infor CloudSuite Financials Core & Infor Supply Management applications and business
processes overview
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The following applications make up Infor CloudSuite Supply Management:
• Contract Management
• Requisitions
• Requisition Self Service
• Purchasing
• Inventory Control
• Punchout
• Strategic Sourcing
• Supplier Portal
• Mobile Supply Chain Management (MSCM)
• Recall Management
• Production Management
The following image illustrates the Infor CloudSuite Supply Management applications.

Infor CloudSuite Supply Management applications





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Paths for integration
There are various paths you can follow through Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite Supply
Management applications integration including:
• Procurement
• Contract management
• Payables
• Inventory
• Receivables
The following table identifies each integration path and the applications used.

Integration path Applications used

Procurement (requisition-to-check) • Requisitions

• Purchasing
• Matching
• Payables
• Cash Management
• Global Ledger
• Asset Management

Contract management • Contract Management

• Strategic Sourcing
• Supplier Portal

Payables • Cash Management

• Close Management
• Reconciliation Management
• Payables

Inventory • Inventory Management

• Warehouse
• Mobile Supply Chain

Receivables • Order Entry

• Billing
• Receivables
• Global Ledger





42 Lesson 2: Infor CloudSuite Financials Core & Infor Supply Management applications and business
processes overview
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Business processes used for integration
Each path identified in the previous section can be described as an integration process. It is important for you
to understand how all the various applications interface so you can set up processes between financials and
supply management for your specific business requirements.
This course presents a procurement path approach showing you how financial applications interface with
procurement. Therefore, we cover the applications by focusing on how they are used while working through
various processes. The lesson topics throughout this course focus on the processes required to integrate
financials and supply management applications.

Processes covered in this course

The following processes are covered in this course:
• Requisition-to-inventory process
• Requisition-to-check process
• Purchase order-to-asset management process
• Requisition-to-global ledger process
• Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process
• Requisition-to-sourcing-to-contract process
• Receivables process
• Close and reconciliation processes
• Cash management process





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Check your understanding

What are the two suites that make up Infor CloudSuite Financials?

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________

Indicate which application is an Infor CloudSuite Financials Core application or an Infor

CloudSuite Supply Management application.

_____ Receivables
_____ Strategic Sourcing
_____ Inventory Control
_____ Matching
_____ Requisitions
_____ Billing

Which three of the following options are paths for integration?

a) Global ledger
b) Procurement
c) Receivables
d) Cash management
e) Invoicing
f) Inventory

44 Lesson 2: Infor CloudSuite Financials Core & Infor Supply Management applications and business
processes overview
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Lesson 3: Requisition-to-inventory
Estimated time
3.5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the requisition-to-inventory process. In this lesson,
you will:
• Describe the Global Ledger.
• Describe the procurement process.
• List the objectives for the requisition-to-inventory process.
• Describe how to create a requisition.
• Describe how to create a journal entry.

• Financials process overview
• Procurement process overview
• Requisition-to-inventory process overview
• Requisitions setup requirements
• Creating requisitions
• Processing requisitions
• Creating a journal entry in the Global Ledger
• Check your understanding

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 45

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Financials process overview
The following financials applications were introduced in a previous lesson. In this lesson, we will highlight key
setup requirements.
• Global Ledger
• Payables
• Projects
• Asset Management
• Billing
• Reconciliation Management
• Receivables
• Cash Management
• Matching
• Grant Accounting

Global Ledger
The Global Ledger application is the core solution for Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor CloudSuite
Supply Management applications. Infor CloudSuite Financials Global Ledger is a central repository for data
from other Infor CloudSuite Financials and Infor CloudSuite Supply Management applications.
On a day-to-day basis, you use the Global Ledger to create journal entries that you use to track transactions
for reporting and inquiry. The setup of the Global Ledger system is the first step of taking the "blank"
CloudSuite financial system to a populated functional system. The Global Ledger must be set up before many
other applications, including procurement applications.
Each financial application has its own setup processes which include a company and codes that assist in
processing the application more efficiently and more accurately.

Finance Enterprise Group

The Finance Enterprise Group determines your organization’s accounting structure. The Finance Enterprise
Group enables you to make global decisions about your organization. You can define things once and share
that information across the organization so that you don’t have to configure things multiple times.
The Finance Enterprise Group includes the following components.
• Dimensions and hierarchies
• Chart of accounts
• Entities (Global Ledger company)
• System controls

Dimensions and hierarchies

Dimensions and hierarchies are key features of the Global Ledger. For each user dimension included with a
Finance Enterprise Group, you must create at least one dimension structure and a dimension hierarchy within
that structure. Each dimension can have many different hierarchies defined to accommodate multiple
reporting needs. In addition to classical financial information (i.e., entity, account, cost center, project), you
can define additional dimensions to facilitate reporting.
Dimensions allow you to filter data at a posting (lowest) level and at a parent level anywhere within the
The following image illustrates Infor-defined dimensions in blue, and user-defined dimensions and codes in

46 Lesson 3: Requisition-to-inventory process

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Dimension example

Chart of accounts
A chart of accounts is a list of accounts you use to organize your accounting records. It is made up of balance
sheet accounts (assets, liabilities, and equity) and income statement accounts (income and expenses). The
balance sheet and income statement accounts are made up of summary and posting accounts.
The chart of accounts is used to post journal entries and to summarize Global Ledger information for reports
and inquiries. Posting accounts roll up into summary accounts.

Entities (Global Ledger company)

The Global Ledger company is the highest organizational element in the Global Ledger. It can represent any
business or legal entity of an organization, such as a corporation, holding company, division, or region.
You assign a chart of accounts, base operating currency, status, fiscal calendar, operating rules, levels, and
more to a company. The Global Ledger company structure provides the framework for creating financial
reports, accessing Global Ledger information, and processing journal entries and periodic reports.

System controls
System controls identify each subsystem that interfaces with the Global Ledger and defines closing options
for a Global Ledger company. Interface controls determine how journal entries transfer to the Global Ledger.

Non-Global Ledger applications

Financial transactions from non-Global Ledger applications feed into the Global Ledger.
Financial applications are used to record transactions that depend on the transaction type.

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Basic financial transaction process

The following flow chart illustrates the basic financial transaction process in the Financials Core applications.

Basic financial transaction process

Global Ledger user roles

We learned in an earlier lesson that the setup for all the CloudSuite applications are role-based.
The following table is high-level overview of the roles in the Global Ledger application and the tasks
performed by each role.

User role Tasks

Budget analyst • Creates and maintains all aspects of the budget scenario
and budget template

Budget controller • Creates and maintains all aspects of the budget scenario
and budget template

Chief financial officer • Close processing

• Financial information inquiry

Controller • Creates and maintains organization structure, transactions,

and reporting

Financial business analyst • Similar to the controller, but cannot create or maintain
currency, batch utility processes, or post journal entries

Staff accountant • Sets up and maintains accounts

• Creates, maintains, and releases journal entries

The roles above are based on the need to use Global Ledger-related programs. Users may be assigned more
than one role.

48 Lesson 3: Requisition-to-inventory process

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Procurement process overview
Procurement is the process a company uses to acquire goods and services to fulfill their internal customers’
needs and requirements and ultimately fulfill the company mission. Goods can be requested from inventory or
vendors. Goods and services can go through an electronic bidding process and contracts can be created to
procure and track against. All the procurement products use different financial applications to record these
transactions depending on the type of transaction taking place. Data values are shared between the
procurement and financial products and they ultimately update the financial applications.

Infor CloudSuite Supply Management applications used in the procurement process

The Infor CloudSuite Supply Management applications used in the procurement process include the following
primary applications:
• Inventory Control
• Warehouse
• Purchasing
• Requisitions (Requisition Self Service)
• Strategic Sourcing
• Contract Management

Infor CloudSuite Financials Core applications used in the procurement process

The Infor CloudSuite Financials Core applications used in the procurement process include the following
primary applications:
• Payables
• Project Ledger
• Asset Management
• Receivables
• Cash Management
• Matching
• Global Ledger





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Basic procurement process
The following image illustrates a basic procurement process flow, identifies a process within the flow, and the
application within which the process occurs.

Basic procurement process flow

50 Lesson 3: Requisition-to-inventory process

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Procurement process with more details
For the scenarios presented in this course, the following flow chart presents a high-level view of the
procurement process and where various events occur.

Procurement process flow

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Requisition-to-inventory process overview
The first process we will discuss is the requisition-to-inventory process.
The following flow chart illustrates the steps required for the requisition-to-inventory process.

Requisition-to-inventory process

The following is a list of the objectives for the requisition-to-inventory process.
• Order items from the warehouse
• Review how end users can see stock on hand
• Process options for warehouse feedback
• Review how departments are charged for items that they order/receive
In this lesson, you will use Requisition Self Service, Inventory Control, Warehouse, and Global Ledger
applications in the exercises to complete the process.

Requisitions application
The Requisitions application allows you to complete the following tasks:
• Create requests with demand on stock and demand on vendors
• Replenish cart par locations
• Process and manage requisitions





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Integration of the Requisitions application with other Infor applications
The following image illustrates how the Requisitions application integrates with other Infor applications.

Requisitions application integrating with other Infor applications

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Requisitions: big picture
The Requisitions application has four main processes.
The following image illustrates the four main processes and the sub-processes.

Requisitions processes and sub-processes

Setup - Requester
When setting up Requisitions, the Inventory Control application requires information about your central
reporting structure. Specifically, you must determine the number of requesters, requesting locations, and the
approval levels that are needed.
The Requisitions application requires you to set up at least one requester. A requester is the person,
department, function, or location responsible for initiating requests or demand for materials, supplies, or
inventory items. Depending on security needs, requesters can be individuals, generic groups, or inventory
locations. Each requester has a default company. The requester identifies the originator of a requisition.
The requester is set up by selecting Application Administrator > Supply Management > Supply Management
Setup > Requisitioning > Requesters.

Setup – Requesting location

The requesting location can be a stock location or non-stock location.
The requesting location is set up by selecting Application Administrator > Supply Management > Supply
Management Setup > Requisitioning > Requesting Locations.

Create requisitions
The approval process places monetary limits on the amount a requester can request. Approvers can
authorize, reject, or un-release a requisition in Requisitions.

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Requisitions that are released create demand on stock or demand on vendors. Demand on stock is
processed in the Warehouse application, which provides the ability to pick, pack, and ship the requested
items. Purchase orders are created from requisitions in the Purchasing application to fill demand on vendors.
Items are received through Purchasing and delivered through Warehouse.
Maintaining and tracking the status of requisitions and for processing item returns are provided in the
Requisitions application. Maintaining and tracking the status of shipments is provided in the Warehouse

Replenish cart par locations

Cart par locations have unique qualities similar to requisition templates. Established quantities of supplies in
predefined arrangements are stored in a cart or par location. Cart par locations are generally referred to as
par locations. Cart par location processing simplifies transaction processing for frequent turnover areas; for
example, in health care.





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Requisitions setup requirements
Before you begin creating and processing requisitions, you must perform several setup tasks in the
Requisitions application. By completing these setup tasks, you provide basic information necessary for
requisition processing such as the following:
• Accounts
• Accounting units
• Currency type
• Inventory locations
• Items
• Requesting locations
• Requesters
• Vendor names and locations

Set up other applications prior to Requisitions setup

There are other applications that must be set up in the following order before setting up Requisitions.
• Currency
• Global Ledger
• Payables
• Purchasing
• Inventory Control

Currency application setup

Setting up the Currency application is the first step in setting up your prerequisite applications. Setting up
Currency includes the following:
• Currency codes
• Currency relationships
• Currency rates

For more information on currency setup, please see Infor CloudSuite Financials Setup
and Administration Guide.

Global Ledger setup

You set up the Global Ledger application after you set up the Currency application. If items are ordered from
stock, issue and transfer transactions are posted to the Global Ledger through the Inventory Control
The information you define includes accounts and dimensions, and, if applicable, intercompany relationships.
In addition, if applicable, you define global ledger commitments and budget edits.

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Steps to set up the Global Ledger
The following table provides a high-level overview of how to set up the Global Ledger.

Step Description

1 Convert the chart of account information from a non-Infor environment to the Infor
financials environment.

2 Create a hierarchical chart that represents the structure of the financial reports that you
want to produce, and associate posting accounts to appropriate levels. You can create
multiple charts for multiple reporting bases. One chart of accounts must be an enterprise
chart that is used as the default when a chart is not selected.
Define the following when creating the chart of accounts:
• Name and description
• Summary and account details for both balance sheet and income statement sections
of the chart
• System accounts

3 Set up the system accounts. Specify at least one retained earnings, undistributed
retained earnings, and errors suspense accounts. Each company must have at least

4 Set up your business entities (Global Ledger company). Determine whether you have
any intercompany relationships. Intercompany relationships are relationships between
companies that let transactions pass between them.
Define the following when setting up the business entities:
• Chart of accounts and base currency
• Organization levels
• Company-wide Global Ledger processing parameters

5 Define the dimensions from the top of your company’s organizational structure to the

6 Assign system controls to business entities so subsystems can be set up.

For more information on Global Ledger setup, please see Infor CloudSuite Financials
Setup and Administration Guide.

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Demo: Chart of accounts, business entities, dimensions, and system
Your instructor will demonstrate chart of accounts, business entities, dimensions, and
system control.
Note: If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps
in this demonstration.

Demo steps
Part 1: View the chart of accounts
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Controller from the Application Switcher. The Controller landing page displays.
3. Select Setup > Finance Enterprise Group > Maintenance. The Finance Enterprise Group List
form opens.
4. Double-click 4000. The Finance Enterprise Group 4000 form opens.
5. Click the Chart tab on the left. The Chart list displays.
6. Double-click MASTER. The Chart MASTER form opens.
7. Click the Hierarchy tab. The Hierarchy list displays.
8. Click the right-facing arrow beside ASSETS to expand it.
9. Expand CURR ASSETS.
10. Expand CASH. The posting cash accounts display.
11. Click Back. You return to the Finance Enterprise Group 4000 form.

Part 2: View business entities

1. Click the Business Entity tab. A list of business entities displays.
2. Click the right-facing arrow at the bottom of the form to scroll through the list of business entities.

Part 3: View dimensions

1. Click the Cost Center tab. A list of cost centers displays.
2. Double-click MASTER. The Cost Center Structure MASTER form opens. Note: This is user
dimension 1.
3. Click the Hierarchy tab. The summary cost centers display.
4. Expand 100 Operations. The posting cost centers display.
5. Click Back. You return to the Finance Enterprise Group 4000 form.

Part 4: View system control

1. Click the Business Entity tab. A list of business entities displays.
2. Double-click <your assigned business entity>. The Business Entity<XXXX> form opens. Note:
Refer to Appendix A.

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3. Click the System Control tab.
4. Click Create. The System Control form opens. Note: Click Create on the System Control tab
header, not the Business Entity 40<XX> form header.
5. Select AP from the System field to create a system control for accounts payable (AP).
6. Select the Control check box. Note: Do not click Save.





Payables setup
Setting up the Payables application is a required part of your setup process. This procedure outlines the
information you must define in the Payables application.
The information you define includes setting up vendors. Vendors can be associated to requisitions, which
have a demand on purchasing. Vendors are validated against the vendor file in Payables.

Steps to set up the Payables application

The following table provides a high-level overview of how to set up the Payables application.

Step Description

1 Define at least one vendor group. A vendor group is the set of vendors with which a
company does business. Vendor groups are used so that more than one company can
make purchases from and payments to the same vendors. A company can access only
one vendor group.
When you define your vendor group, include the following:
• Vendor numbering options
• Invoice hold codes
• Period ending dates
• Additional entry fields to store vendor information

2 Define the pay groups. Pay groups are used to process payables payments.

3 Define a Payables company. Invoice accrual and discount code setup are required at
the company level.

4 Define the process levels within your Payables company. You must define at least one
process level for each Payables company. You can define additional process levels to
organize your company into smaller groups, for example, divisions, departments, or cost

5 Define the reason codes. Reason codes are assigned to chargebacks and invoices for

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Step Description

tracking and analysis purposes.

6 Define the vendor classes for each vendor group. A vendor class represents a subset of
vendors in a vendor group. Vendor classes categorize vendors that share common
characteristics. They are used for reporting and payment processing.
Consider the following when defining vendor classes:
• Address, currency, and tax information
• Payables codes
• Payment and invoice processing information

For more information on Payables setup, please see Infor CloudSuite Financials Setup
and Administration Guide.

Inventory Control setup

You must set up the Inventory Control application after you have set up the Payables application. The
information you define includes setting up items and the stocking location of the items you will be requesting.

Steps to set up the Inventory Control application

The following table provides a high-level overview of how to set up the Inventory Control application.

Step Description

1 Define a corporate item group. Corporate item groups identify a specific group of
inventory items for a company.

2 Set up an Inventory Control company. An Inventory Control company is an

organizational structure that holds your inventory locations. The Inventory Control
company is defined from an existing Global Ledger company.
You assign the following to an Inventory Control company:
• Item group
• Inventory control locations
• Report groups
• Period end dates
• Bin usage types

3 Define the global ledger categories. The Global Ledger category defines the default
accounts for inventory transactions at an inventory location. It is a subset of the chart of
accounts in the Global Ledger application.

4 Define the inventory locations. An inventory location is a physical place where you store
inventory. The place can be a region, a city, a building, a floor, an accounting unit, or
any other area where you store inventory. You can also define a location as a place

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Step Description

where you store a particular classification of inventory, such as spare parts, office
supplies, or consignment inventory. You can create an inventory control location for
each location in the company.
Defining inventory locations includes the following:
• Purchase order ship to
• Returns
• Production order information
You are required to have at least one inventory location per company.

5 Define the cart par locations. A par location represents supply cupboards, exchange
carts, and par level supply carts that store established quantities of supplies. The
location can be a stationary or mobile supply area.

6 Define the report groups for a company. A report group is a structuring method you can
use to classify a group of locations. You must have at least one report group per
company in order to conduct a physical inventory assessment.

7 Define the item master. An item master is a file that holds information about an item,
regardless of where that item is used. You assign item masters to an item group so
several companies can share an item, as long as they share an item group.

8 Define the item locations. The item location record is a file of items that are stocked at a
specific location. The item location record tracks item costs and quantities.

For more information on Inventory Control setup, please see Infor CloudSuite Financials
Setup and Administration Guide.

Purchasing setup
You must set up the Purchasing application after you have set up the Inventory Control application.

Steps to set up the Purchasing application

The following table provides a high-level overview of how to set up the Inventory Control application.

Step Description

1 Define a procurement group. A procurement group is a group of companies that share a

common procurement effort; they buy items and services together. The procurement
group allows you to consolidate purchasing functions.

2 Define freight terms. Freight terms describe the freight method or methods used to ship

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Step Description

3 Define the Purchasing company.

4 Define the buyers.

5 Define the shipping terms.

For more information on Purchasing setup, please see Infor CloudSuite Financials
Setup and Administration Guide.





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Creating requisitions
We learned earlier that when you create requisitions, you request items from inventory or from vendors. The
Requisitions application provides different methods for creating requisitions that allow you to customize the
requesting process to suit your business needs.

Requisition-to-inventory process - create requisition

Requisition Self Service

Requisition Self Service is intended for requesters who regularly process requisitions in the job role; for
example, requesters who purchase items from a catalog for requisitions that are straight forward and not
complex. Requisition Self Service simplifies requisition creation for those who are not power users.
The Requisition Self Service home page is designed to focus casual requesters on their basic requesting
tasks and to minimize clicks. The home page contains all the user-specific features on one page.
These user-specific features include the following:
• Search the catalog
• My Requisitions
• Recently Requested Items
• My Shopping Lists
• Recently Requested Special/Service
• Punchout Vendors





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Demo: Create a requisition to get items from inventory
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a requisition to get items from inventory.





Exercise 3.1: Create a requisition to get items from inventory

In this exercise, you will create a requisition to get items from inventory.

Exercise 3.1 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Requester from the Application Switcher. The Requester landing page displays.
3. Select More > Requisition Self Service. The Requisition Self Service page displays in a new
browser tab.
4. Click New Request. The Find an Item page displays.
5. Type Copier Paper in the Search the catalog field. Copier Paper displays as you type.
6. Select Copier Paper, 20 lb bond. The item populates with the cost of the item in the requisition.
7. Type 2 in the Quantity field.
8. Click the ADD TO REQUEST button. The Copier Paper request displays in the right panel.
9. Click the SUBMIT REQUEST button. The Submit this requisition? dialog box opens with a
message, “Are you sure you want to submit this requisition?”
10. Click YES. A confirmation dialog box opens with the message, “Request # <X> has been submitted.
11. Write the requisition number here. _______________________
12. Click the RETURN TO DASHBOARD button. <Your requisition> displays in the My Requisitions
13. Close the Requisition Self Service browser tab. You return to the Requester landing page.





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Processing requisitions
When you process requisitions, you request items from vendors or from company stock.
• You process requisitions that place demand on vendors in the Purchasing application.
• You process requisitions that place demand on stock in the Warehouse application, thus allocating
and shipping the items.

Warehouse application
The Warehouse application provides the ability to pick, pack, and ship the requested items. The Warehouse
application also provides options for maintaining and tracking the status of shipments.

Pick lists
The pick list prints a list of released and allocated documents based on the parameters entered. A pick list
can be printed on a printer or uploaded to a handheld device.

Requisition-to-inventory process – create pick list

Warehouse personnel use the pick list to pick the items from inventory. Depending on the process type, the
pick list becomes a list that indicates the items to pick, pack, or ship.
The following is done with the program that prints the pick list:
• Creates a shipment for released demands that are created when you add a document
• Shows the requisition number
• Assigns a sequential batch number
• Shows the shipping method, freight code, and customer purchase order (if applicable)
• Assigns a shipment number (by location) to the demand
• Decides how to sort lines for printing (for example, in shipment and line sequence, in shipment and
bin sequence, and so on)
The allocated quantity and the quantity to pick from inventory print on the pick list.

Shipping feedback
Shipping feedback is where you indicate what you shipped to the customer or requester. Shipping feedback is
the only required feedback step.

Requisition-to-inventory process – add shipping feedback

A document must be allocated and printed on a pick list before you can perform shipping feedback.
Depending on the process type, picking or packing feedback might also be required prior to shipping
feedback. Companies can enter shipping feedback as they prepare to deliver the goods. They can also print a
Bill of Lading form to provide extra information for the person transporting the goods. Bills of lading are
receipts that promise delivery of the shipment of goods.

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Demo: Process the item from inventory and deliver to the
Your instructor will demonstrate how process the item for inventory and deliver to the




Exercise 3.2: Process the item from inventory and deliver to the
In this exercise, you will process the item from inventory and deliver to the department.

Exercise 3.2 steps

Part 1: Create the warehouse pick list print
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.
3. Select Supply Management > Warehouse Processing > Warehouse Processing > Warehouse
Pick List Print. The Warehouse Pick List Print form opens.
4. Type or select the values from the table below to create the pick list print.

Field name Value

Company <your assigned company number>

Location MAIN

Through Expected Ship Date <today’s date plus three days>

Document Source Requisitions

Print Option By Shipment- Bin/ Lot/ Serial (Requisition based)

Allocate Details Yes

Include Cost Print Cost and Extended Cost

66 Lesson 3: Requisition-to-inventory process

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Field name Value

Print Delivery Data Yes

5. Click OK. You return to the Application Administrator landing page.

6. Select User Account > My Print Files. The Print Files form opens and a list of print files display.
7. Click the View button that corresponds to Warehouse Pick List Print By Shipment Bin Lot Serial
Requisition Based. The Warehouse Pick List Print By Shipment Bin Lot Serial Requisition
Based document opens in portable document format (PDF).
8. View the following on the shipment:
o Item
o Quantity To Pick
o Unit Cost
o Extended Cost
o Total Pieces
9. Click back. You return to the Print Files form.

Part 2: Process the shipment

1. Select Supply Management > Warehouse Processing > Warehouse Processing > Shipments.
The Warehouse Shipment List form opens.
2. Double-click <your shipment>. The Warehouse Shipment Feedback form opens. Hint: To
determine which line is your shipment, verify <your assigned company> displays in the Company
column and <the requisition number your wrote down in Exercise 3.1> displays in the Document
3. Click the Lines tab. The values in the Item, Open Quantity, and In Process Quantity columns
4. Select Actions > Finish using the form action in the top menu bar. A confirmation message displays,
and 2.0000 in the Open Quantity field moves to the In Process Quantity field.
5. Select Actions > Release. A confirmation message displays, and 0.0000 displays in the In Process
Quantity field, and the Status field in the header displays as Closed.

Part 3: View the requisition details

1. Select Requester from the Application Switcher. The Requester landing page displays.
2. Click My Requisitions. The Unreleased Requisitions form opens.
3. Click the Closed/ Rejected tab. The Closed/ Rejected form opens, and the status of <your
requisition> is Closed. Note: If one of your items on the requisition is on backorder, your requisition
may be in the Open tab.
4. Double-click <your requisition>. The Requisition form opens.
5. Click the Lines tab. The value in the Item Type field is Inventoried.
6. Select Actions > Issue Final in the top menu bar. A confirmation message displays.
7. Select Drill Around® > Requisition Lines in the top menu bar. The Requisitions Lines form opens
in a new browser tab.
8. Double-click the line. The Requisition Line Entry Detail form opens.
9. Click the Distributions tab. The distributions for the item display.

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10. Click the Processing Detail tab. The value in the Inventory Transaction Type field in the header is
11. Close the Requisition Line Entry Detail browser tab. You return to the Requisition form.









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Creating a journal entry in the Global Ledger
The final step in the requisition-to-inventory process is to review and journalize distributions for inventory
control. After the document is closed and the shipping feedback is complete, you can then create the journal
entry to post the expenses to the department and accurately reduce the inventory level in the Global Ledger

Requisition-to-inventory process – create journal entry





Demo: Review and journalize distributions for inventory control

Your instructor will demonstrate how to review and journalize distributions for inventory




Exercise 3.3: Review and journalize distributions for inventory control

In this exercise, you will review and journalize distributions for inventory control.

Exercise 3.3 steps

Part 1: Journalize distributions
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.

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3. Select Supply Management > Inventory Control Processing > Inventory Post And Close >
Journalize. The Journalize Preview form opens.
4. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field.
5. Select Requisition from the System Code drop-down list.
6. Click Search. <Your two released transactions> display.
7. Click the Journalize Distributions button. The Inventory Transaction Line Distribution dialog box
8. Select 4000 from the Finance Enterprise Group field if it did not default.
9. Select <your assigned company number> in the Company field.
10. Select <the last day of the current month> in the Post Thru Date field.
11. Click OK. A confirmation message displays, and you return to the Journalize Preview form.
12. Click the View Journalized Distributions tab. The View Journalized Distributions form opens.
Note: The IC<XXXXXXXXXXXX> Journalized Group has a status of Complete.
13. Double-click the journalized group that begins with IC. The Journalize Group Result form opens and
<your created journal> displays with a status of Complete in the header.
Note: For the exercises in this course, the debits and credits will be going to the same cost center
account due to preconfigured default distribution accounts set up for Cost Center (2200) and
Account (14100) on the training image. This doesn’t represent how accounts may be set up in your

Part 2: Review journalized transactions in the Global Ledger

1. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Processing > Journal > Journals. The Global Ledger
Unreleased Journal List form opens.
2. Click the Released tab. The Global Ledger Released Journal List form opens.
3. Type <your assigned company number> in the Business Entity field of the filter row.
4. Press Enter. <Your released journal> displays.
5. Double-click <your released journal>. The Journal Control form opens.
6. Click the Transactions tab. <Your two transactions display>. These two transactions will post the
next time the journal is posted.





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Demo: Create a manual journal entry in the Global Ledger
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a manual journal entry in the Global




Exercise 3.4: Create a manual journal entry in the Global Ledger

In this exercise, you will create a manual journal entry in the Global Ledger.

Exercise 3.4 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Controller from the Application Switcher. The Controller landing page displays.
3. Select Processing > Journal > Journals. The Global Ledger Unreleased Journal List form opens.
4. Click Create. The Journal Control form opens.
5. Type or select the values from the table below to create a journal entry in the Global Ledger.

Field name Value

Business Entity <your assigned company number>

Ledger MASTER (defaults)

Post Date <today’s date>

Description Record Revenue

6. Click Save. A confirmation message displays, and the header is saved.

7. Click the Transactions tab.
8. Click Create. The Transaction form opens.
9. Select 2100 from the Cost Center field in the Finance Structure string.
10. Select 40100 from the Account field.
11. Type -2000 in the Amount field.
12. Click Save and New. A confirmation message displays.
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13. Select 2100 from the Cost Center field in the Finance Structure string.
14. Select 10100 from the Account field.
15. Type 2000 in the Amount field.
16. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.
17. Click Back. You return to the Journal Control form.
18. Click the Transaction tab. <Your two transactions> display. Note: One transaction has a positive
balance and one has a negative balance, so your journal entry is balanced.
19. Select Actions > Release. A confirmation message displays.
20. Select Processing > Journal > Journals. The Global Ledger Unreleased Journal List form opens.
21. Click the Released tab. The Global Ledger Released Journal List form opens.
22. Type <your assigned company number> in the Business Entity field of the filter row.
23. Press Enter. <Your journal entry for record revenue> displays in the list.









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Check your understanding
Which four of the following applications must be set up prior to setting up the Requisitions
a) Currency
b) Global Ledger
c) Strategic Sourcing
d) Purchasing
e) Inventory Control
f) Receivables

What application is set up after the Currency application?




Which three of the following steps are part of the requisition-to-inventory process?
a) Create a journal entry
b) Create pick list
c) Create a payment
d) Add shipping feedback
e) Create a requisition template

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Lesson 4: Requisition-to-check process
Estimated time
4 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the requisition-to-check process. In this lesson, you
• Identify the process flow for the requisition-to-check process.
• Identify the setup requirements for the Requisitions application.
• Describe how to create a requisition in Requisition Self Service.
• Describe how to create a purchase order from a requisition.
• Describe how to receive goods.
• Identify the process for entering and matching an invoice to the receiver and purchase order.
• List the four parts to Payables processing.
• Explain how to run a payment cycle.
• Describe how to journalize to the Global Ledger.

• Requisition-to-check process overview
• Creating a requisition in Requisition Self Service
• Managing purchasing requests
• Receiving the items
• Managing the invoice and matching to the receiver and purchase order
• Payment cycle process
• Running a payment cycle
• Journalizing to the Global Ledger
• Check your understanding

74 Lesson 4: Requisition-to-check process

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Requisition-to-check process overview
The following lists the considerations for the requisition-to-check process.
• What is the flow of the procurement process?
• How do documents tie together?
• What does processing allow for payment against the purchase order?
• What closes the purchase order line?
The following flow chart illustrates the steps required for the requisition-to-check process.

Requisition-to-check process
In this lesson, you will use Requisition Self Service, Purchasing, Payables, Matching, Receiving. and Global
Ledger applications in the exercises to complete the process.

Setting up the Requisitions application

We learned in a previous lesson that when setting up the Requisitions application, you must consider the
requesting needs for your central reporting structure.
Specifically, you must determine the following:
• Number of requesters
• Requesting locations
• Approval levels needed
Requesters can share the same requester ID, as long as each user has a unique web server login ID. If
requesters share a requester ID and web ID, they will interfere with each other’s requisitions.

Creating requisitions
The Requisitions application provides for several methods to create requisitions that allow you to customize
the requesting process to suit your business needs.
The following methods are available to create requisitions.
• Manually - You create a requisition line by line using direct entry.
• Copying – You create a requisition by copying an existing one.
• Template – You create a requisition with a procurement template. A procurement template is like a
previously defined list from which you can select items.
• Inventory Management – You create a requisition through the replenishment process.
• Cart par locations – You create a requisition during the replenishment process for a cart par location.
• External system – You create a requisition from an external system using Requisition Interface.

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Requisition types
There are different types of requisitions. You will work with two of those requisition types in the next exercise.
• Special
• Service

Setup requirements
If you use the Inventory Control application to issue items, you must define at least one requesting location in
the Requisitions application.
The following table describes the information that you need to define and how to access this information.

Setup requirement Description How to access

Requesting locations The requesting location can Select Applications Administrator

issue the following transaction > Supply Management > Supply
types from the inventory Management Setup >
location: Requisitioning > Requesting
• Issue Locations.
• Direct Transfer
• Intransit Transfer

Inventory company On the Inventory Company form, Select Application Administrator

you determine the type of > Supply Management > Supply
approval required for the Management Setup > Groups
requisition when it reaches a and Companies > Inventory
specified threshold: Companies.
• Header Approval
• Line Approval
• No Approval Required

Requesters A requester initiates demand for Select Application Administrator

items, materials, supplies, etc. > Supply Management > Supply
On the RSS tab of the Inventory Management Setup > Groups
Company form, you determine and Companies > Inventory
which tasks default to all users. Companies.
You also set a field that restricts
catalog search to specific
• Contracts Only
• Internal Only (Yes, No, Item
Location Setup)

76 Lesson 4: Requisition-to-check process

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Setup requirement Description How to access

On the Main tab on the Select Applications Administrator

Requesters form, you determine > Supply Management >
the type of approval required for Requisitioning > Requesting
requisition headers: Locations.
• Header Approval
• Line Approval
• No Approval Required
• Default From Requesting
Location or Company
Note: If a company does not
allow a task globally, a requester
can still set a display option on
the Requesters form.

Approval codes Approval codes are defined for Select Application Administrator >
requesters. For each level of Financials > Global Ledger >
approval, you decide the Setup > Finance Enterprise
following: Group > Maintenance > <your
• Authorization lower limit. If FEG> > Approval Code tab.
the requisition’s total value is
equal to or greater than this
amount, the manager,
assigned at that level, must
approve the requisition
before the buyer can review.
• Name of the person who
must approve the requisition
at this limit amount; for
example, a manager or
• Authorizing ID of the person
who approves the requisition
at this limit amount. The
authorization ID acts like a
password that lets the person
review requisitions.

Requisitions user roles

The following table provides a high-level overview of the roles in the Requisitions application and the tasks
performed by each role. Users may be assigned more than one role.

User role Tasks

Requester • Creates requisitions

• Manages purchasing classes
• Manages punchout vendors
• Manages Requisition Self Service settings
• Overrides costs (if allowed)

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User role Tasks

Supply management administrator • Creates and manages requisitions

• Creates and manages requesting locations

Supply management viewer • Manages requisitions

• Prints requisitions
• Requests locations loads
• Extracts requester setup information
• Views the requisition interface
• Purges requisitions
• Views the Requisition Status report





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Creating a requisition in Requisition Self Service
The first step in the requisition-to-check process is to create a requisition. We will create the requisition in
Requisition Self Service.

Requisition-to-check process – create requisition





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Demo: Create a requisition in Requisition Self Service for a special
and service item
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a requisition in Requisition Self Service
for a special and service item.




Exercise 4.1: Create a requisition in Requisition Self Service for a

special and service item
In this exercise, you will create a requisition in Requisition Self Service for a special and
service item.

Exercise 4.1 steps

Part 1: Create the requisition for a special item
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Requester from the Application Switcher. The Requester landing page displays.
3. Select More > Requisition Self Service. The Requisition Self Service page displays in a new
browser tab.
4. Click New Request. The Find an Item page displays.
5. Click Add a Special / Service Item. The Add a Special or Service Item form opens.
6. Type or select the values from the table below to create a requisition for a special item.

Field name Value

Add Item Select radio button, if not already selected

Item Description 32” LED TV

Item SS-8790

Quantity 1


80 Lesson 4: Requisition-to-check process

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Field name Value

Cost 690

7. Verify <your assigned company number> displays in the Business Entity field. If not, select it.
8. Verify 2200 displays in the Cost Center field. If not, select it.
9. Verify 14100 displays in the Account field. If not, select it.
10. Click ADD TO REQUEST. The 32” LED TV displays in the right panel.

Part 2: Add the service item

1. Select the Add Amount Service Item radio button.
2. Type or select the values from the table below to add the service item to the requisition.

Field name Value

Item Description Installation

Item Service

Quantity 1


Cost 250

3. Click ADD TO REQUEST. The installation service item displays with the 32” LED TV in the right
4. Click VIEW REQUEST DETAILS. The Request # <X> form opens.

Part 3: Submit your requisition

1. Click SUBMIT. A confirmation dialog box opens.
2. Click Yes. The Submit this requisition? dialog box opens with a message, “Are you sure you want
to submit this requisition?”
3. Click YES. A confirmation dialog box opens with the message, “Request # <X> has been submitted.
4. Write the requisition number here. _______________________
5. Click RETURN TO DASHBOARD. <Your requisition> displays in the My Requisitions panel.
6. Close the Requisition Self Service browser tab. You return to the Requester landing page.

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Managing purchasing requests
The next step in the requisition-to-check process is managing the purchasing request.
Manage purchase order requests is the manual way to generate purchase orders from subsystems. It allows
buyers to manage order requests that originated in other applications that had insufficient information. The
purchase order requests provide many filtering options to allow for processing of specific requests.
The buyer can make changes to the information and then have the purchase order interface to create the
purchase order, or the buyer can create the purchase order from manage purchase order requests. The buyer
can also add items to an existing purchase order.

Requisition-to-check process – manage purchasing request









82 Lesson 4: Requisition-to-check process

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Demo: Create a purchase order from a purchasing request
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a purchase order from a purchasing




Exercise 4.2: Create a purchase order from a purchasing request

In this exercise, you will create a purchase order from a purchasing request.

Exercise 4.2 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Buyer from the Application Switcher. The Buyer landing page displays.
3. Click Manage Purchase Requests. The Purchase Order Requests form opens.
4. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field.
5. Click the Search button. <Your two requests> display in two separate lines at the bottom of the
page, and <your requisition number> displays in the Source Document column. Note: You may
need to zoom out in your browser settings to see the results.
6. Click the line for <your 32” LED TV>.
7. Press Shift.
8. Click the line for <your service item>. Both lines are highlighted.
9. Click the Select For Purchase Order button. <Your assigned student ID> displays in the Name
column because you are the requester.
10. Click the line for <your 32” LED TV>.
11. Press Shift.
12. Click the line for <your service item>. Both lines are highlighted.
13. Click the Create Purchase Order button. The Create Purchase Order dialog box opens.
14. Type or select the values from the table below to create the purchase order.

Field name Value

Purchasing Company <your assigned company number>

Vendor, Purchase From (first field) 3-Computer World

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Field name Value

Buyer 100-Brian Barrell

Early Delivery Date <three days from today’s date>

Release Purchase Order Select check box

15. Click OK. A confirmation message, with a purchase order number displays.
16. Write the purchase order number here. _________________________
17. Click Manage Purchase Orders in the menu bar. The Unreleased Purchase Orders form opens.
18. Click the Released tab. The Released Purchase Orders form opens.
19. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field of the filter row.
20. Press Enter. <Your purchase order > displays with the status, Released, Not issued in the Status
21. Double-click <your purchase order>. The Purchase Order Detail form opens.
22. Click Issue Final. A confirmation message displays.









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Receiving the items
After the purchase order has been issued, it goes to the vendor for fulfillment. Then, the items are received.

Requisition-to-check process – receive items





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Demo: Receive items
Your instructor will demonstrate how to receive items.





Exercise 4.3: Receive items

In this exercise, you will receive items.

Exercise 4.3 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Purchasing Receiver from the Application Switcher. The Purchasing Receiver landing
page displays.
3. Click Receive Items. The Unreleased Purchase Order Receipts form opens.
4. Click Create. The Purchase Order Receipt dialog box opens.
5. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field.
6. Type <your purchase order number> in the Purchase Order field.
7. Click OK. The Purchase Order Receipt Detail form opens.
8. Click Receive All. A confirmation message displays.
9. Click Release And Print No Backorders. A confirmation message displays.









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Managing the invoice and matching it to receiver and
purchase order
The next step in the requisition-to-check process is to manage the invoice. You then match the invoice to the
receiver and purchase order that you created in the previous exercises.

Requisition-to-check process – manage invoice and match to receiver and PO

Matching application
The Matching application allows you to accurately match large volumes of invoices with receipts, update
purchase orders, and manage vendor terms. Matching is a three-way match with the purchase order, invoice,
and receipt. This three-way match helps ensure that invoices are correct and provides greater accuracy in
receiving transactions.

Matching: big picture

The Matching application process flow can be divided into three main processes.
The following image illustrates these three main processes and associated sub-processes.

Matching processes and sub-processes

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Matching setup
When setting up Matching, you must consider the invoicing and purchase order processing requirements for
your central reporting organization, determine the company structure that best fits those requirements, and
set up Matching accordingly.

Entering and matching invoices

The Matching application provides different options for creating invoices that allow you flexibility to suit your
business requirements. The setup you complete can help you streamline creating invoices, messaging,
matching, and reconciliation processes.

Additional processing of invoices

You can use the Matching application to perform additional processes to released invoices and add or
remove hold codes on invoices.

Integration of the Matching application with other Infor applications

The following image illustrates how the Matching application integrates with other Infor applications.

Matching application integrating with other Infor applications

88 Lesson 4: Requisition-to-check process

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Matching user role
The following provides a high-level overview of the tasks a match specialist can perform.
• Match purchase order invoices, prepayments, and add on costs
• Un-match invoices
• Cancel purchase order invoices

For more information on matching, please the Matching User Guide.





Demo: Manage the invoice and match to the receiver and purchase
Your instructor will demonstrate how to manage the invoice and match to the receiver
and purchase order.




Exercise 4.4: Manage the invoice and match to the receiver and
purchase order
In this exercise, you will manage the invoice and match to the receiver and purchase order.

Exercise 4.4 steps

Part 1: Create the invoice
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Payables Invoice Processor from the Application Switcher. The Payables Invoice
Processor landing page displays.

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3. Click Create Invoice. The Create Invoice form opens.
4. Type or select the values from the table below to create the invoice.

Field name Value

Invoice Entry Template Match Invoice

Purchase Order <your purchase order number>

Payables Company <your assigned company number>

Vendor 3-Computer World

Invoice Number INVPO<your purchase order


Invoice Date <today’s date>

Due Date <last day of the current month>

Invoice Amount 940

5. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

6. Click the Distributions tab. The two distributions are added with the total.
7. Click the Purchase Orders tab. <Your purchase order> displays.

Part 2: Match the receiver and the purchase order

1. Click Match. A confirmation message displays that the match is complete, and the invoice is released
for payment.









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Payment cycle process
The Payables application is used to create invoices, create and store vendor records, manage cash flow, and
generate payments.

Payables: big picture

The Payables application process flow can be divided into four main processes.
The following image illustrates these four main processes and associated sub-processes.

Payables processes and sub-processes

Payables setup
While setting up Payables, you must consider your payment processing and reporting requirements,
determine the company and vendor structures that best fit those requirements, and set up Payables
Hands-on setup of your Payables application includes defining the bank accounts from which you create
payments, the terms under which you create payments, and the vendors you pay.

For more information on Payables setup, please the Infor CloudSuite Financials Setup
and Administration Guide.

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Payables invoice processing
Payables invoice processing consists of creating, releasing, and paying invoices. You can also maintain
invoices between the time you release and pay them, and you will be required to close your accounting
The setup you complete before invoice processing can help you streamline invoice entry and manage your
cash flow. For example, you can define codes that are used on an invoice to indicate when the invoice is to
be paid and to which accounts the expense are to be distributed.

Payables special processing

In addition to creating and paying expense invoices, you can use Payables for other special processing such
as generating bills of exchange. You can also track and report on vital information such as reportable income,
value-added tax (VAT), and Intrastat.

There are Payables reports that you can run for open payables, cash forecasting, payment history, vendor
balances, and more. You can also use Payables to complete required federal reporting, such as submitting
reportable income information.

Payables user roles

The following table provides a high-level overview of the roles in the Payables application and the tasks
performed by each role. Users may be assigned more than one role.

User role Tasks

Payables administrator • Sets up vendors

• Sets up tax information

Payables vendor specialist • Manages vendor relationships

• Processes payments
• Ensures tax compliance

Payables manager • Monitors invoice statuses

• Performs month-end processes

Payables invoice processor • Creates and views invoices

• Sends invoices for approval
• Searches for invoices





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Running a payment cycle
The next step in the requisition-to-check process is run a payment cycle. There are three steps in the
payment cycle.
• Perform Cash Requirements
• Run Electronic Payment Creation
• Run AP Payment Close

Requisition-to-check process – create payment





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Demo: Run a payment cycle
Your instructor will demonstrate how to run a payment cycle.





Exercise 4.5: Run a payment cycle

In this exercise, you will run a payment cycle.

Exercise 4.5 steps

Part 1: Perform Cash Requirements
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Payables Manager from the Application Switcher. The Payables Manager landing page
3. Select Run Processes > Process Payments > Cash Requirements Results. The Current Cash
Requirements Results form opens.
4. Click Start Cash Requirements. The Cash Requirements Result form opens.
5. Type or select the values from the table below to create cash requirements.

Field name Value

Vendor Group 4000

Pay Group <your assigned company number>

Pay Through Date <last day of the current month>

Payment Date <today’s date>

6. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

7. Click Select Payments. A confirmation message displays.
8. Click Refresh. Selected displays in the Status field.
9. Click the Selected Invoice Payments (X) tab. The invoices selected for payment display.
10. Click <any invoice that is NOT your invoice number> to highlight it.
94 Lesson 4: Requisition-to-check process
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11. Select Actions > Remove From Cash Requirements Result. A confirmation message displays, and
the invoice is removed from the list.
12. Repeat steps 10-11 to remove any invoice that is not your invoice number. Only your invoice number
should remain.
Note: To add an invoice back to the list if you accidentally removed it, complete the following steps:
a. Click the Helper List icon. The Payables Payments dialog box opens.
b. Select the check box for <your invoice>.
c. Click Add To Cash Requirements Result.
13. Click Schedule Payments. A confirmation message displays.
14. Click Refresh. Completed displays in the Status field.
15. Click the Scheduled Payments tab. <Your payment line> displays. Notice the Payment Amount is
16. Click the Scheduled Payments Summary tab. The totals for the payment display.

Part 2: Run Electronic Payment Creation

1. Select Run Processes > Process Payments > Electronic Payment Creation. The Electronic
Payment File Creation dialog box opens.
2. Type or select the values from the table below to create an electronic payment.

Field name Value

Vendor Group 4000

Pay Group <your assigned company number>

Payment Code SYS

Cash Code <your assigned company number>

Payment Date <today’s date>

Effective Date <last day of the current month>

Starting Number 2000

3. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.

4. Select User Account > My Print Files. The Print Files form opens.
5. Click View beside <your Electronic Payment Creation>. The Electronic File Creation opens in
PDF. This is the file that creates the check. The total in the Electronic File is 940.00.
6. Click Back. You return to the Print Files form.

Part 3: Run AP Payment Close

1. Select Run Processes > Process Payments > Payment Close. The Payment Closing dialog box

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2. Select 4000 from the Vendor Group field.
3. Select <your assigned company number> from the Pay Group field.
4. Click OK. A confirmation message displays, and you return to the Print Files form.
5. Click Refresh.
6. Click View beside <your Payment Close>. Payment Close opens in PDF.
7. Scroll to find the payment. The total in Payment Close is 940.00.
8. Click Back. You return to the Print Files form.





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Journalizing to the Global Ledger
After completing the payment cycle, you can journalize to the Global Ledger which posts the distributions.
Some businesses run this as a separate process. This process is not necessarily a part of the payment cycle;
however, the following situations may be required by a business after the payment cycle process:
• As the last step in the payment cycle
• Weekly or bimonthly as part of the close process
• Daily, based on their business volume

Requisition-to-check process – journalize to the Global Ledger





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Demo: Journalize to the Global Ledger
Your instructor will demonstrate how to journalize to the Global Ledger.





Exercise 4.6: Journalize to the Global Ledger

In this exercise, you will journalize to the Global Ledger.

Exercise 4.6 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Payables Manager from the Application Switcher. The Payables Manager landing page
3. Select Run Processes > Journalize. The Journalize Preview form opens.
4. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field.
5. Click Search. <Your distributions> display for the 32” LED TV (690) and Service (250). Note:
These are the two checks that were created.
6. Click the Journalize Distributions button. The Payables Invoice Distribution dialog box opens.
7. Select <your assigned company number> from the Payables Company field.
8. Type <the last day of the current month> in the Post Thru Date field.
9. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.
10. Select the Application Administrator from the Applications Switcher. The Application
Administrator landing page displays.
11. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Processing > Journal > Journals. The Global Ledger
Unreleased Journal List form opens.
12. Click the Released tab. The Global Ledger Released Journal List form opens.
13. Type <your assigned company number> in the Business Entity field in the filter row.
14. Type AP in the System field in the filter row.
15. Press Enter. AP results for <your business entity> display. These are the distributions that came
from AP Payment Close and are journalized to the Global Ledger.
16. Double-click <your transaction>. The Journal Control form opens.
17. Click the Transactions tab. <Your two transactions> display.

98 Lesson 4: Requisition-to-check process

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Check your understanding
Which two of the following options are required when setting up the Requisitions
a) Requesters
b) Item location
c) Vendors
d) Requesting locations
e) Suppliers

Place the steps in the proper order for the requisition-to-check process.

_____ Manage the purchasing request

_____ Create a payment
_____ Create the requisition
_____ Send the order to the vendor
_____ Journalize to the Global Ledger
_____ Manage the invoice and match to the receiver and purchase order
_____ Receive the items

Which two of the following tasks are completed when running a payment cycle?
a) Run Cash Requirements
b) Post distributions to the Global Ledger
c) Run AP Payment Close
d) Run Match Invoice

Which three of the following applications are part of the requisition-to-check process?
a) Receivables
b) Purchasing
c) Payables
d) Warehouse
e) Cash Management

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Lesson 5: Purchase order-to-asset
management process
Estimated time
4 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the purchase order-to asset-management process.
In this lesson, you will:
• Identify the process flow for the purchase order-to asset-management process.
• List the four main processes in the Purchasing application.
• Identify the setup requirements for Asset Accounting.
• Describe how to create an asset.
• Describe how to create a purchase order with an asset template.
• Describe how to receive a purchase order.
• Describe how to add the invoice and perform the match.

• Purchase order-to-asset-management process overview
• Purchasing application
• Asset Accounting setup requirements
• Creating a purchase order with an asset template
• Receiving the purchase order
• Adding the invoice and matching
• Check your understanding

100 Lesson 5: Purchase order-to-asset management process

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Purchase order-to-asset management process
In this lesson, we discuss the purchase order-to-asset management process. You will use the Purchasing,
Receiving, and Payables applications in the exercises to complete the process.

The following lists the considerations for the purchase order-to-asset management process.
• How does the asset template flow from purchase order to match?
• What are the touch points to the asset template throughout the process?
The following flow chart illustrates the steps required for the purchase order-to-asset management process.

Purchase order-to-asset management process





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Purchasing application
You use the Purchasing application to create and issue purchase orders and to manage the receiving

Purchasing: big picture

The Purchasing application process flow can be divided into four main processes.
The following image illustrates these four main processes and associated sub-processes.

Purchasing processes and sub-processes

Purchasing setup
During setup of the Purchasing application, you must consider the purchasing requirements of your central
reporting structure. For example, you determine pricing requirements, buyer groups, vendor groups, and cost
defaulting hierarchies.

For more information on Purchasing setup, please the Infor CloudSuite Supply
Management Administration Guide.

102 Lesson 5: Purchase order-to-asset management process

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Create and issue purchase orders
When you create and issue purchase orders, you specify items and item quantities to order and then send
that information to the vendor. There are various methods to create and issue purchase orders that you can
use to customize the order process to suit your business.

Receive purchase orders

Receiving goods is the process of accepting items from the vendor. There are options for receiving goods that
allow you to accept, reject, or only accept under certain conditions.

Post to the Global Ledger

At the end of a transaction period, you can close Purchasing so that all transactions for that period are posted
to the Global Ledger. This process ensures accurate transaction balances for your organization.

Purchasing user roles

The following table provides a high-level overview of the roles in the Purchasing application and the tasks
performed by each role. Users may be assigned more than one role.

User role Tasks

Buyer • Manages purchase requests, purchase orders, events, and

• Requests and manages new vendors, new items, and new
item locations
• Manages vendors, receiving, receipt adjustments, inspections,
vendor returns
• Views spend
• Lists and processes
o Purchasing lists
o Creates purchasing processes
o Inventory lists
o Requisition lists
o Creates requisition processes

Receiver • Receives items

• Adjusts receipts, inspections, and vendor returns
• Views purchase orders, requisitions, and vendors
• Manages purchase order lists

Purchasing manager • Manages purchase orders, receiving, contracts, vendors

• View spend
• Manages Procurement Cards (P-Cards)
• Processes Electronic Data Interface files (EDI)
• Processes month end
• Lists and processes
o Purchasing lists (shared with buyer and receiver role)
o Creates purchasing processes (shared with buyer role)
o Inventory lists
o Creates inventory processes
o Creates requisition processes

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Asset Accounting application
Purchasing sends asset information to the Asset Accounting application so that you can track procurement of
capital goods.
The Asset Accounting application manages the depreciation calculations and reporting requirements that are
required to satisfy Global Ledger, tax, and other depreciation books for assets. You can process adjustments,
transfers, disposals, and the transfer of assets from one company to another through Asset Accounting.
The Asset Accounting application has flexible ways to specify assets by location, division, and type, and to
structure and restructure assets when they are transferred. The application also maintains history records of
all asset transfers and disposals and keeps an audit trail of all changes that are made to assets.





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Asset Accounting setup requirements
Before you begin to set up the Asset Accounting application, you must define accounts in the Global Ledger
application, plan account assignments, and determine which accounts and accounting units to use in Asset
You must also define at least one book, one calendar, one asset type, and one account group. You are not
required to define an accounting unit group, but it is likely that your organization will want to take advantage of
the accounting unit functionality. If the default processing options provided for the Asset Accounting
application do not fit your needs, define new default processing options before you start any processing.
The following image illustrates the Asset Accounting setup tasks.

Asset Accounting setup tasks

Defining a book
A book is a ledger of assets that defines parameters for calculating depreciation. Books are global and can be
used across companies. At least one book must be created during the Asset Accounting setup. You have the
flexibility to create as many books as you need for reporting or compliance requirements.
To define a book, select Asset Manager > Asset System Setup > Books.
The following table provides guidelines about the fields and check boxes on the Books form.

Field/check box Description

Finance Enterprise The Finance Enterprise Group field defaults to your Finance Enterprise
Group Group.

Book You use the Book field to type the book name and description of the book.

Status The book default status is Active. When the status of the book is Inactive,
you cannot assign it to any asset.

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Field/check box Description

Currency You select the currency code for the book. The book records all
depreciation amounts in the currency you select.

Depreciation Type The Depreciation Type drop-down list has two selections.
If you select Class Level, you indicate the assets that are associated with
this book are depreciated along with other assets in their class. Class
Level is required for Part 32 books. Also, if you select Class Level, then
you must select a Compute Statement.
If you select Asset Level, then leave the Compute Statement field clear.

Convention The value in the Convention field determines how depreciation is

calculated for the first year and the last year that an asset is in service. The
value you select is a default value and is modified when you assign a book
to an asset.

Book Formula The Book Formula field is used to specify the custom computation,
description, and business class that is used by the book. This field is
required with Class Level.

Method Switch You select the Method Switch check box to switch to a second
depreciation method when it is an advantageous to do so.

Track Depreciation You select the Track Depreciation History check box to store depreciation
History history records for assets that are added to this book. Asset transaction
history is recorded for all companies and assets that use the book.
Note: Deprecation history is collected only from the time this check box is
selected. There is no way to rebuild previous depreciation history records.

Defining a calendar
Calendars are processing schedules and posting periods that asset books use to report on periods and date
ranges. It is also used to calculate depreciation, replacement costs, and insurance values.
A calendar associates a book with a company. You must specify a calendar for each book and for each
company that uses that book.
You use calendars to determine the following values:
• The number of periods per closing date
• The period closing date
• Whether the books are posting or required
• If journal entries are created for the Global Ledger
To define a calendar, select Asset Manager > Asset System Setup > Calendars.

106 Lesson 5: Purchase order-to-asset management process

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The following table provides guidelines about the fields and check boxes on the Current Book Calendar form.

Field/check box Description

Finance Enterprise The Finance Enterprise Group field defaults to your Finance Enterprise
Group Group.

Book The value in the Book field is the book that users the calendar.

Company The value in the Company field is the Global Ledger company associated
with the calendar.

Begin Date The value in the Begin Date field is the first day of the year to define a
deprecation schedule.

End Date The value in the End Date field is the last day of the year to define a
depreciation calendar. The date must match the last period end date that is
specified for the processing calendar.

Total Periods The value in the Total Periods field is the total number of depreciation
periods for the current fiscal year. The number must match the total
number of periods that is specified in the Per field for all the calendar
periods. Valid periods are from 001 to 375.

Periods Closed The value in the Periods Closed field is the number of periods that are
already closed in the calendar. The number affects the depreciation
calculations for the rest of the year. Once the calendar is in effect, the
system updates the periods closed every time you close a period.

Required Book The Required Book check box, if selected, automatically shows Books
when you create a new asset.

Posting Book The Posting Book check box, if selected, indicates the book is a posting
book that is used by all assets to post journal entries to the Global Ledger.
You can assign only one posting book to a company.

Number of Periods The value in the Number of Periods field indicates the number of
depreciation periods that occur in this calendar period. The total number of
periods you specify for the entire calendar must match the value of the
Total Periods field.

End Date The value in the End Date field represents the date on which the
depreciation is calculated and processed. The last period end date must
match the calendar year end that you specified in the calendar header.

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Before you can specify a calendar, you need to verify that the Global Ledger company
and book that is associated with the calendar are specified

Defining an asset type

Asset types are groups of assets that are categorized based on similar characteristics, such as asset life,
Global Ledger accounts, depreciation method, functions, etc. Common examples of asset types are furniture
and fixtures, vehicles, computers, and leasehold improvements.
To define an asset type, select Asset Manager > Asset System Setup > Asset Types.
The following table provides guidelines about the fields and check boxes on the Asset Types form.

Field/check box Description

Company The value in the Company field specifies the company number.

Asset Type The Asset Type field defines the name of the asset type. At least asset
type must be defined to process assets in Asset Accounting.

Include In Physical When the Include In Physical Inventory check box is selected, it indicates
Inventory the assets that use the type are part of the physical inventory. You can
override this value for individual asset items.
Assets that are part of the physical inventory are identified by item bar
codes. They can be added, transferred, disposed, and inventoried from a
handheld terminal.

Revalue When the Revalue check box is selected, it enables revalue depreciation.
Revaluation is the process of restating the value of an asset due to
changes in the fair market value. When allowing revaluation, the
revaluation method parameter must also be specified.

Allocate When the Allocate Depreciation Expense check box is selected, it

Depreciation indicates that it allows depreciation expense to be allocated among
Expense multiple accounting units. You must have the Allocate Depreciation
Expense enabled before you can specify an allocation for the type.

Property Type The value in the Property Type drop-down list indicates a property
classification for the asset type. You can select Real, Land, Stock, or

Revalue Method The value in the Revalue Method drop-down list indicates the revalue
method and computation when you set up an asset. You can select
Elimination or Proportionate.

108 Lesson 5: Purchase order-to-asset management process

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Defining an asset account group
Asset account groups are the set of accounts that are used to create journal entries for adding, transferring,
or disposing of assets. When you set up Asset Accounting, you must create at least one account group for
each company which has assets that are assigned to it. You can make changes to the account groups after
you specify them.
Changes to account groups are dynamic. When you make an account group change, all new assets that use
the account group are affected. Past transactions that use that account group are not affected.
To define an asset account group, select Asset Manager > Asset System Setup > Account Groups.
The following table provides guidelines about the fields on the Asset Account Group form.

Field Description

Company The value in the Company field is the company to assign to the account

Asset Account The value in the Asset Account Group field is the alphanumeric account
Group group number and description to assign to an account group.

Clearing The value in the Clearing field specifies the clearing account for the asset.
If you plan to interface transactions from Payables and Project Ledger,
then you must specify a clearing account for the account group. The
clearing account that is specified must be the same one that is used in
Payables and Project Ledger when assets are interfaced.
If you use the account group for a leased asset, then the lease debt
account is substituted for the clearing account. You can use the same
account group for a purchased asset or for a leased asset without
changing the clearing account.
Note: The clearing subaccount must be a zero balance at the end of each
accounting period.

Proceeds The value in the Proceeds field is a cash or clearing account. It records
cash or other items of value that are received when an asset is sold or
Note: If the asset sales transactions are processed through the
Receivables or Cash Management applications, then you should specify
a clearing account that matches the clearing account for Receivables or
Asset Accounting.

If you want to define an account group to be used by asset-

class assets, Infor recommends that these accounts match
the accumulated depreciation account specified for the
type associated with the asset class.

Expense The value in the Expense field is the account that is used by Asset
Accounting to post selling costs, such as the advertising expense of the
disposed asset.

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Field Description

Gain The value in the Gain field is used to record the system-generated gains
when assets are retired.

If you want to define an account group to be used by asset-

class assets, Infor recommends that these accounts match
the accumulated depreciation account specified for the
type associated with the asset class.

Loss The value in the Loss field is used to record the system-generated losses
when assets are retired.

If you want to define an account group to be used by asset-

class assets, Infor recommends that these accounts match
the accumulated depreciation account specified for the
type associated with the asset class.

Defining an accounting unit group

Accounting unit groups are used to group and identify the accounting units that the Asset Accounting
application uses to create journal entries when you add, adjust, transfer, or dispose of assets.

Asset templates
Asset templates are used to store common asset data that is used as default values in asset records when
you use quick addition to add new assets. You can use asset templates to speed up asset entry and to
ensure that new assets are consistently defined. Asset templates do not define asset item information. You
define asset items manually during asset quick addition.
Asset addition templates are optional if you manually create assets in Asset Accounting. Asset templates are
required if you interface asset records from Payables or Project Ledger or if you add bar-coded assets from a
handheld terminal.

Asset Accounting user roles

The following table provides a high-level overview of the roles in the Asset Accounting application and the
tasks performed by each role. Users may be assigned more than one role.

User role Tasks

Asset manager • Performs asset system setup

• Manages assets
• Creates and manages processes
• Creates and manages update actions
• Performs close processing
• Runs reports
• Creates and maintains interfaces
• Views queue information

110 Lesson 5: Purchase order-to-asset management process

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User role Tasks

Asset analyst • Performs asset system setup

• Manages assets
• Creates and manages asset processes
• Performs close processing
• Runs reports
• Creates and maintains interfaces.

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Integration of the Asset Accounting application with other Infor applications
The following image illustrates how the Asset Accounting application integrates with other Infor applications.

Asset Accounting application integrating with other Infor applications





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Creating a purchase order with an asset template
The first two steps in the purchase order-to asset management process are to create an asset template and
then create the purchase order with the asset template. The asset template has been created for you to use
in the following exercise.

Purchase order-to-asset management process – create a purchase order with asset template attached





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Demo: Create a purchase order with an asset template
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a purchase order with an asset template.





Exercise 5.1: Create a purchase order with an asset template

In this exercise, you will create a purchase order with an asset template.

Exercise 5.1 steps

Part 1: Create the purchase order header
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Buyer from the Application Switcher. The Buyer landing page displays.
3. Click Manage Purchase Orders. The Unreleased Purchase Orders form opens.
4. Click Create. The Purchase Order Detail form opens.
5. Type or select the values from the table below to create the header for the purchase order.

Field name Value

Company <your assigned company number>

Buyer 100 – Brian Barrell

Vendor 1 – General Supplies

Ship To MAIN

Delivery Date <three days from today’s date>

6. Click Save. A confirmation message displays, and a purchase order number displays in the
Purchase Order field in the header.
7. Write your purchase order number here. ______________________

Part 2: Add line information

1. Click the Lines tab.
114 Lesson 5: Purchase order-to-asset management process
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2. Click Create. The Line Detail form opens.
3. Type or select the values from the table below to create line detail for the purchase order.

Field name Value

Item 12 – Scraper Razor Blade Type Retra

Quantity 50

Entered Buy UOM EA

Item Type Non Stock

Entered Unit Cost 2.00

4. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

5. Click the Distributions tab.
6. Click Create. A new, blank line displays.
7. Type or select the values from the table below to add distributions to the purchase order.

Field name Value

Ledger <your assigned company number>

Cost Center 1100

Account 15500

8. Press Tab five times to reach the Asset Template field.

9. Select <your assigned company number>BLDTMP from the Asset Template field.
10. Click Save.
11. Click Back. You return to the Purchase Order Detail form.
12. Click Release. A confirmation message displays.
13. Click Issue Final. A confirmation message displays.

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Receiving the purchase order
After you create the purchase order with the asset template attached, the next step in the purchase order-to-
asset management process is to receive the purchase order.

Purchase order-to-asset management process – receive the purchase order





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Demo: Receive the purchase order
Your instructor will demonstrate how to receive the purchase order.





Exercise 5.2: Receive the purchase order

In this exercise, you will receive the purchase order.

Exercise 5.2 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Purchasing Receiver from the Application Switcher. The Purchasing Receiver landing
page displays.
3. Click Receive Items. The Unreleased Purchase Order Receipts form opens.
4. Click Create. The Purchase Order Receipt dialog box opens.
5. Select <your assigned company number> from the Company field.
6. Select <your purchase order> from the Purchase Order field.
7. Click OK. The Purchase Order Receipt Detail form opens.
8. Click Receive All. Note: The value displays in the Received Quantity column of the purchase order.
9. Click Release and Print No Backorders. A confirmation message displays.





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Adding the invoice and matching
The final steps in the purchase order-to-asset management process are to add an invoice with the asset
attached and then match the invoice.

Purchase order to-asset management process – add the invoice and match





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Demo: Add the invoice and perform the match
Your instructor will demonstrate how to add the invoice and perform the match.





Exercise 5.3: Add the invoice and perform the match

In this exercise, you will add the invoice and perform the match.

Exercise 5.3 steps

Part 1: Add the invoice
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Payables Invoice Processor from the Application Switcher. The Payables Invoice
Processor landing page displays.
3. Click Create Invoice. The Create Invoice form opens.
4. Type or select the values from the table below to create the invoice.

Field name Value

Invoice Entry Template Match Invoice

Purchase Order <your purchase order number>

Payables Company <your assigned company number>

Vendor 1 – General Supplies

Invoice Number INVPO_<your purchase order number>

Invoice Date <today’s date>

Due Date <three days from today’s date>

Invoice Amount 100.00

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5. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.
6. Click the Distributions tab. Distributions for the purchase order display.
7. Click the Purchase Orders tab. Details for the purchase order display.

Part 2: Perform the match

1. Click Match. A confirmation message displays.









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Check your understanding
Which three of the following options are setup tasks for the Asset Accounting application?
a) Define a book
b) Define an Asset Accounting company
c) Define a calendar
d) Define an asset type
e) Define the chart of accounts

Which four of the following options are part of the purchasing process?
a) Create and issue purchase orders
b) Receive goods
c) Post
d) Enter and match invoices
e) Setup
f) Process invoices

What are examples of an asset type?




Which three of the following options are setup tasks for the Purchasing application?
a) Define books
b) Define calendars
c) Define price agreements
d) Process bids
e) Set up prerequisite applications

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Lesson 6: Requisition-to-global ledger
Estimated time
3.5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the requisition-to-global ledger process. In this
lesson, you will:
• Identify the process flow for the requisition-to-global ledger process.
• Describe Project Ledger.
• Identify the setup requirements for Project Ledger.
• Describe how to post journals.

• Requisition-to-global ledger process overview
• Project Ledger overview
• Adding requisitions with Project Ledger
• Creating purchase orders from manage purchase requests
• Receiving the purchase order
• Adding an invoice and matching
• Journalizing to the Global Ledger
• Running the Global Ledger posting
• Check your understanding

122 Lesson 6: Requisition-to-global ledger process

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Requisition-to-global ledger process overview
In this lesson, we discuss the requisition-to-global ledger process. You will use the Requisitions, Purchasing,
Payables, Receiving, and Global Ledger applications in the exercises to complete the process.
The following flow chart illustrates the steps required for the requisition-to-global ledger process.

Requisition-to-global ledger process





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Project Ledger overview
Project Ledger provides the means for complete, end-to-end project accounting for capital projects, cost and
revenue activities, as well as managing day-to-day grant transactions. With Project Ledger, you can
effectively manage the accounting of all your internal and external projects.
We learned in an earlier lesson that the Global Ledger acts as a central repository for the entire enterprise’s
financial data. Project Ledger is a dimension of the Global Ledger; thus, it is not a standalone system. The
project dimension has expanded functionality from any other dimension in the finance structure.

Purpose and function

Project Ledger offers broad functionality. Here are a few of the key features of Project Ledger:
• Provides detailed visibility at the project level
• Delivers key performance and risk indicators
• Allows users to manage their projects on time and within budget
The following table lists and describes the key benefits of Project Ledger:

Benefit Description

Flexible setup Project Ledger supports multiple projects and project structures with
unlimited hierarchies.

Unified applications Project Ledger is part of the finance structure so there is no need for
reconciliation. You have one source of truth when looking for information.

Configuration of Project Ledger allows information to be configured to fit any needs by

information supporting alternate views and rollups. This provides proactive visibility
and control into costs, budgets, and resources.

Simplified Project Ledger uses a simplified dimension string that supports multi-
dimension string dimensional reporting. You can set up user dimension 2 for keeping track
of funding sources.

Intuitive to use Project Ledger is accessible through custom landing pages so the
information you need is at your fingertips. You can also utilize wizards and
action requests to simplify your job.

Considerations for Project Ledger

You can think of a Project Ledger project structure as a child hierarchy in the Global Ledger with unlimited
levels, unlimited hierarchies, and expanded functionality for projects. Projects inherit the same functionality
available in Global Ledger including:
• Multiple calendars
• Multiple currencies
• Ledgers and reporting bases
• Finance structure rules
• Single transaction file and single balance file, i.e. a single source of truth
• Budgeting

124 Lesson 6: Requisition-to-global ledger process

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• Allocations
• Embedded business intelligence (BI) and App Studio reporting
Because Project Ledger inherits elements from the Global Ledger, you must consider Project Ledger when
setting up the Global Ledger.

Project Ledger setup tasks

You have learned about the setup tasks for Global Ledger. These setup tasks must be completed before you
set up Project Ledger.
The table below describes the setup tasks for Project Ledger.

Set up task Description

Project status codes Project status codes define the actions that can be performed for a posting
project. They are used to limit what processes can be run for the project.

Project roles Project roles identify an employee's responsibilities for the project. Project
roles are assigned to employees when creating employee assignment
records. There are three pre-defined system roles used for projects:
• Manager
• Principal Investigator
• Administrator
You can also create user-defined roles.

Period of Period of performance templates are used to extend the time before a
performance project begins to account for things like purchase orders and requisitions., or
templates to extend the time at the end of a project to handle accounts payable
transactions that come in after the official project end date.

Labor schedules Labor schedules define pay periods for project employees labor distribution.
A labor schedule defines the pay frequency and pay periods for the
employee and the frequency of labor distribution.





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Adding requisitions with Project Ledger
The first step in the requisition-to-global ledger process is to create the requisition with a project.

Requisition-to-global ledger process – create the requisition with a project





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Demo: Add a requisition with a project
Your instructor will demonstrate how to add a requisition with a project.





Exercise 6.1: Add a requisition with a project

In this exercise, you will add a requisition with a project

Exercise 6.1 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Requester from the Application Switcher. The Requester landing page displays.
3. Select More > Requisition Self Service. The Requisitions form opens.
4. Click New Request. The Find an Item page displays.
5. Type LG Flat Screen Monitor, 48” in the Search the catalog field. LG Flat Screen Monitor 48”
displays as you type.
6. Select LG Flat Screen Monitor, 48”. The item populates with the cost of the item in the requisition.
7. Type 1 in the Quantity field.
8. Click ADD TO REQUEST. The LG Flat Screen Monitor, 48” request displays in the right panel.
9. Click VIEW REQUEST DETAILS. Information about the request displays.
10. Click the Update Distributions icon. The Requisition Line Distributions form opens in a new
browser tab.
11. Type or select the values from the table below to update distributions to your requisition. Note:
Overwrite the existing values.

Field name Value

To Business Entity <your assigned company number>

Cost Center 1100

Account 15500

Project 1002760402 - Finishing Decorations

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12. Press Tab three times. The Save button becomes active.
13. Click Save. A confirmation message displays, and the Requisition Line Distributions browser tab
closes. You return to the Requester Self Service page.
14. Click SUBMIT. The Submit this requisition? dialog box opens with a message, “Are you sure you
want to submit this requisition?”
15. Click YES. A confirmation dialog box opens with the message, “Request # <X> has been submitted.
16. Write the requisition number here. _______________________
17. Click the RETURN TO DASHBOARD button. <Your requisition> displays in the My Requisitions
18. Close the Requisition Self Service browser tab. You return to the Requester landing page.









128 Lesson 6: Requisition-to-global ledger process

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Creating purchase orders from manage purchase
The next step in the requisition-to-global ledger process is to create purchase orders from manage purchase

Requisition-to-global ledger process – create purchase order from manage purchase requests





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Demo: Create a purchase order from manage purchase requests
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a purchase order from manage
purchase requests.




Exercise 6.2: Create a purchase order from manage purchase

In this exercise, you will create a purchase order from manage purchase requests.

Exercise 6.2 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Buyer from the Application Switcher. The Buyer landing page displays.
3. Click Manage Purchase Requests in the menu bar. The Purchase Order Requests form opens.
4. Type <your assigned company number> in the Operating Company field.
5. Click the Search button. The search results display at the bottom of the page.
6. Click <your request >. Hint: The requisition number displays in the Source Document field.
7. Click the Select for Purchase Order button. A confirmation message displays.
8. Click Create Purchase Order. The Create Purchase Order dialog box opens.
9. Type or select the values from the table below to create the purchase order.

Field name Value

Purchasing Company <your assigned company number>

Vendor, Purchase From 3-Computer World

(first field)

Buyer 100-Brian Barrell

Early Delivery Date <two days from today’s date>

Release Purchase Order Select check box

10. Click OK. A confirmation message displays with a purchase order number.
130 Lesson 6: Requisition-to-global ledger process
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11. Write the purchase order number here. __________________________
12. Click Manage Purchase Orders. The Unreleased Purchase Orders form opens.
13. Click the Released tab. The Released Purchase Orders form opens.
14. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field of the filter row.
15. Press Enter. <Your purchase order> displays with the status, Released, Not issued in the Status
16. Click <your purchase order>.
17. Click Open. The Purchase Order Detail form opens.
18. Click the Issue Final button. A confirmation message displays.









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Receiving the purchase order
The next step in the requisition-to-global ledger process is to receive the purchase order.

Requisition-to-global ledger process – receive the purchase order





132 Lesson 6: Requisition-to-global ledger process

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Demo: Receive the purchase order
Your instructor will demonstrate how to receive the purchase order.





Exercise 6.3: Receive the purchase order

In this exercise, you will receive the purchase order.

Exercise 6.3 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Purchasing Receiver from the Application Switcher. The Purchasing Receiver landing
page displays.
3. Click Receive Items in the menu bar. The Unreleased Purchase Order Receipts form opens.
4. Click the Create button. The Purchase Order Receipt dialog box opens.
5. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field.
6. Type <your purchase order number> in the Purchase Order field.
7. Click OK. A confirmation message displays, and the Purchase Order Receipt Detail form opens.
8. Click Receive All. A confirmation message displays.
9. Click Release And Print No Backorders. A confirmation message displays.









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Adding an invoice and matching
The next step in the requisition-to-global ledger process is to add an invoice to a purchase order with the
activity attached and match the invoice in Payables.

Requisition-to-global ledger process – add the invoice and match





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Demo: Add invoice and match
Your instructor will demonstrate how to add an invoice and match.





Exercise 6.4: Add invoice and match

In this exercise, you will add an invoice and match.

Exercise 6.4 steps

Part 1: Create the invoice
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Payables Invoice Processor from the Application Switcher. The Payables Invoice
Processor landing page displays.
3. Click Create Invoice. The Create Invoice form opens.
4. Type or select the values from the table below to create the invoice.

Field name Value

Invoice Entry Template Match Invoice

Purchase Order <your purchase order number>

Payables Company <your assigned company number>

Vendor 3-Computer World

Invoice Number INVPO<your purchase order


Invoice Date <today’s date>

Due Date <two days from today’s date>

Invoice Amount 790.00

5. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

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6. Click the Distributions tab. The project is attached to the distribution structure.
7. Click the Purchase Orders tab. <Your purchase order> displays.

Part 2: Match the receiver and the purchase order

1. Click Match. The invoice is released for payment and a confirmation message that the match is
complete displays.
2. Select Payables Manager from the Application Switcher. The Payables Manager landing page
3. Click Manage Invoices. The Unassigned Invoices form opens.
4. Click the Released tab. The Released Invoices form opens.
5. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field of the filter row.
6. Press Enter. <Your invoice> displays, and the distributions have been released.









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Journalizing to the Global Ledger
After you match the invoice, the next step in the requisition-to-global ledger process is to journalize to the
Global Ledger.

Requisition-to-global ledger process – journalize to the Global Ledger





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Demo: Journalize to the Global Ledger
Your instructor will demonstrate how to journalize to the Global Ledger.





Exercise 6.5: Journalize to the Global Ledger

In this exercise, you will journalize to the Global Ledger.

Exercise 6.5 steps

Part 1: Journalize to the Global Ledger
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Payables Manager from the Application Switcher. The Payables Manager landing page
3. Select Run Processes > Journalize. The Journalize Preview form opens.
4. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field.
5. Click Search. The entry for <your item> displays.
6. Click Journalize Distributions. The Payables Invoice Distribution dialog box opens.
7. Verify 4000 displays in the Finance Enterprise Group field. If not, select it.
8. Type <your assigned company number> in the Payables Company field.
9. Select <today’s date> from the Post Thru Date field.
10. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Review journalized transactions in the Global Ledger

1. Select Controller from the Application Switcher. The Controller landing page displays.
2. Select Processing > Journal > Journals. The Global Ledger Unreleased Journal List form opens.
3. Click the Released tab. The Global Ledger Released Journal List form opens.
4. Type <your assigned company number> in the Business Entity field of the filter row.
5. Press Enter. <Your released journal> displays.
6. Double-click <your released journal>. The Journal Control form opens.
7. Click the Transactions tab. The details about the debit and credit for the transaction display.

138 Lesson 6: Requisition-to-global ledger process

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Running the Global Ledger posting
The last step in the requisition-to-global ledger process is run the Global Ledger posting.

Requisition-to-global ledger process – run the Global Ledger posting





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Demo: Run the Global Ledger posting
Your instructor will demonstrate how to run the Global Ledger posting.





Exercise 6.6: Run the Global Ledger posting

In this exercise, you will run the Global Ledger posting.

Exercise 6.6 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Controller from the Application Switcher. The Controller landing page displays.
3. Select Processing > Journal > Post Journals. The Schedule Posting dialog box opens.
4. Select Single from the Business Entity Option drop-down list.
5. Select <your assigned company number> from the Business Entity field.
6. Select MASTER from the Ledger field.
7. Select All Periods from the Period Option drop-down list.
8. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.









140 Lesson 6: Requisition-to-global ledger process

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Check your understanding

Place the steps in the proper order for the requisition-to-global ledger process.

_____ Run the Global Ledger posting

_____ Create a purchase order from manage purchase requests
_____ Create a requisition from a project
_____ Add the invoice and match
_____ Journalize to the Global Ledger
_____ Receive the purchase order

Which two of the following options are required setup tasks for Project Ledger?

a) Create project status

b) Define a Project Ledger company
c) Create a project
d) Create period of performance templates

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 141
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Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-
purchase order process
Estimated time
2.5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order
process. In this lesson, you will:
• Identify the process flow for the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process.
• Describe how the Strategic Sourcing application integrates with other Infor applications.
• Identify the setup requirements for Strategic Sourcing.
• Describe how to create a requisition to Strategic Sourcing.
• Explain how to create a manual response.
• Describe how to award all to a purchase order.

• Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process overview
• Strategic Sourcing overview
• Integration of the Strategic Sourcing application with other Infor applications
• Strategic Sourcing setup requirements
• Creating a requisition to Strategic Sourcing
• Check your understanding

142 Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process

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Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order overview
In this lesson, we discuss the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process. You will use Requisition Self
Service, Strategic Sourcing, and Purchasing applications in the exercises to complete the process.

The following lists the considerations for the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process.
• Is any supplier allowed to review the bid or only registered suppliers?
• How many bid types will your organization set up?
• Will you consider buyer weighting for your organization?
• Will you consider the different types of sourcing templates you could create for your organization?
• Are there specific questions you want to ask the supplier during the bid process?
The following flow chart illustrates the steps required for the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order

Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process





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Strategic Sourcing overview
Strategic Sourcing is used to set up, maintain, and analyze complex bidding events. In addition, Strategic
Sourcing provides a robust system for requesting bids and quotes, awarding events, and analyzing spending
patterns and supplier use.
Strategic Sourcing can manage the following tasks:
• Compiling requirements for bids and quotes
• Terms and conditions
• Responses and questions from suppliers with the ability to compare them side by side
• Responses from buyers
• Amendments
• Award process
Public sector entities that purchase materials and supplies can use Strategic Sourcing to develop a list of
requirements for the items and quantities that they need. After the requirements have been determined, a
Request for Quote (RFQ) or an Invitation for Bid (IFB) is issued. A potential supplier then responds with a
proposal (or bid) that includes prices and terms for the requirements. After the proposals have been collected
and evaluated, a sourcing event is awarded. The Strategic Sourcing application provides the capability to
track sourcing event details such as supplier responses and event awards.
For private sector entities, the bid process is not subject to the same regulatory requirements; however,
several aspects of the bid process are similar. In this case, Strategic Sourcing is used to create and manage
sourcing events and to take advantage of the event processing and awarding functions.

Strategic Sourcing components

There are two main components of Strategic Sourcing.
• Suppliers
• Buyers
The following table describes how each component uses Strategic Sourcing.

Suppliers Buyers

Register their company with the client Create events for suppliers to respond

Respond to events by submitting a bid Enter responses for suppliers who don’t have computer

Award the selected supplier and create a purchase order

or contract

Supplier Portal
The Supplier Portal application uses a web interface that lets a registered supplier bid on an open event,
control notification settings, and view their bid history.

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Strategic Sourcing user role
The following is a high-level overview of the tasks a sourcing manager can perform.
• Creates and manages events
• Manages event responses
• Manages suppliers
• Views spend and queue information
• Views and manages reports





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Integration of the Strategic Sourcing application with
other Infor applications
Strategic Sourcing is closely coupled with other Infor applications such as Requisitions, Requisition Self
Service, Inventory Control, Payables, Purchasing, and Contract Management.
A sourcing event can contain event lines that originated in Requisitions or Requisition Self Service, and after
the event is awarded, a purchase order is created and processed in Purchasing.
Strategic Sourcing also shares suppliers, events, and a pool of reusable information for events and contracts
(such as terms, questions, contacts, and categories/subcategories) with Contract Management. Events and
lines in Strategic Sourcing can create contracts and contract lines within Contract Management. Contracts
and contract lines can create events and sourcing lines in Strategic Sourcing.
The following image illustrates how the Strategic Sourcing application integrates with other Infor applications.

Strategic Sourcing application integrating with other Infor applications

146 Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process

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Strategic Sourcing setup requirements
Before you create, maintain, and award events in Strategic Sourcing, you need to complete general event
setup. General setup includes the following:
• Articles
• Terms and conditions
• Award reasons
• No bid reason codes
• Categories
• Questions,
• Contacts
• Event types
• Event templates
The following table contains a list of setup tasks for Strategic Sourcing.

Set up task Reference

Award reason codes This task creates a repository of award and non-award reasons to assign
to events.

Categories This task creates categories (and subcategories) to help sort and filter
terms and conditions, questions, and events.

Articles This task creates groups of related terms and conditions that help identify
a specific section of an event.

Terms and conditions This task creates a repository of terms and conditions to assign to

Questions This task creates a repository of questions related to an event to ask


Contact types This task defines groups that identify contact roles. You link contact
types to contacts on events, for example, to provide additional
information about the contact's role for the event.

Contacts This task identifies people in your organization who work with sourcing
events. Contacts are added to events and the supplier group (as the
portal contact).

Event types This task creates types to group or classify events, such as Request for
Information (RFI) and Request for Proposal (RFP).

No bid reason codes This task creates a repository of no bid reasons for suppliers or buyers to
assign to events or event lines.

Event templates This task defines a template for creating new events.

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Set up task Reference

Enterprise groups This task defines enterprise groups and companies associated with
andcompanies sourcing events.

Supplier groups This task defines supplier groups.

Sourcing groups and This task defines sourcing groups and companies.

Contract groups This task defines contract groups.

Buyer weighting criteria This task defines buyer weighting criteria to determine total buyer

States and provinces Your organization can create codes for states and provinces to be used
for supplier contacts, sourcing contacts, supplier address, meeting
address, contacts in Contract Management, etc.
States and provinces can be imported into Strategic Sourcing using Infor
Spreadsheet Designer or data import. If you import states and provinces,
use the V1StateProvince business class. The V1StateProvince business
class links to the Country Code setup.
You may want to discuss state and province setup with your Strategic
Sourcing applications administrator.
Note: If states and province codes are not set up in Strategic Sourcing,
you won't have any values to select in the address entry forms, but you
can type a state or province code directly in the field.

Participant groups This task creates groups to attach to awards and specify a company
location or department to include in the group. These groups work with
the awarded purchase order, agreement, or contract.

Commodity codes Your organization must create a commodity code structure and link it to
an item group, then add commodity codes. A list of commodity codes,
such as those from a subscription service, can be imported into Strategic

Supplier performance This task creates a template to use to evaluate qualified suppliers.
evaluation templates

Some setup tasks (especially one-time configurations) are considered application

administration tasks. Refer to the Infor CloudSuite Supply Management Setup and
Administration User Guide.

148 Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process

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Demo: Define a sourcing group
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define a sourcing group.
• To prepare the system for future exercises, this demo must be completed.
• If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in this
demonstration how to define a sourcing group.

Demo steps
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.
3. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups And Companies > Sourcing
Groups. The Sourcing Groups form opens.
4. Select Actions > Create. The Sourcing Group form opens.
5. Select 4000 LGE Training Co from the Sourcing Group field.
6. Type 4000 Sourcing Group in the Description field.
7. Click the Sourcing Group tab.
8. Type <your assigned employee’s email address> in the Approver Email field in the Approval
Information section.
9. Select all the check boxes in the Amendment Information section.
10. Type 30 in the Display Events On Recently Finalized Tab field in the Miscellaneous section.
11. Select Display On Portal from the Supplier Portal Posting Option drop-down list in the Event
Defaults section.
12. Select the Allow Terms To Be Negotiated check box.
13. Type 5 in the Yellow Alert field.
14. Type 2 in the Red Alert field.
15. Click the Event Response Text tab.
16. View the default response text.
17. Click the Event Email And Portal Message Configuration tab.
18. View the available options.
19. Select the Send Award Email To Awarded Suppliers Only check box in the Message Options
20. Click the Event Wizard Definition tab.
21. Select all the check boxes under the Indicate what will display during event wizard process
22. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

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Demo: Create an event type

Your instructor will demonstrate how to create an event type.





Exercise 7.1: Create an event type

In this exercise, you will create an event type.

Exercise 7.1 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.
3. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Strategic Sourcing > Event Types.
The Event Types form opens.
4. Select Actions > Create. A blank line, highlighted in blue, displays at the top of the Event Types list.
5. Select 4000 LGE Training Co from the Sourcing Group list.
6. Type <your assigned company number>_RFB in the Event Type field.
7. Type <your assigned company number>_Request for Bid in the Description field.
8. Select Yes from the Active drop-down list.
9. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

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Demo: Create a sourcing company
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a sourcing company.





Exercise 7.2 Create a sourcing company

In this exercise, you will create a sourcing company

Exercise 7.2 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.
3. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Groups And Companies > Sourcing
Companies. The Sourcing Companies form opens.
4. Select Actions > Create. The Company Setup form opens.
5. Select 4000 Sourcing Group from the Sourcing Group field.
6. Select <your assigned company number> from the Company field.
7. Type <your assigned company number>_Sourcing Company in the Description field.
8. Verify the Event Approval Required check box is clear under the Approval Information section on
the Sourcing Company tab. If not, clear it.
9. Verify the Award Approval Required check box is clear. If not, clear it.
10. Verify the Dispute Period check box is clear. If not, clear it.
11. Type <your assigned employee’s email address> in the Approver Email field.
12. Select the Update Sourcing Event check box under the Amendment Information section.
13. Select the Update Sourcing Event Line check box.
14. Type 5 in the Yellow Alert field under the Event Defaults section.
15. Type 2 in the Red Alert field.
16. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

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Demo: Define a buyer
Your instructor will demonstrate how to define a buyer.





Exercise 7.3: Define a buyer

In this exercise, you will define a buyer.

Exercise 7.3 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.
3. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Purchasing > Buyers. The Manage
Buyers form opens.
4. Click Create. The Create Buyer form opens.
5. Verify that HR Training Organization is selected in the Organization field. If not, select it.
6. Select <your assigned employee number> from the Buyer field. Note: Your buyer number is also
the same as your employee number; refer to Appendix A.
7. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.





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Demo: Create an event template
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create an event template.





Exercise 7.4: Create an event template

In this exercise, you will create an event template.

Exercise 7.4 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.
3. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Strategic Sourcing > Event
Templates. The Event Templates form opens.
4. Select Actions > Create Event Template. The Event Template # <X> form opens.
5. Select <your sourcing company> from the Company field.
6. Type <your assigned company number>_Quick Bid in the Event Template: Name field.
7. Type <your assigned company number>_Template for Quick Bid in the Description field.
8. Select <your event type for RFB> from the Type field.
9. Select <your assigned buyer number> from the Buyer field
10. Select Do Not Display on Portal from the Supplier Portal Posting Options drop-down list.
11. Select the Create Amendments check box.
12. Select the Dates Not Required On Event check box.
13. Select the Allow Supplier Q And A check box.
14. Select PO from the Output Type drop-down list under the Default Line Miscellaneous section.
15. Click Save. A confirmation message displays with the template number.
16. Click the Contacts tab.
17. Click Actions > Create Contact From Employee. The Sourcing Event Contact dialog box opens.
18. Select <your assigned employee> from the Employee field.
19. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.

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Demo: Validate a supplier

Your instructor will demonstrate how to validate a supplier.
• To prepare the system for future exercises, this demo must be completed.
• If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps
in this demonstration.

Demo steps
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.
3. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Shared Setup > Suppliers. The
Suppliers form opens.
4. Click the User<XX> Super Supplier you created in Exercise 1.3: Register as a supplier in the
Supplier Portal.
5. Select Actions > Request Validation. The validation is pending.
6. Select Actions > Manual Validate. The supplier record is validated.





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Demo: Create an award reason
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create an award reason.
• To prepare the system for future exercises, this demo must be completed.
• If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps
in this demonstration.

Demo steps
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.
3. Select Supply Management > Supply Management Setup > Strategic Sourcing > Award
Reasons. The Award Reasons form opens.
4. Click Create. The Award Reason form opens.
5. Select 4000 Sourcing Group from the Sourcing Group field.
6. Type LOWEST COST in the Award Reason field.
7. Type Lowest Cost in the Description field.
8. Verify the Active check box is selected. If not, select it.
9. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.









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Creating a requisition to Strategic Sourcing
The first step in the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process is to create the requisition for items to
go out for bid.

Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order – create requisition









156 Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process

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Demo: Create a requisition to Strategic Sourcing
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a requisition to Strategic Sourcing.





Exercise 7.5: Create a requisition to Strategic Sourcing

In this exercise, you will create a requisition to Strategic Sourcing.

Exercise 7.5 steps

Part 1: Create the requisition
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Requester from the Application Switcher. The Requester landing page displays.
3. Select More > Requisition Self Service. The Requisition Self Service page displays in a new
browser tab.
4. Click New Request. The Find an Item page displays.
5. Click Add a Special / Service Item. The Add a Special or Service Item form opens.
6. Type or select the values from the table below to add a special item for cafeteria tables to a

Field Value

Add Item Select radio button

Item Description Cafeteria Tables

Item <your assigned student ID>_CafeTable

Quantity 40

UOM EA - Each

Cost 150.00

Requested Delivery Date <two months from today’s date>

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 157
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Field Value

Sourcing event required Select check box

7. Verify 2200 displays in the Cost Center field. If not, type it, and notice that the Business Entity and
the Account fields default.
8. Click ADD TO REQUEST. Cafeteria Tables display in the right panel, and a blank Add a Special or
Service Item form opens.
9. Type or select the values from the table below to add chairs to the requisition.

Field Value

Add Item Select radio button

Item Description Chairs

Item <your assigned student ID>_Chairs

Quantity 160

UOM EA – Each

Cost 50.00

Requested Delivery Date <two month’s from today>

Sourcing event required Select check box

10. Click ADD TO REQUEST. Chairs display in the right panel with the Cafeteria Tables.
11. Click VIEW REQUEST DETAILS. The Request # <X> page displays.
12. Write the request number here. ___________________________________

Part 2: Submit the requisition

1. Click SUBMIT. The Submit this requisition? dialog box opens with a message, “Are you sure you
want to submit this requisition?”
2. Click YES. A confirmation dialog box opens with the message, “Request # <X> has been submitted.”
3. Click RETURN TO DASHBOARD. <Your requisition> displays in the My Requisitions panel.
4. Close the Requisition Self Service browser tab. You return to the Requester landing page.

Demo: Create an event from requisition lines

Your instructor will demonstrate how to create an event from requisition lines.

158 Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process

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Exercise 7.6: Create an event from requisition lines

In this exercise, you will create an event from requisition lines.

Exercise 7.6 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Sourcing Manager from the Application Switcher. The Sourcing Manager landing page
3. Click Manage Events. The Available Requisition Lines form opens.
4. Select the first requisition line that starts with <your company number> in the Available
Requisition Lines section on the Create Events From Requisitions tab.
5. Click Select for Event. The event moves to the Selected For Event section of the form.
6. Select the second requisition line that starts with <your company number> in the Available
Requisition Lines section.
7. Click Select for Event. The event moves to the Selected For Event section.
8. Select both requisition lines by holding down the Shift key under the Selected For Event section.
9. Click Create Event By Item in the Selected For Event section. The Create Event From
Requisition Sorted By Item dialog box opens.
10. Select <your sourcing company> from the Company field.
11. Type Cafeteria Tables and Chairs in the Name field.
12. Type Cafeteria Tables and Chairs in the Description field.
13. Select <your event type for RFB> from the Type field.
14. Select <your buyer> from the Buyer field.
15. Click OK. The event appears in the New Events From Requisitions section. Note the number
assigned to the event in the Event # field.
16. Click the Draft tab. The Draft Events form opens. <Your event> displays.
17. Double-click <your event>. The Event Document # <X>-0 displays.
18. Select the Dates Not Required On Event check box under the Dates section.

Clear the Allow Terms to be Negotiated check box under the Response Options
section, if it is selected.

19. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

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20. Click the Contacts tab.
21. Select Actions > Create Contact From Employee. The Sourcing Event Contact dialog box opens.
22. Select <your assigned employee> from the Employee field.
23. Click OK. The employee appears in a new row.
24. Click the Lines tab. The requisition lines have been added to the event.
25. Click the Commodity Code column for the first requisition line.
26. Type 420-08 in the Commodity Code field.
27. Press Enter.
28. Select the 420-08 Commodity Code.
29. Click Save. Cafeteria Furniture, Chairs and Tables (Incl. Stacking Types) displays in the
Commodity Description field.
30. Follow steps 24–29 to attach a commodity code to the second requisition line.
31. Click Release. A confirmation message displays.





Demo: Enter a manual response

Your instructor will demonstrate how to enter a manual response.





Exercise 7.7: Enter a manual response

In this exercise, you will enter a manual response.

Exercise 7.7 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.

160 Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process

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2. Select Sourcing Manager from the Application Switcher. The Sourcing Manager landing page
3. Select Manage Responses > Manage Event Responses. The Event Responses form opens.
4. Select Actions > Create. The Create Event Response For Event # 0-0 form opens.
5. Select <your assigned company> from the Company field.
6. Select <your event> from the Event # field
7. Select 4000 LGE Enterprise from the Supplier Group field.
8. Select MARATHON SERVICES from the Supplier field.
9. Select 1 Pamela Schultz from the Supplier Contact field.
10. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.
11. Click the Line Responses tab.
12. Double-click <the first line>. The Event Line Response form opens.
13. Type <your assigned student ID> CAFETERIA TABLES in the Vendor Item field.
14. Type 40 in the Quantity field.
15. Type 140.00 in the Unit Price field.
16. Type <comments of your choice> in the Additional Information field.
17. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.
18. Click Back in the web browser. The Event Response For Event # <X>-0 form opens.
19. Double-click <the second line>. The Event Line Response form opens.
20. Type <your assigned student ID> CHAIRS in the Vendor Item field.
21. Type 160 in the Quantity field.
22. Type 45.00 in the Unit Price field.
23. Type <comments of your choice> in the Additional Information field.
24. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.
25. Click Back in the web browser. The Event Response For Event # <X>-0 form opens.
26. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays.

Demo: Award all to a purchase order

Your instructor will demonstrate how to award all to a purchase order.





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Exercise 7.8: Award all to a purchase order
In this exercise, you will award all to a purchase order.

Exercise 7.8 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Sourcing Manager from the Application Switcher. The Sourcing Manager landing page
3. Click Manage Events. The Available Requisition Lines form opens.
4. Click the Open tab. The Open Events form opens.
5. Click Analyze (1) link in the Bid Responses column for the Cafeteria Tables and Chairs event. The
Sourcing Event Analysis For Event <X>-0 form opens and the Responses By Supplier tab is
active. Note: You can see the total amount of the bid and the supplier name and contact details.
6. Click Award All New PO. The Award To New Purchase Order dialog box opens.
7. Select LOWEST COST from the Award Reason field.
8. Click the Calendar icon in the Delivery Date Override field.
9. Select <a week from today’s date> in the Delivery Date Override field.
10. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.
11. Click Final Award. A confirmation message displays.
12. Click Create Output. A confirmation message displays, and the purchase order is created.
13. Click the Responses By Line tab. Note: The purchase order displays in the lower section below
Line Responses By Supplier.
14. Write the purchase order number here. _______________________

162 Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process

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Demo: View the purchase order created from the requisition
Your instructor will demonstrate how to view the purchase order created from the




Exercise 7.9: View the purchase order created from the requisition
In this exercise, you will view the purchase order created from the requisition.

Exercise 7.9 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Buyer from the Application Switcher. The Buyer landing page displays.
3. Click Manage Purchase Orders. The Unreleased Purchase Orders form opens.
4. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field.
5. Press Enter. <Your purchase order> displays in a list.









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Check your understanding
Which three of the following options are part of the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase
order process?
a) Create the bid
b) Create an invoice from a purchase order
c) Buyer responds to the bid
d) Buyer creates output to the purchase order
e) Buyer redlines the bid

Which three of the following options are setup requirements for Strategic Sourcing?
a) Activities
b) Contract groups
c) Document templates
d) Event types
e) Event templates
f) Terms and conditions

Which one of the following options uses a web interface that lets a registered supplier bid
on an open event, control notification settings, and view their bid history?
a) Infor Ming.le
b) Infor Rich Client
c) Strategic Sourcing
d) Supplier Portal

Which one of the following options is used to group or classify events?

a) Event category
b) Event code
c) Event template
d) Event type

164 Lesson 7: Requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process

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Lesson 8: Requisition-to-sourcing-to
contract process
Estimated time
2.5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process. In this
lesson, you will:
• Identify the process flow for the requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process.
• Identify the setup requirements for Contract Management.
• Describe how the Contract Management application integrates with other Infor applications.
• Describe the process for negotiating and creating a contract document.

• Requisition-to-sourcing-to-contract process overview
• Contract Management overview
• Contract Management setup requirements
• Integration of the Contract Management application with other Infor applications
• Creating a contract from a sourcing event
• Check your understanding

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Requisition-to-sourcing-to-contract process overview
In this lesson, we will discuss the requisition-to-sourcing-to-contract process. You will use the Requisitions,
Purchasing, Strategic Sourcing, and Contract Management applications to complete the exercise.

The following lists the considerations for the requisition-to-sourcing-to-contract process.
• How often are you going to purchase the item?
• What is the approval process for the contract?
• How do you want to define contract classifications for security and approval routing?
• How do you want to define contract types for the type of purchasing you will be doing with contracts?
• What are the specific questions you want to ask the supplier during the bid process?

The following flow chart illustrates the steps required for the requisition-to-sourcing-to-contract process.

Requisition-to-sourcing-to-contract process





166 Lesson 8: Requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process

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Contract Management overview
Contract Management is used to create and manage supplier contracts that are based on items or services
that are purchased over the life of the contract.
A contract is a formal, legal agreement between a buyer and seller for the buying of goods and services. With
Contract Management, you can create contracts outside an organization’s legal department but still follow set
guidelines such as terms and conditions.
In Contract Management, contracts are stored in a single repository and they can be used with companies
that do not use Infor solutions.
Contract Management centralizes information, creating efficiencies in accessing item pricing and managing
item spending while consistently enhancing the return on investment (ROI). The reduced management costs
produced by the implementation of Contract Management result from the standardization of purchases,
improved negotiation, contract compliance, and spend analysis.
Other features of Contract Management include the ability to:
• Create a contract from predefined terms and conditions
• Use document templates to create a contract document during negotiations
• Select predefined articles and terms
• Apply flexible pricing, including tiered pricing and multiple price structures for an item
• Support items and vendor items from the Inventory Management and Purchasing solutions
• Record and track rebates
• Use retainage to withhold a portion of a payment to ensure a project is complete

Contract Management user role

The following is a high-level overview of the tasks a contract manager can perform.
• Create, manage, and approve contracts
• Search for contract information
• Manage suppliers and subcontractors
• View spend
• Create and maintain events from contracts
• Negotiate contracts and perform contract forecasting
• Manage reports





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Contract Management setup requirements
Before you create, process, and analyze contracts in Contract Management, you need to complete contract
setup. General setup includes defining the following:
• Articles
• Term and conditions
• Categories
• Contacts
• Contract classifications
• Contract types
• Contract and document templates
• Questions
The following table contains a list of setup tasks for Contract Management.

Task Reference

Set up contract types This task defines contract types (and subtypes) to categorize contracts.
Contract types allow you to:
• Categorize contracts for reporting and selection
• Determine if the contract is a non-direct buy contract
• Determine the vendor purchase type
• Identify cost defaulting options
• Identify if a contract allows special items

Set up contract classifications This task defines contract classifications to categorize contracts and
identify if you are using a negotiations/redlining process.

Set up categories This task defines categories (and subcategories) to help sort and filter
terms and conditions, and questions.

Set up articles This task defines groups of related terms and conditions that help identify
a specific section of a contract and the order in which the section is

Set up terms and conditions This task creates a repository of terms and conditions to assign to
contracts. Terms and conditions are the provisions, stipulations, or
phrases that the signer of the contract must honor.

Set up questions This task creates a repository of questions related to a contract to ask
suppliers and to use in the interview process.

Set up contact types This task defines groups that identify contact roles. You link contact
types to contacts on a contract, for example, to provide additional
information about the contact's role for the contract.

Set up contacts This task identifies people in your organization who work with contracts.
Contacts are added to contracts and the supplier group (as the portal

168 Lesson 8: Requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process

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Task Reference

Set up document templates Upload document template files that provide the layout of contract
documents. Typically, administrators edit the template to include
company specific information, such as adding the company logo, name,
address, etc. before they are used to create contract documents. You
may need to discuss template setup and which templates to use with
your contract management applications administrator.

Set up addendum document Upload template files provide the layout of contact addendum
templates documents. Typically, administrators edit the template to include
company specific information, such as adding the company logo, name,
address, etc. before they are used to create contract documents. You
may need to discuss template setup and which templates to use with
your contract management applications administrator.

Set up participant groups This task defines participant groups to attach to contracts and specify a
company location or department to include in this group. Contract
participants are have permission to use a particular contract.

Set up rebate types This task defines rebate types to categorize the rebates your
organization uses on contracts. Rebate types are defined in a repository

Set up contract templates This task defines contract templates to use to create new contracts.
Contract templates contain all of your related contract information.

Set up supplier performance This task defines a supplier performance evaluation templates to
evaluation templates evaluate qualified suppliers.

Set up enterprise groups and This task identifies enterprise groups and companies associated with
companies contracts.

Set up contract groups This task defines contract groups. Contract group is the highest entity
within Contract Management.

Set up contract companies This task identifies the companies that use Contract Management. Within
and departments a contract company, you can define contract departments. You use
contract departments to identify specific departments within a company
that can participate in contracts.

Set up subcontractors This task identifies subcontractors. A subcontractor is hired by and paid
by the supplier of the contract

Some setup tasks (especially one-time configurations) are considered application

administrator tasks. Please refer to the Infor CloudSuite Supply Management Setup and
Administration Guide.

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Item–related setup tasks
The following table contains a list of tasks required to complete item-related setup.

Task Reference

Set up commodity codes Your organization can create commodity code structure, link to an item
group, and then add commodity codes. A list of commodity codes, such
as those from a subscription service, can be imported into Contract

For more information on commodity code setup, please the

Infor CloudSuite Supply Management Setup and
Administration Guide.

Set up manufacturer codes This task creates a repository of codes to identify a specific manufacturer
or a specific manufacturer department or division.

Set up preferred This task creates a repository of preferred manufacturers. Link an item to
manufacturers a manufacturer to designate which manufacturers your organization
prefers to do purchase items from.

Set up purchasing classes This task creates a repository of purchasing classes (major and minor),
as a way of classifying items into “families” of like items.

Set up United Nations This task creates a repository of UNSPSC codes.

Standard Products and
Services Codes®

Inactivate vendor items This task searches for and locates vendor items and to inactivate or
reactivate them.





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Integration of the Contract Management application
with other Infor applications
Contract Management is closely coupled with other Infor applications including Purchasing, Inventory Control,
and Payables. For example, costs on purchase order lines may default from contract line costs. In another
example, you can create items, vendor items, associated information from contract lines.
Procurement data is easily interfaced from Contract Management to the CloudSuite Supply Management
applications including vendors and vendor locations, diversity codes and manufacturer codes, items,
UNSPSC codes, and purchase classes.
In addition, rebates can be received in any of the following four ways:
• Through Receivables as a check
• Through Payables as a credit memo
• Through Cash Management as a cash receipt
• Entered directly in to Contract Management
Contract Management also shares suppliers, events, and a pool of reusable information for events and
contracts (such as terms, questions, contacts, categories/subcategories, and suppliers) with Strategic
Sourcing. Strategic Sourcing is used to set up, maintain, and analyze complex bidding events. Contracts and
contract lines can create Strategic Sourcing events and sourcing lines. Strategic Sourcing events and lines
can create contracts and contract lines within Contract Management.

For more information on Strategic Sourcing, please refer to the Strategic Sourcing User

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The following illustrates how the Contract Management application integrates with other Infor applications.

Contract Management application integrating with other Infor applications

172 Lesson 8: Requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process

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Creating a contract from a sourcing event
You can create contracts and contract lines from Strategic Sourcing.

Requisition-to-sourcing-to-contract process





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Demo: Create a contract from a sourcing event
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a contract from a sourcing event.





Exercise 8.1: Create a contract from a sourcing event

In this exercise, you will create a contract from a sourcing event. This exercise is
dependent on set up of an event type, sourcing group, sourcing company, and buyer from
Lesson 7.

Exercise 8.1 steps

Part 1: Create the requisition
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Requester from the Application Switcher. The Requester landing page displays.
3. Select More > Requisition Self Service. The Requisition Self Service page displays in a new
browser tab.
4. Click New Request. The Find an Item page displays.
5. Click Add a Special / Service Item. The Add a Special or Service Item form opens.
6. Type or select the values from the table below to add a special item.

Field Value

Add Item Select radio button

Item Description Snow Removal

Item <your assigned student ID> Snow Removal

Quantity 1

UOM EA - Each

Cost $150.00

Requested Delivery Date <two months from today’s date>

174 Lesson 8: Requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process

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Field Value

Manufacturer VI - Vulcan Information

Manufacturer Number <your assigned student ID>

Sourcing event required Leave clear

7. Verify 2200 displays in the Cost Center field. If not, type it, and notice that the Business Entity and
the Account fields default.
8. Click ADD TO REQUEST. Snow Removal displays in the right panel, and a blank Add a Special or
Service Item form opens.

Part 2: Submit your requisition

1. Click SUBMIT REQUEST. A message, “Submit this requisition? Are you sure you want to submit this
requisition?” displays.
2. Click YES. A message, “Request # <X> has been submitted.” displays. Note: X indicates the number
for the requisition you created.
3. Click RETURN TO DASHBOARD. <Your requisition> displays in the My Requisitions panel.
4. Close the Requisition Self Service browser tab. You return to the Requester landing page

Part 3: Create a purchasing request

The requester was not aware that this must be put out to bid. The buyer will decide to make the requisition
line available for a bidding event. In this part of the exercise, you will select the purchasing request and make
the requisition line available for the bidding event.
1. Select Buyer from the Application Switcher. The Buyer landing page opens.
2. Click Manage Purchase Requests. The Purchase Order Requests form opens.
3. Type <your assigned company number> in the Company field.
4. Click Search. <Your snow removal requisition> displays in the search results at the bottom of the
5. Double-click <your snow removal> requisition. The Purchase Order Requests form opens.
6. Select <your assigned buyer number> from the Buyer field.
7. Select 515 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT from the Commodity Code field in the
Commodity section.
8. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.
9. Select Actions > Send To Event. A confirmation message displays.

Part 4: Create an event from requisition lines

1. Select Sourcing Manager from the Application Switcher. The Sourcing Manager landing page
2. Click Manage Events. The Create Events From Requisitions form opens.
3. Select <your snow removal requisition> in the Available Requisition Lines.

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 175
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4. Click Select For Event. <Your snow removal requisition> moves to the Selected For Event
section of the form.
5. Click the Snow Removal line in the Selected For Event section of the form to highlight it.
6. Click Create Event By Item. The Create Event From Requisition Sorted By Item dialog box
7. Select <your assigned company number> from the Company field.
8. Type <your assigned company number> Snow Removal in the Name field.
9. Type Snow Removal in the Description field.
10. Select <your assigned buyer number> from the Buyer field.
11. Select Contract from the Output Type drop-down list.
12. Click OK. A confirmation message indicating the event number displays.
13. Write the Event # here. _________________
14. Click the Draft tab. The Draft Events form opens.
15. Double-click <your snow removal event>. The Event Document # <X>-0 form opens.
16. Type or select the values from the table below to add information to the event.

Field Value

Type <your request for bid>

Buyer <your buyer> defaults

Dates Not Required On Event Select check box

Allow Terms to be Negotiated Clear check box

Output Type Contract

17. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

18. Click the Lines tab. Note: Your requisition line is added to the event.
19. Click Release. A confirmation message displays.

Part 5: Enter a manual response

1. Select Manage Responses > Manage Event Responses. The Event Responses form opens.
2. Select Actions > Create. The Event Response For Event # <X>-0 form opens.
3. Type or select the values from the table below to create the event response.

Field Value

Company <your assigned company number>

Event <your snow removal event>

176 Lesson 8: Requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process

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Field Value

Supplier Group 4000


Supplier Contact 1 (Pamela Schultz)

4. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

5. Click the Line Responses tab.
6. Click Open. The Event Line Response form opens.
7. Type or select the values from the table below to enter the response.

Field Value

Vendor Item <your assigned student ID>

Vendor Item Description <your assigned student ID>_Snow


Quantity 1

Unit Price 140.00

Additional comments <your choice>

8. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

9. Click Back. You return to the Event Response For Event # <X>-0 form.
10. Click Submit. A confirmation message displays.

Part 6: Award the event

1. Select Manage Events. The Create Events From Requisitions form opens.
2. Click the Open tab. The Open Events form opens.
3. Click the Analyze (1) link on <your snow removal event row> in the Bid Responses column. The
Sourcing Event Analysis For Event <X>-0 form opens with details of the total amount for the bid,
supplier, and contact.
4. Click Award All New Contract. The Award All New Contract dialog box opens.
5. Select LOWEST COST from the Award Reason field.
6. Select GENERAL from the Contract Type field.
7. Select SERVICE from the Contract Classification field.
8. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.
9. Click Final Award. A confirmation message displays.

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10. Click Create Output. A confirmation message displays.
11. Click the Responses By Line tab. The contract number displays.

Part 7: View the contract and release it

1. Select Contract Manager from the Application Switcher. The Contract Manager landing page
2. Select Manage Contracts. The In Process Contracts form opens, and <your snow removal
event> displays as a contract.
3. Double-click <your snow removal contract>. The Contract #<X> form opens.
4. Click the Lines tab. The contract line displays.
5. Click Open. The Contract Line form opens and the Originating Sourcing Event Number And Line
Number display at the bottom of the form.
6. Click Back. You return to the Contract #<X> form.
7. Click the Contract tab.
8. Select <today’s date> from the Effective Date field.
9. Select <your assigned employee number> from the Primary Internal Contact field.
10. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.
11. Click Release. The contract you created from a sourcing event has been released.









178 Lesson 8: Requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process

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Check your understanding

Which two of the following statements apply to Contract Management?

a) Contract Management creates complex bidding events.

b) Contracts and contract lines can create Strategic Sourcing events and
sourcing lines.
c) Strategic Sourcing events and lines can create contracts and contract lines
within Contract Management.
d) Contract Management only integrates with Strategic Sourcing.

Which two of the following options are setup requirements for Contract Management?
a) Events
b) Categories
c) Questions
d) No bid reason codes
e) Supplier groups

Which three of the following applications integrate with Contract Management?

a) Asset Accounting
b) Currency
c) Inventory Control
d) Purchasing
e) Strategic Sourcing

Which one of the following options best describes Contract Management?

a) Centralizes information, creating efficiencies in accessing item pricing and
managing item spending while consistently enhancing the return on
investment (ROI)
b) Creates requests with demand on stock and demand on vendors
c) Creates and issues purchase orders and manages the receiving process
d) Matches large volumes of invoices with receipts, updates purchase orders,
and manages vendor terms
e) Sets up, maintains, and analyzes complex bidding events

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Lesson 9: Billing and receivables
Estimated time
2.5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the processes for the Billing and Receivables
applications. In this lesson, you will:
• Identify the billing process flow.
• Describe the Receivables application.
• Describe the processes in the Receivables application.
• Describe how to enter a Receivables invoice.
• Describe how to process a Receivables invoice.

• Billing process overview
• Receivables process overview
• Entering a Receivables invoice
• Applying payment to a Receivables invoice
• Check your understanding

180 Lesson 9: Billing and receivables processes

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Billing process overview
The core functionality of the Billing application is the ability to define and maintain pricing, discount, and
invoice parameters for the billing needs of your company. Billing provides unparalleled processing power and
credit risk mitigation.

Billing: big picture

The Billing application process flow is made up of three processes.
The following image illustrates the Billing process flow.

Billing processes and sub-processes

While setting up Billing, you must consider the needs of your central reporting structure and pricing needs of
your company. Specifically, you need to determine what type of pricing structure best suits your company and
what kind of control is set for invoicing.
There are many other setup procedures that take place in order for the billing process to work properly and
efficiently for your organization. These setup procedures include pricing, invoice types, and reasons codes.

Invoicing takes you through the entire invoice process from creating and releasing invoices to updating
invoice files with Receivables, Project Ledger, and Global Ledger.

Period closing
Period closing closes the billing period. The best business practice is to close the billing period before you
close the global ledger period.

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When you close the billing period, records that have not been updated to the Global Ledger are checked,
such as invoices and returns. If any exist, a report is created in Billing that tells you there are records that you
must update.

The following are questions you should ask before setting up the Billing application.
• Which Infor applications do you currently use or plan to use?
• Do you use multiple currencies?
• Do you plan to define your business as a multi-company entity within Infor?

Invoicing level
Choosing whether to invoice at the company or process level is a critical, one-time decision. You decide
which level your company uses when adding the company to the Billing application. You should consider the
following questions when making your decision.
• Does your company have different departments, divisions, or sales offices that must invoice at
different times?
• Do different departments require separate invoice numbering to keep their information separate from
the rest of the company?
• Do some departments require that lot, serial numbers, or bin numbers print on invoices and others do
If you answered yes to any of these questions you can select process level invoicing. If you answered no and
prefer to run invoices for the entire company, select company level invoicing.

Billing user roles

The following table provides a high-level overview of the roles in the Billing application and the tasks
performed by each role.

User role Tasks

Billing manager • Oversees the Billing department

• Manages escalations
• Performs month-end processes
• Monitors the workload

Billing administrator • Focuses on customer relationships

• Functions as a “super-user” of troubleshooting tools for analysis

182 Lesson 9: Billing and receivables processes

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Integration of the Billing application with other Infor applications
The following image illustrates how the Billing application integrates with other Infor applications.

Billing application integrating with other Infor applications

For more information about the Billing application, please see the Billing User Guide.





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Receivables process overview
The Receivables application enables all organizations to manage customers and customer balances from
credit determination and setup, through to invoice interfaces, to accurate payment processing and cash
applications, to managing customer aging and collection activities, providing speed, control and accuracy
throughout the process.
The Receivables application provides unparalleled control, processing power, accuracy, and credit risk
mitigation for all organizations.

In this part of the lesson, you will enter an invoice in Receivables and apply a payment
against that invoice.

Receivables: big picture

The Receivables application process flow is made up of four processes.
The following image illustrates the Receivables process flow.

Receivables processes and sub-processes

184 Lesson 9: Billing and receivables processes

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While setting up the Receivables application, you need to understand how your company and customers are
structured, how payments are processed, and your reporting needs.
The setup includes defining customers, terms, finance charges, process levels, and default codes. These will
assist you in processing payments, maintaining customer balances, and reporting.

Create transactions
Creating transactions consists of manually entering invoices, debit memos, and credit memos that have not
been interfaced from other Infor applications or a non-Infor system.
The system allows you to debit, credit, write off, or charge the transactions that have been manually entered
or interfaced.

Cash processing
Cash processing is the core of the Receivables application. It consists of entering cash payments and then
applying the payments to the open transactions. This can be done through manual processing, automatic
application, or interfacing from lock boxes, non-Infor programs, electronic fund transfer (EFT), or bill of
exchange (BOE). How your business splits job responsibilities dictates which forms are used.
Maintaining these processes might include disputes, creating chargebacks for under payments, or reversing

Credit management
The managing of credit is accomplished by reviewing customer balances and running aging reports.
Depending on the credit limits set up for each customer, a credit analyst might require sending a dunning
letter (late notice) to the customer for collection of unpaid balances.
The system can track transaction activity, which allows you to report and analyze the data in several ways.
For example, activity can be reported by day, period, or year to date.

The following are considerations for the receivables process when adding an invoice in Receivables and
applying payment to that invoice.
• How do you enter an invoice in Receivables?
• What is the basic payment application process in Receivables?
The following flow chart illustrates the steps required for the receivables process.

Receivables process

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Receivables user roles
The following table provides a high-level overview of the roles in the Receivables application and the tasks
performed by each role.

User role Tasks

Receivables specialist • Manages cash receipts

• Manages chargebacks
• Return to maker processing
• Cash application

Receivables manager • Manages customers

• Manages transaction escalations
• Processes month end

Receivables administrator • Uses troubleshooting tools for analysis (super user)

Credit and collection • Resolves disputes

specialist • Prepares dunning letters
• Produces finance charges

Integration of the Receivables application with other Infor applications

The following image illustrates how the Receivables application integrates with other Infor applications.

Receivables application integrating with other Infor applications

186 Lesson 9: Billing and receivables processes

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For more information about the Receivables application, please see the Receivables
User Guide.

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Entering a Receivables invoice
The first step in the Receivables process is to enter a Receivables invoice.

Receivables process – enter a Receivables invoice





188 Lesson 9: Billing and receivables processes

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Demo: Enter a Receivables invoice
Your instructor will demonstrate how to enter a Receivable invoice.





Exercise 9.1: Enter a Receivables invoice

In this exercise, you will enter a Receivables invoice.

Exercise 9.1 steps

Part 1: Create the batch header
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Receivables Specialist from the Application Switcher. The Receivables Specialist landing
page displays.
3. Click Invoices. The Invoice Batch form opens.
4. Click Create. The Invoice Batch form opens.
5. Select <your assigned company number> from the Company field.
6. Type <your assigned company number> in the Invoice Batch field.
7. Select <your assigned company number> from the Process Level field.
8. Select AR-Accounts Receivable from the Receivable Code field.
9. Select current date in the Batch Date field.
10. Select current date in the Post Date field.
11. Type 1 in the Count field.
12. Type 800 in the Invoice field.
13. Click Save. A confirmation message displays and the batch header is created.

Part 2: Create the transaction

1. Click the Transactions tab.
2. Click Create. The Transaction form opens.
3. Type or select the values from the table below to enter a transaction.

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Field name Value

Customer 1 (LGE Customer)

Type Invoice

Transaction 1

Description <your assigned company number> Physician Rent

Amount 800.00

Transaction Date <current date>

Global Ledger <current date>


4. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

5. Click the Distributions tab.
6. Click Create. An entry line displays.
7. Type or select the values from the table below to enter distributions.

Field name Value

Distribution Category <your assigned company number>

Transaction Amount 800.00

8. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

9. Click Back. You return to the Invoice Batch form.
10. Click the Main tab. The values in the Control and Entry fields match.
11. Select Actions > Release. A confirmation message displays, and the status is Released.
12. Click the Transactions tab. The transaction line displays.





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Applying payment to a Receivables invoice
The second step in the Receivables process is to apply a payment to a Receivables invoice.

Receivables process – apply a payment to a Receivables invoice





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Demo: Apply a payment to a Receivables invoice
Your instructor will demonstrate how to apply a payment to a Receivables invoice.





Exercise 9.2: Apply a payment to a Receivables invoice

In this exercise, you will apply a payment to a Receivables invoice.

Exercise 9.2 steps

Part 1: Create the payment
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Receivables Specialist from the Application Switcher. The Receivables Specialist landing
page displays.
3. Click Payments. The Payment Batch form opens.
4. Click Create. The Receivable Payment Header form opens.
5. Type or select the values from the table below to create the receivable header.

Field name Value

Company <your assigned company number>

Process Level <your assigned company number>

Deposit Date <current date>

Global Ledger Date <current date>

Count 1

Amount 800.00

6. Click Save. Default values display.

7. Click the Customer Payments tab.

192 Lesson 9: Billing and receivables processes

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8. Click Create. An entry line displays.
9. Enter customer payments by typing or selecting the values from the table below.

Field name Value

Payment Number <your assigned company number>

Customer 1

Transaction Amount 800.00

10. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.

11. Click the Main tab. The values in the Control and Entry fields match.
12. Select Actions > Release. A confirmation message displays.
13. Click the Cash Ledger Transactions tab. The line item information displays.
14. Click the Payment Batch Distributions tab. Note the debit and credit.

Part 2: Apply payment to invoice

1. Select Cash Application > Select Invoices And Apply Cash. The Cash Application Select form
2. Click <your cash entry> to highlight it.
3. Click Open. The Cash Application Selection form opens.
4. Right-click <your invoice> on the Invoice Selection tab. A list of options displays.
5. Click Select Open Amount For Application. A confirmation message displays.
6. Select Actions > Process Selections. A confirmation message displays, and the values in the
Amount and the Applied Amount fields in the header are the same.









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Check your understanding
Which two of the following options are part of the process flow for Receivables?
a) Create transactions
b) Receiving goods
c) Posting
d) Credit management

Which two of the following applications integrate with the Billing application?
a) Requisitions
b) Cash Management
c) Inventory Management
d) Global Ledger
e) Payables

What transactions are created in Receivables?




What happens during the invoicing process?




194 Lesson 9: Billing and receivables processes

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Lesson 10: Close and reconciliation
Estimated time
1.5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the processes for the Close Management and
Reconciliation Management applications. In this lesson, you will:
• Describe the function and purpose of the Close Management application.
• Describe the function and purpose of the Reconciliation Management application.
• Describe how to process a basic reconciliation.
• Explain how the Close and Reconciliation Management applications integrate with other Infor

• Close management processes overview
• Reconciliation management process overview
• Integration of the Close and Reconciliation Management applications with other Infor applications
• Check your understanding

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 195
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Close management processes overview
Organizations are often short on time at the end of the month, quarter, or fiscal year because they have to
efficiently complete many highly coordinated tasks associated with the extended financial close process. To
manage this, organizations typically use multiple manual processes such as spreadsheets, emails, and phone
calls. Issues with manual processes include the following:
• Time-consuming
• Slows down the process
• Introduces errors
To reduce the time of the extended financial close process and still meet audit, compliance, and regulatory
requirements, an automated close management solution is needed.
With Close Management—a task-based, continuous process improvement application—you get full control
over your financial close cycles and streamlines your workflow. You are able to reduce time, errors, risks, and
costs, because the system identifies bottlenecks and issues, captures key metrics and measures, allows
information to flow freely and rapidly, and maintains an audit trail.
The Close Management application gives you a complete view of relevant data in a collaborative
environment. It provides tools you need to define your company’s close process so you can make the system
work the way you want it to work.

Close Management application key features

Key features of the Close Management application include the following:
• Schedules, monitors, and manages a single close process across your entire organization
• Specifies whether a task is performed monthly, quarterly, or annually
• Assigns a task to an owner or team
• Tracks tasks by start date, due date, and level of effort required to complete them
• Monitors tasks by status, including scheduled, in-process, pending approval, closed, and voided
• Stores supporting and required documentation, including task standard procedures and supporting
subsystem reports
• Analyzes and measures performance, including metrics by period, process, sub-process, task owner,
and team

Close process
The close process captures the overall closing procedures for an entity. Tasks define the work and what must
be accomplished before your close process is considered complete. Sub-processes are a way for you to
group or arrange your tasks.

196 Lesson 10: Close and reconciliation processes

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The following image illustrates the components of a close process.

Close process components

The values entered on a higher level default to the sub-processes and tasks created below the high-level
process. You can create sub-processes and tasks within processes and sub-processes. However, you cannot
create a sub-process or a task within a task.
The following image is an example of a single close enterprise system.

Single close enterprise system example

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Close process design
The close process design is a hierarchy concept that allows you to define, schedule, and manage a single
close process. There is a lot of flexibility in how you can choose to set up your close process. It all depends
on how you want the information to roll up and be reported.
The following image illustrates the close process design hierarchy.

Close process design hierarchy

Close Management user roles

The following table provides a high-level overview of the roles in the Close Management application and the
tasks performed by each role.

User role Tasks

Close administrator • Sets up and updates close management data

Close manager • Monitors close task status and the close process

Close resource • Provides access to CLOSEResource webapp

• Performs tasks associated with resource

198 Lesson 10: Close and reconciliation processes

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Reconciliation management process overview
Reconciliation management is a process that helps ensure the accuracy of an organization’s financial data.
Most organizations use a combination of multiple spreadsheets as well as home-grown financial analytics and
business intelligence reports to perform and track the reconciliation process. But regulatory initiatives are
rapidly making the manual reconciliation process unmanageable from a compliance perspective, as well as
highly labor intensive and expensive.
To overcome these challenges, you need an automated reconciliation solution that meets your audit,
compliance, and regulatory requirements, and frees up your finance staff so they can support more value-
added tasks.
The Reconciliation Management application is an automated reconciliation system that helps ensure the
accuracy of your organization’s financial data. It provides tools to reduce time, errors, risks, and costs
because the system allows the following:
• Information to flow freely and rapidly
• Maintain audit trails
• Tight integration with Infor CloudSuite Financials
The Reconciliation Management application provides a real-time look into reconciliation performance, allows
you to better manage account reconciliations, and streamlines processes to speed performance.

Reconciliation Management key features

Key features of the Reconciliation Management application include the following:
• Provides a clear look at your reconciliations by monitoring the status, performance, and compliance
• Imports accounts directly from your chart of accounts
• Defines the accounts that require reconciliations and determines whether to reconcile at the company
or accounting unit level
• Automatically reconciles accounts based on rules you define and provides the simple and intuitive
manual reconciliation option
• Creates reconciliation comments
• Attaches supporting documentation

Reconciliation Management user roles

The following table provides a high-level overview of the roles in the Reconciliation Management application
and the tasks performed by each role.

User role Tasks

Reconciliation administrator • Sets up and maintains reconciliation data

Reconciliation auditor • Access to everything viewable by an external auditor

Reconciliation manager • Creates reconciliation accounts

• Creates period reconciliations
• Loads chart detail
• Creates reconciliation account groups
• Creates reconciliation account defaults
• Schedules period-end reconciliations

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User role Tasks

This role does not have create action

permissions on the Reconciliation

Reconciliation Management: big picture

The following image illustrates the reconciliation process.

Reconciliation process





200 Lesson 10: Close and reconciliation processes

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Demo: Perform a basic reconciliation
Your instructor will demonstrate how to perform a basic reconciliation.





Exercise 10.1: Perform a basic reconciliation

In this exercise, you will perform a basic reconciliation

Exercise 10.1 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Reconciler from the Application Switcher. The Reconciler landing page displays.
3. Click the All Open Reconciliations tab. All open reconciliations display.
4. Double-click <the reconciliation for office supplies that corresponds to your assigned
5. The Period Reconciliation For Period 2016274 September 2016 form opens.
6. Verify <your assigned employee number> displays in the Team Member field. If not, select it, and
then click Save.
7. Click Start Reconciliation. A confirmation message displays. Note: The value in the Out of Balance
field is -12000.00.
8. Click Create at the line level on the Reconciliation Details tab. The For Period 2016274
September 2016 form opens
9. Type OFFICE-2016 in the Reference Number field.
10. Type Office Equipment in the Description field.
11. Type 12000 in the Period Amount field.
12. Click Save. You return to the Reconciliation Detail for Period 2016274 form; the value in the Out of
Balance field is 0.00.
13. Click Back. You return to the Period Reconciliation For Period 2016274 September 2016 form.
14. Click Complete. A confirmation message displays.
15. Click Back. You return to the All Open Reconciliations form. <Your reconciliation for office
supplies> is removed from the list.

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Integration of the Close and Reconciliation
Management applications with other Infor applications
Close Management integration
Close Management can be run coupled with CloudSuite Financials applications or run as a stand-alone
If you use Close Management with other Infor CloudSuite Financials applications, then you can leverage
existing setup data, specifically Global Ledger companies.

Close Management as a stand-alone application

If you are running Close Management as a stand-alone application, finance companies are optionally set up
in Close Management.

Reconciliation Management integration

Reconciliation Management must be run coupled with the Infor CloudSuite Financials applications. Since
Reconciliation Management is coupled with Infor CloudSuite Financials applications, you leverage existing
setup data from Infor CloudSuite Financials, specifically the Global Ledger company and Payables.
The following image illustrates how the Close Management and Reconciliation Management applications
integrates with other Infor applications.

Close Management and Reconciliation Management applications integrating with other Infor applications

202 Lesson 10: Close and reconciliation processes

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Check your understanding

True or false?

_____ The Close Management application is a task-based system.

_____ The Close Management application cannot maintain an audit trail.
_____ The Reconciliation Management application helps ensure the accuracy of your
organization’s financial data.
_____ The Reconciliation Management application allows information to flow freely and

Which three of the following Infor applications are integrated with the Close and
Reconciliation Management applications?
a) Strategic Sourcing
b) Cash Management
c) Purchasing
d) Receivables
e) Requisitions

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 203
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Lesson 11: Cash management process
Estimated time
1.5 hours

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the process for the Cash Management application. In
this lesson, you will:
• Describe the function and purpose of the Cash Management application.
• Identify the process flow for the Cash Management application.
• Describe how the Cash Management application integrates with other Infor applications.

• Cash management process overview
• Check your understanding

204 Lesson 11: Cash management process

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Cash management process overview
The Cash Management application helps organizations’ cash and treasury departments address the
challenges of manual processes, disparate systems, and redundancy. It meets these challenges by driving
automation, increasing visibility, and improving collaboration, while helping to analyze enterprise-wide cash
requirements, maximizing liquidity, and optimizing the use of cash resources.
The Cash Management application helps organizations in the following ways:
• Bank reconciliation management
• Cash processing
• Unclaimed property management
• Bank statement reconciliation
• Cash position
• Cash forecasting
• Bank fee analysis
• Embedded analytics and dashboard processing

Cash Management application key features

Some of the key features of Cash Management include:
• Manages bank relationships
• Analyzes bank fees
• Streamlines cash reconciliation
• Automates bank statement polling and processing
• Increases visibility into cash position
• Reduces financial risks and fees
• Improves cash forecasting
• Ability to work with both Infor and non-Infor systems

Cash Management application

The Cash Management application maintains bank transactions, reconciles bank accounts, and stores bank
account balance information.
You can use the Cash Management application to:
• Define bank accounts, transaction types, and payment formats that you can use in the Payables,
Receivables, and Cash Management applications. If you use Cross Border Payments, define
payment categories, charge codes, and payment form codes. You define relationships between
Global Ledger companies and bank accounts that let you control transaction processing and posting
to the Global Ledger.
• Define reconciliation tolerances that let you establish reconciled amounts that are more or less than
the issued amount of a transaction.
• Define a transaction code that automatically reconciles transactions upon entry. This feature reduces
the volume of transactions that require reconciliation.
• Choose from a variety of reconciliation options, including multiple entry and reconciliation screens.
• Transfer funds between bank accounts.
• Enter cash receipts and itemize the deposits by category.
• Interface payment information from a non-Infor application or create payments for one-time payments
without having to create several Payables vendors.
• Interface receipts or returned payment information from a non-Infor application or create receipts for
one-time receipts without having to create several Receivables customers.

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• List transaction history by bank account. You can access account balance detail for specified date
ranges and selected report parameters.
• Display account balance and transaction information.
• Interface with the Payables and Receivables applications to maintain bank account balances and
reconcile accounts payable, accounts receivable, and other bank transactions.

Cash Management: big picture

The following image illustrates the cash management process.

Cash management process

When you set up your banking structure, you must consider how your company is structured and the currency
in which your company does business. First, you must establish currency codes. If you operate in multiple
currencies, then you must define exchange rates and currency relationships.
Next, you set up the Global Ledger or a Global Ledger subset. You must define at least one Global Ledger
company and the posting accounts.
Finally, you must set up banking institutions and bank accounts. You create a relationship between your
company and the cash codes that your company will use.
You must define bank transactions and payment types that are used in Payables, Receivables, and Cash
Management. Optionally, you can set up these features.
• Bank transfer tables
• Cash deposit process levels
• Cash receipt categories
• Payment categories
• Charge codes
• Payment form codes
206 Lesson 11: Cash management process
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There are several interface processes you can use to import and interface data into Cash Management.

For more information, please the Infor CloudSuite Financials Setup and
Administrative Guide.

Transaction processing
Cash management transaction processing consists of reconciling your bank accounts and retaining bank
account balance information. You can use transaction processing for these tasks.
• Reconcile and void payments that are generated by Payables
• Reconcile accounts receivable and other bank transactions
• Transfer funds between bank accounts
• Create cash receipts
After you have created bank transactions in Cash Management, you must release them for posting to the
Global Ledger. When transactions are released, bank account balances are updated.

Accessing data
Cash Management contains processes that generate reports for bank transactions and transaction history,
cash receipt deposits, and fund transfers for a cash code, cash account activity, and cash ledger transactions.
You can access cash management transactions and view these details.
• Current bank account balances or account balances by period
• Bank accounts balances in an alternate currency
• Specific types of bank transactions for a cash code

Cash Management user roles

The following table provides a high-level overview of the roles in the Cash Management application and the
tasks performed by each role.

User role Tasks

Cash administrator • Creates and manages resources and teams

• Runs reports
• Runs utilities and processing

Cash manager • Manages cash position, bank administration, cash ledger

transactions, and transaction approvals
• Creates cash forecasts
• Processes statements
• Runs utilities and processing

Cash accountant • Manages cash and escheatment

• Processes cash ledger and month end
• Performs cash transaction search
• Runs reports

Cash analyst • Monitors cash position

• Updates forecasts

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User role Tasks

• Processes statements
• Manages bank administration
• Reviews certification

Integration of the Cash Management application with other Infor applications

The following image illustrates how the Cash Management application integrates with other Infor applications.

Cash Management application integrating with other Infor applications

208 Lesson 11: Cash management process

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Check your understanding
Which three of the following applications integrate with the Cash Management application?
a) Contract Management
b) Currency
c) Payables
d) Receivables
e) Supplier Portal

True or false?

_____ You must set up the Global Ledger application or Global Ledger subset before you
set up and use the Cash Management application.
_____ As part of your required setup, you must define the bank accounts at each bank.
_____ The Cash Administrator manages cash position, bank administration, cash ledger
transactions, and transaction approvals.

Which two of the following options are part of the Cash Management process?
a) Cash processing
b) Setup
c) Period close
d) Transaction processing

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Lesson 12: Landmark Technology basics
Estimated time
1 hour

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to discuss basic information about Landmark Technology. In this
lesson, you will:
• Describe Landmark.
• Explain Landmark system tiers.
• Define technology terms.
• Identify the components of the Lawson Grid for Landmark.

• Landmark Technology overview
• Landmark Technology system tiers
• Terminology
• Lawson Grid for Landmark
• Landmark Technology components
• Check your understanding

210 Lesson 12: Landmark Technology basics

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Landmark Technology overview
Infor Landmark Technology Runtime (abbreviated as Infor Landmark) is a platform that enables development
and running of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) applications on platforms supporting J2EE architecture
application servers.
The Infor Landmark Technology Runtime platform includes both a program model and a runtime (production)
• The program model is built on the specifications of Lawson Pattern Language (LPL) and managed
through a tightly controlled application source code repository.
• The production system (also called Infor Landmark Technology Runtime) includes an application
server, fully featured relational database implementation, system administration, and configuration
Infor Landmark Technology Runtime provides the runtime environment needed to run Infor Landmark
The installation delivers the following components:
• Infor Landmark Technology Runtime
• Infor Process Server
• Infor Rich Client user interface





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Landmark Technology system tiers
Landmark employs a multi-tiered architecture, exposing applications enterprise-wide. Multi-tiered means that
the presentation layer is separated from the application tier, including the application server. Enterprise-wide
means the application can be exposed over the internet as well as the intranet.
Presentation layer (browser or desktop)
The Landmark web user interface presentation layer is a remote application user interface. It is generated
from LPL specifications, and is mainly used for application pages that allow data entry and initiate transaction
The Infor Rich Client is a remote application user interface that displays the applications pages so that users
can access Landmark applications and data.

Servlet container layer

Web-facing data presentation in the Landmark system is provided by an industry-standard servlet container.

Application server layer

Application and transaction management in Landmark is provided by an industry-standard, J2EE application
server and by the Infor Lawson Grid. The J2EE application server manages Landmark Environment services
and Landmark web applications, whereas the grid service manages various Landmark grid applications.

Operating system (third-party products) interface layer

The Landmark system interacts with the operating system and other standard products at this level, such as a
relational database management system (RDBMS) and source control systems.
• Operating system
o The Landmark interface with the operating system requires very little configuration. Most
configuration is accomplished at the time of installation.
• Data persistence layer
o The data persistence tier includes the RDBMS, physical data files, and the Landmark database
API. Java Database Connectiviity (JDBC) drivers communicate with the database and the
application tier.
• Additional components
o Bouncy Castle is used for Infor Lawson Security encryption.
o Bouncy Castle is configured at installation time.





212 Lesson 12: Landmark Technology basics

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There are important terms that you need to know to understand Landmark Technology. Some of those terms
are introduced in the lesson topic for which they apply.
The following table defines additional terms to help you understand Landmark Technology.

Term Definition

Landmark A Landmark environment provides fundamental system support for Landmark

environment applications, including configuration, security functions, database interfaces,
administrative utilities, batch processing support, and user interfaces. Each
Landmark environment consists of a main directory that in turn contains many
sub-directories for such things as the environment executables, runtime files,
system configuration and log files, and product line source files. In addition, for
a fully functioning system, some environment components are deployed to the
WebSphere® Application Server.

Business class Business classes are central components of a Landmark system. They define
not only what data is to be stored in a database table, but also what fields that
are available for forms and lists, and what actions can be performed on the

Lawson Pattern Lawson Pattern Language (LPL) is a proprietary specification language that
Language (LPL) applies programmatic patterns to business applications. It describes the
following application components:
• Logical representation of a database structure
• Data and business object life cycles
• Business transaction processing logic
• User interactions with data and objects
Product line A product line is a group of business logic programs and their data. A product
line includes:
• Application programs and data tables
• Product line dictionary
• Data area built on the product line
Data area A data area corresponds to a pool of physical data stored in a database and
linked to a product line. When you install an application and create an
application product line, a data area (with the same name as the product line) is
created for the product line. The data area includes only the data structure.
Generally, you have only one data area within a product line in production

Directory structure There are eight main directories used by the Landmark environment and
applications. They are as follows:
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214 Lesson 12: Landmark Technology basics

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Lawson Grid for Landmark
The Lawson Grid for Landmark is an application server that you install separately from Landmark and within
which several Landmark components run.
The following table describes the standard components contained in the Lawson Grid.

Lawson Grid Description


Host The host is a server machine that is participating in a grid. The host may
be a physical or virtual machine.

Grid agent The grid agent is a service-like application that the grid uses to start all
nodes that are configured to run on the host. Each host, for each grid for
which it is a member, needs a grid agent.

Node A node is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that is registered as part of a grid
where grid applications are running. The Lawson Grid typically has several
nodes running different Infor Landmark component applications. All nodes
run on the grid host.

Registry A registry is a special type of node needed when new nodes are started. A
grid has exactly one registry.

Router A router acts as a well-defined entry point that client applications can
connect to. A router is configured to listen for client requests on a given
network and port number. Normally, the selected port number has to be
made accessible through firewalls, when applicable, since it must be
reachable from the client’s application. The default name for the grid router
for Landmark is Landmark - YourLandmarkEnvName.

Administrative The administrative router is used for administrative purposes.


Grid concepts
Lawson Grid users should be aware of the following concepts when installing and administering the grid.

Node types
A node type defines what to run in a specific node. Each node is exactly one node type. More precisely, the
node type defines what application to run in nodes of this type and may also define default values for
properties (for example, heap size). Node types are defined by the application developer.

A binding defines where and how to run nodes of a specific node type. You can view a binding as an
association between a node type and a set of hosts. To start a specific node type on a particular host, a
binding that associates the node type with the host is needed. Properties needed by the node or the
application running in the node may be defined per binding.
Bindings are defined when applications are installed and/or by a grid administrator at runtime.

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A grid application is a logical grouping of one or more application modules. An application may be running in
more than one node. It is then said to have more than one application instance. Applications for the grid are
packaged in .gar files. A .gar file is a type of .zip file that can be installed in a grid. It contains Java class files
(.jar files) and any other resources that the application may need.





216 Lesson 12: Landmark Technology basics

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Landmark Technology components
A Landmark system contains several main components. These main components include the following:
• Landmark servers
• Landmark services
• Landmark applications
• Object Persistence Framework (OPF)
These main Infor Landmark Technology components are described in the following table.

Infor Landmark Description


Landmark servers Landmark servers are the components that start whenever you start the
Landmark system, such as through startlaw. They include the Landmark
Database Server, the Landmark Security Server, the Async (Batch)
Server, the Online Help Server, and others. These servers run within the
Grid service, which manages these as Grid applications.
You can start and stop each of these servers individually.

Landmark services The primary Landmark service is SSOPV2, which handles authentication
for most Landmark services. Other Landmark applications will also be set
up as Landmark services so that users can be authenticated for them as

Landmark Landmark applications include both those associated with the

applications environment, such as lsuserapp, and any Landmark applications you have
installed. These applications are installed and deployed in the WebSphere
Application Server.

OPF OPF enables the persistence of business objects at the database level.
With the Object Persistence Framework Connector, it handles the
interaction between the Landmark applications and the relational





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Check your understanding
Which two of the following options are Landmark components?
a) Business class
b) Host
c) Landmark services
d) Landmark applications
e) Product line

Which two of the following components are delivered when Infor Landmark Technology
Runtime is delivered?
a) Infor CloudSuite Financials
b) Infor Process Server
c) Infor Rich Client user interface
d) Lawson Grid for Landmark

Match each of the following core components with the definition. The possible core
components are: Business class, Directory structure, Landmark servers, Host,
Product line, and Data area. Not all core components are used.

Definition Core component

Group of business logic programs and their


Central components of a Landmark system

Server machine that is participating in a grid

Components that start whenever you start the

Landmark system

218 Lesson 12: Landmark Technology basics

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Lesson 13: Security overview
Estimated time
1 hour

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe the basics of security in Infor CloudSuite Financials
applications. In this lesson, you will:
• Describe how security works.
• Describe the purpose and benefits of security.
• Define security terminology.
• Describe security structure.
• Explain how security templates are delivered and used.
• Explain how to access and view security forms.
• Describe security access.

• Security overview
• Security fundamentals
• Check your understanding

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Security overview
Security in Infor CloudSuite Financials applications is built on Landmark Security, a technology application
that is built on the Landmark platform. The two areas of security coverage provided by Landmark Security are
authentication and authorization.
• Authentication – Who are you?
• Authorization – What rights do you have?
Security in Infor CloudSuite Financials applications provides features for authentication and authorization. All
users of the Infor CloudSuite Financials applications begin with no access. It is intended that not everyone
have access to every page and form. Access needs to be granted to perform an action or have visibility to
data. Some users should be able to change data on a form, while others can view the data. Some may not be
able to see the form at all. Access to data or visibility to information is accomplished using security classes.
Security within Infor CloudSuite Financials allows you to secure all the way to the field level.
Security is a highly flexible rules- and roles-based system for securing your Infor CloudSuite Financials
applications. Role-based security means that users of the system are assigned to security roles.
Because the system is so flexible, system administrators will, in conjunction with others at your site and your
Infor consultants, design a security system that meets your needs.
You use the Configuration Console to build and manage security for your organization needs. You access the
Configuration Console through the Infor Rich Client.

How security works

Security rules are written on security classes. Rules grant or remove access to application objects. The
application objects that you can configure in the Configuration Console include many of the objects that
appear in the Landmark web user interface. Security classes are then assigned to a role and roles assigned
to users, which are defined as actors in Infor CloudSuite Financials.

Purpose and benefits

The following table provides a description of the purpose and benefits of security.

Purpose Benefit

Security is structured because • Reduces redundancies of multiple access by structuring

security classes are logically security classes
separated by module and feature. • Accommodates many needs through the link between
role and security class assignment

Security is standardized. • Immediate use due to standardized security templates

• Customize standard security templates to meet your

Simpler is better. • Increases efficiencies in configuring security

• Reduces reduction in the number of customizations

220 Lesson 13: Security overview

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Security fundamentals
Security terminology
There are important terms that you need to know to understand security.
The following table defines these terms.

Term Definition

Actor An actor is a user who acts on the system. An actor is linked to an identity in
order to allow a subject (person or process) to access the functionality assigned
in the roles linked to that actor.

Identity An identity is a set of credentials (user name and password) that uniquely
identifies a user for a particular service or application. An identity can be
thought of as a user’s key to a particular service or application.

IdentityActor An IdentityActor links an actor to an identity. An actor can be linked to one or

more identities.

Agent An agent is a unique user within a specified application domain; for example,
Employee agent, Candidate agent, or Recruiter agent. Only one actor can be
assigned to an agent record. An actor can only be assigned to one agent record
of a type; for example: Employee, Recruiter, or Candidate.

Context property Context property is the containment of what key field can be assigned to an
actor context record; for example, HROrganization.

Actor context Actor context is additional key fields that can be assigned to an actor to limit his
or her exposure; for example, HROrganization to limit exposure to one
HROrganization data for authorization, system defaulting, conditions and
security rules, or special case implicit filtering.

Role A role is a set of access rights that allows a user access to the system. Roles
are task-based meaning that they are intended to describe a job that a user
performs, rather than describing the user. Examples of delivered roles are:
BudgetController, Buyer, InventoryManager, MatchSpecialist,
ProjectAccountant, Requester, and SecurityAdministrator.

Security class A security class is a container for rules that provides access to a specific task;
for example, a buyer’s ability to award an event in Strategic Sourcing.

Security rule A security rule describes a specific access right to the system; for example, an
access to a form is granted with no restrictions, or only allows viewing but not

Self-provision Self-provision allows a person to be an active user of the system via self-
registration; for example, suppliers creating a supplier profile. This auto-
generates a SupplierAnonymous security role. The SupplierAnonymous
security role permits all suppliers access to the Supplier Portal.

Authentication Authentication is the mechanism by which a user presents credentials for

accessing a system.

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Term Definition

Authorization Authorization determines what a user can see, use, or do within different areas
of the system. Authentication controls who has access to which objects in the

Security structure
Security structure has four basic components.
• Actors
• Roles
• Security classes
• Security rules
Security structure is constructed as follows:
• A user is an actor who may have access to an internal domain or external domain.
• An actor is provided a role or multiple roles to identify his or her job with the organization.
• Security classes are assigned to a role to provide access to specific areas of the application.
• There are defined rules within each security class to identify the specific functions a user can do
within his or her area of the application.
• Context provides another layer of security within the application.
• An agent links an actor to an application record.
• After you create roles and security classes, you assign security classes to roles, and then assign
roles to actors within the system.
The following image is an example of security structure.

Security structure example

222 Lesson 13: Security overview

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Security templates
The initial setup of security classes and roles can be a difficult and time-consuming process if you need to
define them from scratch. Infor makes your job easier by delivering standard templates with pre-defined
security classes and roles. The templates are designed based on what most customers do. The templates are
a way to get your system up and running quickly.

All security classes that belong to a template can be identified by the suffix “_ST” which
indicates that it belongs to a standard template.

You cannot modify the templates. If the security classes and roles do not suit your business needs, you can
create customized security classes and roles using the Configuration Console.

Security access
The Configuration Console is a tool within the Infor Rich Client which enables administrators to configure
security policies and rules for an organization.
Configuration changes to security made by a security administrator in the Configuration Console are global,
meaning they affect all Landmark users.

Accessing the Configuration Console for security

The following table shows the two paths to access the Configuration Console after logging in to the Infor Rich

If… Then select…

Your roles have only the SecurityConfigAccess_ST security class Start > Security Configuration
but do not have the other configuration access security classes.

Your roles have the SecurityConfigAccess_ST security class and Start > Configure > Security
additional access to other configuration security classes.
Note: This is how the user is set up in the training environment.

After you access the Configuration Console, you can act based upon the security classes assigned to your
roles as shown in the following table.

If you want to grant Then assign these security classes…

permission for this

Modify security classes SecurityConfigAccess_ST and ConfigAdminAccess_ST

Work with actors, SecurityConfigAccess_ST and UserAdminAllAccess_ST

identities, and roles Note: If a user has the UserAdminAllAccess_ST security class but not
the SecurityConfigAccess_ST security class, that user can work with

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If you want to grant Then assign these security classes…
permission for this

actors, identities, and roles outside of the Configuration Console.

Demo: Access and view security forms

Your instructor will demonstrate how to access and view security forms.





Exercise 13.1: Access and view security forms

In this exercise, you will access and view security forms.

Exercise 13.1 steps

Part 1: Access and view the role list
1. Repeat the steps in Part 1 of Exercise 1.2: Navigate the Infor Rich Client user interface to log in
to Infor Rich Client.
2. Select Start > Data > security > Business Classes > Role. The Role List form opens.
3. Scroll through the role list to view the roles.
4. Click the Open the search bar icon. The search bar opens.
5. Type PayablesManager_ST in the Role Name field.
6. Press Enter. The PayablesManager_ST role displays. Note: You perform searches this way in the
Infor Rich Client following steps 4-6.
7. Double-click PayablesManager_ST. The Role form opens.
8. Click the Role Assigned To Actors tab. The actors assigned to the PayablesManager_ST role
9. Click the Security Classes Assigned To Role tab. The security classes assigned to the
PayablesManager_ST role display.
10. Close the Role form.
11. Close the Role List form. You return to the canvas.

224 Lesson 13: Security overview

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Part 2: Access and view the security class list
1. Select Start > Data > security > Business Classes > SecurityClass. The Security Class List form
2. Scroll through the list to view the security classes.
3. View the naming conventions for the security classes in the Security Class column.
4. View the descriptions of the security classes in the Description column.
5. Click the Open the search bar icon.
6. Type ICItemMasterSpecialistMenu_ST in the Security Class field.
7. Press Enter. The ICItemMasterSpecialistMenu_ ST security class displays.
8. Double-click ICItemMasterSpecialistMenu_ ST. The Security Class Details form opens.
9. View the details of the ICItemMasterSpecialistMenu security class.
10. Close the Security Class Details form.
11. Close the Security Class List form. You return to the canvas.
12. Select Start > Log Off. The Infor Rich Client dialog box opens with the message, “Did you intend to
shut down the Infor Rich Client?”
13. Click Yes.
14. Close the Infor Rich Client Login window. You return to the training desktop.









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Check your understanding

Identify security structure in the diagram below. Write your answers in the spaces provided.

1. _________________________________ 5. _______________________________

2. _________________________________ 6. _______________________________

3. _________________________________ 7. _______________________________

4. _________________________________

What is role-based security?




How does security work?



226 Lesson 13: Security overview
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Lesson 14: Configuration Console
Estimated time
1 hour

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain how the Configuration Console is used. In this lesson,
you will:
• Describe the purpose and benefits of the Configuration Console.
• Describe how to access the Configuration Console.
• Describe how to create personalizations.
• Describe configurations.

• Configuration Console overview
• Personalizations and configurations
• Personalizations
• Configuration overview
• Check your understanding

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 227
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Configuration Console overview
The Configuration Console is a tool within the Infor Rich Client which enables administrators to make several
types of changes that affect the user experience of Landmark-based applications.
Configuration Console can be used to make changes.
• Applications - menus, pages, lists, forms, and user interface objects and actions such as:
o Creating business objects
o Enabling/disabling data translation (multi-language field configuration)
o Creating and modifying Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) types
• Security classes
o Creating and modifying security classes
o Maintaining actors, identities and roles records
• Web services (Web services enable non-Landmark systems to view or update Landmark data)
o Creating new Web services
• Cache management
o Clearing individual configurations or for all configurations
o Troubleshooting configurations by determining if cache issues are the source

Two modes of modifications

The Configuration Console offers two modes of modifications: personalization and configuration. The type of
modification available to a user depends on the user’s security role.

Personalizations are changes end users can make to enhance their own experience.

Configurations are global changes an administrator can make to alter a delivered application to fit a business

Purpose and benefits

Configuration Console offers several benefits.
• There is an increase in user adoption of the application because it improves the user experience and
creates efficiencies down to the field level.
• There is an increase in productivity due to the ability to tailor the application user interface to meet the
user’s needs.
• There is an open and agile flow of information which allows the user to use Web services to access
Landmark application data.
• There is a lower cost to implement the Configuration Console due to the application having
predefined, delivered security templates.
• There is a lower cost of ownership because the user can manage their security and configurations.
• There is a lower cost of maintenance because the application upgrades are easy and generally error-

228 Lesson 14: Configuration Console overview

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Personalizations and configurations
Configuration Console takes a layered approach to applying configuration changes.
That means when a page, form, list, or menu is accessed, the application first loads what is “standard” –-
either the original “out-of-the-box” application, or what has been customized for the customer by Infor or its
The application then applies all the configuration changes created in the Configuration Console by system
administrators, providing the user with the company’s desired page, form, list, or menu contents.
If the user has personalization access, the system then applies any user personalizations, including field
labels, fonts and colors, or adding or removing menu items. These personalizations supersede any
configuration changes made by the system administrator. Therefore, when responding to situations regarding
missing or changed fields on a form, for instance, the administrator will want to verify the existence of any
personalizations which may be affecting how a form is displayed.

Accessing the Configuration Console

To access the Configuration Console, you select Start > Configure > the type of configuration (application,
MIME, security, web services).
To access the Configuration Console, you must have a security role that includes one of several security
classes or their equivalent. Listed below are the configuration tasks you might want to perform and the
relevant security classes and roles needed for those tasks.

To do this… You must have these security You must be assigned this
classes or their equivalents… role…

Modify application configuration GlobalUIConfigAccess_ST ConfigurationAccess_ST

(menus, pages, lists, and forms)

Modify security classes SecurityConfigAccess_ST and SecurityAdministrator_ST


Work with actors, identity, and SecurityConfigAccess_ST and SecurityAdministrator_ST

roles UserAdminAllAccess_ST

(If a user has the

UserAdminAllAccess_ST security
class but not the
SecurityConfigAccess_ST security
class, that user can work with
actors, identities, and roles outside
of the Configuration Console.)

Work with MIME types GlobalUIConfigAccess_ST ConfigurationAccess_ST

Work with Web services GlobalUIConfigAccess_ST ConfigurationAccess_ST

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Personalizations are changes made to override default configurations.
Personalizations allow users to change application components to help increase efficiencies by modifying
forms, menus, and pages by:
• Hiding fields that are irrelevant to their workflow.
• Changing label text to make the fields stand out on the form or match corporate standards or other
• Rearranging fields to make a form easier to navigate.
• Changing menus to efficiently navigate from form to form.
The user may have the option to push the personalization to everyone as a configuration with the “Make
Global” option. Make Global is available only if the user is given the security role of ConfigurationAccess_ST.
Application components can be personalized by any actor with the security role of PersonalizationAccess_ST.
The following table describes what can be personalized.

Application Description
Menus Menus hold application objects (pages and lists) that meet specific job needs.
Menus can be changed to create a more efficient workflow for the user.
Pages Pages can contain lists or other application objects. A page’s layout can be
rearranged to suit the user’s preferences.
Lists Lists are components that can be personalized as part of pages and business
classes. Lists can be modified by adding, deleting, or hiding fields and labels.
Fields Fields can be made editable or rearranged on a list to make a user’s work
efforts more efficient.
Labels Labels can be added to fields to make them more visually appealing, including
changing the color.
Forms Forms, like lists, can be modified by adding or deleting fields and labels.

Lists are designed to be reusable. If you personalize a list on one page, then every page
that the list is used reflects those personalizations as well.





230 Lesson 14: Configuration Console overview

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Demo: Add a column to a list
Your instructor will demonstrate how to had a column to a list.





Exercise 14.1: Add a column to a list

In this exercise, you will add a column to a list.

Exercise 14.1 steps

1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Contract Manager from the Application Switcher. The Contract Manager landing page
3. Click Manage Contracts. The In Process Contracts form opens.
4. Select All Actions Menu > Options > Personalize. The List Editor for list in Process Contracts
dialog box opens.
5. Click Add Field. The List Column Editor dialog box opens.
6. Type ContractSource in the Field field. A string list displays as you type.
7. Select ContractSource from the list of options.
8. Type Contract Source in the Label field.
9. Click OK. You return to the List Editor for list in Process Contracts dialog box.
10. Click the ContractSource row to highlight it.
11. Click Move Up twice. ContractSource displays above Status.
12. Click OK. You return to the In Process Contracts form. Contract Source displays as a column.
13. Click the All Active tab. Note that there is no Contract Source column. Contract Source was only
added to In Process contracts.

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Configuration overview
Any application component that can be personalized can also be configured using the Configuration Console.
The following types of configurations can be designed by someone with the appropriate security level.
• Application components
o Fields
o Lists
o Forms
o Action requests
o Action overrides
• Security
o Actors
o Identities
o Roles
o Security classes
• MIME types
• Web services

For more information on configuration, please see Configuration Console User Guide
Cloud Edition.





232 Lesson 14: Configuration Console overview

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Check your understanding
Which four of the following components can be personalized?
a) Actors
b) Forms
c) Fields
d) Pages
e) Lists
f) Roles

Which one of the following options are global changes an administrator can make to alter a
delivered application to fit a business need?
a) Personalizations
b) Configurations
c) Modifications
d) Alterations

True or False? Users must have a security role that includes one of several security
classes or their equivalent to access the Configuration Console.
a) True
b) False

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 233
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Lesson 15: Infor Process Automation
Estimated time
1 hour

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain how Infor Process Automation is used. In this lesson,
you will:
• Explain the purpose for using Infor Process Automation.
• Describe how Infor Process Automation works.
• Define a work unit.
• Identify the options available to the process server administrator from the User Configuration menu.
• Describe the process for adding a task to an Infor Process Automation user.

• Infor Process Automation overview
• How Infor Process Automation works
• User configuration menu
• Check your understanding

234 Lesson 15: Infor Process Automation overview

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Infor Process Automation overview
Infor Process Automation is a tool for automating business processes. For example, if workers at your
organization perform a procedure (a series of tasks) repeatedly, automating the procedures makes sense.
Doing so ensures that all steps in the procedure are performed and in the correct sequence.
Infor Process Automation is the umbrella term for the business process modeling system that has both
server-side and client machine software components.

Infor Process Automation server-side tools for administrators

Infor Process Automation delivers menus and other tools for system administrators to configure, launch,
maintain, and troubleshoot processes. It also provides the engine that executes the automated business
process. These tools are accessed through the Process Server Administrator.

Infor Process Designer

Infor Process Designer is a desktop point-and-click tool for creating processes. A process is the file of
instructions that carries out the process logic.





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How Infor Process Automation works
Before we can begin to understand how Infor Process Automation works, we need to define work units.
A work unit is a data set that allows Infor Process Automation to start an associated process and track its
When a process runs, it generates one or more work units. Each work unit represents the history of the
process as it executes. A trigger is activated as the by-product of a user performing a business action in an
application. For example, releasing a requisition or putting a customer order on hold.
The Process Server Administrator menu provides a Work Units menu which provides tools for monitoring the
process of work units.
Now, let’s look at some examples of Infor Process Automation to best understand how it works.

Example 1 - Simple process to route purchase orders

Suppose your company has three people who need to sign off on purchase orders. You want to create a
process that automates the process of routing the purchase order among these individuals.
The following is a high-level overview of routing a process through individuals.
1. Design the process using Infor Process Designer.
2. Upload the process using Infor Process Designer.
3. Schedule the process to run using Process Server Administrator.
4. Work appears in the Inbasket (requesting sign-off) of the appropriate users. This happens
automatically through process execution.
In this example, users are notified directly. The process identifies users through their user IDs as the specific
persons whose Inbasket should receive notifications.

Example 2 – Adding tasks

In this next example, work is assigned to tasks, rather than directly to users.
In Infor Process Automation, a task represents users who perform a specific function. Tasks are assigned to
For our purchase order (PO) sign-off example, we assume that a task called "PO Sign-off" has been created.
When the process executes, a work unit to sign off on a purchase order appears in the Inbasket of users who
have been assigned the task.
The following is a high-level overview of how work is assigned to tasks.
1. Assign the task of “PO Sign-Off” to users using the Process Server Administrator.
2. Upload the process using Infor Process Designer.
3. Take action in the application to trigger the process, or schedule the process to run using Process
Server Administrator.
4. Work appears in the Inbasket (requesting sign-off on the purchase order) of the appropriate users.

Filters and triggers

Infor Process Automation also works using filters and triggers.

236 Lesson 15: Infor Process Automation overview

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Filtering is a way to route work units only to tasks (users) who need to see them. The process is triggered
directly by the administrator. This means that the administrator locates the process on the list of available
processes and configures scheduling as needed.
To continue with our example, when a purchase order for a new piece of hardware for the accounting
department is routed, the work unit appears only in the Inbasket of users who have been assigned the "PO
Sign-Off" task and the criteria value "accounting" for the filter "department".
In Infor Process Automation, a trigger is a service. A service represents a business event. It adds a level of
separation between the process and scheduling. Through application code, it triggers a process to execute.
To add to our example, when a user releases a purchase order from an application, trigger code launches the
purchase order sign-off process.





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User configuration menu
You access Tasks and Users from the User Configuration menu of the Process Server Administrator main
From the Tasks option, you can create new tasks.
You can perform the following tasks from the Users option:

• Add Landmark users to Infor Process Automation

• Assign tasks to Infor Process Automation users





238 Lesson 15: Infor Process Automation overview

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Demo: View tasks and assign a task to a user
Your instructor will demonstrate how to view tasks assigned to an Infor Process
Automation user and add a task to the user.




Exercise 15.1: View tasks and assign a task to a user

In this exercise, you will view tasks assigned to an Infor Process Automation user and add
a task to the user.

Exercise 15.1 steps

Part 1: View the tasks assigned to a user
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Process Server Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Process Server
Administrator landing page displays.
3. Select Configuration > User Configuration > Users. The Users form opens.
4. Click <your assigned actor ID> in the Users section of the form. The tasks for the actor display in
the User Tasks section.

Part 2: Add a task to a user

1. Select Actions > Create in the User Task section of the Users form. The User Task form opens.
2. Select Buyer from Task field.
3. Click Save. A confirmation message displays.
4. Click Back. You return to the Users form and the Buyer task displays in the User Tasks section of
the form.



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Check your understanding

What is Infor Process Automation used for?




Which one of the following options best defines a work unit?

a) Tasks assigned to users who need to see them
b) File of instructions that carries out the process logic
c) Data set that allows Infor Process Automation to start an associated process
and track its execution
d) Business event

Which one of the following options do you select to assign a task to a Landmark user?
a) Select Configuration > User Configuration > Tasks
b) Select Configuration > User Configuration > Users
c) Select Administration > User Tasks
d) Select Administration > User Configuration > Users

240 Lesson 15: Infor Process Automation overview

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Lesson 16: Infor Spreadsheet Designer
Estimated time
1 hour

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain how Infor Spreadsheet Designer is used. In this
lesson, you will:
• Identify the functions of Infor Spreadsheet Designer.
• Explain the key features of Infor Spreadsheet Designer.
• Define basic Infor Spreadsheet Designer terminology.
• Describe how to create a basic query.

• Infor Spreadsheet Designer overview
• Infor Spreadsheet Designer terminology
• Queries
• Check your understanding

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 241
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Infor Spreadsheet Designer overview
Infor Spreadsheet Designer for Microsoft® Excel® is an Excel add-in for Landmark applications. It provides
easy access to Landmark application data from within the Excel application. It also uses the Report Anywhere
concept of lists and saved searches.

This product allows you to easily access and change Infor Landmark data using these functions.
• Query
• Map
• View
• Upload
• Update
• Delete
The main metaphor used throughout Infor Spreadsheet Designer is mapping Landmark application data items
to an Excel spreadsheet. For example, on a list query, you map a list and a set of its fields to a specific
spreadsheet. Now that spreadsheet becomes that list of data.
The same is true for Upload/Update functionality. You can map data within the spreadsheet to a specific
business class and its fields add, or change data within the business class with create, update, and delete
actions. You save these mappings within the Excel workbook, making those mapped worksheets within that
workbook always connected to the data to which they were originally mapped.
You can also save frequently used searches and folders.

Key features
With Infor Spreadsheet Designer, you can do the following:
• Define multiple queries in one Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
o Pre-defined Landmark lists
o User saved searches
• Update data
o Entire worksheet
o Selected ranges
• Upload
o Data in a spreadsheet to a Landmark business class
o Maps of all business class create, update, and delete actions

Upload options
The upload options described in the table below moves one record at a time to the application. Use these
upload options when there are a few records to upload as this can be time consuming.

Option Description

Upload The Upload option uploads all records on the current sheet in the Excel

242 Lesson 16: Infor Spreadsheet Designer overview

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Option Description

Upload Sheet Range The Upload Sheet Range option uploads specific rows to upload rather
than all records. You upload specific rows by:
• Using Current Select which allows you to highlight specific rows to
• Entering a specific range which allows you to enter a range of rows to

Upload All The Upload All option uploads multiple sheets in the Excel file rather than
having to select each sheet to upload the data.

Upload versus Batch

Upload allows you to move one record at a time to the application. Batch uploads all the records to the
application at one time. Any records that may contain an error are not processed and the error message is
returned. Use this option when there are many records to upload as not using the batch option can result in a
longer than anticipated upload process. Select Infor > Settings > Upload in Batch Mode.

You can change the feedback setting to increase the upload speed.
Select Infor > Settings and select the "Fast feedback: disable color coding, errors marked
with ***ERROR" check box. Any errors encountered are identified by the ***ERROR code
option instead of using the standard error color scheme.





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Infor Spreadsheet Designer terminology
The following table are Infor Spreadsheet Designer terms. You will see these terms used in the exercises that

Term Definition

Authentication Users are authenticated for database access according to the login procedure
assigned to the database service. There are different levels of authentication.

Business class A business class contains the data you want to query.

Form name The form name can be viewed in the Landmark web user interface (Infor Ming.le) by
pressing Control/Shift and clicking the mouse.

Form name and business class

Field name A field name is the name of the column or field that contains specific data.

Show State vs This option toggles the fields on the forms that contain a numeric value that
Show Value represents a descriptive label from the numeric value to the descriptive label.

As of Date The As of Date is a point of time that the data in the query represents.

Filters A filter is a value that the data in the query is based on. A filter can be inclusive or

Refresh vs The selection of Refresh or Refresh All determines which spreadsheet or spread
Refresh All sheets are updated.

View Log The View Log option displays a list of actions with a date and time stamp that
occurred while Infor Spreadsheet Designer was in use. The log can be viewed to
help troubleshoot an error or incident that occurred in the application.

Delete Query A delete query removes the query criteria from Infor Spreadsheet Designer.

Save Query A save query places or saves the query onto a specific location; usually the hard

244 Lesson 16: Infor Spreadsheet Designer overview

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Demo: Explore Infor Spreadsheet Designer
Your instructor will demonstrate Infor Spreadsheet Designer.





Exercise 16.1: Explore Infor Spreadsheet Designer

In this exercise, you will explore Infor Spreadsheet Designer.

Exercise 16.1 steps

Part 1: Log in to Infor Spreadsheet Designer
1. Double-click the EXCEL icon on the training desktop. Microsoft Excel opens. Note: A Microsoft
Office Activation Wizard may display. If so, click Cancel.
2. Click the Infor tab in the menu bar. The Infor ribbon displays.
3. Click Insert Query. The Infor Spreadsheet Designer window opens.
4. Select from the Server URL drop-down list.
5. Click Connect. The Infor XI Platform window opens.
6. Type <your assigned username> in the field.
7. Type <your assigned password> in the Password field.
8. Click Sign in. The Insert Business Class Query dialog box opens.
9. Click Cancel. The Insert Business Class Query dialog box closes.

Part 2: Explore Infor Spreadsheet Designer

1. Click the Infor down arrow in the Infor ribbon. A list of options displays.
2. Click Help. The Infor Spreadsheet Designer Help window opens.
3. Click the plus sign (+) beside Infor Spreadsheet Designer in the left pane to expand it.
4. Expand Infor Spreadsheet Designer Help. A list of help topics displays.
5. Close the Infor Spreadsheet Designer Help window.
6. Select Infor > Settings. The Settings dialog box opens and the setting options display.
7. Click Close. The Settings dialog box closes.
8. Select Infor > About. The Infor Spreadsheet Designer for Microsoft Excel window opens
displaying the product version of Infor Spreadsheet Designer for Microsoft Excel.
9. Click View Log. The Lawson.SpreadsheetDesignerLog – Notepad window opens. Note: This log
is helpful for troubleshooting.

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10. Close the Lawson.SpreadsheetDesignerLog – Notepad window.
11. Click Close on the Infor Spreadsheet Designer for Microsoft Excel window. You return to the
Excel spreadsheet.
12. Click the down arrow beside Insert Query. A list of query options displays.
13. Click Insert Upload. The Upload Definition window opens.
14. Click Cancel. You return to the Excel spreadsheet.









246 Lesson 16: Infor Spreadsheet Designer overview

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Query functions

Business class
Each business class contains a set of related fields. You need a general knowledge of the fields and actions
of each business class.

A list is a predefined set of data from the application itself. It is defined in Lawson Pattern Language (LPL).
This is the same set of data you see in any of the user interfaces for the applications. You can view it using
Infor Ming.le for the application or in the web for the self-service applications.

Query Wizard
A Query Wizard guides you through the selections and options for a query.

Creating a query
A query is created by selecting the data area and business class or list. There is no standard published
database dictionary to lay out the database structure.





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Demo: Create a basic query
Your instructor will demonstrate how to create a basic query.





Exercise 16.2: Create a basic query

In this exercise, you will create a basic query.

Exercise 16.2 steps

1. Ensure you are logged in to Infor Spreadsheet Designer. If not, refer to Exercise 16.1, part 1,
steps 1-8.
2. Click the down arrow beside Insert Query. A list of options displays.
3. Select Business Class from the list of options. The Insert Business Class Query window opens.
4. Select iefin from the Select a Data Area drop-down list.
5. Select Requisition from the Select a Business Class drop-down list.
6. Select the check box beside the following fields in the Fields section:
o Requisition
o Requester
o RequestingLocation
o CreationDate
o Status
7. Click Insert. The Insert Business Class Query window closes, and the selected field names display
in the columns of the spreadsheet.
8. Click the down arrow under Refresh. A list of options displays. Note: You may need to click Infor in
the ribbon so the Infor header displays.
9. Select Refresh from the list of options. Values populate the columns of the spreadsheet. Note: A
column for Company also displays.
10. Scroll through the spreadsheet to view the values.
11. Scroll down in the Query Properties pane.
12. Verify the value that displays in the As of Date drop-down list is <today’s date>.

You can click the down arrow in the As of Date drop-down list to select a different
date. You can query on values for the fields based on a point of time you select.

248 Lesson 16: Infor Spreadsheet Designer overview

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13. Verify that Show Value displays in the Required Key Fields drop-down list in the Query Properties
pane. If not, select it.

If the Required Key Fields drop-down list is not visible, expand the Query Properties

14. Review any field changes that may have occurred.

15. Click X to close the Microsoft Excel window. The Microsoft Excel dialog box opens and displays
the message, “Want to save your changes to ‘Book<x>’?”
16. Click Don’t Save. You return to the training desktop.

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 249
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Check your understanding
Which two of the following options are selected when creating a basic query?
a) Form name
b) Data area
c) Business class
d) Work units
e) Query properties

How can you view a form name?




What can be used in Infor Spreadsheet Designer to troubleshoot an error or incident?




What is the difference between upload and batch upload?




250 Lesson 16: Infor Spreadsheet Designer overview

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Lesson 17: Infor Business Intelligence
Estimated time
1 hour

Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe Infor Business Intelligence. In this lesson, you will:
• Describe how to access the Dashboard.
• Describe how to access FSM Reports.

• Infor Business Intelligence overview

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 251
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Infor Business Intelligence overview
Infor Business Intelligence (BI) is a fully integrated, state-of-the art business intelligence platform for all types
of financial and operational analytics and performance management. Infor BI uses standard reporting,
dashboards, flexible ad hoc reporting and analysis, business planning, budgeting, forecasting, and financial
With Infor BI, you have a single system that measures and monitors your business, delivering timely and up-
to-date information in a format that is immediately useable.

Demo: Explore Infor BI

Your instructor will demonstrate Infor BI.
• If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, you must complete the steps in
this demonstration.

Demo steps
Part 1: Update analytic cube
1. Ensure that you are logged in to Infor Ming.le for this exercise. If not, log in following Exercise 1.1,
part 1 and then click on the Infor CloudSuite Financials icon.
2. Select Application Administrator from the Application Switcher. The Application Administrator
landing page displays.
3. Select Financials > Global Ledger > Processing > Refresh Analytic Cube. The Refresh
Financial Cubes dialog box opens.
4. Verify all the check boxes are selected.
5. Click OK. A confirmation message displays.

Part 2: Explore Dashboards

1. Click the Dashboard icon. The Dashboard displays with the following in the menu bar:
o Dashboards - You have access to various application-specific dashboards, such as Buyer,
Contract Manager, Requester.
o FSM Reports – You have access to CloudSuite Financials.
o Toolbox – You have access to WebView and widget copies, if applicable.

Part 3: Explore Dashboards

1. Click Dashboards. A panel displays with a list of application-specific dashboards.

Part 4: Explore FSM Reports

1. Click FSM Reports. The FSM Reports panel displays. Note: It may take a few seconds for the FSM
Reports panel to load the first time you access it.
2. Click CloudSuite Financials. A list of options displays.
3. Click Financial Reports. GL Reports, Project Reports, KPI Reports, and Widgets display.
4. Click GL Reports. A list of GL reports displays.
5. Click Inventory. A list of inventory reports displays.

252 Lesson 17: Infor Business Intelligence overview

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Course summary
Estimated time
.5 hours

Learning objectives
Now that you have completed this course, you should be able to:
• Describe how to navigate the user interfaces).
• Identify the applications and business processes used in Infor CloudSuite Financials Core and Infor
CloudSuite Supply Management.
• Describe the requisition-to-inventory process.
• Describe the requisition-to-check process.
• Describe the purchase order-to asset-management process.
• Describe the requisition-to-global ledger process.
• Describe the requisition-to-sourcing-to-purchase order process.
• Describe the requisition-to-sourcing-to contract process.
• Describe the processes for the Billing and Receivables applications.
• Describe the processes for the Close Management and Reconciliation Management applications.
• Describe the process for the Cash Management application.
• Discuss basic information about Landmark Technology.
• Describe the basics of security in Infor CloudSuite Financials applications.
• Explain how the Configuration Console is used.
• Explain how IPA is used.
• Explain how Infor Spreadsheet Designer is used.
• Describe Infor BI.

• Course review

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 253
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The appendices that follow include supplemental reference material.
• Appendix A: User accounts
• Appendix B: Lease Accounting
• Appendix C: Grant Accounting
• Appendix D: Mobile applications
• Appendix E: Procurement Cards

254 Appendices
© 2019 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Appendix A: User accounts
This table contains the pre-defined data already in the setup in the training environment.

Server User Password

Training Desktop infor Tr@in123

Main Application ID Username Password

Instructor login (for course demos): IN01 Tr@in123

Infor Rich Client
Infor Ming.le
Infor Spreadsheet Designer

Student logins (for course exercises):

Infor Rich Client ST01 Tr@in123
Infor Ming.le
Infor Spreadsheet Designer ST02 Tr@in123

ST03 Tr@in123

ST04 Tr@in123

ST05 Tr@in123

ST06 Tr@in123

ST07 Tr@in123

ST08 Tr@in123

ST09 Tr@in123

ST10 Tr@in123

ST11 Tr@in123

ST12 Tr@in123

ST13 Tr@in123

ST14 Tr@in123

ST15 Tr@in123

ST16 Tr@in123

ST17 Tr@in123

ST18 Tr@in123

ST19 Tr@in123

ST20 Tr@in123

CloudSuite Financials & Supply Management: Applications Foundation Training Workbook 255
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Server User Password

Training Desktop infor Tr@in123

Main Application ID Username Password

ST21 Tr@in123

ST22 Tr@in123

ST23 Tr@in123

ST24 Tr@in123

Student Employee Name Employee # and Company/ Supplier user name and
ID email address Business password

ST01 Emily Ackers 6 4001 user01 Tr@in123

ST02 Alexander Bell 1106 4002 user02 Tr@in123

ST03 Drew Buchanan 1118 4003 user03 Tr@in123

ST04 Arthur Clarke 1104 4004 user04 Tr@in123

ST05 Tony Cleveland 1121 4005 user05 Tr@in123

ST06 Tom Peterson 1103 4006 user06 Tr@in123

ST07 Sue Hadley 1102 4007 user07 Tr@in123

ST08 Michelle Harding 1125 4008 user08 Tr@in123

ST09 Dean Harrison 1117 4009 user09 Tr@in123

ST10 Julia Hocken 1101 4010 user10 Tr@in123

256 Appendices
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Student Employee Name Employee # and Company/ Supplier user name and
ID email address Business password

ST11 Marcia Hudson 1112 4011 user11 Tr@in123

ST12 Mathew Lincoln 1119 4012 user12 Tr@in123

ST13 Kristie Fisher 1126 4013 user13 Tr@in123

ST14 Julia Hocken 1210 4014 user14 Tr@in123

ST15 Jill Knutson 1174 4015 user15 Tr@in123

ST16 Garry Sample 1169 4016 user16 Tr@in123

ST17 Theo Robot 1105 4017 user17 Tr@in123

ST18 Taylor Wang 1107 4018 user18 Tr@in123

ST19 Thomas Edison 1108 4019 user19 Tr@in123

ST20 Will Robinson 1109 4020 user20 Tr@in123

ST21 Ruth Dundee 1187 4021 user21 Tr@in123

ST22 Harold Casper 1205 4022 user22 Tr@in123

ST23 Josie Davis 1184 4023 user23 Tr@in123

ST24 Janice Dewit 1195 4024 user24 Tr@in123

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Appendix B: Lease Accounting
Infor Lease Accounting provides a single point of entry from which you can specify and maintain your leases,
specify and maintain any assets that are associated with the leases in Asset Accounting, create and approve
lease payment invoices, and interface them to Payables for invoice processing.
Lease Accounting automatically calculates rents, payments, and obligation balances. Journal entries are
automatically calculated and created for journalizing to the Global Ledger.

Process flow
Lease Accounting can be divided into four main processes.
• Setup
• Interface
• Processing
• Analysis and reporting
The following graphic illustrates the four main processes and sub-processes.

Lease accounting processes and sub-processes

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The image below illustrates how the Lease Accounting application integrates with other Infor applications.

Lease Accounting application integrating with other Infor applications

Lease Accounting prerequisites

Lease Accounting requires an associated Global Ledger entity, with Payables and Asset Accounting fully
defined for your companies.
Lease Accounting uses the Payables company to validate the vendor for distribution and payment
information. When you identify company on a lease, on a distribution, or on a payment, it is a Payables
company. You do not need to set up a Lease Accounting Company.
Authority codes from Payables are required. Lease Accounting uses authority codes to approve and send
invoices to Payables. You cannot release a payment request to Payables without first attaching an authority
code to the payment request.

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Appendix C: Grant Accounting
The Grant Accounting application provides the ability to set up, process, and monitor grant-related data and
Grant Accounting has the functionality to manage sponsored projects for universities, academic medical
centers, research hospitals, research institutes, non-profit organizations, and K-12 school districts.

Integration with other Infor applications

Grant Accounting integrates and interfaces with other Infor applications to provide a solution that works to
provide for the administration, tracking, and reporting of sponsored projects.
The following image illustrates the integration of Grant Accounting with other Infor applications.

Grant Accounting integrating with other Infor applications

The Grant Accounting application is closely coupled with the Global Ledger, Project Ledger, and Project
Invoicing applications.
Project Ledger provides the means for complete, end-to-end project accounting for capital projects, cost and
revenue activities, as well as managing day-to-day grant transactions.
Project Invoicing is additional functionality to the Project Ledger application. You can also use Project
Invoicing to invoice grant sponsors for billable or grant-funded projects. In addition, you can track project
funding sources such as customers.

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Process flow
The following graphic illustrates the process flow for the Grant Accounting application.

Grant Accounting process flow

Prerequisite setup
The Global Ledger, Project Ledger, and Project Invoicing applications have setup requirements for Grant
The following table describes the setup requirements for each of these applications.

Application Setup task

Global Ledger • Enterprise group

• Finance Enterprise Group
Note: This is the first
application you set up. • Calendars
• Accounting entities
• Accounts
• Chart of accounts
• Ledgers
• Currency
• Human Resource (HR) organization and employees
Project Ledger • Project status
• Project roles
• Period of performance templates
• Labor schedules
• Project structure
• Project hierarchy
• Projects within projects
• Project employees
• Project assignments
Project Invoicing • Funding structure
• Customers
• Receivables application

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Appendix D: Mobile applications
Mobile applications assist in the following areas:
• Par and cycle counting
• Receiving and delivery
• Point of use
• Surgical instrument management
• Financials

Par and Cycle Counting application overview

The Par and Cycle Counting application works in conjunction with supply management applications to provide
an overall solution that interfaces supply chain execution with inventory control, planning, purchasing, payroll,
and accounting processes for the administration, tracking, and reporting of healthcare operations.
Par and Cycle Counting is used to simplify and streamline the replenishment and control processes by
reducing par and cycle counting time, eliminating paper-based processing, and increasing staff productivity
and effectiveness.
Par and Cycle Counting uses wireless handheld devices and individual workstations equipped with web
browsers to manage medical supplies.
The Par and Cycle Counting handheld application contains functionality for counting par areas and performing
cycle counts.

The Par and Cycle Counting applications interface with the Inventory Control application.
To perform cycle counting, you freeze files in the Inventory Control application. When cycle counting on the
handheld application, the user synchronizes the inventory information available in the Inventory Control
application with the handheld terminal. When performing pick for par, each pick transaction is validated
against the Inventory Control application.

Process flow
The Par and Cycle Counting application consists of four main processes:
• Setup
• Configuration
• Processing
• Reporting

Receiving and Delivery application overview

The Receiving and Delivery application uses mobile technologies to help materials organizations receive,
transport, deliver and track goods across the breadth of an organization.
These goods include items ordered from vendors using a purchase order created in procurement, and parcels
that are sent to the organization that are not ordered through procurement, such as documents or gifts. Most
of the goods that are received must eventually get delivered to the appropriate destination location within the

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The Receiving and Delivery application interfaces with the following applications:
• Inventory Control
• Purchasing
• Requisitions

Process flow
The receiving and delivery process begins when a carrier drops off a shipment of goods. When the process is
complete, all the shipments are ready for delivery to their appropriate destination locations.

Point of Use application overview

The Point of Use application includes the following:
• Point of Use for Nursing
• Point of Use for Department Inventory

Point of Use for Nursing

Point of Use for Nursing is designed to streamline the process of capturing patient charges while efficiently
managing supply inventory. By recording supply utilization at point of use, Point of Use for Nursing can
automatically generate replenishment events while sending patient charges to the patient billing system.
Point of Use for Nursing is designed for nurses, nurse supervisors, data-entry clerks, material technicians and
material supervisors.

Point of Use for Department Inventory

Point of Use for Department Inventory is designed to streamline the process of capturing patient charges and
sending to the billing system and managing expensed inventories in specialty departments. It provides
visibility on the value and quantity of supplies in the department.
Point of Use for Department Inventory is designed for department managers, laboratory technicians, nurses
and inventory technicians.

The Point of Use applications interfaces with the following applications:
• Inventory Control
• Purchasing
• Requisitions
• Warehouse (for Point of Use for Nursing)

Process flow
The Point of Use applications consists of three main processes.
• Configuration
• Processing
• Reporting

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Surgical Instrument Management application overview
The Surgical Instrument Management (SIM) application enables hospitals to track surgical instruments and
trays throughout their life cycle from procurement, to assembly, packaging, sterilization, storage, distribution,
and utilization. You can use SIM to better manage and track instruments and trays. The application improves
operation standardization and staff effectiveness.

The SIM application interfaces with the Inventory Control application.
The SIMapplication and Inventory Control share information about companies, locations, and items. In the
SIM application, you can load companies, locations, and items directly from Inventory Control. Inventory
Control keeps track of all the information and transactions performed in SIM.

Process flow
The SIM application consists of four main processes.
• Setup
• Configuration
• Processing
• Reporting

Mobile financials include Payables, Receivables, and Global Ledger subsets that work with the core
applications of the same products.
• Payables actions
o View and approve invoices
o Manage vendors
• Receivables actions
o View and approve invoices
o Manage customers
• Global Ledger actions
o View and maintain journal entries
o Search for data within the Global Ledger

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Appendix E: Procurement Cards
The Procurement Cards solution is used to manage an organization’s procurement cards programs.
Additionally, Procurements Cards processes simplifies the buying process allowing an organization to easily
make regular payments directly to their bank and reduces the need to pay individual vendor invoices.
There are additional benefits for using the Procurement Cards application.
• Streamlines the buying process by avoiding the need to create requisitions and purchase orders
• Reduces time and purchasing costs, especially for frequently-purchased, low-value items
• Provides quick payment to vendors
• Maximizes rebates from card providers
• Captures all spending data for easy reporting of both purchase orders and procurement card

Integration of the Procurement Cards application with other Infor applications

The Procurement Cards application is closely integrated with the Purchasing and Payables applications. This
provides seamless administration of purchase orders to be paid with a procurement card and payment of
procurement card statements.
When creating a purchase order, you can indicate whether the purchase order will be paid by a procurement
card and which procurement card number is to be used for payment.
Configuration of Payables vendors includes procurement card options. A procurement card number can be
assigned to the vendor as the default on any purchase orders created for that vendor. The Payables vendor
can also be flagged as requiring a procurement card number on all purchase orders.
Payments are made to the procurement card bank defined as a vendor in Payables. In addition, procurement
card merchants can be associated with Payables vendors.

Procurement Cards: big picture

The Procurement Cards application process flow can be divided into four main processes.
The following image illustrates these four main processes and associated sub-processes.

Procurement Cards processes and sub-processes

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Setup requirements
The following table describes the setup tasks for Procurement Cards.

Task Description

Users Procurement card users include the following roles:

• Program administrator
• Requester
• Proxy
• Cardholder
Programs Procurement card programs are the credit card services offered by
a bank or financial institution, such as Visa, American Express, or
US Bank, and are set up and maintained by program

Merchants A merchant is a retailer from which you buy goods, such as a

hardware store or discount retailer. Configuring merchants for
Procurement Cards is optional, but there are advantages,
especially in tax reporting.

Reason codes Reason codes explain the status of a bank charge. For example,
codes identify why a charge was disputed or rejected.

Numbers Procurement card numbers indicate whether cards are to be used

by a single person or a group of people, and if the cards are limited
to taxable or exempt purchases. You also need to indicate the
effective and expirations dates.

Creating and releasing

Procurement Cards users create requests for procurement cards. When creating a procurement card request,
the user performs the following tasks:
• Assigns a procurement group
• Assigns a procurement card program
• Identifies a cardholder
• Identifies a proxy
• Decides on card options:
o Whether the card is to be used by a single person or group of people
o Whether the card is limited to taxable purchases or exempt purchases
o Limiting purchases to or excluding purchases from a merchant group
o Setting a maximum transaction amount for a single purchase
• Defines company and distribution information (e.g., Global Ledger, business entity, cost center,
account, and project)
• Releases the request
Requests are sent to procurement program administrators when the Release action is executed.

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Approving and activating
When the request is released, it is assigned a status of unapproved. Administrators review these unapproved
requests and can approve, reject, or cancel it.
If the request is approved, the administrator specifies a card number, an expiration date, and an effective date
after the card is received from the bank. Administrators can also update the card options defined on the
original request. Then, the administrator activates the card so that it is available to the cardholder to make

Processing procurement cards

Bank charges
Two types of bank charges are created when processing procurement cards: ad hoc charges and purchase
order charges. Ad hoc charges are those for which a purchase order is not required. Purchase orders charges
are meant for purchases that require a purchase order.

Processing procurement card charges

When configuring procurement card programs, administrators define two fields related to how bank charges
are processed: Automatic Charge Approval and Automatic Charge Close. These fields define which types of
bank charges are automatically approved when the procurement card invoices are released and closed when
procurement card charges are approved.

Importing procurement card charges

Importing procurement card charges involves the following steps:
• Prepare the bank file
• Run Procurement Card Charge Import
• Import data using Procurement Card Charge Interface
• Review imported statements and transaction lines using Procurement Card Charge Interface

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