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ADVICE TO A YOUNG MAN the great writer’ previously unpublished observations ‘on some of the ground rules of life and literature By ERNEST HEMINGWAY youre sexx (and women) come to me for advice about their writing problems and their love affairs. I uy to be generous and kindhearted about my advice. 000 Aovice sometimes eames too late Wx bo Nor FIND the deep truths of life: they find us. ON THE ART OF WRITING WAITING PLAIN ENGLSiE is hard work. [NO ONE EVER LEARNED LITERATURE from a textbook. I HAVE NEVER TAKEN a course in writing. I learned to write naturally and on my own. 1 pip nor succexD by accident; I succeeded by patient hard work. VeRAL vextuniry does not make a good book. ‘Too MANY AUTHORS are more concerned with the style of their writing than with the characters they are writing about. THERE ARE TOO MANY WRrTERS whose styles are often marred by verbosity and selfimportance. ew GREAT auruons ave a bri ‘TE INDIPENSADLE CHARACTERS marked by lucidity in his choice of subjects tiv terials, ‘ue rust Tune a good viiter does is overcome his sel conscious writing. ‘ Coop WRITER must have an irrepressible confidence i self and in his ideas, ‘watrine aust bu a labor of love or it is not writing. coop warres know how wo excavate significant facts from ‘masses of information ‘rn rououtst Tuumne for a writer is to maintain che vigor and fertility of his imagination. ‘A coop warren is conscientious craft who goes to infinite trouble and great tisk in a seatch for his material 1 WILL WAGE WAREARE against any writer whose work appears fo me careless Most werrexs ran. simply because they lack the indispens able qualifications of the genuine writer. They are intensely prejudiced. Their horizon, in spite of their edueation, is a THERE CaN be no great literature in America until her veriters, have learned to trust her implicitly and love her devotedly. WRITERS NOWADAYS spend too much energy on the subsidiary activities of talking and making money, which leaves them too litde time for serious writ ‘TODAY TE COUNTRY is flooded with cheap, trashy fiction, the general tendency of which is not only not but is positively destructive. The desire to read this stulf is as emoralizing as the narcotics habit. ‘Tie novet. is a kind of battlefield on which a writer fights his eternal struggle between good and evil A NovELIsr ntUsT Fossrst the art of (continued on poge 225) ADVICE TO A YOUNG MAN stimulating expectation crowded he vitality. of and detail are hardest to write At is not made to logic but vo on, not to intellect but to heart WHITINE 4 PLAY is easier chan writ a novel. It is the easiest literary meal there is. but there may be weeks and months of thinking it out beforehand Momax worts are doomed to wander in a batten vegion, amid those millions who cite nothing for tue postr 1 wisi F coutD forever silence those terialistic. people who contend that (rs have to mission among mew. test nooks are simple, dlivect an tllecta while world. wer be happy taying to create in his private ON CRITICS AND CRITIC ‘Giticism is perbaps them destructive, contagious, and Tes Suained of Tan: cikostc exIe is a sell appon court, judge, jury, verdict, jail, and ‘lectric cir all in one. He is a erst lined der among his brothers, an anarchist in dhe realm of individual Fights. Fle feels he is raised up to sige personally his fellows, and his text of procedure is, “The end. justifies He tears dows where he should res doubt nel selfalisteust hope should rule sy cams are sometimes the A Fool CAN Guricue anything and everybody, but a man must be wise in ‘experience w approve intelligently and tunderstand, ‘HE FALLIS of no American author wled belore the public have been 50 os those of mine. soe oF mE literary critics of the century have assailed me. Bat 1 scem to be impresnable, Ave. HAT stEMs out of place ina cvitic, » kindly heart ON LOVE AND WOMEN rove ig the greatest adventure people's lives. vie MEARE is the noblest part of jure, And the allections are redicut in human wae, ONCE WHILE nEARINE a young lady (continued from page 153) highly praised for her beauty, T asked: What kind of beauty do you Merely that of dhe body, or also th fof the mind? M 4 flower which is admited for its be but despised for its etter 10) Te may exercise a powerlul the fast place, but itis found to be of comparatively. little consequence afterward. To marry a haut: some figure without character, fine fea tutes nbastified by sentiment oF good nature, is the most deplorable of mi tikes, As even the finest Landscape, seen daily, becomes monotonous, 40 does the most beautiful face, unless a beawtital nate shines through it. The beauty of today becomes commonplace tom Whereas goodness, displayed u inary features, is pere ally lovely. This kind of beauty improves with age, and time ripens rather than destroys it. 8 MAN suouED sevER be too precisely steal of 3 wor vou which men blawe their emotion siuexce is often dhe best or fof a wom “Oh, you men ON EDUCATION y of primary MAX MAND is Hot only” self ally stupid. Sell 1 conditi the world. is it wothing that he ot se oF feel of taste, who has 0 place for imagination oF vision or faith THe staGer OF EAFY, even from a phys ical hisis. is to learn the laws of ‘the world and sabrsit to den Fy andl hcertully, To make the best of them is te way 10 make the sooo sexst, disci amd wost of them, ned by experience spiredl by goodness, resilts in al wisdom, Tivdevd, goodness i sure implies wisdom — the highest wwislom, MAN ts cAPAME of various kin of He is poses of phos jee Fach requires. ation of all makes him com: plete: the education of patt only leaves him deticien Ye epeeaTED MAN is the man who can do something, aid the quality of his work masks the degree of his edu ! You're all alike!” Pe of which equip him the beter for Tite calling. But books are not valuable S ouly hecatse of the available inform. iow they give —when they do not be instruct, they elev rehine Fs coop noos is olten the best un of «life, enshrining, ights of Shick that ite For the orld of s man’s life is. for the most part, the world of his thouglis. ‘The best hooks are treasuries of good words and golden thoughts, which, renvembered fh cherished, become or companions rl comorters, 1 ontvens is requisite to enables man co know himself. He is only his mising freely in the work that one Gum form a proper estimate of his own pacity HHIRE IS NO ComPANy’ so bal out of which a man may nou lear someting to make hinsell beter HavcAKD THE HOW as the mest inl msl sxhool of civilization Hose 16 THF FURST seul 8 school of chavacter. [tis there that every vilized being receives his best moral Law TESLLE is but the relles of homes. The tiniest bits of opinion sown into the minds of children tm private hfe alter wand go fou the world, and lus public opinion. Nations are gathered out of nurseries, and they who Fall the leacing strings of eh exercise greater power that those wield the reins of governme before out I look away to the oe wispomt are often while our footish eyes ls of the earth, sud bigher thing, thaw to know the ology of the reeks and the chemistry the trees ON ACHIEVING success WE EANNOT THEAVEL every pl ces must be won along one bine, We wist make our business ihe one life purpose 10 which every other must be suborlinate sre done by falves. IC it do it boldly: i ie be wromy lone yay looking into the mirror to mike Soe of ihr own sire. Abworbed in ther work they did i. Thcy di it so wel the wontering workl sow them 19 be great nd label them accord I file. It is not what-one lors, bet what one tries to do, that makes a man song wicatanees” it has beet said, “is the price of liberty.” With ral truth i¢ may be said, "Unceasing cllort is the price of success" IF we do oth nl pluck the prize from owe grasp. sucess grows less and fess dependent fom luck and cliance SELE DISTRUST is the exuse OF most of cou failures. ces is character, Character is crys tallized habit, the result of training sed conviction. Every character is influenced by heredity, environment and ede tion. Bur these apart if every man were not 10 a gyeat extent the sehitect of his owe character, he would be a lstals, vei invesponsible creature of ite it would be fice which builds sw existence out of iy our plastic power tier Novels Bests cor aa Inks Tron ils palaces, st ‘can make them someth EARNESINISS, STaMIOUSNESS al ca tion those sive the great instrn ‘of perstiasion, TH weKke oF wisnost, power and knowledge is humility. The secret ol influence & simplicity Tine ARLE WAY to ah Much is Mever to desire to sain too mues, wise ans don't care Lor what they court have 1 Uke ME stoRY OF Alesaner the Great. when upon bis deathbed «0 ided that when he was eieried for to his rave his haus should not he wrapped. is was ustil, in cloths. ba be left outside the cof, that ll yen might see them, aad might see that they were empty ON HAPPINESS ave sev MEE basicaly pessimistic althoust 1 have appeared ss HME TAKES LIFE «@ seriously as to be disposed 10 op at is a waste of penalty of one who doc to live force — the "C kaon how ton, and every power is intended for action, iron is ho. ron hot by stiking, T atave atiwavs Fousn that its ulul to do nothing than somethi ¥ to strike while the 1 stil 10 make the pa oF si tM wuerurs, checifaness ud centhusism sre the most prolitable stasat fo est jshes more often in it docs in prosperity sdversity- ty CONTENTMENT grows out Of im inwate superiority to 0 We FALL ISO THRE ststAKE of suppos ing that to look forward must mean to Took stisiously forward. Tt is ust as casy to look forward with hope ss ow Laket eLeAsuies are lent Tong lease. we ought 19 cultivate funengrowth of small pleasures 1 NEMULY ALL the eu al unhappiness of this world is selfish was We know at: but we still keep on Deinng sel, Wr ala! SHatLOW JeHErs Of the happi ress oF misery of others if we estimate it bby any marks thar distinguish them from conaselves, HaMte WHHOLT maPersts i but a sonny joke at hes, ON LIVING WITH HONOR ABLE to have a yood repu OF oxte ass x not 0 he spied. But should see to it that the reputation is deserved, other awise is life false. sand sooner o¥ he will stand “discoxered before th world TRE ws Orny a great distinetios between character and reputation. Rept ition is what the world ielieves us for The co aml the time: character i what we truly are Reputation and character muy bei harmon, but they” freq opposite as Fight ad da scoundrel hus had 4) reputation for 16: Ditty, net mens of the woblese characters wave had reputations teat role to the rinks of the depraved. be mote visible in bis home And his practical wisd will he beter exhibited by the manner inn which he rules there than even ithe Langer allans of business ot public Hie Mis whole mind may be in bis busines but if he would he happy. his whole heart must be in his home. It is there that his genuine qualities display’ dem selves. Tt is there that he shows. his truthlulness, his love, his sympathy, his considera rightness, his 1 word. his character Ihave for on Tor others, his & lies — MEN a yor bhatile of ile is 4 conse now hse amd good health TERE FS 80 FRIEND $0 good as + good conscience, There is no enemy 50 dat serous as a bad conscience. It makes 4 either kings oF shaves, eorscarnce is a dock which in onc strikes aloud and gives wat the hand points silently the ue, but doesn’t strike WHAT WE CALL COMMON SENSE is, for the most part, the resule of commo perience wisely improved, Nor is ge: ability necessary to sequtite it so much ay patience, aceuraey ant wate penn on mental bon physi habits Worry. sciuiveness suud temper ave Masta many a otherwie splendi man to hse. of enc. undealiny,” eosbid lh Dough as to Tike in the presence of tkpravedpople i Tine ONFiMING seaKcH For personal pleasure is selfishness in setion. Sel ti sm, pride, self right ‘aud mock Fisse of Iistan aclishuess TU St eels fear of loot oF of bx ly displaced. by something ce ity dese. Theve is in Tear and sortow, rashes sand a desire snore is a short it envy and som, pide and sideration, rejoi to inflict i avumnios destroys the pleasures of de present in ardent aspirations after an Imaginative fat leace is the fullest expression ms innocent revenge. View ANMIETY is the poison of is the parent of many miseries avanics isolates and shuts the sou sell. bad! temper. Bur the stro the greater is the need 6 and selbcoutrol its own dark er the temper. ‘selfdiscipline We AME RICH as we sive we Hive in proportion co the uuselishness of our Tove, and we become poor inthe rtio that we indulge habits of self-centered Ihe feels warmly, he will speak ‘out of the fulliess of is heart, We have to be on our guard ayainst impatient ie best peopl ave apt to have OF all west is intellectual patience ‘and lure is to believe hh are invisible wo son of « ies ach inv dithes ‘ourselves ONLY CLEMATE ORUGATION upon is that of honest siud earnest seeking for the ruth, ON PREJUDK pick is a despotic, ign slaveholder. Ie prejudges pronouuices sentences without evidence Hide or jury. We ought to rum away from it, for it is 4 false witness, seupid, dishonest and shortsighted, It separates friends, impedes human progress, be friends bad is obstructs yood ceauses. perp mslavcment of Toly and against the Des interests of mankind. ON DEATH cane stiauow leaves no track behind iu And of the greatest persons of he world, when they are once dead, thei ins no more than if they lad never lived. body of ‘to put on a orality? To pass from darkuess 10 g sunlight? To cease dreaming, ence? Is i 10 Is it to drop the IF WAS A SAVING OF MILION that, Who best ci suffer, best can do. The work of many of the greatest men. been done amish, dltfculey. They have srugaled against the tde and hed the shore exhausted. only to svasp the sand amd expire. They have done their duty and been content to But desth has no pawer over sch their hallowed» memories st ON FAUTH AND THE FUTURE uly watk ay rate oftencr d The major part of daily li of sbi itself into what is termed conbdence, conviction, ust, optimism, hope and courage. ‘The first movement in mental action is invariably one of fi its power bey AS A WEAK ELE sgrows stronger by ive, 0 will your FE rel by the very ell stretching i see Ake JUST IN THE things, We cam only ima lations that succeeding ages 2 As the knowledge of we time of all preceding mes, 40 will the kuowledlge of the fu surpass we ani Lavase inthe morning of a0 pork, aud in the fog of the early dawn in walk confused and see st os but the fox, sill melt under 1 of the sery samy which ity and the world of uth will be seen 16 be solid and lovely a wae created ALL THE GLowy oF tir, all the 10: mance of living, all the deep and cue joys of the world, all the splendor and the mystery ae within our reach, the timeless sounds of are... 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