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Stupid and Dangerous

War Games by France on Libya

A famous adage says that those who live in glass houses do

not throw stones at others.

France will learn the thousand years old teaching rather hard
way. The France took surprising initiative and in its pursuit to
appease the United States, it spearheaded massive air attack
on Libya with 15 war planes. President Obama, conscious of
the folly committed by its so called "ally" quietly sided away
saying that he would let the Europeans handle the situation
(war games) and US would play only a supporting role.
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French President Niclolas Sarkozy with Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State

Arab world and Libyans were skeptical of American intention

to launch Air Attack in the name of implementing "no fly

Only a few years ago, President Bush and Tony Blair of UK

hailed the spirit of Col Gadaffi when he settled the
compensation of Libya engineered Air Disaster with massive
payment of $2.7 billion to 270 victims of PanAm F103. Libya
was re-admitted to United States fold, and its credit rating
was also raised as result in international financial circle.

However, those impressions were short lived. Col Gadaffi

again re-emerged as undemocratic dictator and a terrorist
who wanted to destroy the civic liberties of its fellow
countrymen and in fact was seen as butchering them with
bullets and bombs. Switch OFF by President Bush yesterday &
Switch ON by President Obama today.
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Arab world was stunned with dismay and utter disbelief. How
could Americans be trusted again? The British and Europeans
joined the Americans once more in the war game exercise.

France had no real enmity with the Libya. In

fact, it signed many lucrative arm deals in
recent past with same person - Col Gadaffi -
who is hated now with contempt for no
reason. The game of War Lords is never
understood by the ordinary persons.

France spearheaded the campaign and promptly sent over 15

war planes that quickly attacked the Col Gadaffi's place of
stay. US promptly said that it was not the intention of the
coalition to kill Col Gadaffi. So what was the intention? You do
not throw the 2000 pound bombs at some one's residence
with a view not to harming him! Who is going to believe them?

France acted very hastily. There was no reason for its

exuberance and rationale. United States was nearly 10,000
miles away from Libya and still did not want to take the
leadership. France took the lead against Libya, a Muslim
country known for vicious attack on civilian airplane in
revenge, which was just 900 miles (1500 kms) away, a stone
throwing distance in military terms. It appears that France
wanted to appease the Americans at the tremendous risk of
its own nation's safety.

The quake in Japan and ensuing Tsunami that nearly

destroyed the Nuclear Reactors in Japan, are found
"transmitting the radiation” all around with little means to
control them, is a very recent event in memory.

France is the largest operators of Nuclear Power Plants in the

world with 59 of such plants. It is also the largest exporter of
the electricity generated from such Nuclear Power Plants
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(NPP) to the neighboring nations such as Britain, Italy,
Belgium, Netherland and Germany.

The President Nicolas Sarkozy of France also forgot that his

nation was just 900 miles or 1500 kilometers or at about 1
hour away by Fighter Air Plane. It was therefore most
vulnerable to attack from revengeful Libyan ruler Col. Gadaffi.
By attacking Libya without any direct cause, it exposed 59
Nuclear Power Plants to the potential attack by Col Gadaffi
who was at stone throwing distance away

Col Gadaffi is a Muslim ruler. He is an Arab too. He lost his son

in the past at the hands of American bomb attack a few years
ago. His religious teaching would never allow him to forget or
pardon the attackers who killed his son.
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The Islamic justice calls for "eye for eye" and that is how the
Islam operates, be it in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Palestine, Gaza strips or Lebanon. Bahrain, Yemen and Saudi
Arabia are also not excluded.

The French President did not even consider what would

happen to entire Europe if Col Gadaffi attacks any or many of
its nuclear facilities producing power or electricity. He cannot
protect with care as many as 59 targets - they are too diverse
in attention. See the map on next page.

When he cannot manage the defense, he should not have

opted for the offence and that too without any provocation to
the France or any of its close allies. It is easy to get into the
war but difficult to get out. Iraq and Afghanistan are stark

It can be observed that almost all Nuclear Power Plants are

within the fire range of the Libyan Air Force. They are
Muslims and would not hesitate to blow themselves away for
the cause of Islam. They can act with similar passion with
which the Japanese attacked the Americans with their
ingenious practice called " Hara kiri" that was later adapted
with grand success by Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka and Al Qaeda
in Iraq, Afghanistan and hosts of other places

If only one plant is seriously damaged, it may exposé entire

Europe to unthinkable risk of radiation with devastating
economic effects. All nuclear reactors were stopped in Japan
at the slightest hint of damage. Now think of it, if one of the
nuclear reactors in France is affected, it will shut out the
electricity not only in entire France but also in major cities
and countries surrounding its borders such as Belgium,
Netherland, London (UK), Italy, and part of Germany.
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Nuclear Power Reactor facilities in France as above

There would be massive black out in those countries as well,

with the result that their economy will come to a screeching
halt at most critical juncture of recovery from recession.

Further, almost entire Europe and its commercial air line

operations come within the closest range of Libyan fire power.
They have done it before, and if they feel threatened of their
existence and driven to the wall, they are capable of shooting
down many passenger airliners carrying US, British and
French flags. It can play havoc in the realm of world peace. An
atmosphere similar to World War III might arise in such case.

Some Facts (within quotes) about French Nuclear Power

Plants: Source: World Nuclear Association.
Web link:
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 France derives over 75% of its electricity from nuclear

energy. This is due to a long-standing policy based on
energy security.
 France is the world's largest net exporter of electricity
due to it’s very low cost of generation and gains over
EUR 3 billion per year from this.
 France has been very active in developing nuclear
technology. Reactors and fuel products and services are
a major export.
 It is building its first Generation III reactor and planning
a second.
 About 17% of France's electricity is from recycled
nuclear fuel.

In 2007 French electricity generation was 570 billion kWh

gross, and consumption was about 447 billion kWh - 6800
kWh per person. Over the last decade France has exported
60-80 billion kWh net each year and EdF expects exports to
continue at 65-70 TWh/yr, to Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Switzerland and UK. Imports are relatively trivial.

France has 58 nuclear reactors operated by Electricite de

France (EdF), with total capacity of over 63 GWe, supplying
over 430 billion kWh per year of electricity (net), 78% of the
total generated there. Total generating capacity is 116 GWe,
including 25 GWe hydro and 26 GWe fossil fuel. Peak
demand is about 96 GWe.


Disenchantment of Arab World

The Arab League which approved the "No Fly Zone" quickly
retraced and qualified the approval that it was not meant to
approve direct military actions by the US led forces with its
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allies. It is possible that these nations having seen frequent
sanctions and military actions of extreme nature in the name
of United Nations might decide to suspend their UN
membership or get the hell out of there. It would cause
unprecedented crisis of epic proportion in the history of
United Nations. It would begin to break up.

The present conflict in Libya and interference in other Arab

nations such as Bahrain and Yemen is likely to polarize the
Arab World and Western World. It comes at a time when
almost all western powers are financially weak and extremely
vulnerable. They cannot afford to make more enemies.

Benefits to Al Qaeda and other Islamic Hard Liners

The forces of Al Qaeda will find friends and financiers in Libya,
Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia with larger than before
monetary assistance in billions of dollars besides the place for
concealing their clandestine activities of violence and terror.
This comes at a time when the world is gripped in another
reign of terror - from the Nature - which has caused
enormous damage in New Zealand and recently in Japan.

Western Powers – may have to reconsider

it is important that the politicians in almost all western
nations pay close attention to the recent events and refrain
from taking precipitate actions without full deliberations.
Military intervention into any Middle-East or Islamic nation
at slightest opportunity may be viewed by the Muslim world
with distrust and take them away from any process of

Anil Selarka, Author, 22/3/2011

©Copyrights by Anil Selarka (also known as Kalidas)
Financial Blog:
Author “Subprime Resolved” –

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