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Aquinas College Of Higher Studies

Bsc (Hons) Agro Industry Management

Strategic Human Resource Management(AIM/AM 32022)

Strategic Human Resource Policies & Procedures for the

Pelwatte Milk Industries (PVT).LTD

Group members and registration numbers :-

K.K.S.Weerasinghe (17/AIM/035)
R.P.A.Sandaruwan (17/AIM/029)


1. Introduction.

 human resource policies and importance

 Introduction of the company

2. Strategic Human Resource Policies.

1. Polices for employee recruitment

2. Policies for working hours, holy days.
3. Policies performance appraisal
4. Policies for worker Safety
5. Policies for dress code and personal conduct.
6. Policies on official conduct
7. Policies for training & development
8. Policies for employee promotion.
9. Polices for reward and recognition .
10.Polices for probation and confirmation
11.Polices for employee leave
12.Internet policy
13.Polices for termination of employees

3. References
What is the human resource policies? 
Human Resource (HR) policies are meant to provide frameworks for an organization, within
which consistent decisions can be made, and through which equity in the way people are treated
can be promoted. The implementation of strong HR policies can help an organization
demonstrate, both internally and externally, that it meets the requirements for diversity, ethics,
and training required in today’s workplace, and meets its commitments regarding regulation and
corporate governance of employees. 

HR policies set out obligations, standards of behavior and document disciplinary procedures

(among many other things). Their specific function can vary widely, including but not limited

 Providing clear communication between an organization and its employees regarding

their condition of employment. 
 Forming a basis for treating all employees fairly and equally. 
 Setting and managing employee expectations. 
 Establishing guidelines for supervisors and managers. 
 Forming a basis for developing the employee handbook. 
 Communicating the organization’s goals and values. 
 Creating a basis for regularly reviewing possible changes that affect employees. 
 Providing a ‘how-to’ on how to apply policies across all levels of an organization. 
 Forming a context for various programs, such as supervisor training programs and
employee onboarding and orientation programs. 
 Ensuring all policies are aligned to legal requirements and best practices. 
 Creating a common and healthy working environment. 
 Giving a clear picture of career growth in the organization.

Impotance of human resource policies.

 HR policies ensure every employee of an organization is looked after; their needs are
respected, and proper benefits are made available to them for their work. 
 HR policies help to address complaints, problems, and grievances of employees, and
outline how to solve them appropriately. 
 They help protect employees from the ramifications of colleagues’ poor behavior and
even from the organization itself. 
 They help to train and develop employees who are consistent with the needs of the
 They help employees receive adequate and fair compensation. 
 They help to maintain discipline in the workplace.
 They provide paid vacations and holidays to
eligible employees.

Introduction of the company

Pelwatte Milk Company (PVT) LTD is one of the
leading diary company in Sri Lanka. It is located at
Buttala in Monaragala district. It is set up in 2006. The
company has 40 milk collection centers across the
island. This is a first private sector milk powder
packaging company in Sri Lanka. The company is
owned by Mr.Ariyasheeli Wickramanayake.

Board of management

• Chairman : Mr. Ariyasheeli Wikramanayake

• Managing director : Mr. Akmal Wikramanayake

• General manager : Mr. L.A.D.Amarathunge

• Sales manager : Mr. Panduka Nuwan

• HR manager : Mr. Harshan Jeewakumar

To make Sri Lanka self sufficient in milk production.

Provide high quality diary products to all, with a focus on safety and nutrient.
This policy encompasses those guidelines which constitute a sound basis for efficient and
effective HR Management in the Pelwathta Milk Company (PVT) LTD.

They are in essence flexible and dynamic and may require adjustment to a variety of
circumstances. Therefore its implementation will be inspired by sound judgement, compliance
with local market laws and common sense, taking into account the specific context. Its spirit
should be respected under all circumstances.

it is essential that local legislation and practices be respected everywhere. Also to be considered
is the degree of development of each market and its capacity to advance in the management of
their human resources.

Should any HR policy conflict with local legislation, local legislation will prevail.

These policies are addressed to all those who have a responsibility in managing people as well as
to HR professionals. The Pelwathte Milk Company (PVT) LTD and Leadership Principles
include the guidelines inspiring all the Pelwathte’s employees in their action and in their dealings
with others.
1. Polices for employee recruitment
The Pelwathte policy is to hire staff with personal attitudes and professional skills enabling them
to develop a long-term relationship with the Company.

Therefore the potential for professional development is an essential standard for recruitment.

Each new member joining Pelwathte’s is to become a participant in developing a sustainable

quality culture which implies a commitment to the organisation, a sense for continuous
improvement and leaves no place for complacency.Therefore, and in view of the importance of
these Pelwathte’s values, special attention will be paid to the matching between a candidate’s
values and the Company culture.

Those who are not willing to adhere to the Corporate Business Principles and/or to the
Pelwathte’s Management and Leadership Principles cannot be part of the Company, as both
these documents express the basic values and principles of the Organization.Pelwathte’s wishes
to maintain and develop its reputation as an employer of high repute. Contacts with universities,
attendance at recruitment events and other contacts are to be undertaken so as to ensure good
visibility of the Company .

Even when promoting employees intensively from within the organisation, it is the role of
management and HR to keep an eye on valuable candidates from outside and to benchmark
internal skills with external offers.

Employee types and payment

 Permanent Employees

a. Permanent employment may be granted to employees upon successful completion of initial

contract period of one year or at the discretion of Executive Director, on the successful
completion of probation.

b. Awarding permanent employment on successful completion of probation shall also consider

the importance of the job role, performance of employee and the strategic and operational
advantage of having such an employee in the organization and shall only be reserved for core

 Casual employees

a. A Causal employee is one who is taken, either for work of a casual nature or on the basis of
fulfilling a casual need.

b. Payment will be made by voucher directly to the casual employee, and the signature of the
employee should be obtained.

 Temporary Employment

a. Temporary staff are various persons who fill one-time positions established to undertake a
particular piece of work or assist with a particular administrative matter or project

Evaluate and selection of applicants

 Canvassed applications and/or applications that do not meet the minimum requirements
will be rejected immediately.

 Candidates for management trainee and scientific service should pass the examination
with appetite test.

 candidates will be called for an interview via telephone and email

 evaluation is based on the merits of their previous performance, education qualifications

and the manner in which they perform at the interview by the ‘Selection board.

 Selection Board will comprise the Head of HR, a representative from the Unit in which
the vacancy occurs and at least one other person of Management Grade.
 All members of a Selection Board are required to make his/her assessment of the
candidates that are interviewed on an Interview Assessment Form.

 Candidates who confirm participation but do not turn up for interviews shall be black-
marked in the CV database maintained by HR and shall never be called for interviews in
future at any level.

Within three weeks after interview selected candidates will be informed. They will be

2. Policies for working hours, holy days.

 Employment hours

Accepted office hours are 8.30 am to 4.30 pm with a half an hour tea break and one hour lunch
break .

 Overtime workers

Non managerial employee is entitled to overtime payments If he works for more than 8 hours
per day and more than 40 hours in a week.

 Shift workers

Employees who work on shifts reported for complete the work in according with the time
shown on their rosters.

 Rest Days

Pelwathte company is a six days per week employer for certain Units should work, Weekends
are not holidays for some category on shift and overtime basis.

Leaving for employers .

 Short Leave

The maximum period of short leave permitted at a one time should be at the 1 or 2 hours can be
at a time of the working day subject to approval of the manager.

 Medical Leave
Employees can get the 28 days medical leave per year. Worker should submit the medical leave
within 3 days has to be supported by a valid medical report to the company.

 Maternity leave

In the Pelwathte company give the three months maternity leave for the female workers after
child birth. In this period company pay full monthly payment.

3. Policies performance appraisal

The performance appraisal policy ensures that the weight to performance should be appropriately
given and need to perform should be developed among the employees. The performance review
policy is a way to convey to the employees that the company appreciates their hard work and
dedication towards work. Performance management policy is also considered as a motivational
tool used by the company to make sure that employees use their full potential to perform.

Scheduled of Performance Appraisal in Pelwathte Diary Industries

The company will organize the performance appraisal twice a year. The month of March and
September will be considered as appraisal months. The specific date of submission of self-
appraisal forms and team evaluation form will be informed by the management or HR team.
Guidelines to Conduct Performance Appraisal in Pelwathte Diary Industries

Each and every employee in the company should understand the guidelines and follow them to
ensure the fair conduct of performance appraisal process.

• It is a fundamental right of all the employees to understand the performance expectations and
thus should take efforts to make sure they know what job responsibilities are assigned to them.

• It is mandatory to the management or manager to provide necessary resources required to

improve the performance of the employees.

• The performance management policy is applicable to all permanent employees of the company.

• Every employee has a right to ask for the feedback on their performance.

• Managers should identify the talent and encourage the employees to progress in their work.

• The performance appraisal should be centered around the specific job skills.

• Job skills, teamwork, extra competencies, contribution to the organization, results of given task,
special achievements, social skills and organizational citizenship behavior are the important
points considered for performance appraisal.

4. Policies for worker safety

 Pelwathte dairy industries (PVT) LTD facilitate the very safe working environment for
the every employer.
 Company conduct training programs for the employees.
 All employees must adhere to follow the safety policies of the company.
 Pelwathte farm, factories, laboratories are monitored to maintain standard safety
regulation under consultant’s
 Works have to ware the special over roll during working time.
 Only specially trained workers to work with larger machines .
 When the employees that face some accidents during working time hospital payments
are done by the company .

5. Policies for dress code and personal conduct.

The dress code policy provides information about the company attire the employee should wear
in the organization. The policy conveys the corporate dress code one should follow to maintain
the professionalism in the organization.

The Pelwathte dairy industries (PVT) LID highly expect their workers personality and grooming
patterns. They allow the right to require an employee to dress in the appropriate uniform as a
condition of employment.

In production section ( factory) The company has their own T shirt. All male
and female workers should ware T shirt and
trouser with shoes. They cannot wear jewelries

In office staff Gents should wear office trousers with long

sleeve or short sleeve shirt with collar. And
wear office shoes.
For ladies Sari, or business suit with suitable
shoes for office.

Pelwathte Farm staff They should wear overall with boots.

 Workers should not wear excessive jewelry, excessive make up, or excessive perfume are
not allowed .
 They should not wear unsuitable cloths , they cannot expose their body parts
unnecessaraly and cannot keeping tattoos or something are totally prohibited.
 During working time production workers cannot use the mobile phones.
 All workers should wear recommend dress code during their working time. When the
workers want some special requirement they can take the excuses from management as
they wish.
 Smoking and using Alcohol is strictly prohibited in Pelwathte company office, Factory
and farms. And also not allow such as chewing beetle, and spitting out remnants shall be
considered an offences.

Dress Code Violations and Disciplinary Consequences in Pelwathte Diary Industries

It is responsibility of reporting managers/supervisor/HR department to inform the

employees that they have violated the dress code policy. In case of violation the
employee can immediately correct the problem. Supervisor may allow the employee to
leave the work and go out to change the clothes. Employee can borrow the clothes from
their office mates or can go to the persons home which is nearby the workplace to change
the clothes.

The repeated violation of dress code may lead to major repercussions and result into
disciplinary action which includes termination. The termination of employee can occur in
case of dress code violation if:
• Repeated dress code violations even after receive the warning and memo from HR
• In case the inappropriate appearance of employee leads to irreparable damage such as
loss of important client or deal.
6. Policies on official conduct
 Exclusive Service Policy
▪ Employees don’t allow engaging in any company, without prior written permission of
the department head.

 Time Keeping Policy

▪ All employees should accurately record their entry & time of leaving by making
appropriate entries in the documents. To maintain accuracy in time keeping, Pelwatte
company has installed a fingerprint system at the entrance to the office.

 Confidentiality Policy
▪ All employees must keep confidential and should not disclose business
/intellectual/financial or any information of the organization which may have been
acquired during employment period or any time after the termination.

7. Policies for training & development

Training and skill development is part of the company culture. Each employee, at all levels, is
conscious of the need to upgrade continuously her/his knowledge and skills. The willingness to
learn is therefore a non-negotiable condition to be employed by Pelwathte company .Firstly,
training is done on-the-job.To develop the capabilities of all staff members without any
discrimination in terms of developing their knowledge, skills, and application of the same to their
duties and responsibilities.

In the
Pelwathte dairy industries provide the better training sessions for every workers. Specially , they
provide technical training programs for the production section workers. Because they always
work with heavy machineries. So they required proper training to work with machines.Then
company provide skill and knowledge development training programs for the office staff.And
they provide the special training sessions for farm workers, how to handle and how to care the

The company organization always give their best to conduct the training programs for every
workers according to their working sector.Some companies charge of her/his own training and
development from workers. But Pelwathte company give the opportunity to progress for those
having the determination and the potential to develop their capabilities free of charge.

8. Policies for employee promotion.

Promotion is the advancement of an employee to a better job better in terms of greater
responsibilities, more prestige or status, greater skill and specially increased rate of pay or salary.

In the Pelwathte dairy industries used following criteria to promote employees.

 Performance of the employer :- performance plays a crucial role to deciding the factor for
employee promotion.
 Employee service length:- it is important for an employee to spend a considerable amount
of time in the company before he or she is recommended for promotion so that worker is
adapted with the working environment. Usually this time range from 1-2 years in
 Worker potential :- their working potentials to take up higher roles and responsibilities
are significant criteria in deciding weather the employee should be promoted or not.
 Organization Structure :- Employee may deserve a promotion but unless there is a
vacancy in organization hierarchy for the new role, he or she may not clear through.
Organizations which are highly structured have an approved position and budget for each
role in the hierarchy, unless there is a vacancy at a position, the next in line employee
may not to be able to succeed to the position.
 Tenure in a particular role/ position :- Unless an employee justifies his existence in a role
which he or she is currently in, promoting him to next level wouldn’t make sense and he
or she would need time to stay and perform at a particular position before hopping on to
next role. The range of tenure varies from 2 – 3 years in organization

Promotions will be done by ‘The Promotion Board’ which consist of General manager or head of
department, Senior HR manager and one member from director board.

9. Polices for reward and recognition .

Employee good work attracts not only job appreciation but something more than that. This
something in corporate can be named as Reward. As per the latest trend employer appreciate
good work done by employees in a special way. The ways of sharing their appreciation however
differ. In order to have a systematic approach towards the appreciation of rewards, there is a need
for reward and recognition policy.

The component of a reward programe in Pelwathte dairy industries.

 Behaviour to be recognized must be linked with organizational mission.
 All staff members, managers, senior management must be trained well for the
implementation of an effective reward programme.
 The programme must be communicated well at all levels.
 Analysis and evaluation of programme effectiveness.

The following type of performance can be rewarded in Pelwathte dairy

1. Safety  achievement
2. Long-term employment
3. Exemplary attendance
4. Productivity
5. Innovation
6. Excellent customer service
7. Outstanding performance
8. Positive attitude
9. High level of skills
10. Team player

Key Responsibilities in positions in company

Employees • To exhibit the values of the
organization in their day to day work.
• Meetings targets assigned to them.

Managers • Proper and fair treatment for all team

• Efficiently recognizing team and
individual employee efforts.
• Monitoring employees performance
Hr department • To ensure the policy is followed in a
fair and equitable manner.
• Monitoring of effectiveness and cost of
the policy.
• Coordination for nominees assessment.
• Communication of policy.

Senior Management • Effective implementation of policy

Steps for reward and recognition in Pelwathte dairy industries:

 Make all regular employee of the organization eligible under the reward and recognition
 Clearly choose the parameters with specific information that will be rewarded and
 Knowing the parameters clearly will let the employee do work with more effectiveness
and sincerity.
 Meeting the reward criterion is a tough task and the employer must consider all factors
that affect the performance of the employee. However, all the employees cannot be
shortlisted for reward in such case random picks and choose to be done.
 The recognition must occur as close to the performance of actions as possible so that the
behaviour that attract reward is reinforced. Such behaviour brings in Motivation in the
 The communication of effective reward and recognition policy plays a very important
role. It must be communicated well to the employees.
 The immediate managers are requested to be aware of their responsibility to provide
effective feedback to employees and they must also give positive reinforcement t the
 Managers must be able to motivate and inspire their employees.
 The art of communicating or communication expectations and goals must be known to
the managers.
 Clarity on explanation regarding how the programme works and how the employee can
receive recognition.
 Clear communication to employees with an understanding of how they impact
organization goals, mission, and success.
10. Polices for probation and confirmation

The probation and confirmation policy provides information about the terms and condition that a
new employee should follow during probation period. The policy conveys that probation period
is an opportunity to both new employee and their manager to do get adjusted and to improve
the performance. 

The probation period is a duration in which the performance and behavior of the newly hired
employee is monitored by his or her manager in order to check their potential as well as their
suitability to the job. The probation and confirmation policy clearly stated that a new employee
should meet the set standard performance, should follow the code of conduct of the organization
and behave in an acceptable manner. Some organization has 3 months of probation testing while
others follow 6 months or 1 year of probation period. The probation examination period is also
considered as an extension of selection process. The probation process begins
with appointment and later stages include job allocation, completion of probation period and
review of performance. If the employee meets the expectation of organization in terms of
performance then confirmation letter is provided to the employee.

Guidelines for Probation and confirmation in Pelwathte dairy industries

The guidelines are provided in the probation and confirmation policy for such cases and training
efforts are suggested to be taken before termination of the employee. The employment probation
and extension rules are as follow
 It is mandatory for all employees to undergo the probation period.
 Reporting manager and HR department will be responsible for the monitoring of the
newly joined employee during employment probation period.
 After joining the reporting manager will assign job to the employee and will set a
standard goal or target. This goal should be agreed by both the parties.
 At the end of the probation period the set performance target and the achieved
performance will be compared by the reporting manager.
 If the new employee fails to achieve the standard performance then organization may
arrange training program for the improvement of performance. However, if the employee
repetitive fails to achieve the set performance then organization has a right to terminate
the employee.
 The new employee is bound to follow the code of conduct of the organization in the case
of misconduct the appointment of employee will be terminated on immediate basis.
 When employee achieves the set performance, follows the code of conduct and shows
decent behavior in the organization then on the recommendation of manager the HR
department will issue the confirmation letter.
 The cases such as maternity or paternity leave and non-recurring illness the organization
should consider the extension of probation period on the prerequisite that both the party
agree with the extension.

11. Polices for employee leave

People are the most valuable asset of an organization. Lack of proper leave management can lead
to unauthorized absence of employees from duty, lower productivity, fall in productivity hours,
missing of important targets and so on. These types of issues can be resolved with a proper
Leave Policy Manual for employees in workplace.
Types of Leave for Pelwathte’s employees

Casual Leave

 Maximum 12 days of casual leave can be availed by an employee in a year.

 Casual leave is paid leave.
 Casual leave can be taken for minimum half day and maximum 4 days.
 Casual leave cannot be carried forward to next year.

Earned Leave

 Leave application for Earned leave must reach reporting manager 15 days in advance.
 For new joiners joining during the mid of year privilege leave will be credited on pro rata
 For existing employees leaves will be credited in the beginning of the year, entitlement
however will be based on number of months worked. For every month completed 1.75 of
privilege leave will be credited to employees account.

Leave without pay

 An employee can avail leave without pay in case existing leave balance is exhausted and
employee is in need of leave due to unforeseen circumstances.
 In case no approval taken for leave without pay, such absence of employee will be
considered as Leave of absence from work.
 Disciplinary action will be taken in case of absence without approval.
 No salary would be given to employee for the days leave without pay is availed.
 A maximum of 3 months of leave without pay can be availed by an employee.

Paternity Leave

 All regular male employees are eligible for paternity leave.

 A maximum of 7 days of paternity leave can be availed by an employee.
 The paternity leave must be taken within 15 days of child birth, failing which the leaves
will lapse.
 The leave must be taken at a stretch.
 In case of adoption or surrogacy leave can be taken only if child is actually living with
the parents.
Guidelines for leave policy in Pelwathte dairy industries
Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Any kind of leave can be granted or refused
depending upon the business demands. Leave of absence from work without proper approval will
call for disciplinary action. Leave meaning is to go away for something for a short period of

 All leaves should be applied on HRMS tool before proceeding on leave. In case of
emergency when leave cannot be applied in advance, telephonic intimation to the
immediate reporting manager should be done and it must be regularized within 2 days of
resuming duty on HRMS tool.

 Leaves will be credited to employees account in the beginning of calendar year . Earned
Leave will be updated on a monthly basis for the leave earned during the month. It will
be credited at the rate of 1.75 leave per month. For existing employees carried forward
earned leave balance from previous year will be updated in the month of January.

 Employees will be eligible for Earned Leave only after completion of probationary
period. On confirmation Earned leave for the period of probation will be credited to
employees account.

 A Maximum of 9 earned leave can be carried forward to next year.

 Employee may apply for leave depending upon their leave balance available to their
credit on HRMS tool.

 Employees joining during course of year shall be subject to receive Leave on pro-rata
basis in their leave account on HRMS tool.

 An employee shall not proceed on leave until unless leave has been approved by
reporting manager.

 If an employee is absent continuously for 7 days beyond sanctioned leave with no

information, in this case employee shall be considered to have left his/her employment on
one’s free will. HR will take action in this case.

 In case of prolonged illness or leave of absence from work an employee is suppose to

inform the immediate reporting manager at regular interval about their condition and
most probable date of return. In absence of any communication from employee serious
action can be taken by the company.

 Leave without approval will be considered as leave without pay.

 Weekends and any holiday lying between the sanctioned leave periods will be excluded
and not be counted as leave in case of casual and earned leave.

 Leave for coming year cannot be availed in the current year.

 In case of planned leave it is employee responsibility to apply for leave in advance,

however in case of unplanned leave employee must regularize leave within 2 days of
resuming duty.

12. Internet policy

The internet is used towards the fulfillment of organizational mission and also to
provide service of highest quality to the organizational employees. Internet usage
is meant to support the job related purpose. Immediate managers must work
collaboratively with employees to determine the usability of internet for
professional activities and career development.
Internet access policy for employees in Pelwathte dairy industries

• A proper internet usage policy can help an organisation to reap the benefits of
internet and minimise the hazards.

• A well thought policy ensures employee use the internet productively mention
clearly what is allowed and what is not allowed and procedures are put to
minimum risks.

Internet access rules guidelines for Pelwathte dairy industries :

 Internet access can be given to some or all employees depending upon the work
 Company must make sure to use firewall and security software.
 Usage of personal device to computer is strictly prohibited.
 Employees are advised to access only officially allowed websites.
 All employees are provided with company email address to carry on business
 Employees are encouraged to limit the personal use of internet. There should be
limited internet usage for personal work.
 Employees are given access to only those websites to browse which are officially
 Company’s confidential data also has restricted access.
 It must also be communicated to employees that we would majorly be used for
business purpose only.
 As most of the social networking sites distract an employee and are a big time
waste so their use is banned in company premises.
 For productive internet usage sites which are largely problematic are banned to be
 Some websites consumes loads of bandwidth so their use is not allowed.
 Online sales of commodities are not allowed in the company premises.
 For company websites an individual is responsible for complete handling and
would decide how other employees and contractor would be involved.
 Infringement into other employees IPR is strictly prohibited.
 The policy must be communicated to all employees.
Prohibited activities while using company’s internet
 Excessive personal use of internet and email which interfere with working of the
employee is not allowed.
 Display or storage of any obscene material.
 Downloading of personal games etc.
 Storage of non business related applications on personal computers.
 Doing business of any kind for personal use
 Deleting company records without permission.
 Sending personal images
 Use of electronic device without permission.
 Downloading or circulating pirated material.
 Circulation of any message which contains harassing, defamatory or threatening

13. Polices for termination of employees

Types of termination for employment

 Resignation submitted by employee

 Retirement
 Notice given by employee or organization
 Retrenchment

 Process for Resignation

▪ An employee who has decided to resign, who has completed his/her probation period is
required by contract to give one month’s notice or the notice period stipulated in the letter of
 Retirement

▪ The age of retirement in Pelwathte dairy industries shall be 55 years.

 Redundancy & Retrenchment

▪ Redundancy and retrenchment, is covered by the Termination of Employment Act, if the

employee is over 02 year in service, the following procedure would be adopted:

▪ The Unit concerned should list out the persons and for positions which are considered
redundant with individuals who would be affected including their names, designations, dates of
appointment, completed years of service, current earnings on which EPF is paid and gratuity in
terms of the Act.

▪ The information for this exercise should be discussed with the HR Unit.
14. Policies for equal opportunities
Pelwatte dairy industries ensure equal employment opportunity, promotion and salary increments
to all qualified individuals without any type of unfair bias favoritism.

 Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

 Pelwatte dairy industries is committed to preventing work place violence and to maintain
safe work environment. Following guidelines are implemented
 unauthorized person(s) are not be allowed to enter company.
 All employees and temporary employees shall be treated with courtesy and respect at all
times. ▪ All threats of (or actual) violence, both direct and indirect, should be reported as
soon as possible to the employee’s supervisor or any other member of the Senior
Management Team.

 Gender Policy

 Male and Female employees should have the same opportunities, benefits, rights,
entitlements, dignity and respect given to men in terms of their career at Pelwatte dairy
industries .
 Harassment Policy

These policies prohibit harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Non-discrimination laws
are governed by federal, state and local provisions, so applicable law and account for all
appropriate protections

 Ensuring that employees are treated fairly and equitably in the working environment
without intimidation and harassment. All complaints of harassment will be treated
seriously and promptly.
 Sexual harassment refers to any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behavior of a sexual
nature which makes a person feels humiliated, intimidated or offended. These are totally
prohibited in the company.

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