SBL Exam Guide 21

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Strategic Business Leader is ACCA’s case study examination at the Strategic Professional level
and is examined as a closed book exam of four hours, including reading planning and reflection
time which can be used flexibly within the examination.

There is no pre-seen information and all exam related material, including case information and
exhibits are available within the examination.

Strategic Business leader is an exam based on one main business scenario which involves
candidates completing several tasks within which additional material may be introduced.
All questions are compulsory and each examination will contain a total of 80 technical marks
and 20 Professional Skills marks.

It is unlikely that you will be able to gain any technical marks in this exam by simply repeating
knowledge. Marks will be available for applying the knowledge to address a “real life” issue
arising from the scenario.

For example, the syllabus specifically mentions the Porter’s Five Forces model. No question at
this level would give you marks for describing this model and indeed it is not likely to be
mentioned in any requirement. Instead, you would be expected to choose the model to analyse
an industry when appropriate.
Question 1a(ii) of the Strategic Business Leader Specimen paper 1 asked for a report including
“An analysis of the industry and market which DCS Company is competing in using an
appropriate model”. The appropriate model in this case is Porter’s Five Forces.
The same would be true for all information explained in the text. You must apply your
knowledge to the given scenario. If you find yourself simply writing about a model then you are
probably gaining no marks and wasting valuable time in the exam.

In brief, SBL syllabus is covered with leadership and

governance, strategy and risk, and delivery strategy.

Leadership & Governance

These are the fundamental organisational structures, values and behaviours, providing the
foundations on which to develop and deliver strategy and effectively evaluate the risks facing
the organisation.

Strategy & Risk

Evaluating strategic options and making strategic choices requires the organisation’s leaders to
fully understand the risks involved.

Deliver Strategy
To drive strategy through an organisation and translate it into actions, consideration must be
given to Technology and Data Analytics, Organisation Control and Audit, Finance Planning and
Decision-making, and Innovation, Performance Excellence and Change Management.

How is the exam to be marked?

Technical Marks
Technical marks comprise 80 marks of the exam awarding those could correctly use and apply
syllabus content.
It is similar to other ACCA strategic professional level papers that the usual question verbs will
be used.

One major difference is all questions will be referred to the same case materials so make sure
you understand all context provided to you by 40 minutes of reading and planning.
Since you are required to take on various roles of organisational leaders, consultants or advisors
to senior management, you are expected to have the following requirements during exam –

 Analyse the external environment and the organisation

 Assess position and performance of an organisation;
 Consider the future outlook of organisation;
 Identify strategic problems and opportunities;
 Manage risks and identify appropriate controls;
 Make strategic choices;
 Evaluate strategic choices using forecasting techniques;

 Decide on feasible solutions by appropriate technologies;

 Implement change and innovate responsibly.

In addition to technical marks, there will be  20 marks

for professional skills.
The purpose of professional marks is to award those answers
presented professionally, i.e. concise, to the point, proper tone
and not clumsy. 

There are five professional skills you will see in the exam.  One
of the five professional skills will appear in each requirement.

To you, as a student preparing for

SBL exam, what does these five
words mean?
It means you need to show your answers with the following
evidence to gain professional marks –
1. Making the most important or crucial points relating to the
2. Showing deep/clear understanding of underlying or causal
issues and integrating knowledge from a number of sources to
make points
3. Only making relevant points and not including superfluous
4. Not repeating points already made
5. Addressing the requirements as written is an indication of
6. Showing an ability to prioritise and make points in a logical
and progressive way
7. Structuring and presenting answers in a professional
8. Evidencing sound knowledge from previous learning
(underpinning exams)
9. Answers are clear, factual and concise
These are general principles to help markers judge how to
reward you in the exam for professional marks.  You are better
to read through Specimen papers to learn how to present your
answers in professional way.

Exam skills
ACCA claims SBL is an exam likely differ from other exams in
this professional qualification. 
You are advised to master core examination skills below
through practising Specimen papers or revision questions
published by Approved Content Provider before you attempt the

Time management
4 hours exam while you are suggested to spend 40 minutes in
reading the integrated case information and planning how to
In other words, you have 200 minutes left to answer all
requirements and obtain 80 technical marks while 20
professional marks are gained through planning and tone
setting, that is, 2.5 minutes per technical mark.

Effective reading
As there is no choice of question, it is not necessary to skim
through the paper.
A “Requirement-driven” approach below is advised to you and it
ensures that you can identify and highlight relevant information
when you read through the scenario and the exhibits.
Step 1:             Reading opening section
Step 2:             Focus next on requirement
Step 3:             Read through various exhibits

analysing requirements
You have to make sure you are clear about what is being
asked, so analysing each requirement carefully.
Marks will only be awarded for answering the question set.Pay
special attention to the verbs used.

5 Ps you have to remember, Proper Planning Prevents Poor
When you attempt SBL, some basic rule you need to know.For
example, 1 valid point is equivalent to 1 mark unless specifically
stated it’s not the case.
If you are given 10 marks including 2 professional marks, you
know the examiner expects you can provide 8 points to answer.

writing skills
It is not an English writing test but before you write your answer,
you need to stop and think about your role before writing on the
question book.
This is important you “get into character” and adopt the role of
the person assigned to deal with specific task.

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