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Course Outline

1. Course Identity

A. Course as listed in CUHK (SZ)

The information in this block should be exactly as approved by the Senate. In case there
are any differences, please explain below the table.

Course code MKT4920

Course title (English) Strategic Out-of-Home Media Advertising
Course title (Chinese) 战略户外媒体广告
Units 2
Description (English) Introduction
This course serves as an introduction to the advertising practice in relation to
modern out-of-home media. The roles of the outdoor advertising agency and
operator, the development of creative outdoor advertising, advertising budgets,
analysis of successful OOH advertising projects and the creation of
advertisement for different types of OOH media will be studied. In addition,
students will be introduced to the planning and implementation of OOH
campaign. Theoretical perspectives will be derived from the practice in
China/Hong Kong and Asia, with comparison to the advertising industry in the

This course teaches students principles in creative OOH advertising as a media
for ideological and affectionate communication. It will focus on the creative
and new ways of OOH media content developments in contemporary
advertising. Emphasis will be placed on comparing and contrasting media
effectiveness, so that students will learn how to solve real-world OOH
advertising problems by studying the impact of globalization on the advertising
process in China/Hong Kong and in the West.

Description (Chinese) 介绍
创意户外广告的发展,广告预算,成功的 OOH 广告项目的分析以及针对不同类
型的 OOH 媒体的广告的创建。此外,学生将被介绍到 OOH 运动的规划和实

本课程教授学生在创意 OOH 广告中的原则,作为意识形态和感情沟通的媒介。
它将专注于当代广告中的 OOH 媒体内容发展的创造性和新的方式。重点将放在
过程的影响,学习如何解决现实世界 OOH 广告问题。

2. Learning Outcomes
The objective of this course is to provide students with advanced knowledge of OOH media

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

1. Identify key elements in effective OOH media advertising;

2. Understand and explain the concepts and theoretical frameworks currently underpinning
OOH advertising practice;
3. Understand and discuss the global trends and ecology of the OOH industry;
4. Analyze and discuss real-world advertising examples and formulate a critique of these
5. Critically evaluate issues that are currently shaping OOH advertising practice for
6. Be able to discuss and assess scholarly OOH advertising research;
7. Evaluate consumer insights and their importance in creativity when applying OOH;
8. Understand the decisions, issues and activities involved in developing the appropriate media
content, and apply advertising concepts to design a thematic OOH advertising plan.
3. Course syllabus

1 Foundations of OOH advertising business
2 Nature of communication and marketing
3 Market segmentation, positioning and OOH media relationship
4 The elements of OOH advertising
5 Nature and role of OOH advertising as a media
6 The structure and workflow of content development for OOH advertising
7 Ideological aspects of OOH advertising
8 OOH Advertising media design analysis
9 OOH Media strategies
10 Integrated communication elements for OOH advertising
Study of the above topics is supported by a two-hour lecture weekly.

Alignment of outcomes and content

The outcomes are related to the above topics as follows:

Outcome Topics
Outcome 1 Topics 1, 2, 3, 4
Outcome 2 Topics 3, 4, 5, 7
Outcome 3 Topics 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
4. Assessment method

Teaching and learning strategies

Lectures, tutorials and student presentations are the main teaching and learning
components for this course. Lectures will introduce key concepts and theories while with
in-depth discussion and learning activities of the topic of the week. For presentations,
students will conduct group projects to illustrate the concepts learned in classes.

Course assessment includes continuous assessment (weighting 100%).

Class participation (weighting 10%) Learning Outcome 1+2

Participation in class discussion and sharing will be used to evaluate students’
performance and contribution.

OOH Ad Topic Presentation and Evaluation (weighting 20%) Learning Outcome 1+2
Task Description:
In groups, students are to prepare an analytical review of a selected OOH advertising
topic/issue assigned by the lecturer. These reviews are to be presented in class in such
a way as to faciliate in-class discussion and analysis of key issues shaping OOH
advertising. Detailed guidelines for the selection of topics/issues to analyse, as well as
how to approach the analysis and discussion, will be discussed in class.

In addition, each student group is required to complete an evaluation for one [1] other

group’s OOH Advertising Topic Presentation. This presentation MUST be from a
group presenting in a week different to that of the student. Scheduling will be
arranged in class by the course coordinator. 

Group project (weighting 70%) Learning Outcome 1+2+3

The group project will be a group assignment to design an OOH advertising plan for
a real-life client or a selected OOH industry study ##. Students will make market and
design research to apply creative advertising concepts to develop appropriate OOH
media content for the client or any selected outdoor operator’s business model in
OOH industry. A group presentation and report will be used to access students’
teamwork and creativity in advertising planning.

To pass the course, students must attain:

- - an overall course score (OCS) of 40% or above.
## A selected OOH industry study

家外营销理论:OOH Theory

a 家外广告营销新订议
b 广告主,代理公司,媒体公司
c 户外媒体分类
d 家外竞争对手分析及监察
e 家外营銷几大问题及处理
f 六大法则:大,动,密,独立,驚奇,乐趣

g 户外广告策划
h 知明喜行惯:户外广告目标設定
I 受众的需要及訴求重要么
j 到底誰在看户外广告-广告主或广告受众
k 產品生命周期与户外广告

3.1 动態左圈:舊左圈舊需求
3.2 舊左圈新需求
3.3 新左圈
3.4 左圈的左圈
3.5 内左圈
3.6 合而为一的左右圈,转左为右
3.7 未意识到的需求
3.8 看似不相干的左圈
Assessment Criteria
 Understanding of and response to the subject 20%
 Research and analytical ability 20%
 Creative thinking and problem-solving 20%
 Organization and presentation skills 20%
 Writing and reporting 20%

5. Grade Descriptor:

Grade Overall course

A Outstanding performance on all learning outcomes.

A- Generally outstanding performance on all (or almost all) learning outcomes.
B+, B, Substantial performance on all learning outcomes, OR high performance on some learning
B- outcomes which compensates for less satisfactory performance on others, resulting in overall
substantial performance.
C+, C, Satisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes, possibly with a few
C- weaknesses.
D+, D Barely satisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes
F Unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes, OR failure to meet specified
assessment requirements.
6. Feedback for evaluation

CTE/ Informal feedback to instructor and/or teaching assistant

7. Reading

A. Required

No set book for this course.

B. Recommended
Moriarty, Sandra; Mitchell, Nancy; and Wells, William. (2014). Advertising &
IMC: Principles and Practice with MyMarketingLab, Global Edition, 10/E. UK:
Pearson Higher Education.
 Aitchison, J. (2002). How Asia Advertises: The Most Successful Campaigns in Asia-
Pacific and the Marketing Strategies Behind Them. Singapore: J. Wiley & Sons
 Artmstrong, S. (2001). Advertising on the Internet: How to Get Your Message
Across on the World Wide Web. London: Kogan Page.
 Jones, J.P. (ed.). (2000). International Advertising: Realities and Myths. Thousand
Oaks, CA: SAGE.
 O’Guinn, T.C.; C.T. Allen and R.J. Semenik. (2012). Advertising and Integrated
Brand Promotion. Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.
 Rodgers, S. and Thorson, E. (Eds.). (2012). Advertising Theory. New York:
 Sinclair, J. (2012). Advertising, the Media and Globalisation: A World in Motion.
London; New York: Routledge.
 Solomon, Michael R. (2013). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being.
Boston: Prentice Hall.

8. Course components

Activity Hours/week
Lecture 2 hours/week
9. Indicative teaching plan

Week Content/ topic/ activity

1 - Course Overview
Jan 9, 2018 - The Meaning of OOH Advertising and IMC
- Why bother to study Marketing Theories?
- Understanding a Brand, Branding Communication and Consumer Behaviour relationship with
OOH planning (ACLAH model)
- Form Student Groups / Set Book Arrangement
- Project Briefing and Assigning
2 - Brand Guidelines
Jan 16, 2018 - The Principal of OOH Advertising
- Types of OOH Advertising: Nature and role of OOH advertising as a media
- Size of OOH category planning strategy and Limitation in OOH
3 - Why go OOH? - Media Plan Strategy development and planning considerations
Jan 23, 2018 - Target Audience analysis
- Competitive analysis
- Outdoor planning cost and budget forecast
- Recency Planning vs Frequency
4 - OOH Advertising Research and Strategic Communication
Jan 30, 2018 - OOH Effectiveness
- Outdoor Site selection and evaluation: OSCAR
- Outdoor GRP, Reach and Frequency concept application
- Selected Ad OOH topics discussion
5 - The use of Context in OOH
Feb 6, 2018 - Monitoring and maintenance issues handling
- Real time data analysis
- Selected Ad OOH topics discussion
6 - OOH is the mobile medium
Mar 6, 2018 - Airport media’s application
- Digital OOH implementation and buying
- Selected Ad OOH topics discussion
7 - Creative and innovation OOH Advertising campaign
Mar 13, 2018 - Creativity and its application
- Production consideration and checklists
- Selected Ad OOH topics discussion
8 - Foundations of OOH vendor business in China
Mar 20, 2018 - Selected Ad OOH topics discussion
9 - Out-of-Home Advertising today
Mar 27, 2018 - OOH as strategic media and its future
- Selected Ad OOH topics discussion
10 Group Presentation
Apr 3, 2018
11 Group Presentation
Apr 10, 2018

Revised: Apr 1, 2018

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