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The constant head permeability test is a laboratory experiment conducted to determine the
permeability of soil. The soils that are suitable for this tests are sand and gravels. Soils with silt content
cannot be tested with this method. The test can be employed to test granular soils either reconstituted
or disturbed. The permeability of the sample is calculated by using the equation.

kᵀ = Q / 60A (hᵅ - hᵇ)t


The purpose of this lab is to determine the coefficient of permeability for sand in the laboratory via the
Constant Head test for permeability. This test is an easy, cost effective way to determine permeability in
a laboratory setting.

Coefficient of permeability helps in solving issues related to:

1. Yield of water bearing strata

2. Stability of earthen dams
3. Embankments of canal bank
4. Seepage in earthen dams
5. Settlement Issues


1. Permeameter cell – size 114mm diameter and 460mm long internally

2. Glass manometer tubes (3 for each manometer point) mounted on a stand with a graduated
scale marked in mm.
3. Rubber tubing for water flow and manometer connections.
4. Measuring cylinders: 500ml and 1000ml.
5. Constant head reservoir – 0.3m to 3m above bench level
6. Outlet reservoir with overflow to maintain a constant water level.
7. Supply of clean water.
8. Stop watch.
9. Small tools: funnel, tamping rod, scoop, etc
10. Sample – fine aggregate passing 5mm sieve.


1. Preparation of permeameter cell

The main features of the standard cell were shown in Figure 1. The top plate assembly is removed
from the cell. Following dimensions is measured:

 Mean internal diameter (D mm)

 Distance between centres of each set of manometer connection points along the axis of the
cell (L mm).
 Overall approximate internal length of cell (H₁ mm)
Then the following be calculated:

 Area of cross-section of sample, A = π D ²/4 mm²

 Mass of soil required, to fill the permeameter cell, V= A H₁/1000 g.
 Mass of soil required, if placed at a density p Mg/m³, mass= p A H₁/1000 g

2. Selection of sample

The soil/sand must be air-dried and any particles larger than 5 mm were removed by sieving. The
sufficient mass is weigh that can fill the permeameter cell around 3kgs.

3. Preparation of test sample

i. Sample is placed in the permeameter cell by one of three methods:

a. Compacting by rodding – medium to high relative density range.
b. Dry pouring – low relative densities
c. Pouring through water – for fine sand and silty sands. To avoid entrapped bubbles of air.

ii. The collar of the mould removed. The internal dimensions of the mould measured. The
mould with dummy plate to the nearest gram weighed.
iii. A little grease applied on the inside to the mould. The mould clamped between the base
plate and the extension collar and place the assembly on a solid base.
iv. About 2.5kg of the soil sample is taken, from a thoroughly mixed wet soil, in the mould. The
soil is compacted at the required dry density using a suitable compacting device.
v. A small specimen of the soil is took in a container for the water content determination.
vi. The collar and base plate removed. The excess soil level is trimmed with the top of the
vii. The outside of the mould and the dummy plate were cleaned. The mass of the soil in the
mould is measured.
viii. The mould with the sample is placed over the permeameter. This will have drainage and cap
discs properly saturated

4. Running the test

i. Water is allowed through the sample until the conditions appear to be steady and the water
levels in the manometer tubes remain stationary.
ii. Valve D is adjusted on the supply line to the constant head device so that there is a
continuous small overflow; the de – aired water will be wasted if this is excessive.
iii. Test run is started, the measuring cylinder kept empty, and the timer is started at the
instant the measuring cylinder is placed under the outlet overflow. Clock time is recorded at
which the first run is started.
iv. The levels of the water is read in the manometer tubes (h₁, h₂, etc) and the water
temperature in the outlet reservoir is measured.
v. The clock is stopped, when the level in the cylinder reaches a pre-determined mark (such as
50ml or 200ml), the elapsed time is recorded to the nearest half second, the cylinder is
empty, and four to six repeat runs is made about 5 minutes interval. The measured volume
ͦis collected in 30s or less, if the rate of flow is quite fast. Stop watch is used and elapsed
times to the nearest fifth of a second is observed.
vi. The measuring cylinder is removed after a fixed time, if the rate of flow is fairly small.
vii. The volume from the weighing is determined. Measurements of four to six is made,
together with observation of manometer levels and water temperature, as above.


Time Time Water Temp Rate of
from Interval Volume T◦ c flow, q h₁ (mm) h₃(mm) I=h₁-h₃/L 1/√t
start (t) min Q (ml)
0 h₁ a h₁ b h₁ c AV h₃ a h₃ b h₃ c AV
2 2 310 27 155 57.8 57.8 57.8 57.8 53.6 53.6 53.6 53.6 0.042 0.71
4 2 340 27 170 57.7 57.7 57.7 57.7 53.4 53.4 53.4 53.4 0.043 0.50
6 2 345 27 172.5 57.7 57.7 57.7 57.7 53.4 53.4 53.4 53.4 0.043 0.41
8 2 310 27 155 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 53.4 53.4 53.4 53.4 0.042 0.35
10 2 320 27 160 57.6 57.6 57.6 57.6 53.2 53.2 53.2 53.2 0.044 0.32
15 5 835 27 167 57.6 57.6 57.7 57.6 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 0.046 0.26
20 5 835 27 167 57.2 57.2 57.2 57.2 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 0.042 0.22
25 5 850 27 170 57.2 57.2 57.2 57.2 53.0 53.0 53.0 53.0 0.042 0.20
30 5 840 27 168 57.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.8 0.042 0.18
35 5 845 27 169 56.9 56.9 57.0 57.0 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.8 0.041 0.17
45 10 1680 27 168 56.0 56.8 56.9 56.6 52.8 52.8 52.8 52.8 0.038 0.15
TOTAL 7510 0.465

Kᵀ = Q/60Ait


1. I= h₁-h₃/L --------------------- 57.8-53.6/ 100 3. 1/√t------------------- 1/√2

= 0.042 = 0.71

2. Kᵀ = Q/60Ait---------------- A=πr²
= π(4.93)² Kᵀ = Q/60Ait
= 76.36mm2 = 7510/60(0.076)(0.465)(2700)
= 0.076m² = 1.31 m/s
T= 45 mins x 60 (s)
= 2700s

Graph 1



1/√t 0 0.71 0.5 0.41 0.35 0.32 0.26 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.17

Graph 2

q AGAINST 1/√t

0 0.71 0.5 0.41 0.35 0.32 0.26 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.17 0.15

The coefficient of permeability may be defined as the flow velocity produced by ahydraulic gradient of
unity. The value of k is use as a measure of the resistance to flow offered bythe soil, and it is affected by
several factors:

a) The porosity of the soil.

b) The particle-size distribution.

c) The shape and orientation of soil particles.

d) The degree of saturation/presence of air.

e) The type of cation and thickness of adsorbed layers associated with clay mineral.

f) The viscosity of the soil water, which varies with temperature.


As a conclusion, the volume of water is not in stable (increasing and decreasing) when the time is
increase. This is because the permeability of the gravel soil absorbs the water is low. This gravel soil has
a small molecular space. Therefore, the water diffusion rate is low. It appears to be a function of three
factors for a constant paste amount and character: effective air void content,effective void size and
drain down. From the coefficient of permeability for the given sample of soil value, we can say that the
rate of flow the sample has get the value higher.


1. During test there should be no volume change in the soil, there should be no compressible air
present in the voids of soil i.e. soil should be completely saturated. The flow should be laminar
and in a steady state condition.
2. Coefficient of permeability is used to assess drainage characteristics of soil, to predict rate of
settlement founded on soil bed.


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