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Vocabulary Set 8

Target Vocabulary:
Bu bölümde öğrenmenizi hedeflediğimiz ‘’hedef kelimeler’’.

Fiil bilgimizi geliştiriyoruz: mental state; düşünmeye ilişkin fiiller – part 2

understand: to know the meaning of what someone is telling you, or the language that they speak

⇒ anlamak
⇒ Do you understand me?
⇒ I didn’t understand what he said.

feel: to experience a particular physical feeling or emotion

⇒ hissetmek
⇒ Stop exercising if you feel any pain.
⇒ My daughter doesn’t feel very well today.
⇒ It feels good to be here. (feel + adjective)

doubt: to think that something may not be true or that it is unlikely

⇒ şüphe etmek, emin olmamak

⇒ You can complain, but I doubt if it’ll make any difference.
⇒ I never doubted myself. I always knew I could play tennis at this level.
⇒ A: I can play football better than you. B: I doubt it. (sanmam)

remember: to have a picture or idea in your mind of people, events, places etc from the past

⇒ hatırlamak
⇒ Do you remember the restaurant we met?
⇒ She couldn’t remember her own address.

forget: to not remember facts, information, or people or things from the past

⇒ unutmak
⇒ A student forgot to bring his bag.
⇒ *I will never forget the things you’ve done for me.

want: to have a desire for something

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

⇒ istemek
⇒ I don’t want Linda to hear about this.
⇒ I want to buy a nice house and a sport car.
⇒ Everybody wants to have a good life.

need: to have to have something or someone, because you cannot do something without them, or
because you cannot continue or cannot exist without them

⇒ ihtiyacı olmak, ihtiyaç duymak

⇒ She really needs someone in her life.
⇒ I need glasses for reading.
⇒ You need to go to school. (gerekli anlamında = need to + V)

prefer: to like someone or something more than someone or something else, so that you would
choose it if you could

⇒ tercih etmek
⇒ I prefer travelling by car, it’s more comfortable.
⇒ Most of my friends take the bus to school, but I prefer to walk.

A) Exercise: Öğren!
Fill in the blanks with the target words!

understand feel x2 doubt

forget want need
prefer need to remember

1. You don’t like kebab. What do you _________________ to eat, then?

2. It _________________ like a nightmare to be in this situation.
3. I can’t ___________________ her phone number. Can you please write it on WhatsApp?
4. She loved him, and had never ___________________ him.
5. I __________________your name, what was it again?
6. I have always ___________________ to go to Thailand for holiday.
7. I never _____________________ safe when Richard is driving.
8. A: ‘Do you think there’ll be any tickets left?’ B: ‘I _________________ it
9. Mark likes lying on the beach, but I ___________________visiting museums.
10. Do you ___________________ help with that? No, I can do it myself.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

11. Don’t ever ____________________ that I am not your enemy, I am your friend.
12. I can’t come with you guys, I _________________ work on Sunday.
13. Do you ____________________ tea or coffee?
14. My father died when I was just a kid, I can’t even ____________________ his face or his

B) Match the Words! Pekiştir!

understand feel doubt

forget want need

prefer remember

1) __________________: to like someone or something more than someone or something else,

so that you would choose it if you could
2) __________________: to have a desire for something
3) __________________: to think that something may not be true or that it is unlikely
4) __________________: to experience a particular physical feeling or emotion
5) __________________: to not remember facts, information, or people or things from the past
6) __________________: to have a picture or idea in your mind of people, events, places etc
from the past
7) __________________: to have to have something or someone, because you cannot do
something without them, or because you cannot continue or cannot exist without them
8) __________________: to know the meaning of what someone is telling you, or the language
that they speak

C) Write a sentence of your own for each of the words you’ve just learned! ++ Write
Turkish meanings of the words. – Uzmanlaş!

- Öğrendiğiniz kelimelerin Türkçe karşılıklarını hiçbir yere bakmadan yazın, daha sonra bu
kelimelerle en az 1 tane örnek cümle yazın. (Verilen her anlam için bir örnek)

Not: Bunların çoğunu muhtemelen biliyorsunuzdur ancak kaçıyla kaç tane cümle kurdunuz şimdiye
kadar? Birden fazla cümle kurmanızı ve iyice uzmanlaşmanızı öneririm.

prefer: _________________________________________________________________.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

want: _________________________________________________________________.

doubt: ________________________________________________________________.

feel: __________________________________________________________________.

remember: _____________________________________________________________.

need: __________________________________________________________________.

forget: _________________________________________________________________.

understand: _____________________________________________________________.


A: want, feels, remember, doubted, forgot, wanted, feel, prefer, need, forget, need to, prefer,

B: prefer, want, doubt, feel, forget, remember, need, understand

C: Kendi cümleleriniz + kelimelerin anlamlarını en üstten kontrol edebilirsiniz.

English Vocabulary Building by Serdar Hoca.

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