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I S S U E S A N D A N S W E R S F O R T H E C O N S U L T I N G / S P E C I F Y I N G C O M M U N I T Y

In this issue... ASHRAE 15-1994: Implications

ASHRAE Standard 15-1994
and its implications for
mechanical room design
for Mechanical Room
should be required reading
for every HVAC profession- Design — 2001 Update
al, especially since it is now
being used to write local
municipal building codes.
Introduction new alternative refrigerants written in code language
that were already appearing so it could be adopted
In the last several years, the First issued as a safety in the marketplace. Thus, nearly verbatim, if desired,
standard has been revised code (Standard B9) in 1930, ASHRAE 15 was revised in by model code associations.
to address the rapid the same year that CFC 1992 and again in 1994, fol- The primary goal of the
changes regarding refriger- (chlorofluorocarbon) refrig- lowed by several addenda in standard is to mitigate safety
ant phaseouts, alternative erants were introduced in the last two years. The cur- risks to the environment,
refrigerants and the safe the United States, ASHRAE rent standard is now being to mechanical room opera-
installation and operation Standard 15 has undergone used to formulate municipal tors and, ultimately, to the
of mechanical refrigeration unusually rapid change over codes for the safe installa- general public.
systems. This issue of the last decade. During this tion and operation of With the introduction
Analysis discusses the same period, the air condi- mechanical refrigeration of alternative refrigerants
standard and its recent tioning industry and its cus- systems throughout the such as HCFCs, HFCs and
addenda. It is intended not tomers have been faced with United States and beyond. mixtures of refrigerant com-
as a substitute for reading The Clean Air Act pounds known as blends,
the standard, but as a guide Amendments of 1990. Code Compliance new refrigerant safety classi-
to assist in understanding These amendments legislate fications were added under
and applying ASHRAE 15. the phaseout of CFC pro- and Safety
ASHRAE Standard 34-1992,
duction by the end of ASHRAE Standard “Number Designation
Educate Your Customers: 1995, and the end of new 15-1994 was intentionally and Safety Classification
The highlights of the revised
production equipment
ASHRAE 15-1994 are
using HCFCs (hydrochloro-
summarized in Carrier’s
SYNOPSIS newsletter, which fluorocarbons) by 2020.
is written specifically for Although the regulations
building owners and managers. permit the responsible
To download copies of SYNOPSIS, use of these refrigerants,
Vol. 4, No. 1. at no charge, intentional venting is strictly
visit our web site, prohibited for all refriger-
click on Commercial/Industrial ants, including HFCs
Heating and Cooling Systems (hydrofluorocarbons).
and see Newsletter under At the time of this
Resource Center.
legislation, neither ASHRAE
nor ARI safety standards had
been updated to address the

of Refrigerants.” Allowable cal room supplies chilled an exhaust outlet and it vents are often vented through the
exposure limits for the water for air conditioning. a few feet above a flat, roof or side of the building.
various refrigerants range Equipment may be 10, 20, 30 curbed roof, the refrigerant Yet in climates with warm
from a low of 10 ppm or even 50 years old — each could very well spread across days and cool nights, mois-
(parts per million) to a cap unit installed to comply with the roof and find the first ture often condenses in the
of 1,000 ppm. Some blends the codes of the day. exit. This would most likely pipes before it can evaporate
comprise one or more Given the new ASHRAE be down the roof drains, off. Then, along with the
flammable compounds, standard and the approach- most of which lead directly rust and other accumulations
introducing yet another ing HCFC production to a sewer system. in the pipe, moisture ends
safety concern. Using phaseout, now is the right Where does the purge up “sitting” on the rupture
ASHRAE 34-1992 as a start- time for owners, operators vent? A conventional purge disk. Over time, this may
ing point, ASHRAE 15-1994 and engineers to conduct a loses three to 20 pounds of corrode the joint and result
and its subsequent addenda complete mechanical room refrigerant for every pound in failure of the seal.
have been written to help safety check and review of non-condensible air it Are rupture lines the
professionals minimize potential liability problems. removes from the system. right size and length? For
risk and promote safety. The following checklist high- Most vent directly into the convenience, safety devices
Because ASHRAE lights the many important mechanical room which may sometimes run into a com-
15-1994 is written in code items to look for (Figure 1). invite unnecessary problems. mon header if they have
language, it can be difficult Are exhaust outlets All purges should vent common refrigerants.
to read and understand. located near inlet vents? outside. If high efficiency Chillers with different
Safety relief devices on purges are applied, it is headers should never share
Mechanical Room chillers are typically vented best to specify them in common headers as they
Safety Check to the outside, most often accordance with the new operate at different pres-
through the roof. It is ARI Standard 580-2000. sures. Also, an improperly
For many building own- important to know how close Where are safety rup- sized header can exacerbate
ers, mechanical rooms are this vent is to the air intakes ture disk outlets located? problems in an emergency,
virtually unknown areas of on the roof, and to insure On a CFC-11 or HCFC-123 when the discharge capacity
their property. “Out of sight, that there is at least 20 feet chiller, the safety device is a of safety lines is put to
out of mind” rings true in far between them. thin carbon rupture disk that the test.
too many cases. Most owners Are roof drains vulnera- is meant to shatter at 15 psig, Are chiller drain valves
understand only that the ble to collecting refrigerant? allowing the charge to safely secured? More often than
equipment in the mechani- If you lose refrigerant from exit the system. These disks not, chiller drain valves are
an easy way for an inexperi-
enced technician to get into
FIGURE 1 trouble. Make sure the
valves are locked off.
Mechanical Room Safety Check Is access to the mechani-
cal room restricted? Most
mechanical rooms have
neither a door nor any other
barrier to restrict people
from entering unsupervised.
If there is a fire door, it is
typically left open. Not only
are mechanical rooms poten-
tially hazardous places, but
they contain systems critical
to a building’s operation.
Restricting access is only
common sense. The
mechanical room door
should have a tight seal to
isolate the room in case of
an emergency. The entry
restriction should apply to
all personnel not trained
in emergency procedures
relating to mechanical
room operation.

Are there any pits (low submittals and service project cost, depending on spaces depends in large part
areas) in the mechanical agreements. the room’s age and location. on the type of system
room? Check the condition This expense should be involved. To characterize
of any pits or other areas Equipment Design factored into the refrigerant the degree of risk, ASHRAE
below floor level. They may Manufacturers’ labels planning cost analysis. 15-1994 introduces the broad
house a host of unwanted reference compliance with categories of “low-probabili-
chemical residues such as the standard. Building Code Compliance ty” and “high-probability”
acids, spilled refrigerant, The major U.S. building systems. Low-probability
cleaning solvents, etc. Safety Stewardship code jurisdictions are cur- systems are those in which
Where do the floor Professionals who can rently in various stages of the leakage of refrigerant
drains empty? Most floor prove that they have gone incorporating ASHRAE 15- from a failed component
drains were constructed to the furthest extent possi- 1994 into their model codes. cannot enter the occupied
to handle wash water and ble to promote safety will These updated codes will spaces. Examples include
empty into the sewer system. minimize their legal liability. ultimately be passed down indirect closed systems;
But if your chiller and occu- This is true for all profession- to state and municipal levels. double indirect systems;
pied space share the same als in the HVAC business, For this reason, it is always and indirect open spray
floor, they may also share including property develop- a good idea to meet with systems where the secondary
drainage systems — and ers, consulting engineers, your building inspector coolant pressure exceeds
drainage traps can dry out. contractors and others. before mechanical room refrigerant pressure.
Check to see if drains in changes are made. Find Conversely, high-proba-
the occupied space (i.e., in Mechanical Room out what’s happening to bility systems are described
restrooms) are connected Changes codes in your area, then in the standard as those in
to those in the mechanical The CFC and HCFC decide how to proceed. which leakage of refrigerant
room. Imagine losing a full refrigerant production from a failed component will
charge and “finding” it in phaseout has raised the ASHRAE 15-1994 enter the occupied spaces.
a restroom! High-probability systems
These are some of the
critical issue of what to Overview include all direct systems, as
do with existing chillers.
many factors to consider Each possible solution — A walk through well as indirect open spray
when evaluating the safety containment, conversion ASHRAE 15-1994 begins systems where the refrigerant
of your mechanical room. or replacement — brings with a general look at the pressure always exceeds the
And when assessing a with it new concerns. It is property in question and secondary coolant pressure.
property, the condition of particularly important to its mechanical refrigeration
the mechanical room and understand that if the type systems. The type of occu- Refrigerant
its equipment should be pancy — institutional,
of refrigerant in a chiller is
public assembly, residential,
significant considerations changed or if the chiller
in your purchasing decision. commercial, large retail, ind- In its 1992 update,
itself is replaced, ASHRAE
ustrial or mixed occupancy ASHRAE 15 refined the
15-1994 applies. Section 5.3
Applying ASHRAE of the standard reads: “A — determines which system way refrigerants are classified
application rules apply. for toxicity (Figure 2).
15-1994 change in the type of refrig-
The next step is to iden- Refrigerant compounds
erant in a system shall not be
What is your compliance tify the type of refrigerant were divided into two
made without the notifica-
obligation to ASHRAE system involved — direct or groups, “low-toxicity” and
tion of the authority having
15-1994? If you are a indirect. In direct systems, “high-toxicity,” designated
jurisdiction, the user and
professional engineer, a the chiller sends refrigerant by the letters A and B.
due observance of safety
manufacturer or an owner, out into the cooling coils Refrigerants with allowable
requirements. The refriger-
you are liable under the near the occupied spaces. exposure limits (AELs) of
ant being considered shall be
standard simply by being In indirect systems, refriger- more than 400 ppm are
evaluated for suitability.” On
aware of it. Compliance ant runs through the chiller classified as type A (lower
the other hand, the addition
with ASHRAE 15-1994 is only, and chilled water in a toxicity) refrigerants, and
of containment devices, i.e.,
also mandated in the separate circuit produces the those with AELs of less
high efficiency purges and
following situations. cooling in the airside system. than 400 ppm are type B
back-up relief valves, to your
Indirect system types include (higher toxicity).
existing equipment does
Contracts not trigger application of double indirect open spray ASHRAE 15-1994 fur-
The specification that systems, indirect closed sys- ther classifies refrigerants
the standard.
equipment and service “must tems and indirect vented according to their degree
The cost of mechanical
be in compliance with the systems (all described in of flammability: type
room upgrades is typically
latest ASHRAE 15” has ASHRAE 15-1994). 1 — no flame propagation;
11 to 13% of the total chiller
become standard contract The probability of refrig- type 2 — low flammability;
language for installation erant reaching the occupied and type 3 — high flamma-

Table 1 and the restriction erant quantity in Table 1
ASHRAE 34 Safety Group of refrigerant quantities is would be below the limit.
to allow small commercial For a chiller, the volume
refrigeration units to be would exceed any of the
used in “occupied spaces.” limits and would require
When the rules in a “machinery room.”
ASHRAE 15 refer to Table 1 • Ventilated Occupied
High A3 B3 of the standard, you must Spaces: Ventilated space
Flammability Propane calculate the amount of is where a refrigeration
refrigerant per 1,000 cu. ft. unit may have the evapo-
of occupied space for the rator or condenser coil
Low A2 B2
application. Determine located directly within
Flammability R-142b, 152a Ammonia
the amount of refrigerant the duct system that
in the largest single unit of supplies the occupied
No Flame A1 B1 the system or the largest space. In this case,
Propagation R-11,12,22, R-123, SO2 refrigeration circuit. Then, Table 1 would consider
114,500,134a determine the occupied the occupied space to be
Lower Toxicity Higher Toxicity
space and do the calculation. the entire space served
Different calculations must by the duct system.
be used for unventilated and There are some restric-
bility. Ammonia, for ventilated spaces. tions, such as 1) Where
Complying With • Unventilated Occupied the air flow in the space
example, is considered a
low-flammability refrigerant, ASHRAE 15-1994 Spaces: In a hotel room, can be reduced below
while refrigerants like Here are some of the for example, the air con- 25% of the design, that
HCFC-22 and HFC-134a primary issues to consider ditioning unit is typically space must not be consid-
have no flame propagating when examining a mechani- a PTAC unit. The room ered in the calculated
properties. cal equipment room for houses the refrigeration total space volume; and
It should be noted that compliance with ASHRAE unit and there is no 2) Plenum space cannot
R-600a and R-1270a, found 15-1994. special ventilation — it is be included unless it is
in some blends, are flamma- considered an “unventi- continuous and part of
ble and would fall into lated occupied space.” the return air system.
Maximum Refrigerant
class 3 if they were used If the hotel had a large Let’s look at an
Without a Mechanical chiller instead, the vol- example. Figure 4 shows
as single compounds.
Although their flammability
Room ume of the occupied a mixed-occupancy facility
Table 1 of the standard space would be the build- that uses a 20-ton packaged
is mitigated when they are
lists allowances for all ing the chiller serves. rooftop unit (classified as
mixed into a blend, flamma-
refrigerants in pounds of In the case of the PTAC a high probability system)
bility may still be an issue
refrigerant per 1,000 cu. ft. unit, the allowable refrig- containing 20 lbs. of R-22
in leak situations. When
of occupied space. Often
blends leak, the highest- FIGURE 3
misinterpreted, these figures ASHRAE 34 Safety Group
pressure compound exits
represent the maximum
first, mixed with the next Examples Of Blend Refrigerant Classification
refrigerant levels allowable
highest-pressure compound.
without a separate mechani-
The lowest-pressure com-
cal equipment room. If
pound, then, is likely to be
you have more than the
left in the vessel, and in
allowable amount of
this state the mixture may
refrigerant, your system
be flammable. A recent High A3 B3
must be housed in a separate
addendum to ASHRAE 34- Flammability
mechanical room.
1992 reflects the fact that the
Table 1 is often misinter-
flammability classification of
preted in an effort to exempt A2 B2
a blend may change as it Low
or somehow restrict the Flammability R-406*
leaks. The addendum states
application of large chillers.
that a blend will be classified
Simply put, Table 1 requires
to reflect the highest poten- A1 B1
almost all commercial No Flame
tial flammability or toxicity Propagation
chillers to be in a “machin-
of its components, as shown Lower Toxicity Higher Toxicity
ery room” as a result of their
in Figure 3. *R-406 = 55% R-22, 4% R-600a, 41% R-142B
relatively high refrigerant
levels. The intention of

refrigerant (classified A1, low FIGURE 4
toxicity, no flammability).
All areas of the facility are Mixed Occupancy Facility
Offices (3) 2,250 cu. ft. each.... 6,750 cu. ft.
supplied with conditioned
Reception area.......................... 6,000 cu. ft.
air, except the conference Manufacturing Area Warehouse................................. 6,750 cu. ft
rooms and the hallway, 20'x40'
Manufacturing area..................8,000 cu. ft.
which can be shut off with Total............................................27,500 cu. ft.
a variable volume vent. Hallway
The ceilings are 10 feet high.
The quantity of refriger- Warehouse
ant in the packaged unit for 15'x45'
every 1,000 cu. ft. is as fol-
lows: 20 lbs./(27,500/1,000)
=.727 lbs. per 1,000 cu. ft. Conference
Office Room
Table 1 allows up to 9.4 lbs. 15'x15' 15'x15'
per 1,000 cu. ft. for R-22 in Office
this type of system. This 15'x15'
facility does not exceed that 15'x15'
amount; therefore a separate
mechanical room is not Conference Room Reception Area
15'x15' 20'x30'
required for compliance
with ASHRAE 15-1994.
The limits in Table 1
can also be used to calculate Sizing of Relief and of existing safety devices to erants should never have
the minimum volume of Rupture Devices be sure they are suitable. common relief piping.
occupied space a refrigera- ASHRAE 15-1994 speci- The new standard 15-1994 Every refrigerant has a
tion system requires. For fies the appropriate sizing of also includes rating formulas unique pressure rating.
example, the allowable 9.4 pressure relief devices based for discharge capacity of rup- Using common relief valve
lbs. per 1,000 cu. ft. inverted on a minimum required dis- ture members and maximum or rupture disk piping could
(1000/9.4) determines that charge capacity in pounds of length of discharge piping implode or interfere with
106.38 cu. ft. of occupied air per minute. The equa- (Figures 6 and 7). proper operation.
space is required for each tion is shown in Figure 5. Additional detailed informa-
pound of R-22. When converting a tion on maximum lengths Refrigerant Sensors
chiller to a new refrigerant, for discharge piping is According to ASHRAE
Purge System and it is critical to check the size addressed in ASHRAE 15 15-1994, all mechanical
addenda a, b and c. rooms must have a sensor
Relief Devices
FIGURE 5 A word of caution: capable of detecting refriger-
The standard specifies
chillers with different refrig- ant loss. Sensors should be
that all purge systems —
including high-efficiency Discharge Capacity of
systems — and other relief Pressure Relief Devices FIGURE 6 FIGURE 7
devices must vent outside. C=fDL
While it may be economical
Where: Discharge Capacity of
to tap into existing rupture Rupture Member Maximum Length of
disk lines, do consider C = minimum required Discharge Piping
putting a drain valve in the discharge capacity of C = 0.64 p1d
relief device in pounds d = 1.25 (c/p1)
0.5 L = 9 p2d5/16Cr2
line or wrapping the line
of air per minute (kg/s)
in heater tape. Even the Where:
highest-efficiency purges D = outside diameter of
vessel in feet (m) Cr = rated discharge
lose some refrigerant. When C = rated discharge capacity as stamped
warm gas hits a cold pipe it L = length of vessel
capacity in pounds on the device by
will condense down into the of air per minute(kg/s) manufacturer in
in feet (m)
pounds of air per
pipe, depositing refrigerant d= smallest of the internal minute (kg/s)
against the safety rupture f = factor dependent
diameter of the inlet pipe,
upon type of refrigerant*
disk. These disks are usually retaining flanges, fusible d = internal diameter of
plug, and rupture member pipe, in inches (mm)
only a 0.03" thick layer of * identified in the standard
in inches (mm)
carbon and are not tolerant for most refrigerants p = length of discharge
(if not, consult your p = (rated pressure pipe in feet (m)
of corrosive conditions. equipment or refrigerant psig [kPa gage] x 1.10)
manufacturer). + 14.7 (101.33)

FIGURE 8 Mechanical Ventilation
to the Outdoors
Examples of Sensor Locations Mechanical rooms
(Examples Not in Standard) must be vented to the
outdoors using mechanical
ventilation. The formula
ASHRAE provides for
calculating ventilation
capacity requirements is
shown in Figure 9.

Access Restrictions
The revised standard
specifies that access to
mechanical rooms should
be restricted to authorized
personnel. In addition, the
room must have tight-fitting
doors that open and close
freely (i.e., no fire doors)
and any other opening that
would permit the passage of
refrigerant must be sealed.
Each entrance to a refrigerat-
ing machinery room must
have a legible permanent
sign that reads “Refrigerating
positioned where vapor from ASHRAE 15-1992 required ing refrigerant ppm). This Machinery Room —
a refrigerant leak would most an oxygen deprivation sensor will provide technicians with Authorized Personnel Only,”
likely concentrate, providing for class A1 refrigerants. a better understanding of and should communicate
early warning so that person- The old standard stated that the refrigerant leak and the that when an alarm has
nel can prevent catastrophic the sensor should be capable proper protection and been activated, entry is
refrigerant loss (Figure 8). of detecting a 0.5% decrease response. The main alarm forbidden except by trained
Sensors should be calibrated in room oxygen levels (air is must still be a manual reset personnel who can address
so that the allowable expo- typically 20% oxygen, so the housed in the mechanical emergencies.
sure limit for the refrigerant sensor would detect a drop room. It is unwise to rely
will not be exceeded. to 19.5%). In this old on automatic detectors to Refrigerant Storage
Exposure limits are scenario, 67,000 ppm refrig- announce that an event is Section 11.5 of ASHRAE
expressed as threshold limit erant concentrations could over. They do not allow 15-1994 reads: “The total
value, time-weighted average accumulate before the sen- technicians to distinguish amount of refrigerant stored
(TLV-TWA). This is the sor issued a warning! Safety between an alarm reset when in a machinery room in all
time-weighted average stewardship and refrigerant the concentration dropped containers not provided with
concentration for a normal containment are better (e.g., because ventilation
eight-hour work day and a served by using a quality fans controlled the incident)
40-hour work week to which refrigerant sensor with all and one that may reset
nearly all workers may be refrigerants. A good choice because the detector was Mechanical
repeatedly exposed without is a multi-port refrigerant damaged. In the latter case, Ventilation
adverse effects. detector using infrared spec- anyone entering the refriger-
The sensors should actu- trometry sensing units rather ating machinery room might Q = 100 x G0.5
ate an alarm and mechanical than metal oxide sensing be entering a hazardous Where:
ventilation, as well as activate units. Infrared sensors typi- area. Alarms or indicators 3
Q = air flow in ft. per minute
visual and audible alarms cally hold calibration and are intended to communicate
(liters per second)
inside and outside the of higher overall quality. normal, current conditions
mechanical room. The reset Facilities may find it use- inside the mechanical room G = mass of refrigerant
for these alarms should be ful to have multiple levels of may, of course, be automati- in lbs. (kgs) in the largest
system, any part of which
manual, and located inside alarms or to provide a refrig- cally re-setting. is located in the
the mechanical room. erant detector that indicates mechanical room
Rather than a refriger- the actual refrigerant level
ant detector, the old version (with a digital readout show-

relief valves and piped in leak is detected. Yet another (TLV-TWA) trips the alarms, which unprotected persons
accordance with the stan- option (though not specified personnel who are not are able to escape within
dard should not exceed in ASHRAE 15) is to provided with and trained 30 minutes without escape-
330 lbs.” This is designed isolate the boiler or open- to use respiratory protection impairing symptoms or
to allow building owners to flame device with a wall or equipment appropriate for irreversible health effects.
store adequate quantities separate enclosure. the refrigerant (such as It should be noted that
of refrigerant for chiller canister respirators or SCBA) donning respiratory protec-
servicing in separate, Room Dimensions must leave the room immedi- tion is a last resort option
approved storage tanks. The new standard ately. Keep in mind that under most industrial
This is allowable under U.S. defines an appropriately alarm activation is depen- hygiene regimens — it is
Environmental Protection sized mechanical room as dent on the concentration preferable to provide engi-
Agency (EPA) guidelines, one that allows access to and the toxicity of the neering controls to reduce
and many owners are opting all equipment, including refrigerant (programmed refrigerant concentrations
to contain their CFC and adequate space for service in the alarm settings). to tolerable levels. The
HCFC chillers and safely and maintenance, as well In a proper application of refrigerant detector should
store service refrigerant as operation. ASHRAE-15, the machinery activate the machinery
onsite. Although the room ventilation should room ventilation system,
ASHRAE recommendation Periodic Testing actuate, reducing the refrig- automatically reducing con-
is for a maximum of 330 lbs. Ventilation systems erant concentration, and centrations. In many cases,
per system, local building and sensors must be periodi- respiratory protection may this may be entirely adequate
and fire codes should cally tested in accordance not be needed. to reduce the concentration,
be checked for possible with the manufacturer’s Presence of refrigerant and respiratory protection
exceptions. recommendation and/or above the TLV-TWA limit may not be needed. An
local jurisdiction. This is does not by itself signal an alarm silence switch is useful
Relief Discharge Location particularly important for emergency; many routine for situations when person-
The discharge location refrigerant sensors that are service operations can create nel are to remain working
of relief devices must be at detecting compounds with such levels, especially with in the room.
least 20 feet away from any low allowable exposure low pressure refrigerants Figure 10 shows TLV-
ventilation openings, and limits. Many of these sensors (e.g., R-123). Local or TWA and IDLH levels for
not less than 15 feet above require frequent calibration. national regulations often two popular refrigerants.
ground level (to avoid prescribe that steps be taken
spraying someone with Emergencies in to protect the health and Example Emergency
refrigerant). Refrigerating Machinery safety of personnel working Procedure
Rooms in the machinery room when As an example, let’s look
Combustion Device With the removal of refrigerant concentrations at a facility that uses its own
Limitation self contained breathing rise above the threshold limit technicians to handle minor
ASHRAE 15-1994 apparatus (SCBA) under value. In a more sophisticat- problems in a mechanical
prohibits the location in Addendum d of ASHRAE ed facility, with appropriate room. It is important to
a mechanical room of any 15-1994, machinery rooms training and other measures remember, however, that
open-flame device using must have an emergency specified by local regulations, there are many other possi-
combustion air from inside response plan. The require- refrigeration technicians bilities; and that other types
the room. On the other ment for SCBA in the might use this alarm as a of buildings, such as office,
hand, an open-flame device previous standard was an signal to don respiratory shopping centers, theaters,
such as a boiler may be locat- attempt to address toxicity protection. Evacuation of schools and other public
ed in a mechanical room and concern over the risks the machinery room may assembly areas may not
if combustion air is drawn associated with refrigerant not be necessary, although have their own technicians.
from outside. Two accept- loss. However, in most warning bystanders not When a refrigerant
able alternatives are to duct commercial buildings to enter still is. alarm sounds, personnel
outside, sealed ventilated air personnel properly trained Selection of the proper should leave (or not enter)
in; or to install a sensor that in the use of SCBA may respiratory protection for the mechanical room and
shuts the flame off in the not be available during an the particular situation may facilities management should
presence of refrigerant gas. emergency, or it may be require additional informa- be contacted immediately.
Most refrigerant sensors difficult to locate the SCBA tion, for example, whether A readout of the current
are multi-port, so they can in an area accessible to or not the refrigerant refrigerant leak inside the
run to several spots in the these people. concentration is above the machinery room via a digital
mechanical room and be When a refrigerant “immediately dangerous to reading outside the machin-
programmed to shut the detection level above life or health” (IDLH) level. ery room should distinguish
boiler down if a chiller the threshold limit value This is defined as the maxi- the current reading from the
mum concentration from alarm trip level. This refrig-

TLV-TWA and IDLH Levels
For Two Popular Refrigerants

Quantity of Refrigerant
Example Refrigerant Exposure Limits 45' x 45' x 12', Unventilated
Mechanical Room @ 72° F


HCFC-123 10 – 50 ppm** 4,000 ppm 6.8 oz. 32 lb.

HFC-134a 1000 ppm 50,000 ppm 34 lb. 1,701 lb.

* Based on ARI bulletin in conjunction with refrigerant manufacturers — no formal

IDLH levels have been set
** Different refrigerant manufacturers rate HCFC-123 differently: Allied at
10 ppm and Dupont at 50 ppm

erant level provides qualified coordination procedure

refrigerant technicians or with the local emergency
response teams with an response agency should
understanding of the be in place.
emergency, and appropriate As we have learned
respiratory protection from past incidents,
suitable for use in an atmos- the requirements in the
phere containing refrigerant. ASHRAE standard provide
If the proper ventilation minimum protection
is operating, the leak or to help prevent injury
exposure may be below from accidents.
the allowable expose limit.
After donning appropri- READ ASHRAE
ate respiratory protection, 15-1994
technicians may re-enter the
machinery room to close Clearly, there are many
valves, fix leaks, shut off issues for professionals to
alarms, etc. — if, and only if, consider in order to achieve
the current refrigerant level compliance with ASHRAE
is below the IDLH. In other 15-1994 and its addenda.
words, technicians may Your best strategy is to obtain
re-enter the room if the a copy of the standard and
refrigerant release is inciden- read it thoroughly, using this
tal and they have been issue of Analysis as a point of
trained in the use of protec- reference. ASHRAE 15-1994
tive respiratory equipment. offers many good, safe
If, for some reason, the solutions. Not only is it a
IDHL level is exceeded or good idea to follow the new
the problem seems uncon- standard, it may very well
trolled and getting worse, be the law in your jurisdic-
technicians should leave tion — and as a professional
and call for emergency applying ASHRAE 15, the
responders. An emergency risk is yours.

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