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Communication is the process by which information, ideas, attitudes or emotions or exchanged

between two or more persons.

Flow of Communication

1. Vertical Communication

2. Horizontal Communication

(Vertical flow)




(Horizontal flow) (Horizontal flow)



(Vertical flow)
Points of Difference Horizontal communication Vertical communication

Definition Such communication flows between people at Such communication flows between people
the same level. of different levels.

Coordination Such communication helps in coordination It normally coordinates the activities of

between various departments of an superior and subordinates.

Flow of The communication flows here like a straight It may flow as an upward or downward way.
communication line.

Methods Oral communication is very suitable for such Such communication generally uses written
communication as sender and receiver belong to procedures and methods
same level.

Example Communication between purchase and sales Communication between sales manager and
manager. sales executives or agents.
Forms of Communication

• Verbal Communication

• Non-Verbal Communication

Verbal Communication is the use of words or numbers; written or spoken.

Non-Verbal Communication is the use of facial expression or body language

Communication Process

Communication Process is how information, ideas, attitudes and emotions flow from one person

to another.

• The sender of the message is also known as the source.

• The sender is the person sending the message.


• This is where the sender will translate what he or she wants to say to the receiver. The

sender will translate in words, numbers or symbols.

• The message must have the same meaning when it reached to the receiver

Message Channel

The message channel is the carrier of the message.

• Examples

– TV

– Magazine

– Email

– Telephone

This is when the receiver received the message. He or she will translate the message to get the

true intention of the sender.


This is the person that received the message.


Feedback is the possible responses from the receiver to the sender.


Noise is any distraction that reduces the effectiveness of the communication process.

Types of Internal Communication Channel

 Consultation- Managers, supervisors and workers consult with each other by asking for

advice or opinion on matter, or even by meeting and exchanging views on a matter.

 Suggestion box - Organizations requires feedback from both their internal customers who

are there workers and their external customers. Organizations are serious about providing

excellent customer service and want to get feedback on the services they provide.

 Telephone – This is the most common telecommunication device used for

communicating in organizations because it is easy to use and provides a very quick way

of communicating.

 Interview - These are used internally as well to communicate information, and facts.

They can be used to select employees for promotion and awards.

 Intercom - This is an internal telecommunication system used in large companies to make

contact with workers.

 Memorandum- refers an interoffice method of communication. It is used to convey

written information to staff members.

Guidelines for establishing good relations between Managers and Employers.

Guidelines: Good Management & Staff Relations

Good management worker relationship is important for efficiency, productivity and the retention

of staff.


Managers should not only give directives but encourage feedback from workers. Regular

scheduled meetings should allow workers the opportunity to voice their concerns and views.

Some managers have an open door policy making them available to all employees.


Money is not a motivator for everyone and therefore managers must find ways of encouraging

workers to give their best performance. Other forms of motivation include recognition for a job

well done. High performing employees can be motivated by promotion, and being named

employee of the month. Allowing employees to be creative and bringing their innovative ideas to

goods and services is also a motivator.


It is very important to handle all workers fairly without showing favoritism. If workers perceive

that they are not being fairly treated or that there is favoritism conflicts may arise among workers

and well as between management and workers.


Managers must show care when dealing with workers daily. Workers are not machines and

cannot be treated as such. Managers should try to understand each worker and their various

issues. Workers may have challenges with illnesses, family, financial etc. which may affect their

performance on the job.

7 c’s of Communication

1. Clear

2. Concise

3. Concrete

4. Correct

5. Coherent

6. Complete

7. Courteous

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