Celex Exime Ticoman Unidad Academica: Examen Final

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Name: ____RICARDO FABELA REYES________________ Date: _____23/03/2021____________________

Level: _____INTERMEDIO 4______________ Teacher: ___ Víctor Darling__________

Part 1

Questions 1-16:

You will hear 16 short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply. You will hear each sentence twice.

1) A OK, so down the stairs and turn left. B That sounds lovely. C We really must go.

2) A You’re right. B I’ll ask someone to look at that right away. C It’s on the right.

3) A Go through that door. B I’ll just put you through. C We really must go.

4) A It’s on the second floor. B Ok, so it’s on the second floor? C Right, I think I’ve got that.

5) A No, the third. B Yes, the second floor. C Right, I think I’ve got that.

6) A Is that OK for you? B Long time no see! C Right, I think I’ve got that!

7) A So can I just check? B It’s over there, by the cinema. C Yes, the cash machine.

8) A No, the third floor B That’s right C Really, I’m fine.

9) A Absolutely, swimming isn’t good. B No, I can’t swim. C Definitely, swimming is fantastic.
10) A I don’t think so – they’re very exciting! B Oh dear – I’m sorry. C Oh no – are they interesting?

11) A That’s right B I’m afraid not. C Is now a good time?

12) A I’m fine, thanks. B It’s alright. C That’s true.

13) A I’m sorry, but I don’t think so. B Oh dear, never mind. C Oh well, it’s not your fault.ult.

14) A It’s fine. B Exactly. C I’m sorry.

15) A You’re absolutely right, it is really boring. B I’m sorry, but it is boring C Oh please, it is boring.

16) A I’m afraid not. B I’m not sure about that. C I’m sorry, but no.

Part 2

Questions 17-24

Choose the missing word (A, B or C) for each space.

17) I saw a really interesting __________________________________last night about computer games.

A television programme B science fiction C TV screen

18) Fred dropped his e-reader on the floor, _________________________________ it wasn’t damaged.

A unfortunately B accidentally C luckily

19) Emma’s invention was the best so, ___________________________________, she won the competition.

A on purpose B as expected C by chance

20) I took out £20 from the _____________________________________ machine before I went shopping.

A money B pay C cash

21) The scientists weren’t looking for the new animal – they discovered it _____________________________. .

A by chance B as expected C on purpose

22) We saw a great science ____________________________________ film about visitors from another planet.

A drama B fiction C history

23) These new ___________________________________________ are easier to read when you’re driving at night.

A signs B notices C boards

24) The robot costs nearly $1,000,000, so ___________________________ not many people can afford one.

A surprisingly B amazingly C unfortunately

Part 3

Questions 25-30

Write an example using “Past Perfect” combining the information:

EXAMPLE: Madonna began her career in 1983; Lady Gaga in 2005.

Madonna had become a superstar before Lady Gaga began her career

25) The Beatles separated in 1970. John Lennon died in 1980.

____ The Beatles had separated in 1970, 10 years before dead john lennon________________________

26)PIXAR released its film “Cars” in 2006; and “Toy Story 2” in 1999.

_______ PIXAR had released its film “Cars” long after toy story_______________________

27). Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1519; and “The Last Supper” in 1498.

___ Da Vinci had painted "The Last Supper" long before Mona Lisa______________________________________

28) Fox governed Guanajuato in the mid 90’s. He was our president from 2000 to 2006

____ Fox had governed Guanajuato in the mid 90’s and in less than 20 years he became president of Mexico_

29). Coke appeared in 1886; Pepsi was introduced in 1903.

____ Coke had appeared long before pepsi_____________________________________________________

30). Volkswagen introduced Jetta in 1979; and Golf appeared in 1974.

_Volkswagen had introduced Jetta as a succession of golf_______________________________________

Part 4

Questions 31-35

Report the statements

31) “We can´t leave the school” Jonh said.

_______John said we couldn't leave of school_________________________________________

32) “George has moved to New York” Samantha said.

____Samantha said George moved to New York________________________________________________

33) “I am going to cook later” Aly said.

_____Aly said cook later.___________________________________________________________

34) “I will help you with the homework” Jason told Martha

__Jason told Marta to help him with homework.________________________________________________

35) “I don´t feel ok” Susy told her mother.

____Susy told her mother that she felt bad__________________________________________________________

Part 5

Questions 36 – 43

Choose the best answer (A, B or C) for each space.


Do you know what coelacanths are? They are fish (36) _________________ lived in the sea a long, long time

ago. In fact, scientists used to think that they disappeared over 65 million years ago. But one day in 1938, Marjorie
Courtenay-Latimer, a young woman (37) __________________ worked in a museum in a small town in South Africa,
received (38) _____________________ unexpected phone call. It was from a fisherman (39) _______________________
was called Captain Hendrik Goosen. Marjorie immediately got a taxi and went straight down to
(40)____________________ sea. There, in Captain Goosen's boat, she saw a very strange fish.

Marjorie put the fish in the taxi, and took it back to (41) ________________________________ museum.

She contacted a friend, James Smith, a science teacher at a nearby university, and he immediately told her that it was a
coelacanth. It soon became (42) ____________________ most famous fish in the world! Scientists gave it the name
Latimeria chalumnae, and the place (43) ___________________ Marjorie first saw the fish is now known as Latimer's

36) A what B who C which

37) A that B which C where

38) A an Ba C any

39) A where B who C what

40) A some B the Ca

41) Aa B the C those

42) Aa B any C the

43) A who B where C which

Part 6


Record a one-minute audio talking about your plans for future.

Buenas tardes profesor

en realidad yo creo que voy por un camino totalmente fuera de mi realidad como ingeniero, ya que pretendo como tal
tener un acercamiento más con la parte financiera que con la parte de ingeniería, en un lapso de tiempo no mayor a 10
años pretendo tener una empresa totalmente montada y generar ingresos con algunas ideas que tengo en mente para
arrancar esos negocios.

en realidad yo quisiera tener algo propio y no estar trabajando para una persona, para ello propuesto montar de todo
tipo de empresas incluyendo textiles y del sector de construcción.

en realidad la ingeniería la estudié por mera curiosidad y entender el funcionamiento de los aviones además del proceso
que llevan detrás de ellos para poder emprender el vuelo.

quizá también en algún momento considere abrir una empresa de la industria de la aviación, teniendo en mente la
filosofía de bajo costo para poder tener buenos ingresos y tener 1º de inmunidad ante una contingencia sanitaria o
cualquier acontecimiento que puedan afectar las ventas de una empresa de aviación.

en realidad tengo la expectativa de irme del país en un lapso no mayor a 5 años, en algún momento me gustaría vivir en
un país como Singapur y poder llevar a cabo desde ese país mis actividades.

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