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Hello, my name is Anastasia and this is my story.

Growing up in a family with 4 children in a small village in a poor country like Moldova
my priorities were to work and study, but it was not enough. I always wanted to do more,
something that will help not only my family but also my community. My desire to be
useful and to change the world (now these words can sound overdramatic, but when I
was 12 this was my life quote) motivated me over the years to work more.

Now I am 23 and during my experience, I understood that I can not change the whole
world but I can improve someone’s life with my activities, and that's why you are reading
this letter right now.

The moment when I first realized it was around 8 years ago when together with my
team succeeded in creating an art center for children in my village. I love dancing,
but I could never practice it because we did not have a teacher in our village, and
going somewhere for lessons was too expensive. So I could practice my dance
moves only in front of my mirror. That is why I was very determined to help children
from my village follow their dreams without problems. During high school, I had a lot
of useful experiences that helped me improve my communication and team working

My bachelor studies brought me to a new country where I faced new challenges,

met amazing people, and enriched my volunteering background. I worked hard and I
won a scholarship for one year exchange in Portugal. In that period I had the
opportunity to improve my writing and speaking skills in English. It was an
outstanding experience and I met so many wonderful people from all over the world.
I am still keeping in touch with my Erasmus friends and I think this is one of the best
advantages of international practice - people.

Due to my experience as head of the marketing and PR department in Basarabian

Student Organisation, I understood that marketing is my passion so after graduation
I started to work in this area. Professing in this field I learned to work​ well under
pr​essure, to be ​flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of the changing market​,
and to create content that will talk not only about the product but also about the

I love my profession and I want to learn as much as I can about marketing and
improve my abilities in this area. I will start a master’s degree next year but before
that, I want to have a practical international opportunity that will help me to discover
new perspectives in this domain. After doing my research I discovered your project
and the idea of your organization to inform young people and help them build up
knowledge and self-confidence so that they can actively participate in society attracts
me. That is why I did not hesitate to send you my application and to express my
desire of becoming part of your team. My goal is to make my contribution to create
together a platform so that young people and their concerns be noticed.
How can I be useful to you?

As an event manager, I got extensive experience in organizing different kinds of

events: seminars, training, and international conferences. So I can share my
knowledge in this process and bring new ideas to you. I also have good skills at
different digital work, writing Facebook posts and articles, creating PowerPoint
Presentations, and working with other Microsoft Office tools. Moreover, I’m easy to
learn, easy to communicate with, and quick to integrate into the new environment.

Another asset that I will bring to your organization is positive energy. A smile, a good
attitude, and a nice word can improve someone's day and give the perfect amount of
energy to finish a task, so I believe that this is one of best qualities.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Anastasia Candu
Motivation Statement

During my volunteer experience, I understood that I can not change the whole world,
but I can improve someone’s life with my activities. Therefore, due to this desire of
helping and bringing change I want to get involved in as many volunteering projects
as possible.

In my opinion, by informing and supporting the young generation, we can create a

community of self-confident people who can actively participate in society and help
to improve it. Taking part in an international project which promotes these values
seems like a good step at this moment. My goal is to bring my contribution to support
and spread this idea, and your project missions are the best way to do that.

I want to broaden my horizons and start to work in an international environment.

Activating along with people who have different backgrounds I can learn new and
useful information that can not be absorbed by living and working always in the same

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