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Chapter III

This chapter describes and discusses how the researchers will gather the necessary data and

information that will be used in the whole study. It describes who will be the respondents and focus of

the research. This also shows the procedure of source of data and methods of collecting data; these

chapters also discuss the Methods for the determination of Marketing, Technical, Legal and Financial


1. Technical Aspects

In this aspects discusses the process of production and the activities of the business. It

states also the machineries and equipment used in production and other aspects regarding

bringing the raw material into finished products ready for trade. Plant layout, size and structures

are all presented for the purpose of identifying the business operation. Also product

specifications the product processes using the flow chart. The list of machinery, tools and

equipment are enumerated with their corresponding cost, raw materials and plant fund sources

are also cited.

2. Marketing Aspects

The marketing aspects will cover the following: General Business Condition, Tabulation

of Results, Target Market, Demand, Product, Promotion, Marketing strategy, Pricing Strategy,

Promotion and Packaging.

For the business to prosper, it should be given time and effort. The proponent of this

business must have the desired creativity so as to be able to provide quality service to its

customers. The fulfillment of the needs and wants of its customers or target market must be the

key objective of the recommended business.

In every project, feasibility marketing aspect is well-thought-out the most important

since it requires inconspicuous analysis of the business total demand and supply.

3. Financial Aspects

In order for a business plan to understand it needs money to start. To determine

whether the future industry will remain profitable economic condition. The researchers have to

project a five-year financial statement. It includes the source of funds, balance sheet, income

statement, cost of goods sold and cost of sales.

4. Legal Aspects

As a food manufacturing company, it is bound with many legal regulations & laws.

Regulations and laws may involve in establishing legal food business, industrial safety according

to the food act in Iloilo City, labor regulations and environmental regulations, etc.
Survey Questioner

Name (Optional): ________________________________ Course: ___________________

Age: __________ Sex: M F

Instruction: Shade/Check the box for the choice of your answer.

Vegetable Bread

This bread that is made richer and healthier added with nutritious vegetables; which give
you a new and healthy way of enjoying your craving for bread.

1. Do you eat vegetable? Yes No

2. How often do you eat vegetable?

Everyday Occasionally Often Very often

3. Do you like to eat bread?

4. How often do you eat bread?

Everyday Occasionally Often Very often

Question # 5 and 6 refers to the Vegetable Bread.

5. How do you find Vegetable Bread as an alternative for our conventional breads?

Very Satisfying Satisfying Average

6. How much are you willing to pay for the Vegetable Bread?

15-20 PHP 21-25 PHP

Rate the following items asked by CHECKING the box for the choice of your answer.

Items (1) Very (2) Satisfying (3) Average (4) Dissatisfying






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