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Index • 145

Queen Elizabeth I, 110, 115 63–65; patron of Monophysites, 87–

88, 95; impales Arsenius, 90; replaces
Reparatus, brother of Vigilius, 93, 99 pope Silverius with Vigilius, 90–92;
Rhodon, Augustal prefect of Egypt, 89 death of, 103–105; her assessment of
theological battlefront, 107–108; ver-
Saint Melania the Younger, 116 dict on Theodora, 107–112. See also
Saint Thekla, follower of apostle Paul, Monophysites, Nika revolt, Three
73 Chapters
Saint Theodore of Sykeon, 17, 19 Theodore, metropolitan of Bostra, 95
Sarkis (= Sergius), 95; consecrated Mo- Theodore Askidas, Origenist monk,
nophysite patriarch of Antioch, 96 98–101
Saturninus, 38 Theodore ‘‘Colocynthius,’’ urban prefect
Septimius Severus; his wife, Julia under Justin I, 11
Domna; her sister, Julia Maesa; Theodore of Mopsuestia, 100–101, 103,
Maesa’ daughter, Julia Mamaae, 114 107
Severus, Monophysite patriarch of An- Theodoret of Cyrrhus, 76, 100–101, 103,
tioch, 6, 8–10, 67–69, 71, 73, 77–82, 107
84–86, 94, 100 Theodoric, Ostrogothic king, xiv, 2, 50,
Severus Alexander, 114 63, 106; his daughter, Amalasuin-
Severus of Ashmounein, 17, 83 tha, xiv, 63–66; his granddaughter,
Silko, king of the Nobadae, 62 Matasuintha, 50, 106
Silverius, pope, 51, 90–92 Theodosius, Antonina’s lover, 52–54
Silverius, pope, son of pope Hormisdas, Theodosius, Monophysite patriarch of
77 Alexandria, 61, 63, 83–84, 87–88
Sittas, Comito’s husband, 20, 117 Theodosius I, 114
Solomon, commander in Africa, 49 Theodosius II, emperor, ix, 20, 31, 114–
Stephen, papal nuncio in Constanti- 115
nople, 101 Theophanes the Confessor, Chronicle of,
Stephen bar Sudaili, 98 xiv
Synesius of Cyrene, 115 Three Chapters dispute, 99–103, 105–107
Thucydides, ix
Theocritus, Amantius’ aspirant for the Tiberius II, 117; his wife, Ino (Anasta-
throne, 4 sia), 117
Theodahad, Ostrogothic king, xiv, 63– Timothy III, patriarch of Alexandria, 9,
66, 81–82, 90; his queen, Gudeliva, 17, 78–79, 83
xiv, 65 Titus, son of Vespasian, emperor, 113; his
Theodora: both Justinian’s collabora- mistress, Berenice, 113
tor and his opponent, xi, 68, 74–75, Tribonian, 43
107; her early life, xiii, 13–19; attacks
prostitution, 30–32; helps wronged Valens, emperor, 114; his wife, Domnica
women, 32–34; arranges marriages, Augusta, 114
33, 38; dislikes Germanus, 33, 49–50; Valentinian III, emperor, xi
builds the Holy Apostles church, 35– Valentinus, 101
36; improves status of actresses, 36–37; Verina, dowager empress, 27
women’s rights vindicated, 37–38; her Victor, bishop of Tonnena, xiv, 103
ruthlessness, 47–49, 52, 63; possible Vigilius, pope, 77, 90–93, 99–103, 106–
complicity in Amalasuintha’s murder, 107

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