MS For DREDGING (Çanakkale)

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Method Statement

Dredging Works


Originating Organization’s Responsible Personnel: Contractor’s Project Manager Reviewed Status

00 18.09.2017 V.Güldamla M.Aydın H.Gökdere H.Gökdere 1ST Issue

Rev. Issue Date Prepared Reviewed Approved Approved Description of Issuance

Format Contractor’s Quality Manager’s Reviewed

Complete Content Approved
Approved with comments
Partial Content

Total Pages : Date Name Signature

(including this page) 18-Sep-17 G.Ungan
Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel


This sheet must be completed in detail, at each revision once this document has been approved.
Details must include revision number, description and indication of which pages and paragraphs
have been revised, date of revision approval and approval indication.


Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 2 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

Briefing Record
I have been briefed on this method statement and understand its contents.

Name Position Signature Date

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 3 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

Table of Contents
Table of Amendments……………………………………………… .. ………………………………2
Briefing Record ........................................................................................................................ 3
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... 4
1 Scope of work ................................................................................................................ 5
2 Programme .................................................................................................................... 5
3 Reference documents ................................................................................................... 6
4 Organization .................................................................................................................. 6
5 Materials ........................................................................................................................ 7
6 Plant / Equipment .......................................................................................................... 8
7 Preparation .................................................................................................................... 8
8 Health, Safety & Envıronment ....................................................................................... 9
9 Emergency Procedures ................................................................................................. 9
10 Temporary Works ........................................................................................................ 10
11 Method & Sequence of Works ..................................................................................... 11
12 Protection .................................................................................................................... 20
13 Inspections & Test Plan ............................................................................................... 20
14 Acceptance Criteria ..................................................................................................... 21
15 Records ....................................................................................................................... 21
16 Attachments ................................................................................................................ 21

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 4 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

1 Scope of work
This method statement will cover the works related to Dredging at Channel of Caisson Dry dock
where the caisson elements of 1915 Çanakkale Project will be fabricated. These works will be
carried out by Ayson/ES Group Joint venture itself.
The scope of this method statement consists of the following two activities:
1) Dredging of the dry dock channel excavation for the towing out caissons
2) Dredging of the tower foundation excavation for the immersion

Figure 1: Turkey Location

Figure 2: Çanakkale Strait

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 5 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

Figure 3: 1915 Çanakkale Bridge Route

2 Programme
The relevant work programme of the dredging works has been prepared by taking into
consideration the amount and type of dredged material, the necessary equipments and human
resources and also the estimated dredging methods. For further information please refer to the
Tables 1, 4, 5,6 and Organization Chart
Please refer to the Attachment 1 for the Programme of dredging work.

3 Reference Documents
00.RFQ Document List
01 Instruction to Tenderer
02 Letter of Tender
03 Pricing Schedules
04 Price Breakdown
05 Particular Conditions of Subcontract
06 General Conditions of Subcontract
07 Scope of work
08 Responsibilities Matrix
09.RFP for dredging(geotech)
10. HSE Requirements for Subcontractors
11. Social Security Provision

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 6 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

4 Organization

4.1 Organization Chart

Organization chart demonstrating the interfaces between Ayson-ES Group JV, his employer,
the employer representative and the other authorities for dredging at 1915 Çanakkale Bridge
is shown in the following flow chart.



Project Director
Secretariat of

Project Manager
QA/QC Manager
Harbour Construction
Master Manager

24 hours operation Dredging Manager

with 2 shifts


Bursa Office
Fleet Captain

Ministry of
& Forest

Chief Operator
Dumping Fleet
Ministry of
Labour and Split Barges

Tug Boat

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 7 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

4.2 Responsibilities

Please refer to the No. DLSY-BR-SUB-RFP-2017-008 for dredging works for the Contractor’s job
descriptions of the personnel in the organization chart of Ayson/ES Group joint venture such as
Project Manager, Construction Manager, QA/QC Manager and Dredging Manager.
For the dredging works, the specialist personnel’s job descriptions shall be given as below:

Construction Manager
 Coordination between dredger and dumping fleet

Dredging Manager
 Scheduling of dredging activities
 Direction of dredging works (depth, area…etc.)
 Safety observation of dredging activities

Dredgers / Fleet Captain

 Operation of dredger under direction of Dredging Manager

Dumping Fleet
 Operation of pusher boat
 Control of split barges in line with dredging machine operators
 Operation of dumping trips
 Safety observation of dumping activities

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 8 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

5 Materials


6 Plant / Equipment
The dredging fleet consisting of two grab dredger, two backhoe dredger, one push-boat (which
also serves as an anchor barge), and three dredged soil barges, will be dispatched from İzmir
region, while necessary miscellaneous equipment, parts, and supplies will be procured/rent
Vessel   Specification   Quantity  
Armarin 3 Grab Dredger      12 m3 grab   1 
Haktan Barge Dredger      11 m3 grab   1 
190 ton 
Kanuni Backhoe Dredger     excavator   1 
Emir Zeynep Backhoe Dredger     90 ton excavator  1 
Burak‐Furkan Split Barge         1 
Cemal‐Beyza Split Barge         1 
Berilcan Split Barge         1 
Tug‐Boat / Anchor Boat         1 
Sumitomo 500 Excavator         2 
Trucks         10 
Table1. Tentative Plant & Equipment List
Please refer to the Attachment 2 for Details of Equipment

7 Preparation
Following permission / license / approval shall be prepared by the Construction Manager prior to
the commencement of the dredging activities:

Permission/License/Approval Authority
Resistoration of Vessels Çanakkale Maritime
Permission For Dredging Activity Ministry of Environment & Forest
Disposal Area Ministry of Environment & Forest
Dumping Routes Çanakkale Harbour Master
Working 24 hours at Dredging Areas Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Working 24 hours at Dredging Areas AYGM Bursa Office
Table2. Permission/License/Approval & Authority

The risk about bombs and mines is not considered, since AYGM Head Engineer will be
confirmed that Çanakkale strait is no possibility of existence of them.

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 9 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

8 Health, Safety & Environment

Please refer to Attachment 3 for Risk Assessment Table.
Consistent with the composition analysis of the soil, sampling from the dredging areas, it is proved
that the potential soil contamination is not valid. In order to be informed about the details”
During dredging activity if contaminated material will be observed, authorities will be informed for
proper storage.

9 Emergency Procedures
In any case of incident or accidents, Emergency Network and Responsibilities Matrix will be used
as shown below:

Dumping Fleet Dredger

1 Split Barges 3 Fleet Captain

Section Chief
Chief Operator
2 4
Tug Boat

5 Dredging Manager
Deputy On Scene

 Police
On Scene Commander 6 Construction Manager  Ambulance
 Fire
 Hospitals

Incident Commander 7 Project Manager

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 10 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

The contact numbers for each person shown on the Matrix, who is appointed for the emergency
cases, are given as below with the relevant tables.

Number Contact Person Phone Number

1 will be announced later
2 will be announced later
3 will be announced later
4 will be announced later
5 will be announced later
6 will be announced later
7 will be announced later

Table3. Contact Numbers of Personnel

NOTE: For Emergency contact details, will be announced “Emergency Contact List” displayed on
site offices, dormitories, canteens and vessels later.

10 Temporary Works

11 Method & Sequence of the Works

11.1 Preliminary Bathymetric Survey

Preliminary Bathymetric Survey will be applied to determine exact areas/depths of dredging to
ensure required depth for towing of caissons from dry dock and tower foundation immersion.

11.2 Dredging of Dry Dock

11.2.1 Area of Dry Dock

Dry Dock dredging will be separated into the following three areas
1) Land connection of Dry Dock ( 2 m depth)
2) Entrance of Dry Dock ( shallow section 2 m to10 m depth)
3) Wet Dock Side (deeper section – 10 m to 16 m depth )

Area Volume (m3) Existing Depth (m) Target Depth (m)

Area 1 9,395 +2-0 10
Area 2 63,867 2-3 10
Area 3 95,128 3-11 16
Table 4a.Estimated Amount of Dredged Materials & Target Depths

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 11 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

Figure 4: General Plan of Dry Dock

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 12 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

Figure 5: Dry Dock Channel Plan

11.2.2 Positioning of Dredgers

The positioning of Dredger shall be controlled by means of Real Time Kinematics Positioning
System (RTK-GPS). The bamboo rods will also be stuck onshore with every 20 m interval to
ensure the accuracy of positioning.

Figure 6: Kanuni Barge

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 13 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

● Immediate transmission of data for location calculation ●OTF (On The Fly Calibration) capable of operation
while in motion, by using five or more satellites
Unlike the conventional system which calculates the locations of objects by post-
processing of data, the proposed system can transmit the data processed at the The special technique termed as OTF (On The Fly Calibration) is adopted because
base station to the mobile stations on a real-time basis, allowing their locations to calibration for the kinematic positioning will be conducted in constantly rocking
be immediately computed. conditions on the sea. This is an approach to determining the real positions of the
ships statistically from rough positions obtained through the differential GPS method,
requiring more satellites (five or more) than in the static location survey.
The l oc a t io n s o f o b jec t i ve s a re accu r a te l y
Da ta t ransm iss ion accu racy
c om p u te d u s i n g d o u b l e p h a s e d i f f e r e n c e s
has been im p roved by the
d e r i v e d f rom t h e GPS d a t a m e a s u r e d
space d ive rs i ty sys tem us ing b y t h e b a s e an d m o b i l e s t a t i o n s .
two an tennas .

GPS a n t e n n a GPS an te n n a

Da ta 2 3 0 MH z
GPS 10 W Da ta K i n em a t i c
re c e i v e r GPS rece ive r
t ransm i t te r 9 ,60 0 bp s t ransm i t te r compu ta t ion
A s ign is g iven to co r rec ted da ta
Pos i t ion ing resu l ts
Ho r izon ta l coo rd ina tes ,
e leva t ion , and t im e

● Using 1.5-GHz carrier waves, the locations of objects

are measured to an accuracy of 1.9 mm. 設

Since the wavelength of the carrier waves is 19 cm, the distance between the
O b s e r v a t i o n p o in t
GPS satellite and a radio wave receiving point can be measured to an accuracy
GPS re ce i v e r f o r o b s e r v a t i o n
of 1.9 mm if the resolution is set to 1/100 of the wavelength.
K n ow n p o i n t s T h e r e a l - t im e k i n em a t i c o b s e r v a t i o n r e q u i r e s s im u l t a n e o u s
( po i n t o f t r i an g u l a t io n , e tc . ) o b s e r v a t i on s b y f i v e o r m o r e s a t e l l i t e s .
Wave leng th : 19 cm

This system enables high-precision observation by determining an uncertain number
of waves (by identifying how many graduations are placed on the ruler before the
graduation that is being used.)
0 .0

0 .2

0 .4

0 .6

0 .8

0 .0

0 .2

0 .4

0 .6

0 .8

0 .0

0 .2

0 .4

0 .6

0 .8

0 .0

0 .2

0 .4

0 .6

0 .8

0 .0

Ca r r ie r waves can be l ikened to a ru le r w i th on ly one d ig i t . A l though f rac t iona l f igu res can be p rec ise ly
measu red , the abso lu te d is tance f r om t h e o r i g i n ( e n d o f t h e r u l e r ) c a n n o t b e d e t e rm i n e d .
e s
● Offset of deviations by means of double phase difference Th e
t io n
sec e re
t io 300
nw km
h e re is
19 re p Us
Sa te l l i te 1 Sa t e l l i t e 2 De f in i t ion equa t ion o f doub le phase d i f fe rence cm ea
ted o in
is f g
at an a
( R - R ) - (R - R )
2 1 2 1
rep in t C
ea eg ov /A
ted ra
at l t er co
D i s t an ce be twe en s a te l l i te 1 an d rec e i ve r A
in t im es 30 rd
eg 0
ra pe
l t km rm

D is tance be tween sa te l l i te 2 and rece ive r B es d it
is s
ta ob
ec t i o n s a re tech n i c a l l y c a l l e d in t e g r a l amb i gu i t y , nc se
Dev ia t ions ab le to be e rased by us ing doub le phase d i f fe rence e r
e rm i n i n g t h e se se c t ion s i s c a l i b r a t i on . .
ic ob se r v a t i on , c a l ib r a t ion i s po s s i b le b y u s i n g
1 .D e v i a t ion be tw een s a t e l l i t e c lo c k s
men t s m ad e a t s t a t i c p o i n t s o v e r e x t ende d h ou r s .
2 .Dev ia t ion be tween sa te l l i te t rack da ta
3 .Dev ia t ion caused by de lay in wave t ransm iss ion th rough the ionosphe re
4 .Dev ia t ion caused by de lay in wave t ransm iss ion th rough the convec t ion sphe re
Rece i ve r A Re c e i ve r B
5 .Dev ia t ion be tween rece ive r c locks

Th is me thod canno t cance l ou t mu l t i-pass dev ia t ions and rece ive r no ises . Th e se se c t ion s a re t e chn i c a l l y c a l led i n te g r a l amb i gu i t y ,
an d de t e rm in i n g th e se sec t i o n s i s ca l i b r a t i o n .

Figure 7: Principle of real time kinematic positioning system

11.2.3 Dredging
The Dredging shall be carried out by different methods due to the variation of investigated dredged
depts and materials.

For the land connection of dry dock classic excavation method will be used. 2 nos Sumitomo 700
shall be applied for land excavation. During excavation for transportation dumped trucks will be
used. This method will be used for Area-1. In the case of meeting the hard rock, some different
methods such as explosion, unexplosion chemical agent or mechanical jack side expansion can
be used.

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 14 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

For the Area-2 and Area-3 Backhoe dredgers will be used in the same time . The dredging period
is considering the 20 calendar days and the disposal area 3-4 miles from Dry Dock channel. For
Area 2 90 ton capacity Hitachi 870 excavator will be used with Emir Zeynep barge. The capacity of
dredger for one day ( two shift ) approximately 2.000 m3. For Area 3 190 ton capacity Hitachi 1900
excavator will be used with Kanuni barge. The capacity of dredger for one day ( two shift )
approximately 5.000 m3. The maximum dredging depth is minus 21 meter. This barge is the
deepest dredger in Turkey.

Estimated Dredged Material

Area Dredging Method
Area 1 Natural Sand and Embankment Excavators ( 70 ton 2 nos )
Area 2 Natural Sand Backhoe Dredger ( 90 ton )
Area 3 Natural Sand Backhoe Dredger ( 190 ton )
Table 5a.Estimated Dredged Material Type & Dredging Method

Figure 8: Onshore Excavation by Excavator

Figure 9: Offshore Excavation by Backhoe Dredger

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 15 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

Real-time measurement by BPS sonar (ultrasonic transducer sensor) in any


Up- and down-swing motions

The sonar observes the perpendicular

sections covered by a dredger.

Figure 10: Up- and down-swing motions

Rotation motion

The sonar observes the perpendicular

(longitudinal direction) sections before a
dredger while rotating at the angles of 90

Figure 11: Rotation motion

Rotation motion in the grab track direction

The sonar displays the sections covered by

the grab bucket while rotating along the
track of the bucket.

Figure 12: Rotation motion in the grab track direction

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 16 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

(2) Measurement method of the excavation status

Figure 13:Measurement method of the excavation status of grab dredger

11.2.4 Transportation & Disposal of Dredged Soil

The dredged soil will be transported to the designated (expected) disposal area and dumped
directly into the sea.

Figure 14: Photos of Split Barges

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 17 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

Figure 15: Location of estimated disposal area of dredged materials

Estimated Disposed Soil amount per day = 9,828 m3 (24 hours with two shifts)

PERIOD (day)
Area 1 9,395 5
Area 2 63,867 20
Area 3 95,128 20
Table 6a.Planning of Approximate Required Period

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 18 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

11.2.5 Post-Dredging Bathymetric Survey

Post-Dredging Bathymetric Survey will be applied to inspect and confirm the dredged areas and


movable station

Corrected data is transmitted by radio.

Sway compensation device

Diagram of survey boat equipped

12 Protection
DLH mooring area shall be kept during dredging.

Narrow multi-beam sounding system

Figure 16: Schematic diagram showing the Post-Dredging Bathymetric Survey

11.3 Dredging of Tower Foundations

11.3.1 Area of Tower Foundations

Tower Foundation dredging will be separated into the following three areas
1) European Tower Foundation
2) Asia Tower Foundation

Area Volume (m3) Existing Depth (m) Target Depth (m)

European 56,185 34-37 40
Asian 46,757 42-46 48

Table 4b.Estimated Amount of Dredged Materials & Target Depths

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 19 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

11.3.2 Positioning of Dredgers

Please refer to 11.2.2

Figure 17: Anchoring of grab dredger

11.3.3 Dredging
The Dredging shall be carried out by different methods due to the variation of investigated dredged
depts and materials.

For the European tower foundation grab dredger will be used with 250 ton crawler crane. The
dredging period is 103 calendar days and disposal area 3-4 miles from European tower
foundation. For European tower foundation dredging Haktan barge will be used with 250 ton
capacity crawler crane and 12 m3 grab bucket. The real dredged material quantity will be
considered 7 m3 per loop. One loop will takes 14 minutes. The capacity of dredger for one day (
two shift ) approximately 560 m3.

For the Asian tower foundation grab dredger will be used with 150 ton capacity fixed the Armarin-3
barge. The dredging period is 90 calendar days and disposal area 3-4 miles from Asian tower
foundation. For Asian tower foundation dredging Armarin-3 barge will be used with 150 ton
capacity fixed crane and 12 m3 grab bucket. The real dredged material quantity will be considered
7 m3 per loop. One loop will takes 15 minutes. The capacity of dredger for one day ( two shift )
approximately 560 m3.

Estimated Dredged Material

Area Dredging Method
European Mudstones&Clay Grab Dredger
Asian Mudstones&Clay&Rock Grab Dredger
Table 5b.Estimated Dredged Material Type & Dredging Method

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 20 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel


Figure 18: General section tower foundations dredging

Figure 19: Chiselling method of dredging

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 21 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

11.3.4 Transportation & Disposal of Dredged Soil

Please refer to 11.2.4

Estimated Disposed Soil amount per day = 1,120 m3 (24 hours with two shifts)

PERIOD (day)
European 560 103
Asian 560 90
Table 6b.Planning of Approximate Required Period

11.3.5 Post-Dredging Bathymetric Survey

Please refer to 11.2.5

12 Protection
Since the working area for dry dock fabrication inside the dry dock on the Figure 8 is sheltered,
the maintenance dredging is considered to be unnecessary during the towing of the caissons. For
the area in front of the Dry Dock, since it is assumed that the bottom layer of the land is
mudstones sea bottom will be able to maintain without any necessity of maintenance dredging
activity. BS 6031:1981 Code of Practice for Earthworks item 6.2.1 shall be followed for the
acceptance criteria. In any case of unforeseen necessity, a maintenance dredging can be
performed with a dredgers.
Although a report has been prepared for the purpose of confirming that the dredging will not affect
the stability of the existing facilities ( dry dock embankments, sheet piles ) a stability control shall
be proved by making regular surveying of fixed points on the structures before, during and after
the dredging and by taking their photos.

13 Inspections & Test Plan

Will be announced later for Inspection and Test Plan.
For the associated activities such as Preliminary Bathymetric Surveys the inspections shall be
performed in accordance with the relevant No. DLSY-BR-SUB-RFP-2017-008 attached to tender
stage documents which has been already submitted by contractor.

14 Acceptance Criteria
The acceptance criteria for the activities will be given in the corresponding ITP.

15 Records
Pre-Dredging and Post-Dredging Bathymetric Survey Results
Relevant Procedures’ Attached Records (Please refer to the Quality Plan for these procedures)
Photocopy of log book of pusher-boat’s captain
Rock Crushing Report (The result by day-month)
Rock Crushing (The check result of depth)
These records above mentioned shall be produced and documented by the owner of each sub
activity of Dredging which require any record and kept by following the procedure for Con. of
Quality Records.

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 22 of 23 Revision No.00

Ayson-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project MS for Dredging at Tower Foundations and Drydock Channel

Please find as Attachment 4 “Samples for work specific records”

16 Attachments
No Title Pages
1 Programme of dredging work at Fabrication Yard 1

2 Details of Equipment 8

3 Risk Assessment Table 4

4 Samples for work specific records 2

Submission No.AE-09-17-15-0001 # 00-00 23 of 23 Revision No.00


DREDGING Classic Schedule Layout 16-Sep-17 15:50

Activity ID Activity Name Original Remaining Start Finish November 2017 December 2017 January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018 July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 8
Duration Duration
04 11 18 25 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 05 12 19 26 02 09 16 23 30 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29 06 13 20 27
349 349 11-Nov-17 25-Oct-18 25-Oct-1
7 7 11-Nov-17 17-Nov-17 17-Nov-17, MOBILIZATION
A1000 MOBILIZATION 7 7 11-Nov-17 17-Nov-17 MOBILIZATION
153 153 18-Nov-17 19-Apr-18 19-Apr-18, TOWER FOUNDATION SECTION
25 25 21-Sep-18 15-Oct-18 15-Oct-18, DRYDOCK
10 10 16-Oct-18 25-Oct-18 25-Oct-1
A1080 DEMOBILIZATION 10 10 16-Oct-18 25-Oct-18 DEMOB

Primary Baseline Remaining Work Milestone Page 1 of 1 TASK filter: All Activities
Actual Work Critical Remaining Work Summary © Oracle Corporation


Bucket Dredger Specifications

Yapım Yeri ve Yılı Place & Built Date Yalova-Turkey '2017
Tam Boy Length Over All 43,00 m
Kütük Eni Breadth 16,00 m
Draft Draught 3,00 m
Gros Ton Gross Tonnage 1110 ton
Excavatör Çalışma Ağırlığı Excavator weigth 190 ton
Makine Engine HITACHI-EX1900
Tarama Derinliği Digging Depth 16,00m | 22,00m
16,00m'de 500m³/h
Saatlik Tarama Kapasitesi Hourly Excavating Capacity
22,00m'de 400m³/h

Bucket Dredger Specifications

Yapım Yeri ve Yılı Place & Built Date Yalova-Turkey '2015
Tam Boy Length Over All 34,00 m
Kütük Eni Breadth 14,00 m
Draft Draught 3,00 m
Gros Ton Gross Tonnage
Excavatör Çalışma Ağırlığı Excavator weigth 90 ton
Makine Engine Hitachi -ZX870
Tarama Derinliği Digging Depth 10m - 16m
Saatlik Tarama Kapasitesi Hourly Excavating Capacity 250 m³/h

Flat Barge Properties

Yapım Yeri ve Yılı Place & Built Date Yalova-Turkey '2015
Tam Boy Length Over All 94,00 m
Kütük Eni Breadth 14,00 m
Draft Draught 3,00 m
Gros Ton Gross Tonnage

Split Barge Specifications

Yapım Yeri ve Yılı Place & Built Date
Tam Boy Length Over All 32,00 m
Kütük Eni Breadth 7,00 m
Draft Draught
Gros Ton Gross Tonnage
Havuz Hacmi BargeVolume 500 m³
Ana Makine Engine

Split Barge Specifications

Yapım Yeri ve Yılı Place & Built Date
Tam Boy Length Over All
Kütük Eni Breadth
Draft Draught
Gros Ton Gross Tonnage
Havuz Hacmi BargeVolume
Ana Makine Engine
ATTACHMENT III                         
AYSON‐ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Bridge HSE Risk Assessment for Dredging Works

Sequence Activity Initiating Event Hazard Consequence Risk Level Prevention Responsible Person

Operator not noticing a  Warning should be 
person standing behind  Somebody being hit by  Serious injury resulting  provided at the back of 
1 Dredging the dredging crane  the big crane during  from being hit by the  Medium the crane for prohibiting  Site Engineer
(clamshell)during  operation crane  approach during 
operation operation

Toppling of oxygen & 
Toppling of tubes could 
gas tubes if hit by 
result in explosion on  They should be fixed 
2 Dredging somebody or vehicle, or  Serious injury Low Site Engineer
board if tubes are not  with a clamp
due to manoeuvring of 
properly fixed
the vessel
Staff should be well 
Lack of staff awareness 
trained and safety 
on safety or staff 
Somebody falling into  hangers‐belts should be 
3 Dredging misconduct and not  Drowning Medium Site Engineer
the water from the deck strictly worn by people 
obeying with safety 
working at dangerous 
Somebody failing into 
the water from the deck 
Slipping on the vessel  Deck surface should be 
or hitting the deck 
4 Dredging deck surface while  Drowning or injury Low cleaned at frequent  Site Engineer
surface or any 
walking or working intervals
Hazardous and non‐hazardous 
wastes should be stored 
Mixing of hazarous and  separately and hazardous 
5 Dredging Improper waste storage Mixing waste storage Low wastes should be stored in 
Site Engineer
non‐hazardous wastes
impermeable containers or 

Submission No. Page 1 of 3 Revision No. 00

AYSON‐ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Bridge HSE Risk Assessment for Dredging Works

Discharging toilet and 
machine room wastes,  This situation should be 
6 Dredging enviromental  Pollution of sea water Low Site Engineer
machine oil wastes into  avoided
the water

Dredging vessel being  Serious damage of the  Nearby traffic should be 

7 Dredging Loss of control Low Captain of the vessel
hit by another vessel vessel monitored closely

Anchorage should be 
8 Dredging Storm or strong current Anchorage dragging Dragging of the vessel Low Captain of the vessel
made at several points

Fire fighting equipment 
Damage to goods & 
Electric contact or  should be provided and 
9 Dredging Fire on vessel equipment injury‐ Medium Site Engineer
burning paper, etc. vessel staff should be 
Well trained operators 
Somebody being hit and 
Lack of control and  Damage to goods &  should be provided 
injured by moving 
10 Dredging qualification of  equipment injury‐ Medium employed & HSE  Site Engineer
machines or accident on 
operators casualty instructions should be 
yhe vessel
abided with
Breakage of the steel  Damage to goods &  Machinery /equipment 
Clamshell falling to the  maintenance should be 
11 Dredging cables of the dredger  equipment injury‐ Medium implemented by well trained 
Site Engineer
clamshell casualty staff on regular basis

This situation should be 
Fuel and oil remnants  Discharging into sea  avoided by proper house 
12 Dredging Pollution of sea water Low Site Engineer
collecting on the deck water from the deck keeping and building 
barriers on the vessel deck

Submission No. Page 2 of 3 Revision No. 00

AYSON‐ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Bridge HSE Risk Assessment for Dredging Works

Sequence  : Number

Activity : The sub‐works of overall defined work which is the subject of the Quality Plans and Method Statements.

Initiating Event : The event can cause an incident during the implementation of the activity.

Hazard : The potential unsafe incidents to be occured while the initiating event is happening.

Consequence : The possible consequence when any hazards are occuring.

Risk Level : Categorising the risks.

Low : Remedial actions / Precautions

Medium : Take precautions to minimise / eliminate the risk.

High : Take high precautions to eliminate the risk

Prevention : The activity to prevent possible incident.

Responsible Person : Responsible person to prevent the hazard.

Submission No. Page 3 of 3 Revision No. 00


“Samples for work specific records”

AYSON-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project

Disposal Amount Daily Check List

Date No Barge Start Time End Time Amount (m) Signature
AYSON-ES GROUP Joint Venture
1915 Çanakkale Project

Monthly Check List For Grab Position Of ARMARİN-3

Coordinates From GPS Coordinates From Thedolite ERROR


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