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Environmental Pollution 82 (1993) 263 267


Brachionus calyciflorus, AS AFFECTED BY FULVIC

Atilio A. Porta & Alicia E. Ronco*

Centro de Investigaeiones del Medio Ambiente ( CIMA ) , Facultad de Cieneias Exaetas,
Universidad Naeional de La Plata, Calle 47 esquina 115, 1900--La Plata, Argentina

(Received 29 January 1992; accepted 11 September 1992)

Abstract 1986). Dissolved organic matter consists of various

Natural fulvic acids ( F A ) from the Rio Santiago, an compounds from natural sources, mainly large polydis-
affluent o f the Rio de la Plata estuary, were isolated by persed molecules with multiple functional groups such
adsorption on XAD-2 at p H 2, and were then character- as polysaccharides, polypeptides, and dissolved humic
ized by IR and fluorescence spectra, acidity and com- substances (DHS) (Salomons & FOrstner, 1984). The
plexing capacity to Cu(II). The effect o f the interaction content of dissolved organic matter in colored waters,
between FA and Cu(II) on the acute toxicity o f this expressed as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ranges
heavy metal was assayed with the rotifer Brachionus from 5 to > 50 mg liter i. The fraction of total DOC as
calyciflorus in standardized in-vitro tests. A CuSO4.5H:O DHS varies considerably, reaching values as large as
concentration o f 0.080 ppm produced 89.2% mortality in 80%. Typically, 90% of the DHS consists of fulvic acids
the absence of FA. A t FA/Cu ratios > 1 no mortality was (FA) (Newell & Sanders, 1986; MacCarthy & Suffet,
observed. Based on the values of the F A - C u binding 1989).
parameters and acute toxicity inhibition, it was possible In the present work, we studied the acute toxicity of
to predict the effect o f dissolved organic matter on the Cu(II), in the presence or absence of FA isolated from
toxicity o f copper in this surface freshwater body. the Rio Santiago (an affluent of the Rio de la Plata
estuary), using the widely distributed rotifer Brachionus
Keywords: copper toxicity, fulvic acids, Brachionus calyciflorus as the test organism. FA were chemically
calyciflorus, toxicity inhibition, complexation characterized by their elemental composition, IR and
fluorescence spectra, carboxylic acidity and complexing
capacity. FA/Cu(II) molar concentration ratios used in
INTRODUCTION treatments reflected those seen in the Rio Santiago. The
Heavy metals are natural components of aquatic effect of the FA content on the copper toxicity in the
ecosystems, and some of them are essential for living aquatic system studied was calculated by means of the
organisms. They are, however, among the top 10 pollu- measured FA-Cu binding parameters and inhibition of
tants in rivers, lakes and reservoirs, (US Environmental acute toxicity.
Protection Agency (USEPA), 1990), as a consequence
of human activity. Prediction of the ultimate fate and
possible effects of heavy metals on the aquatic biota
has been the focus of considerable research (e.g. Study site, sampling and water analysis procedures
Demayo & Taylor, 1981; Petersen, 1982; Salomons & The Rio Santiago is an 8 km long tributary of the
FOrstner, 1984; Betti & Papoff, 1988). From the ecotoxi- Rio de la Plata estuary located near the city of La
cological point of view, it is important to characterize Plata, Argentina. The environment of this highly indus-
associations of heavy metals with various ligands trialized area is being degraded by contamination
and/or particles present in the water (Salomons & from a large petrochemical and oil refinery complex, a
F6rstner, 1984; Mizuike, 1987; Sunda & Gessner, steel rolling mill and shipyards. Studies on water and
1989). For example, dissolved organic matter regulates sediments in this region show high levels of pollution
the bioavailability of both essential and toxic heavy from refractory organic compounds such as organo-
metals such as copper and lead (Demayo & Taylor, chloride pesticides (Colombo et al., 1990; Catoggio,
1981; Salomons & F6rstner, 1984; Newell & Sanders, 1991), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (Ronco et al., 1992)
and heavy metals (Catoggio, 1991; Ronco et al., 1992).
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Water samples for FA isolation and characterization
Environ. Pollut. 0269-7491/93/$06.00 © 1993 Elsevier Science were taken in October 1990 and April 1991 from the
Publishers Ltd, England. Printed in Great Britain ESE end of the Rio Santiago (Fig. 1), where the highest
264 A. A. Porta, A. E. Ronco

Table 1. Rio Santiago water quality parameters

+ Parameter Units Whole
pH 7.20 7.20
1 km
Temperature °C 19.0 --
50 km Dissolved oxygen mg liter ~ 3-4 --
Chemical oxygen demand mg liter ~ 29.7 18.5
DOC" mg liter l __ 7.2
Rio S a n t i a g o TOC" mg liter ~ 11-8 --
105°C mg liter 1 334.5 172.3
550°C mg liter 1 185-5 101.7
Suspended solids mg liter 1 22.3 --
Hardness (CaCO3) mg liter I 63.2 --
Sulphates mg liter ~ 51.0 --
CI + Br mg liter J 77-2 --
Conductivity txmhos liter ~ 560.0
OO i
Alkalinity (HCO3) mg liter ~ 72.8 --
Cu(II)b p~g liter ] 18.0 --
Fe total b txg liter ~ 86.1 --
FA concentrationc mg liter-I __ 15.5
• - petrochemical industries FA concentrationa mg liter ~ -- 26.1
- oil r e f i n e r y Complexing capacity
o - sulfuric acid Cu(lI) (anodic mol liter t -- 3 x 10 7
- steel rolling mill stripping voltametry)
• - shipyards
• water supply treatment plant

Calculated from the COD values (Kononova, 1982).

bAtomic absorption methods.
Fig. 1. Rio Santiago location. c Calculated in comparison with the absorption vs concentra-
tion calibration curve of the Suwannee FA standard at 254 nm
(Ryan & Weber, 1982).
D O C contents were observed. Samples were collected d Calculated in comparison with the fluorescence vs concen-
in acid-washed, 20-liter polyethylene containers, sub- tration calibration curve of the Suwannee FA standard (Ryan
merged below the water surface. Chemical analyses were & Weber, 1982; Liebezeit, 1988).
performed according to standard methods (American
Public Health Association (APHA), 1985). (Cabaniss & Shuman, 1988; Perdue, 1989). CC and
conditional concentration quotient (K*) calculations
Fulvic acid isolation and characterization were carried out using the computer program F G M I N
FA isolation was carried out at pH 2.0 (HCI), at which developed by Perdue & Parrish (1986). Carboxylic acidity
humic acids are insoluble; the soluble sample fraction was determined by the acetate method (Kononova, 1982;
was separated by filtration through a filter of 0.45-/xm Bonn & Fish, 1991). The Baryta (Ba(OH)2) adsorption
pore size followed by concentration in a column con- method was employed for total acidity analysis
taining a hydrophobic resin (Amberlite XAD-2) that (Kononova, 1982; Bonn & Fish, 1991).
retains FA. Elution was performed with 0.1 M N a O H ,
and the eluate was chromatographed in a second Toxicity tests
column with an ion exchange resin (Zeocarb 225) to Acute toxicity tests were carried out with B. calyciflorus
obtain F A in the acid form (Thurman & Malcom, kits (Toxkits), by measuring immobility under the micro-
1981; Porta, 1991). The elemental composition of the scope as the end-point after 24 h of exposure (LCs0)
F A was determined by conventional direct methods (Snell & Persoone, 1989; Persoone et al., 1990). Assays
(Cheronis & Entrikin, 1957). The IR spectra of a dry were performed in multiwell plates using 10 B. calyci-
sample (70-80°C) in a matrix of KBr (1%, w/w) florus neonates (less than 2 h old) per treatment. These
(Gauthier et al., 1987; Malcolm & MacCarthy, 1989) organisms were obtained by hatching cysts in moder-
was also obtained, using a Perkin-Elmer 580 B IR ately hard synthetic freshwater (96 mg NaHCO3, 60 mg
spectrophotometer. C a S O 4 . 2H20, 60 mg MgSO4, and 4 mg KC1 per liter
Fluorescence spectra were obtained with a Perkin- of deionized water, adjusted to p H 7-5) according to
Elmer 2000 fluorescence spectrophotometer at an Snell et al. (1991). Calibration of the assay with
incident wavelength of 364 nm, at 25°C, and with FA CuSO4 . 5H20 (Mallinckrodt, analytical grade) was
concentrations of 10-20 mg liter -l at pH 2.0 (Ewald et carried out using five replicates and six dilutions under
al., 1983; Liebezeit, 1988). Complexing capacity (CC) the conditions of the protocol supplied with the kits.
was determined by potentiometric titration of the F A LCs0 was estimated by means of the best-fit dose-
with Cu(II) at a 7 mM constant ionic strength, at pH 7.40 response curve with the Grandpro program (Hong et
and 25°C, with an Orion cupric ion selective electrode al., 1988). Bioassays in the presence of F A were
(ISE-Cu), using an Orion 701A digital pH/mV meter performed in the same way as for those for the calibra-
C u ( I I ) - F A acute toxicity to Brachionus calyciflorus 265

Table 2. Fulvic acids characterization

Parameter analyzed Method Rio Santiago FA Other FA reported results

Elemental Conventional % C = 45.7 % C = 5542"

composition direct methods % H = 4-1 % H = 3-5"
% N =2.3 % N =0-5-3 a
Total Ba(OH) 2 6-54 mequiv g i 5.35-14.0 mequiv g Ib
Carboxylic Ca(Ac)2 3.48 mequiv g i 3.80-6.00 mequiv g ib
Complexing ISE-Cu 3.33 mmol g i 2.96-4.37 mmol g Ic
capacity FGMIN
Cu(II)-FA ISE-CU log K* = 7.44 5.90-7.85 c
association constant FGMIN
Fluorescence spectra Spectroscopy Aex 364 nm Aex" 350-360 nm d
Acm"447 nm Aem"445-455 nm d

A~. = excitation wavelength, Aem" = emission wavelength.

a Malcolm and MacCarthy (1986); Gauthier et al. (1987).
b Kononova (1982); Bonn and Fish (1991).
c Castetbon et al. (1986) Cabaniss and Shuman (1988); Perdue (1989).
aRyan and Weber (1982); Ewald et al. (1983); Liebezeit (1988).

tion experiments, by adding F A isolated from the Rio expected. This ratio is used as a criterion of purity
Santiago at five different molar ratios of F A : C u ( I I ) and low ash content, and as an indication that SH
(0:1, 0.25:1, 0.5:1, 1:1 and 2:1). All experiments groups are in the acidic form (Gauthier et al., 1987;
were performed at 25°C. Controls either in the presence MacCarthy & Suffet, 1989).
of a F A concentration corresponding to each given The cupric ion content of the water samples was also
ratio or with no F A were carried out. The arcsine 10 times higher than 2 /xg liter J, the recommended
transformation (arcsin X/P, where p is the number of concentration limit for the protection of aquatic life
dead organisms/total number of organisms) was applied (Demayo & Taylor, 1981).
to each result, to ensure homoscedasticity before analysis
of variance (ANOVA). Treatments were compared by Toxicity tests with B. calyciflorus
the least significance differences test (LSD). Results from the calibration tests gave a mean LCs0 of
0.037 mg liter ~ CuSO4.5H20 (0.0094 mg liter 1 of
Cu(II)). The coefficient of variation was 10.1%. This
result is similar to that reported in the Toxkits inter-
Sample water analysis calibration exercise (Persoone et al., 1990), in which the
Water from the Rio Santiago (Table 1) shows a high mean LCs0 was 0-033 mg liter -~, with a coefficient of
F A content characteristic of fresh surface colored variation of 48.5%.
waters. This is shown by its CC, absorption at 254 nm Experiments with F A were carried out at a
and fluorescence values. Taking into account, the high CuSO4.5H20 concentration of 0.08 mg liter 1, at which
K* for C u - F A (Table 2) and the CC of this water, a more than 80% of deaths would be expected if no F A
low cupric ion toxicity could be expected. were present, as assessed by the calibration curve. FA
Results of the parameter characterization of the F A from the Rio Santiago greatly affected toxicity (Table 3).
from the Rio Santiago (mean values for two sampling N o toxic effects occurred when the ratio was greater
dates) were compared with those reported in the litera- than one. Experimental results corresponding to various
ture and are shown in Table 2. I R absorption bands at treatments were studied by analysis of variance using a
3400, 2920, 1720,and 1640 cm -~ from carboxylic groups random design. Means corresponding to each treatment
were present. The ratio of absorption at 1720 cm ~ were compared by using the LSD test with a p -- 0-05.
to absorption at 1640 cm l was greater than one, as N o significant differences were observed between

Table 3. Brachionus calyciflorus acute toxicity tests results as % mortality for various FA/Cu(II) concentration ratios

[FA] : [Cu]

0:1 0-25:1 0-5:1 1:1 2:1

2? sd ~T sd 2? sd a7 sd ~7 sd

Controls 7-5 5.0 6.7 5.8 3.3 5.8 6.7 5.8 -- --

0.080 ppm 89-2 0.5 65.8 11.6 53.0 21.0 6.7 5.8 6.7 5.8
CuSO 4 . 5H20

Results shown are mean values from three or four replications.

266 A. A. Porta, A. E. Roneo

controls and F A : C u 1:1 and 2:1. Treatments with Research Council (CICPBA), A. E. Ronco is a member
ratios 0.25:1 and 0-5:1 showed significant differences of the Research Career of the National Research
from F A : C u ratios of 0: 1, 1 : 1, 2:1 and controls, but Council (CONICET). This project was supported by a
no significant differences were found between them. C O N I C E T grant.

Implications for Cu toxicity in the aquatic ecosystem studied

Assuming that the FA content of Rio Santiago water REFERENCES
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2), and considering that no acute toxic effect occurred Association, Washington, DC.
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It applies only to acute toxic effects on the very sensi- pesticides and individual polychlorinated biphenyls in
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Results of earlier studies on the attenuation of heavy Argentina. Environ. ScL Technol., 24(4), 498-505.
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Quality. Vol. 1, Inorganic Chemical Substances. Copper. Inland
substances agree with the data reported here in Table 3
Waters Directorate, Water Quality Branch, Ottawa, pp. 1-55.
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& Sanders, 1986; Stephenson & Wren, 1991; Garvey et Corrected fluorescence spectra of fulvic acids isolated from
al., 1991). However, this approach considers FA soil and water. Environ. Sci. Technol., 17(8), 501-4.
isolated from the water body under study and the CC Garvey, J. E., Owen, H. A. & Winner, W. R. (1991). Toxicity
of copper to the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
and K* associated with the inhibition of the toxic effect.
(Chlorophyceae) as affected by humic substances of terres-
Water from the Rio Santiago could buffer fluctua- trial and freshwater origin. Aquatic Toxicol., 19, 89-96.
tions in Cu input as large as 2.5 ppm, and therefore Gauthier, T. D., Seltz, W. R. & Grant, C. L. (1987). Effects
only Cu concentrations above this value would affect of structural and compositional variation of dissolved
the rotifer B. calyciflorus. Reduction of toxicity would humic materials on pyrene Ko~ values. Environ. Sei. Teeh-
nol., 21(3), 243-8.
suggest that Cu(II) is not bioavailable in the presence
Hong, W-H., Meier, P. G. & Deininger, R. A. (1988). Esti-
of FA, at least under the exposure conditions used. mation of a single probit line from multiple toxicity test
The bioassay technique, together with chemical data. Aquatic Toxicol., 12, 193-202.
parameters related to speciation, predicts more accu- Kononova, M. M. (1982). Materia Orgdnica del Suelo. Oikos-
rately the possible effects of copper inputs to freshwater Tau, Madrid, pp. 250-98.
Liebezeit, G. (1988). Distribution of dissolved humic compounds
and estuarine systems. Further studies involving other
in the southem North Sea. In Biogeoehemistry and Distribu-
species, which would also consider the effect of salinity tion of Suspended Matter in the North Sea and Implication to
on the copper binding capacity to D O C (Newells & Fisheries Biology., ed. S. Kempe, G. Liebezeit, V. Dethlefsen
Sanders, 1986), as well as the influence of water hard- & U. Harms. SCOPE-UNEP, Hamburg, pp. 153-62.
ness and alkalinity on the copper toxicity ( D e m a y o & MacCarthy, P. & Suffet, I. H. (1989). Aquatic humic sub-
stances: influence on the fate and treatment of pollutants.
Taylor, 1981), could be of interest for the development
In Aquatic Humic Substances. Influence on Fate and Treat-
of chemical speciation models in aquatic ecotoxicology. ment of Pollutants, ed. I. H. Suffet & P. MacCarthy,
Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 219. Am. Chem. Soc.,
Washington, DC, pp. xvii-xxx.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Malcom, R. L. & MacCarthy, P. (1986). Limitations in the
use of commercial humic acids in water and soil research.
The authors thank D r C. Blaise for the Toxkits,
Environ. Sci. Technol., 20(9), 904-11.
D r R. L. Malcolm for the Suwannee FA standard Malcom, R. L. & MacCarthy, P. (1989). The nature of
and D r E. M. Perdue for the F G M I N program. A. A. commercial humic acids. In Aquatic Humic Substances:
Porta is a fellow of the Buenos Aires Province Influence on Fate and Treatment of Pollutants, ed. I. H.
C u ( I I ) - F A acute toxicity to Brachionus calyciflorus 267

Suffet & P. MacCarthy. Advances in Chemistry Series, capacities of natural waters by fluorescence quenching.
No. 219. Am. Chem. Soc., Washington, DC, pp. 55-64. Environ. Sci. Technol., 16(12), 866-72.
Mizuike, A. (1987). Recent developments in trace metal speci- Salomons, W. & F/Srstner, U. (1984). Metals in the Hydro-
ation in fresh water. Pure Appl. Chem., 59(4), 555-64. cycle. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 50-62.
Newell, A. D. & Sanders, J. G. (1986). Relative copper Snell, T. N. & Persoone, G. (1989). Acute toxicity bioassay
binding capacities of dissolved organic compounds in a using rotifers. II. A freshwater test with Brachionus rubens.
coastal-plain estaury. Environ. Sci. Technol., 20(8), 817-21. Aquatic Toxicol., 14, 81-92.
Perdue, E. M. (1989). Effect of humic substances on metal Snell, T. N., Moffat, B. D., Janssen, C. & Persoone, G.
speciation. In Aquatic Humic Substances: Influence on Fate (1991). Acute toxicity bioassay using rotifers. IV. Effects of
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