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Portfolio of workshops

• Salve making: making salve from plant material and organic ingredients.
Can be offered vegan or vegetarian.
There will be talk about the theory of oils, infused oils, and essential oils, along with some
of the plant properties that are suiting for making salve. Workshop can be aimed at
creating an overall healing salve, or a salve that aims towards certain ailments.
Participants will together create the salve and then have a part of the batch to take home
along with a leaflet on how to do it yourself.

• Tincture making: learn how to do tinctures- a plant extract using alcohol as the

The most common way of using and preserving plants therapeutic properties.
There will be a lecture of the history of tincture making, along with facts and ways to
calculate your recipe with different plant material.
Participants will create a tincture of either one plant or combine different available, and
then have a part of the batch to take home along with a leaflet on how to do it yourself.

• Plant dyeing: use food scraps and weeds for dyeing clothes.
Learn how to use bio compost or common weeds to dye fabrics and old clothes. It can be
flower pressing, tie-dye/batik technique or a simple dye of a whole fabric.

• Plant walks: get to know the local and seasonal flora and its medicinal properties.
Can be combined with gathering herbs of the season, a forest meditation, breathing
techniques, rituals, or more specified themes of the walk.

• Herbal tea blending: learn how to combine herbs for taste and purpose!
We will have herbs in a certain theme to mix and match to make a tea blend to take home.
Will include an introduction to herbal tea blending and the medicinal value of this form of
medicine along with its history. We will discuss how different parts of plants are made
into teas in different ways. There will also be a tea tasting of different herbs.

• Scents and fragrances of the herbs: essential oils and hydrosols.

How can smells influence your wellbeing, and what more lies behind it?
An introductory session in how to experiment and have fun with essential oils and
hydrosols and get to know their uses for both your body and your home. We will make a
custom made scented body oil for each participant to take home.

• DIY spa /skincare with herbs.

We will talk about different ways of using herbs in skincare for different skins and
seasons and try out making a few recipes. We will drink fun and nourishing teas and have
a spa session! Infused oils, facemasks, scrubs, face toners, footbaths will be accessible!

• Herb club: Nerding one plant at a time.

Workshop will start will a blind tasting session where we get to know the selected herb in
its different forms, and continue to talk about its history and medicinal value. Depending
on the herb we might do a practical remedy with it.

• Incense making with the Nordic flora

How to make your own smudge sticks and incenses using plants growing in our own back
yard. We will talk about how to id these plants, how to grow them yourself, issues with
commodify incenses like white sage and Palo Santo and relation to land and ancestral
land. The practical part will involve the uses of smudging and how different herbs have
different spiritual value and use, making your own smudge stick with a selection of
different herbs, and binding techniques.

• Emotional boundaries and protection work: aid from plants and embodiment
An initiatory workshop on the concept of emotional boundaries.
Roses have both the softest, most fragile flower petals, along with the sharpest of thorns
to protect that softness. To know your boundaries can be difficult in a culture that always
wants us to feel like we never are enough, and personal space can often be overseen.
How can these concepts help you connect to self and self-embodiment? How can these
concepts help you from overextending yourself and lessen stress impact in your life? We
will talk about herbs and animals that are good at keeping boundaries, along with herbs
that physically and emotionally work with you to uphold them. We will also hear about
protection work from herbs historically.

• Herbs for anxiety and worry

Today stress and pressure is a normal part of our daily lives. How can we understand
stress in the body and in terms of nerve system health? How does gut, emotional
boundaries and nerve health play a role in creating healthy habits and managing stress
We will taste at herbs that can help you create space and ease for stressful periods, and
make some soothing remedies.

• Smoke blending
Which herbs are out there for making your own smoke blend, with nicotine free with legal
and safe plants? We will learn about and taste different herbs and make a customary blend
to take home.

• Sleep Magic: Herbal Matches For Dreaming And Sleeping

Rest and sleep is things taken for granted, or not given enough time for in out busy
worlds. Some struggle with trouble sleeping, some with relaxing, some people with just
not having time for it. How can rest help you connect to yourself, and dreams help you in
your life?
In this workshop we will discuss openly themes around rest and slowness, connection to
self and other worlds, along with materia medica for common herbs to help with
An herbal tea tasting will be held, and after a custom blend can be made after a short rest,
silent minute or break.
• Weeds As Medicine: opening new ways of seeing nature
A workshop about getting to know local weeds, and how they can be used as food and
therapeutic food and remedies. Talk combined with seasonally suited workshop. Will
include history of the weeds, their medicinal properties and symbolism, the term weeds as
a concept, risks and things to take in consideration when harvesting, wild harvesting as a
concept and how to do it respectfully.

• Spring flush and blush workshop:

Spring is here! That means violets, chickweed and dandelions pop up, along with so many
other plant friends. This is also a time for the body to awake after the long winter, and
these herbs are not coincidentally coming at the same time. This workshop will revolve
around lymph system maintenance and using spring plants for a spring flush. Tea will be
drunken and herbs will be talked about. We will make a juice of fresh material if possible,
and make spring vinegar to use in cooking!

• Herbs for kids

A fun workshop for kids to learn about safe herbs. Herbs will include dandelion, cleavers,
lavender, chamomile, plantain and rose. We will make herbal pressed collages with
collected plants, and talk about how to befriend plants. What can we do for plants when
they help us so much?

• Milky hot herbal drinks

How to find new ways to drink herbs, and find alternatives to coffee or black tea, but with
fun blends that can work as substitutes for caffeine drinks.

• Scandinavia folklore around our local herb fauna

Learn more about Scandinavian traditions with herbs and the stories around them. We
will sample teas of the herbs mentioned, and have a short meditation to finish the session.
• Sweetness of life: sugar craving and holistic perspectives
Many people have issues with sugar cravings and finding ways to control their urges.
How can we understand this crave in new ways, and ourselves? As my teacher Sarah
Holmes taught my class a craving for sugar can actually be a craving for more sweetness
in your life. We will explore this dimension in this class, along with making an infused
honey to take home.

• Gut health/ Bitters: the forgotten taste for gut and liver health.
One of the five flavors of our taste buds is often forgotten in today’s diets, and that is
bitterness. It is often associated with a bad taste more than just one of possible tastes.
How does bitter tastes contribute to a balanced health, and what can we do to incorporate
it more? We will have a tasting of bitter herbs and make a vinegar infusion to take home
in this workshop.

• Herbs for introspection- local and safe flora use.

How can herbs help with your emotional work and meditation practice? We will talk
about herbs in both their physical form and energetic personalities as allies to help you
reach yourself and places you wish to explore, without illegal substances.

• Bathing magic: herbs, scrubs, salts and oils for watery care.
How can you use herbs in your bath? We will talk about scrubs, oils and salts that you can
make and their uses, along with herbs that are suited for different occasions and skin
types. We will then make a product to take home.

• Respect for plant magic

The last few years more people are becoming more interested in spiritual practices and
witchy gatherings. From this trend there has also been an overharvesting and
endangerment of certain plants and stones, which often is used by people that might not
have any ancestral connection to those plants or stones. This phenomenon is sometimes
called cultural appropriation or spiritual theft, and can be difficult addressing in the
spiritual community. How can we do witchy things together, for empowerment and for
fun, with respect for plants? How can we find spiritiual objects in our surroundings and
ancestral culture and roots? We will meditate with a secret plant, and talk about our
experience. We will also talk about which different Scandinavian herbs have been used in
plant magic, and plants from other cultures that can help people with ancestral connection
to those places to connect with ancestral magic.

• Herbs for nicotine withdrawal:

Stop smoking is a tricky thing that demands a great deal of determination. How can herbs
be used in allyship with your decision, and which herbs are out there? We will talk about
these herbs, along with making a small batch of a tea blend for this use.

• Deepening the meaning of herbalism: An introduction to energetic herbalism.

An exploration of herbs and their personalities besides their physical properties and
chemical compounds. We will taste some different herbs and have time to understand
their different characteristics.

Activities suited for events:

• Potions To Parties: drinks with an herby vibe. Can be with or without alcohol.
• Plant quizzes and games developed for your event and guests level of knowledge.
• Plant walks

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