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ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

Impacts of Distributed Generation in Energy Losses

and voltage drop in 10 kV line in the Distribution
Armend Ymeri1, Lutfije Dervishi2, Arta Qorolli3
KEDS - Kosovo Electricity Distribution and Supply Company J.S.C, Gjilan, Kosovo

Abstract — this paper proposes to study the impacts of types of renewable sources of energy are not yet put into
Distributed Generation on Energy Losses and voltage drop in 10 practice because the respective laws in Kosovo are not yet
kV line in the Gjilani Distribution System. Input data, including adopted.
the lengths and impedance of 10 kV distribution lines and This paper treats the impact of distributed generation (DG)
maximum load (Pmax) is used to create network model using a
digital simulation and electrical network calculation program
after its installation in the observed part of the distribution
DIgSILENT/Power factory. The model is used to analyze power system. The study covers the Gjilani distribution which is part
and energy losses and voltage drop in 10 kV lines in the of Kosovo’s distribution system. It has been analyzed what are
distribution system. In addition, the capacity and location of DG the impacts of the installed photovoltaic system on voltage
connected to the distribution system is considered. The results drops and energy losses in 10 kV lines, taking into the
show that, with enough capacity of installed DG the power and consideration that this system during the summer period works
energy losses and voltage drop in last point of 10 kV line are with 20 % of its installed capacity.
reduced. In this study DIGSILENT/Power factory has been used to
Keywords: Power losses; Energy losses; Voltage drop; create model of the network. Simulations and analysis of the
Distributed Generation; Distribution System.
power and energy losses and voltage drop when distributed
generation (DG) is connected to 10kV distribution system were
The penetration of distributed generation has several impacts
on the distribution system. Some of these impacts are power II. ENERGY LOSSES AND VOLTAGE DROP ANALYSIS
and energy losses and voltage drop.
Power losses occur when the current flows through the A. Energy losses analysis
distribution systems. The magnitude of the losses depends on The needed data to calculate energy losses are load profiles,
the amount of flowing current and the line resistance. If the maximum load and accurate data network including conductor
capacity and location of the distributed generator are chosen to types, line lengths, substations 10/0.4 kV data, etc).
fit the size and location of the load, it will help to reduce the Energy losses in the distribution system can be calculated
power losses in the line. using the following equation (1)
According to the research papers related to power losses
(please refer to the literature [3, 7]), that discuss the capacity ்
οܹ ൌ ‫׬‬଴ οܲ݀‫ݐ‬ (1)
and location of the installed distributed generators in order to
reduce power losses at the distribution system, DG can have
positive effects on voltage drops and losses- T time period in which power losses are calculated
Electricity in Kosovo is produced by three companies: (I) ΔP power losses in 10 kV lines
KEK J.S.C with lignite generation units, (II) Iber-Lepenc
Hydro System with Hydro Power plant “Ujman”, and (III) Four Knowing that power varies with time,
privately–owned small Hydro Power plants. [1] energy losses in l0 kV line can also be calculated:
In addition, in Kosovo renewable energy penetration is about ௥భ ௟ ் ଶ
to start rising with new capacity being planned to be installed, οܹ௅ ൌ మ ‫׬‬଴ ሺܵሻ ݀‫ݐ‬ (2)
such as three wind power plants with an installed capacity of
3x450 kVA in Prishtina Region, near Kosovo International S total power in network
Airport. r1 line impedance [ohm/km]
There are also demands from the private sector to invest into l line lengths
photovoltaic systems. However, both of the above-mentioned N number of lines

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1315

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

In order to calculate energy losses with DIGSILENT/Power

While energy losses in transformers are factory maximum load Pmax and total required energy need to
be known.
௉ೖ ଵ ் For the analysis photovoltaic system with Pinst= 2x1MW will
ο்ܹ ൌ ሺ ሻଶ ‫׬‬଴ ܵሺ‫ݐ‬ሻଶ ݀‫ ݐ‬൅ ܰܲ଴ ܶ (3)
ே ௌ೙
be taken into consideration. It will be connected to the 10 kV
line “Muciverc” located in the subdistrict Kamenica (part of the
Pk copper loses in transformer windings Gjilani distribution system). This line is supplied from the
P0 iron losses in unloaded transformer Substation 110/10(20) kV, “Berivojce” whose length is
L=25.45 km. From this 10 kV line 31 10/0.4 kV substations are
Through approximate method energy losses can also be supplied with an installed capacity Pinst=5.6 MVA.
calculated [10]: During summer period (September 2013), in the above
mentioned 10 kV line without distributed generation (DG)
்ೠ మ
οܹ ൌ ሾܽܶ௨ ൅ ሺͳ െ ܽሻ ሿοܲ (4) maximum load was Pmax=2.564 MW while the consumed

energy in this period was W=866.25 MWh.
ܽ a constant in the distribution networks which depends The conductor of the 10 kV line is mainly Al/Fe 35/6 mm2
on load curve - normally 0.15 to 0.20 and 25/4 mm2 and its overloaded parts over are in shown in red
Tu peak power equivalent period – defined in equation (6) color in Fig.1.
For load line calculated, Pmax=2.564 MW from the
Duration formula is simulation in the figure below these results were obtained:
x Power Losses in the loaded lines (losses in copper) are
்ೠ మ ΔPCu=0.0222 MW
߬ ൌ ቀͲǤͳ͹ܶ௨ ൅ ͲǤͺ͵ ቁ (5)
௧ x Power Losses in the unloaded line (iron losses) are

ΔPFe=0.009 MW
ܶ௨ ൌ (6) x Power Losses in the line are ΔPL=0.504 MW

x Energy Losses in the 10 kV line without DG are
W is energy consumed in a certain period T in [kWh] ΔWa=12.3 %
P power in a certain period
τ time period used to calculate losses in loaded lines
t time period used to calculate losses without load

But duration formula can be calculated as below

ଵ ௧
߬ൌ మ
‫׬‬଴ ܵ ଶ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ݀‫ݐ‬ (7)

Finally, energy losses are:

οܹଵ଴௞௏ ൌ οܲ௅ š߬ ൅ οܲ஼௨ š߬ ൅ οܲி௘ š‫ݐ‬ (8)

B. Voltage drop analysis

Voltage drop in 10 kV line are usually calculated as a
percentage of voltage level on the start of the line Un which are
usually considered to be equal to name voltage level of the line
ο‫ݑ‬Ψ ൌ
ͳͲͲ (9)

ο‫ݑ‬Ψ ൌ ሺσ௠ ᇱ ௠
௜ୀଵ ܲ௜ ܴ௜ ൅ σ௜ୀଵ ܳ௜ Ԣ ܺ௜ ሻ (10)

ܲ௜ᇱ Power flowing through line between two buses

ܴ௜ Impedance of the 10 kV line
ܳ௜ Ԣ Reactive power between two buses
ܺ௜ impedance of the 10 kV line Fig. 1. Scheme in DigSILENT/Power Factory of 10 kV line “Mučiverc”
without distribution generation in September 2013.
The case after installation of Distributed Generation,
Photovoltaic system in summer period (September 2013) works
with 20 % of its capacity which means PmaxDG=0.4 MW. The

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1316

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

rest of load (2.14 MW) is taken from the system-Substation loaded with Pmax=2.564 MW. In addition, in this figure can be
110/10(20) kV “Berivojce”. In this case the maximum line load seen the diagram in the case when is installed DG in the same
is 94.6 % and the fact that it is not overloaded is that it is not 10 kV line where DG is loaded with 0.4 MW, while the
shown with red colour in Fig.2. remaining part of the load 2.14 MW will be supplied through
From the simulation in the following figure we have these SS 110/10(200 kV , “Berivojce”.
x Power Losses in the loaded lines with DG are when
losses in copper are ΔPCu=0.0216 MW Total energy losses
x Power Losses in the unloaded line are when iron losses 150.00
are ΔPFe=0.0111 MW
x Power Losses in the line with DG are ΔPLp=0.3175 100.00
dWa [MWh]
x Energy Losses in the 10 kV line with DG are: 50.00
ΔWa=8.33 %.
Without DG With DG
Fig.3. Diagram for energy losses in 10 kV line “Mučiverc” in summer period
(september 2013) without and with DG.

As a part of the analysis and simulation through the program

DIGSILENT/Power factory is also the impact of Distributed
Generation in voltage drop in 10 kV line “Muciverc”.
The voltage drop in the case without distributed generation
(DG) in the last point of 10 kV line (Substation 10/0.4 kV,
Nr.091) in village Karaqevo is: Δu=28.3 %.

The comparison of results for voltage drop in both cases is

shown in Fig.4.
The results for voltage drop at the last point in SS 10/0.4 kV,
Nr.091 for both cases can be shown at the voltage profile at
Fig.5 and Fig.6, respectively.

Voltage drop in the case with distributed generation (DG) in

the last point of 10 kV line (Substation 10/0.4 kV, Nr.091) in
village Karaqevo is: Δu=22.06 %

dV(%) last 10/0.4 kV substation (Nr.091)

40.00 total 10kV
Fig. 2. Scheme in DigSILENT/ Power Factory, 10 kV line “Mučiverc” with 20.00 [MWh]
distributed generation in September 2013. 0.00
Without With
20 %
In the figure below, the diagram shows the difference in Fig.4. Diagram for voltage drop in the last point of 10 kV line “Mučiverc” in
energy losses in the case without and with DG when the line is TS 10/0.4 kV , Nr.091 in September 2013 without and with DG.

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1317

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

Fig.5. Voltage Profile of 10 kV line “Mučiverc” without DG, September 2013

Fig.6. Voltage Profile of 10 kV line “Mučiverc” with DG, September 2013

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1318

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

Technical parameters, energy losses and voltage drop in 10 I. From the Table I it can be seen how the connection of DG has
kV line “Muciverc” without and with DG are shown in Table. improved voltage drops and lowered the losses.

dWa dV last
Wa Pmax dWLP dWPCu dWPfe dWa Load
Case dPLP dPCu dPfe τ [h] 10kV point
[MWh] [MW] [MWh] [MWh] [MWh] 10kV (%)
[%] (%)

0.504 0.022 0.0100 188.37 94.94 4.18 7.42 106.54 12.30 28.30 116
866.25 2.564
0.318 0.022 0.0111 188.37 59.81 4.07 8.26 72.13 8.33 22.06 95

[1] S. Limari, A. Ymeri, F. Azemi, “Reforms in Kosovo’s power System”,
This paper presented the impact of DG on energy losses and 12th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS, Heraklion,
voltage drop when it is connected in 10 kV line “Muciverce”, Greece, July 22-24, 2008
[2] Surakit Thongsuk, Atthapol Ngaopitakkul, “Impacts of Electrical Line
which is part of Gjilani distribution system. In order to evaluate
Losses Comprising Mul-ti-Distributed Generation in Distribution
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the comparison with the case where no DG is connected was doi:10.4236/epe.2013.54B198 published Online July 2013
made. [3] D. Q. Hung and N. Mithulananthan, “An Optimal Operating Strategy of
DG Unit for Power Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems,” 7th IEEE
The calculation showed that, if DG is installed not far from
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the consume center, it causes the reduction of total energy 2012, pp. 1-6
losses from 106.54 MWh to 72.13 MWh for the same load of [4] Y. M. Atwa, E. F. El-Saadany, M. M. A. Salama and R. Seethapathy,
2.564 MW in observed 10 kV line in both cases. “Distribution System Loss Minimization Using optimal DG mix,” IEEE
Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PES '09), 2009, pp. 1-6.
From this paper, it is also possible to conclude that voltage
[5] M. F. Shaaban and E. F. El-Saadany, “Optimal Allocation of Renewable
drop is reduced from 28.13% to 22.06 % when DG is installed. DG for Reliability Improvement and Losses Reduction,” IEEE Power
Both the voltage drop in case without DG of 28,3% and in and Energy Society Gen-eral Meeting, 2012, pp. 1-8.
the case with DG of 22,06 % are not under the allowed [6] R. K. Hosseini and R. Kazemzadeh, “Optimal DG Allo-cation by
Extending an Analytical Method to Minimize Losses in Radial
maximum voltage drop range as is the IEC 61000 standard
Distribution Systems,” 19th Iranian Conference Electrical Engineering
applied for distribution networks which is ±10% to ±15%. (ICEE), 2011, pp. 1 - 6.
The results show that when DG is installed close to the [7] T. Gözel and M. H. Hocaoglu, "An Analytical Method for the Sizing and
substation, the energy losses are reduced. Also, the voltage drop Siting of Distributed Generators in Radial Systems," Elect. Power Syst.
Res, Vol. 79, No. 6, 2009, pp. 912-918. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2008.12.007
in the last point in 10 kV line is reduced when DG is installed.
[8] Chiradeja and C. Pothisarn, “Electrical Line Losses in Distribution
The results indicate that the capacity of DG, its location and System with the Inclusion of Very Small Power Producer,” In
size of load play an important role for the energy losses and Proceedings of the fifth IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy
voltage drop as it is shown at Fig.3 and Fig.4, respectively. Systems (Asia-PES2012), Thailand, April 2012.
[9] DIgSILENT/Power factory 14 manual. [online] Available:
[10] Ranko Goić, Eugen Mudnić, Zdravko Jadrijev, “Primjena programskog
I would like to acknowledge colleagues who supported the paketa PowerCAD za analizu gubitaka snage i energije u distributivnim
research from the Performance and Losses Office in KEDS- mrezama”, Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje–Split,
“Fractal” d.o.o. Split, HEP, DP Elektrodalmacija Split.
Kosovo Electricity Distribution and Supply Company J.S.C.
I am grateful for the opportunity to use the program
DIGSILENT/Power factory used to run the simulations
presented in this paper.

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1319

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