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Coefficient of Variation ‫معامل الاختالف‬

Coefficient of Variation : Is The ratio of the standard deviation to the mean expressed as a percent

‫ يس تخدم ملقارنه التشبب او التغري بني جروبني او اكرث‬.

Coefficient of variation (CV) = . 100 ( Sample )
Coefficient of variation (CV) = . 100 (Population )

Example: For the following data 10 , 12 , 17 , 18 , 8 .

(A) Calculate Mean , Median , Mode and Range ?
(B) Calculate Mean Deviation ?
(C) Calculate Standard deviation ?
(D) Calculate Coefficient of Variation and Interpretation?

∑x 65
* Mean ( x ) = = = 13
n 5
* Median
 Rank data 8 , 10 , 12 , 17 , 18
n +1 5 +1
 Location Of Median = = =3
2 2
 Value Of Median = 12
* Mode : There are no mode
* Range = Largest value – Smallest Value
= 18 – 8 = 10

(B) Mean Deviation

∑ | 𝐗 − 𝐗 | 𝟏𝟖
MD = 𝐧 = = 3.6
X x– x |𝐱 −𝐱|
8 8 – 13 = -5 5
10 10– 13 = -3 3
12 12– 13 = -1 1
17 17– 13 = 4 4
18 18– 13 = 5 5

Total 0 18
∑( 𝐗 − 𝐗 )𝟐 𝟕𝟔
Standard Deviation of Sample ( S ) =√ = √ = 4 . 35
𝐧 −𝟏 𝟓−𝟏

X x–x ( x – x )2
8 8 – 13 = -5 25
10 10– 13= -3 9
12 12– 13 = -1 1
17 17– 13 = 4 16
18 18– 13 = 5 25

 0 76

(D) Coefficient of Variation ( C.V )

𝐒 𝟒.𝟑𝟓
𝐗 * * 100 =
C.V = 100 = 33 . 46 %
Comment : Means the sample standard deviation is 33 . 46% of the value of sample mean .

z- score
- represent the number of standard deviation x is above or below the mean
- used to find the probability
- used to compare between two groups
- the average has always a z – score of zero
X 

If z is negative ( - ) the value (x ) is below the mean ‫لو رمق سالب بتكون القميه حتت املتوسط‬
If z is positive ( + ) the value (x ) is above the mean ‫لو رمق موجب بتكون القميه فوق املتوسط‬
Z= ± 1 contains 68 % of data
Z= ± 2 contains 95 % of data
Z= ± 3 contains 99 % of data
Example: Find the mean for this grouped data?

Class Interval Frequency

20-under 30 6

30-under 40 18

40-under 50 11

50-under 60 11

60-under 70 3

70-under 80 1


Class Interval Frequency Class Midpoint fM

20-under 30 6 25 150
30-under 40 18 35 630
40-under 50 11 45 495
50-under 60 11 55 605
60-under 70 3 65 195
70-under 80 1 75 75
50 2150

 fM 2150
  43. 0
f 50
Example: Find the median for this data?
Class Interval Frequency
20-under 30 6
30-under 40 18
40-under 50 11
50-under 60 11
60-under 70 3
70-under 80 1
Class Interval Frequency cumulative Frequency
20-under 30 6 6
30-under 40 18 24
40-under 50 11 35
50-under 60 11 46
60-under 70 3 49
70-under 80 1 50

N = ∑ 𝒇 = 50

N 50
 cfp  24
Md  L  2 W   40  2 10  40.909
fmed 11
Example:- Find the variance and standard deviation for this data?


 f M   

7200    144  12
   144

N 50
 Symmetrical: The right half is a mirror image of the left half

 Skewness: Shows that the distribution lacks symmetry; used to denote the data is sparse at
one end, and piled at the other end
Absence of symmetry
Extreme values in one side of a distribution

Coefficient of Skewness (Sk):

Compares the mean and median in light of the magnitude to the standard deviation; Md. is
the median; Sk. is coefficient of skewness; σ is the Std Dev

 3  Md 
Sk 
  
 

If Sk < 0, negatively skewed (skewed to the left).

If Sk = 0, symmetric (not skewed).

If Sk > 0, positively skewed (skewed to the right).

 M   M  X 
 
f f


 S
N n1

 S 
 

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