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GRADE: 8th
THEMES: I can describe emotions and feelings. I can express conditions. I can ask
about experiences. I can give and ask for suggestions.

1. Match the conditions with the results.

If you cannot process media You will be frustrated.
a. messages critically. 1. Their influence can turn negative.
b. If you can have high self-esteem. 2. You will feel good about who you
c. If you have a positive body image. 3. are, and not only about how you
d. If you live in the ideal of a perfect 4. You will believe in yourself and
body that the media promotes. you will be confident.




2. Classify these behaviors as positive (+) or negative (-) after do sentences

using: need to, should, shouldn’t, can, can’t

Example: We need to promote events for people to show their talents.


(+) (-)
a. Listen to friends when they want to talk about their feelings.
_ should __ ___
b. Encourage someone to lose weight to improve their body image.
____ _ shouldn’t_
c. Try to manage strong emotions without help.
____ __can’t __
d. Tell people about a friend’s personal feelings or emotions.
____ _shouldn’t_
e. Compliment a person’s talents and special skills.
__Need to__ ____
f. Promote evens where beauty is the most important thing.
____ _shouldn’t __
3. Read the text. Put the paragraphs (1 -4) in the correct sequence.

The Myth of Narcissus

1The myth says he turned into a flower, which is called the narcissus.

2 He also stopped talking to his friends; he even stopped eating and drinking,
Narcissus became so weak and confused that one day, as he was looking at
his reflection, he fell into the lake and drowned.

3 Long ago in ancient times, there lived a boy called Narcissus. He has a very
beautiful boy and everyone admired him. One day, he was walking past a
lake and saw his reflection n the water. Immediately, he fell in love with the
image he saw.

4 From that moment on, Narcissus started coming to the lake every day just
to look at his reflection in the water. Time passed and Narcissus became a
different person. He became vain and obsessed with his image. The only
person he loved and admired was himself.

Correct text:

3, 4, 2 and 1.

Long ago in ancient times, there lived a boy called Narcissus. He has a very
beautiful boy and everyone admired him. One day, he was walking past a
lake and saw his reflection n the water. Immediately, he fell in love with the
image he saw.

From that moment on, Narcissus started coming to the lake every day just to
look at his reflection in the water. Time passed and Narcissus became a
different person. He became vain and obsessed with his image. The only
person he loved and admired was himself.

He also stopped talking to his friends; he even stopped eating and drinking,
Narcissus became so weak and confused that one day, as he was looking at
his reflection, he fell into the lake and drowned.

The myth says he turned into a flower, which is called the narcissus.

Answer these questions about the story:

a. Who are the characters?
Narciso, the village and yours friends.

b. What happened to the characters?

Yours friends: They walked away from him
The village: He found out what happened and created a myth about what
Narciso: He became so weak and confused that one day, while looking at
his reflection, he fell into the lake and drowned.

c. What were the obstacles?

The lake.

d. How did the story end?

The story ends when the myth says that it turned into a flower, which is
called the Narciso.
4. Now you must create your own modern version of the story. Use the
questions in the last exercises (3) to do it.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Narciso who was born in the United
States and was very brotherly and admired by all those in his neighborhood since
only very few knew him since his parents forbade him to see his reflection, they
feared that he would become a bad person by traveling.

That made his parents not let him leave the house until one day he got out and
wanted to see what the world was like and went for a walk in the forest to admire
the beautiful nature until he found a bright lake and its water so Clara and when
he looked at it he saw his reflection in him and was amazed at how beautiful he
was from that day on he went secretly to the lake from his parents every day, he
was more and more admired and every day he was moving away from his only
friends and of the few people who knew him, he became very admirable of his
being that he believed the best.

Until one day when he arrived at the same lake and became more than normal,
he fell into it and drowned, many say that he turned into a flower and this is how
this story ends.
5. Read the definitions. Match each behavior (a-d) with being mindful or self-

mindful: paying attention to your own actions, emotions and

sensations. Self-conscious: paying too much attention to
what others think of you.

a. Look in the mirror and see the good qualities in your body.
b. Exercise every day to try to have a perfect body.
_ Mindful_
c. Eat slowly and concentrate on the flavors and textures of the food.
d. Dance thinking about what others think of the way you dance.

6. Look the pictures. Complete the instructions with the parts of the body.

a. 1: I’m very stressed after exams. What

exercise should I do to relax the muscles in my
_neck_ and my shoulders?

b. 2: OK. Stand with your _legs_ apart and your

hands on your _waist_. Then, slowly rotate
your _head_ to the left, back right and front.
Change direction and repeat a couple of times.

c. 1: I often get backache. My doctor told me to

exercise. What exercises can I do?

2: Put your _hands_ on your hips. Move your

_body_ to the left and then slowly to the right.
Keep your _back_ down.

d. 1: I want to start running, but I have heard you can get injured if you don’t
start carefully. What do I need to do before starting?

e. 2: It’s important to warm up your muscles before you run. You can walk for a
few minutes, or you might like to do this exercise. Stand with your _legs_
together, put your hands on your _knees_ and bend them a little. Slowly
rotate your knees to the left and to the right.
7. Write sentences telling which duties you have or don’t have to do at home.

a. I have to clean my room. I usually do it on weekends.

b. yes. I have to do my homework. always, every day
c. I have to eat. Usually twice a day
d. I hardly ever have to read a book in a month.
e. I don't have to go out without a face mask on the street.
f. I hardly ever have to work.
g. I never have to study on weekends.
h. I usually have to exercise on weekends
i. I have to eat healthy. almost always at dinner
j. I always have to clean on Saturdays.

8. Complete the dialogue with the phrasal verbs in the word bank.

Look after / take off / hang out

A. Rick, Carla and I are planning to spend the whole afternoon at the ice cream
parlor. Do you want to _hang out_ with us?

B. Sorry, I can’t go. I have to _ Look after_ my neighbors’ little son. They were
looking for somebody to stay with the baby, so I offered to do it.

A. Great. You’ll get good money for that. How long will it take?

B. Well, I won’t leave my neighbors’ house until 8:00 PM. They have to hold a
business meeting all day. Say hello to Rick and Carla and have fun. By the
way, don’t _Take of_ your jacket. I think it will rain in the afternoon.

A. All right. See you tomorrow. Then. Good luck.

9. Circle to correct option to complete each sentence.

a. You _Have to_ turn off your iPod while in class.

b. My children _ do not have to_ stay out too late at night.

c. Paula _has to_ work this weekend. Her boss needs her help.

d. You _ Shouldn’t_ eat too much candy. It damages your teeth.

e. _Can_ I go to Lisa’s party?

10. Read the newspaper article, Underline the unknown vocabulary then translate
into Spanish and correct the information.

A. Her eating disorder didn’t start

After she became famous.
A. When she was at school
B. When did it start exactly?

Tina Garcia, the famous gymnast, has openly admitted that she has an eating
disorder. Ms Garcia told the press it started after she became famous
because she felt a lot of pressure from the media to be thin. She also
confessed that her coach told her it was normal for a successful athlete. She
finished by saying that she recovered by herself. She says she’s now ready to
win a lot of medals for Colombia!

Press: Prensa.
Pressure: Preción.
Thin: Delgado.

Tina García, la famosa gimnasta, ha admitido abiertamente que tiene un

trastorno alimenticio. La Sra. García dijo a la prensa que comenzó después
de que se hizo famosa porque sentía mucha presión de los medios de
comunicación para ser delgada. También confesó que su entrenador le dijo
que era normal para un atleta exitoso. Terminó diciendo que se recuperó
sola. ¡Ella dice que ahora está lista para ganar muchas medallas para
Correction text: Tina Garcia, the famous gymnast, has openly admitted that
she has an eating disorder. When exactly did it start? Ms. Garcia told the
press that her eating disorder did not start after she became famous but when
she was in school because she felt a lot of pressure from the media to be
thin. He also confessed that his coach told him it was normal for a successful
athlete. She ended by saying that she recovered on her own. She says that
she is now ready to win many medals for Colombia!

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