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Critical Writing Assignment

Name : Fitma Ramadhani

Reg. Number : A1M219007

"Prophet Muhammad Vs Prophet Isa"

In Islam, there are twenty-five prophets with duties that we must believe in. Believing in
the prophet is the fourth pillar of faith. These prophets have a certain sequence and their
respective stories that make us even more believe and acknowledge the Oneness of Allah SWT.
A prophet is a human being who is given revelation by Allah but is not obliged to convey it to
his people. The twenty-fourth prophet is Prophet Isa while the twenty-fifth prophet is Prophet
Muhammad. They are both prophets of Allah. However, there is a comparison between them
which can be seen from some of their similarities and differences.

One of the similarities between Prophet Isa and Prophet Muhammad is both prophets
have the title Ulul Azmi. Ulul Azmi is a special title given to several prophets who have
extraordinary fortitude and level of patience, especially when they are carrying out da'wah in
spreading Islam. When facing various opposition from the people when preaching, the prophets
pray that these people will be given guidance by Allah SWT. There are five prophets who have
the title Ulul Azmi, two of them are Prophet Isa and Prophet Muhammad.

Another similarity between Prophet Isa and Prophet Muhammad is that they are both
male. As we know, every prophet sent by Allah was male because the Qur'an also explains that
there are no female prophets. Furthermore, there is a verse from the Al-Quran which shows the
restriction of prophetic only for males, namely Surah An-Nahl verse 43 which means "And We
sent not before you except men to whom We revealed [Our message]. So ask the people of the
message if you do not know."

Next, one difference between Prophet Isa and Prophet Muhammad is the book that was
revealed to them from Allah SWT. The Prophet Isa was revealed by the Bible by Allah SWT. in
the early 1st century AD It was revealed in Jerusalem and written in Syriac language. This book
is a guide for Christians. The content is about the command to believe in Allah SWT. and erase
some of the laws in the Torah because they are not in accordance with the era at that time. In
contrast, Prophet Muhammad was revealed by the book of the Koran in the 7th century AD or
611-632 AD. Al-Quran containing commands that abolished some of the teachings of the Torah,
Zabur, and the Bible because they were not in accordance with the times. In other words, the
Koran is said to be the complement and corrector of the books of Allah that have already existed.

Other difference between them is the miracles they have. Prophet Isa has several miracles
that are different from Prophet Muhammad. First, being able to talk when he was a few hours
old. When he was a baby, he was able to speak fluently and introduce himself to the public.
Second, creating live birds from clay which the public can witness. Third, able to revive people
who have died. The fourth miracle is healing the sick and blind. He can heal the people with
leprosy and restore sight that was born blind. On the other hand, as the last prophet, Prophet
Muhammad got some extraordinary miracles from Allah, namely can split the Moon Into Two
Parts and Be Seen by the Disbelievers, can reduce rain in the middle of drought because of his
prayer, water flows from his fingers, Isra and Mi'raj, and other miracles.

In conclusion, Prophet Isa and Prophet Muhammad are both messengers of Allah SWT.
in teaching the good and true Islam. Even though they face various challenges in spreading
Islam, they are still persistent in practicing it. As Muslims, we must know, believe in, and admire
these two prophets. We also have to know the similarities and differences between the two but
not to compare which one is better, we only have to know that every prophet has the privilege
bestowed on them from Allah SWT. Therefore, let us learn all things about Prophet Isa, Prophet
Muhammad, and other prophets. It is important for us so that we can follow their good behavior
and obedience to Allah SWT.

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