Advanced English 7 Q4 Week 2

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Liore Gene G. Alviz


Beauty of Venice The architectural heritage, spectacular stretch in the Grand Canal and unmatched
romantic vibes, there’s no question why tourist all over the world visit Venice. Venice is one of the most
famous city in Italy. It is like entering a work of art, a masterpiece and tourist can spend forever
exploring the city’s labyrinth of islands, canals, pedestrian alleys and bridges. What you can visit in
Venice? •A gondola ride is a part of the Venice experience this experience may cost around 80 euro for a
40 minute ride. It might be expensive on gondola. There are also little alleys of Venice that give it its rare
charm. As a tourist, you also need to avoid restaurants that are crowded with tourist to avoid being
scammed and museums are like galleries in themselves, one of them is piazza, Venice has over
417bridges the famous is the pialto bridge which serves as the prime pedestrian crossing over the grand
canal. For its beauty and its drawbacks it’s unduly a city like no other. There is this incredible renaissance
feeling to the city most likely sparked by the centuries -old, unchanged buildings so what are you waiting
for save for a vacation and visit Venice.

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