CE 321 - Technopreneurship Midterm Examination

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BSCE 3-1

CE 321 – Technopreneurship
Midterm Examination

TEST I Identify one major problem in your community related to business. Generate creative
ideas in order to solve that particular problem in the context of Entrepreneurship. Elaborate
why you consider this a problem that need to be resolved immediately.
In these hard times, the pandemic is not the only reason why we are suffering but the
problems that upstretched because of the pandemic itself, just like unsafe environment, a huge
increase in the cost of commodities, so with fare. And those that are into education is taking a
hard time in offering the product of their department to meet the needs and satisfaction of
those who are involved specifically teachers and students, in which therein taking a hard time
in online classes since it is the only viable resource to promote education in these times. In
conclusion, access to connectivity can be considered as one of the major problems in urban
areas specially to remote areas or barangays.
In response, how can I resolve these problems in a creative way? My response may not
be considered creative but a traditional one, that is to put up “AGAPE” (short for Agadal ken
Agkape), which also means “the highest form of love, charity”, it is an education café (computer
shop) and tutor and tutee relationship. Considering connectivity, I must see to it that the
internet provider that I will be partnering is one of the best internet providers, since the café is
expected to cater number of students. To be creative, I will give a discount to those students
who will finish their module while in the café using computers and offers of the cafe, 20%
discount and the tutor tutee relationship will be free and I will also offer “kape” or coffee to the
students for free, in this case, some may say that the students will just be after the discount
and the coffee in my café but that discount will boost the productivity of the students and the
coffee will make them energized to learn more.
Why I considered this a major problem? Because education is important, as Sir Francis
Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.”, and this time education is hard to get since education itself
is hard, but it became harder because of the pandemic, so to help my fellow students, inspire
them and boost their productivity to understand and learn I’ll be putting up an education café
which I will name “AGAPE”.
TEST II. Apply the knowledge that you learned in the class to pitch that idea to investors
assuming that you want to be financed by them because you lack the resources to implement
to it. Do this by taking consideration the important parameters in pitching your idea like, unmet
needs, market size, your solution, etc.

(Project AGAPE: “AGAdal ken agkaPE”)

In these times of trouble, a problem within a problem arises in which the primary cause
is the pandemic or the COVID 19. With this pandemic, problems and struggles are born but
then we, as a human thought of a way to counter these problems but another problem comes
up. Just like in the education sector, the education thought of a way to counter the problem of
lack of learning within the time of pandemic, then “online class” is born to suffice and provide
their primary role, to educate but then in the Philippines online classes makes the life of a
student messier that the face to face classes, as one of the students said, “Face to face
education is hard but it’s a lot harder to be in online class.”. So, the provision of a better and
quality internet connection is a need to those students that are involved in online classes, to
have a better experience and to cope up with the new mode of learning.
Today, I would like to introduce to you the first internet education café to be built to
escort students towards their dreams. I give you “AGAdal ken agkaPE”, summarily “AGAPE”
which also means “the highest form of love, charity”. AGAPE, your buddy towards the victory.
AGAPE is an internet café infused with education, it is a room in which students are able to do
their task as a learner, to attend their classes virtually using computers and other gadgets
offered at the café , customer students will also be eligible of free tutoring if they are in the café
and the café will also offer free coffee, in summarize it is a room for students for their online
class with unique features and offers, that’s why it’s called an internet education café, AGAPE
“AGAdal ken agkaPE”.
Located at Bugarin St., Sta. Ana, Echague, Isabela, Philippines with our contact number
09751877018. Come and we will walk together learn together and grow together.

AGAPE is dedicated to deliver quality internet connection, provide instructions, and committed
to cater students on their education and contribute to their growth as young learners.

To be a producer of young amiable learners and prime connectivity provider.
 To be able to supply high quality internet connection.
 To help learners in understanding and finishing their modules and support learners in
achieving their goals.
 To promote quality learning at the same time enjoyment and fulfillment to young

Online class is one of the solutions of the education sector in response to the pandemic
which also puts learners into a hotspot especially those that are in the urban areas and are
suffering from the poor connectivity. As an answer to this arising problem, I would like to put
up this project to one of the farthest barangays of the municipality of Echague to población,
which is the barangay Sta. Ana.
The target market of this project are the student/learners of Sta. Ana, Echague, Isabela,
that are into online classes, especially those that really need an internet connection for their
virtual meetings to their mentors, advisers and/or professors.

Market Size

14% Primary Students (Elementary)

Secondary Students (Junior and Senior
High School)
Tertiary Students (College and
55% 4th Qtr
1. Poor internet connection
In rural areas this is the most annoying problem that the students are encountering right
now. Upon the introduction of online classes because of the pandemic this is the greatest
problem of all, the poor connectivity, because of this most of the learners are not able to
attend or to go with the flow of learning process.
2. Poor performance
Since there is a poor connectivity, the consequence is poor performance; the learners
cannot go with the offered flow of learning and may have acquired or absorb the knowledge
they must have to learn and understand their lesson.
3. Lack of learning
And the fruit of the said problems above is lack of learning, then the learner will be left
behind which is a bad sign for a learner.

1. Provision of high-quality internet connection
Provide a concentrated amount of internet connectivity to improve the quality of
learning of the students on their online classes, because with the strong connectivity results
to a more conducive and a favorable asset to the learners.
2. Provide tutor and tutee relationship
While the learners are inside the internet education café, they are eligible to a free
tutor, to help them learn, understand, and can fully grasp the new learning that their
teachers are offering.
3. Free coffee and good foods.
With this solution, students will be encouraged to come and involve themselves in the
“AGAdal ken agkaPE”, because they will be eligible of free tutoring and free foods, then
they will enjoy at the same time learn and will be more comfortable since the connectivity is
better than the connection they have before.
In promoting this kind of project, the best solution in promoting is a face-to-face
promotion but in response and observation of the health protocols given by the IATF and other
government agency, I will not use this mode of promotion. In conclusion, I will use social media
platforms to promote my internet education café like Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok, since most
of the number of our target market are into this kind of social media platforms and with this
kind of promotion, I cannot only invite those students that are within Sta. Ana, Echague, Isabela
but also those students from urban areas which are suffering from this kind of problem.
Business Partners
Some of the potential business partners in this project would be Internet connection
provider (Globe, PLDT or Converge), Information Technologist (Technician) and Teacher.

 Internet Connection Provider

Since the reason why we are putting up this kind of project is to suffice lack of internet
connection, it’s just right to partner with the best internet connection providers in the
Philippines, to provide a better and conducive learning room for the learners.

 Information Technologist (Technician)

It is a must to have a computer enthusiast in this kind of project since they will facilitate
the flow inside the internet education café and will also aid those students that are
lacking in education and experience in using computers and other gadgets inside AGAPE.
 Teacher
Since, AGAPE will offer free tutoring it is right to partner with those that are
knowledgeable in teaching, because they will be the one to teach those students that
are taking a hard time in answering their modules or understanding their lesson and
provide guidance to the students to have a better understanding of a certain subject
Competitive advantage
The advantage of our internet education café to other internet café’s is that we provide
a better internet connection, and our shop is located within the area of our target market. Also,
what is unique in our shop is we offer free coffee to the students, as we say “AGAdal ken
agkaPE” and to mention we also offer and aid our customer students specifically free tutoring in
the subjects that they lack knowledge.

Manager / Proprietor

Computer Technician Secretary

Tutor 1 Tutor 2 Tutor 3


 The Proprietor at same time the Manager of AGAPE, the in-charge in facilitating the
movement inside and out of the café and facilitate the workforce in the shop.
 The Computer Technician is responsible in maintaining the computers and other gadgets
in the shop, he is also task to provide support to those learners who needs technological
 The Secretary is in-charge in preparing and collating reports for consolidation and also
the handling and arranging appointments is given to her.
 The Tutor is a teacher, that are responsible in helping students to understand different
subject, they are also encouraged to assist and encourage the learners in the learning
 The Cahier is the one in-charge in collecting payments from the student customer.
The workforce of AGAPE is a working group in achieving one shared goal, “your buddy
towards your victory”. Our team will be a team built for the betterment and of great help to the
growth and development of the student customer and contribute to the growth of AGAPE itself
and to acquire the goal in the most effective way.
With this type of project in our target market, I believe that we are the first to launch
this kind of project. We are the first to build a computer shop intended for the online class of
the learners but will also provide help to those in need students, then this is a great advantage
to our AGAPE since we will be showered of customers and in the long run we will expand, and
we will be able to help more students and grow revenues.


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Capital Fund

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