Research Interview Guide

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A Phone Interview Guide on Challenges Facing Implementation of

Inclusive Education

This guide will assist in collecting data during phone interviews with two

teachers and two parents.

Guide for Interview with Teachers


1. Salutation (greetings and introduction)

2. What is your area of specialization? (general teacher or special education


3. Are you a permanent employee of the school? If not, why?

4. How many students are in your class?

5. Are there students with disabilities? If yes, how many and what are their


6. Do you teach the entire class alone?

7. What are some of the methodologies that you employ in your teaching?

8. What are the challenges you face you face in your line of duty?

9. What are the main challenges your students experience during lessons?

10. Does the structure design of your classes and the school in general favor

the learning of your students?

11. What is your view on Inclusive Education?

12. Do you think the current education curriculum fully supports inclusive


13. Is there any technological advancement that has been put in place to ease

learning? If yes, which one and what are their impacts? If no, what would

you recommend?

14. What would you recommend to be done in order to fully implement

Inclusive Education?

15. Closing remarks (thank and appreciate the teacher)

Guide for Interview with Parents

1. Salutation (greetings and introduction)

2. What special condition (disability) does your child have?

3. What school did your child attend before joining the current school?

4. How has the performance of your child changed since joining this school?

(Both academically and Socially)

5. Are you aware of Inclusive Education? (And maybe its policies) if yes what

is your view on it? (if no, give a brief clarification)

6. Do you think your child’s current school is well equipped to provide

Inclusive Education? If Yes, how? If No, what do you think should be done?

7. How does the community where you live view children with disabilities?

8. What do you think are the main challenges affecting your child’s learning?

9. What do you think should be done to fully implement Inclusive Education?

10. Closing Remarks (thank and appreciate the parent)

NB: The interviews must be recorded for further analysis. Note taking will

be throughout the interviews

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