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Developing Open Source Cyber-Physical Systems

for Service-Oriented Architectures Using OPC UA

Marcel Müller, Elmar Wings, Lars Bergmann
University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
Emden, Germany

Abstract—Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are key enabling ferred to as cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) [3]. The
technologies for the fourth industrial revolution, referred to idea of such systems is not new and in the past, many protocols
as Industrie 4.0 or Industry 4.0. The Reference Architecture have been developed for application, e.g., Devices Profile
Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI4.0) has recently been standardized
and OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is listed as the sole for Web Services (DPWS), Constrained Application Protocol
recommendation for implementation of a communication layer. (CoAP), Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT), OPC
Many automation and control systems offer already implemen- Unified Architecture (OPC UA) etc., [4] but no uniform and
tations of OPC UA but no satisfying implementation of OPC consistent reference standards were available. The Reference
UA was found for Arduino, a popular platform for engineering Architecture Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI4.0) has recently been
physical computing systems. This paper presents open source
integration and application of a customizable OPC UA server standardized [5] and OPC UA is listed as the one and only
on an Arduino Yun board using open62541, an open source and recommendation for implementation of a communication layer
free implementation of OPC UA. The Arduino board discussed [6]. Therefore, the focus of this paper is on OPC UA.
in this paper offers hot-end closed-loop temperature control According to RAMI4.0 [6], extensive, complex things such
for a 3D printer but the temperature set value and control as machines, as well as less extensive things such as intelligent
parameters can be manipulated and requested via OPC UA using
OPC UA clients. The application is verified using Prosys OPC sensors, can be integrated using Industry 4.0 compliant com-
UA Client and UaExpert. The results of our research can be munication. Many automation and control systems, e.g., Beck-
used for developing open source cyber-physical systems without hoff TwinCAT, Siemens SIMATIC, B&R Automation Studio
specialized knowledge in microcontroller programming, bringing etc., offer already OPC UA communication interfaces which
Industry 4.0 applications into classrooms without effort. make I4.0 compliant communication, e.g., of programmable
logic controllers (PLC) with MES and ERP, possible [7]–[10].
Considering the idea of intelligent sensors and decentralized
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are key enabling technolo- services, small CPS, e.g., temperature sensors or controllers
gies for the fourth industrial revolution, referred to as Industrie with their own OPC UA interfaces, are also useful. Therefore,
4.0 or Industry 4.0 [1]. CPS are embedded systems which we are focused on compact physical computing systems.
combine the physical world with the virtual world via net- In recent years, Arduino became a popular platform for
works. Sensors are used by CPS to bring information from the engineering physical computing systems. Its concept makes a
physical world to the virtual world, while actuators are used wide range of sensors, actuators and interfaces easily accessi-
to influence the physical world from the virtual world [2], [3]. ble to those without specialized knowledge in microcontroller
Local Area Networks (LAN) and Wireless Local Area Net- programming. Arduino is suitable for engineering low-cost
works (WLAN) can be used for communication. Considering physical computing systems because hardware and software
the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), the network used are published under open source licenses and pre-assembled
is not restricted to a local company network, which makes boards are available for less than $20 [11]. In addition, Ar-
global access to information and services possible, and offers duino become usable for industrial applications: e.g., Industru-
entirely new perspectives for automation technologies. For ino, an Arduino compatible industrial controller with industrial
example, sensor data are no longer limited to the shop floor level I/O capability, is available and the German institution
field bus; they can be offered in a cloud and can be directly “Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK)” defines Arduino as a
accessed, e.g., by manufacturing execution systems (MES) demonstrator for examinations [12], [13]. Therefore, the aim
and/or enterprise resource planning systems (ERP). As a result, of this paper is to make Arduino-based CPS with Industry 4.0
the conventional architecture of the automation pyramid will compliant interfaces possible. After the Introduction in Section
gradually be transformed into a CPS-based architecture with I, Section II shows the start of the art. Section III describes
decentralized services [2], [3]. The interoperability of systems our approach and Section IV describes the application. The
makes intelligent production systems possible, offering cost- evaluation of the application is presented in Section V. The
efficient and energy-efficient production. This vision is also re- paper ends with a conclusion in Section VI.

II. S TATE OF THE A RT C. Implementation of OPC UA for Arduino

A. Arduino The paper [22] presents an approach for accessing field

data in automation systems via OPC UA from Arduino boards
Firstly, Arduino was created as a tool for fast prototyping, across a BeagleBone Black (BBB) board via Modbus and [23]
aimed at students without a background in electronics and presents an approach for accessing data using MQTT and
programming; but now Arduino boards are also used to control a Raspberry Pi as a gateway. This means that no on-board
complex machines such as 3D printers, laser cutters and implementation of OPC UA was found for Arduino, and that
milling machines [14]–[18]. additional boards are required.
Most of the pre-assembled Arduino boards have digital
input and output pins as well as analog input pins and analog D. OPC UA protocol stack
output pins via pulse-width modulation (PWM) [19]. Some Many different protocol stacks are available for imple-
pins have specialized functions; e.g., supporting Serial Periph- mentation of OPC UA. Some stacks are only designed for
eral Interface (SPI) communication or Inter-Integrated Circuit server or client implementation, while other stacks support
(I2 C), triggering interrupts, or receiving and transmitting serial both. Protocol stacks are available for many platforms, e.g.,
data. This concept makes many kinds of sensors and actuators Windows, Linux, Mac and embedded systems; and for many
available for Arduino. Often, a USB port is available for programming languages, e.g., C, C++, Java and Python. Some
programming and serial communication. Further interfaces can stacks are even available under open source licenses, which
be added by modules and converters, e.g., Bluetooth modules, makes these stacks especially appropriate for implementation
RS232 or RS422/485 converters, which convert to Arduino’s on Arduino. In this paper, the protocol stack open62541 is
TTL logic levels. In addition, many Arduino shields are studied more closely. It is published as a free and open source
available to extend the capabilities of Arduino boards. A shield C-based library for implementations of OPC UA clients and
is an add-on circuit board which is mounted onto the Arduino servers. Open62541 was first licensed under the LGPL with a
board and offers special functionalities. For example, the static linking exception and has recently been licensed under
RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield (RAMPS) is designed the MPLv2. This matches the open source concept of Arduino
to control a 3D printer with an Arduino Mega [15]. Some and also makes the stack interesting for commercial projects
Arduino boards are designed for special purposes: for example, [24]–[26].
the Arduino Yun board is especially designed for IoT projects
and has built-in Ethernet and WiFi support. Other Arduino
boards can be upgraded using shields which make Ethernet In this paper an Arduino Yun board is used for prototyping
and WiFi possible. Hardware access is supported by Arduino but an Arduino Yun Shield can be used to bring the Yun
libraries which are integrated in the Arduino Software (IDE). features to other Arduino boards.
The IDE is published as an open source tool and the plans of
A. Properties of Arduino Yun
the Arduino boards are published under a Creative Commons
license. The architecture of the Arduino Yun board is shown in Fig.
All the properties described indicate that Arduino is a good 1. The Arduino Yun board has two processors: AVR Arduino
platform for fast, open source and low-cost prototyping of microcontroller ATmega32u4 and Atheros AR9331 running
cyber-physical systems. Therefore, in this paper an Arduino a Linux distribution. In this paper OpenWrt-Yun, based on
Yun board is used for prototyping. OpenWrt, is used. All I/O pins are tied to the ATmega32u4
while Ethernet, WiFi and SD card are tied to the AR9331.
The OPC UA server is implemented on AR9331 and the
Arduino program (sketch) runs on ATmega32u4. This means
OPC UA is a data exchange standard developed by the that AR9331 represents the Linux side and handles OPC UA
OPC Foundation and standardized in IEC 62541. It follows communication, while ATmega32u4 represents the Arduino
the paradigm of a service-oriented architecture and makes side and handles physical interaction with sensors and actua-
industrial server/client communication possible using estab- tors. Both processors communicate via serial communication
lished standards, such as TCP/IP, for data exchange. OPC UA with each other.
offers a security concept for secure data exchange and allows
platform-independent and vendor-neutral communication. It B. Linux side: Design of OPC UA server implementation
represents data accompanied by semantic metadata; i.e., values The OPC UA server is designed using version 0.2-rc2 of
are accompanied by engineering units. OPC UA is useful for open62541. Source code modifications were not necessary.
horizontal and vertical data exchange from sensor level to In this paper, we use MethodNodes. Therefore, input argu-
ERP level, and the cooperation of the OPC Foundation and ments can be set and output arguments can be obtained by
PLCopen ensures acceptance of OPC UA in automation sys- calling methods. The arguments represent values which are
tems because OPC UA function blocks are defined; i.e., OPC referenced to variables on the Arduino side. We have several
UA can be used in environments that feature the programming MethodNodes pre-implemented for prototyping which can be
standard IEC 61131-3 [20], [21]. activated and referenced by the Arduino. Attributes of the

Arduino Yun Board

ATmega32U4 AR9331 Linux SD Card

Serial Reader
Temp. Control OPC UA Server
Implementation Implementation

OPC UA Interfaces

GPIO Micro WiFi Ethernet

Headers USB Interface Interface

A0 D10

Prog. OPC UA
PC Client

Fig. 1. Architecture of Arduino Yun with temperature control and OPC UA application

nodes, such as BrowseName and DisplayName, can also be attributes such as BrowseName and DisplayName. Table I lists
assigned. The OPC UA server waits for configuration from the Arduino data types currently supported by our library with
the Arduino side when it has started. Therefore, it is listen on their reference to OPC UA data types.
serial port /dev/ttyATH0. The Arduino side sends information The library contains a class called OPCUA. The constructor
to the server regarding the nodes desired. Depending on the configures the serial port (Serial1) for serial communication
configuration information, the server creates the nodes desired when an instance of the class is created. The library offers
and is listen on port 4840. two functions for creating methods and referencing them to
Currently, the number of our pre-implemented Arduino variables: addMethodIn and addMethodOut. Both
MethodNodes is limited to four data types and five variables functions expect two parameters: the first parameter is the
per data type. When the number of pre-implemented nodes address of a variable which will be referenced to the OPC UA
and data types is sufficient, the OPC UA server implemented method; the second parameter is the text used as an attribute
can be used for Arduino projects without re-compilation on for BrowseName and DisplayName. In the Arduino sketch’s
the Linux side. This makes it possible to bring information setup function the functions addMethodIn and addMethodOut
from Arduino to OPC UA without specialized knowledge in have been called. Both functions send configuration informa-
microcontroller programming or programming on embedded tion to the OPC UA server. Another function offered by the
Linux. When the number of implemented variables or data library is called handle. It has been called in the Arduino
types is not sufficient for a project, further nodes can be sketch’s loop function and handles data exchange. It assigns
added, but this requires modifications in the source code of input arguments from methods called to Arduino variables and
the OPC UA server. Source code compilation on the Linux assigns Arduino variables to output arguments. Source code
side is initiated by terminal emulation via WiFi and directly compilation on the Arduino side is initiated by Arduino IDE;
performed on AR9331 by the GNU Compiler Collection WiFi and USB communication are feasible.
(GCC). The C99 version of the C programming language
standard is used. IV. A PPLICATION
The approach described above is applied to make a CPS
C. Arduino side: Design of Arduino sketch for temperature control possible. The application follows
An Arduino library was developed which abstracts data the concept of hot-end closed-loop temperature control and
access, handles data transfer and reduces effort needed to temperature measurement for a 3D printer as described in
create OPC UA nodes such as MethodNodes, with specific [27]. With a focus on [27], the CPS replaces the part of the

TABLE I Actually, the application supports the following features via
• Temperature control can be enabled/disabled.
Arduino IEC 62541-3 open62541 • Temperature set value can be set/modified temporarily.
Boolean Boolean UA Boolean • PID parameters can be set/modified temporarily.
Integer Int16 UA Int16
Float and Double Float UA Float • Status of temperature control can be requested.
String String UA String • Temperature set value can be requested.
• Actual temperature can be requested.
• PID parameters can be requested.
temperature control with its sensor and actuator described in • PID output value can be requested.
its extended CNC architecture for fused layer modeling. • PID parameters and the temperature set value can be
Fig. 1 shows the architecture of our application. An NTC modified permanently. For this purpose, values are trans-
thermistor EPCOS 100k [28] is used for temperature mea- ferred from SRAM to EEPROM.
surement, and is connected to Arduino Yun’s analog input pin These features are sufficient for the application of temperature
A0. A MOSFET IRF3708 [29] is used to amplify the pulse- control, but there is no reason to limit the application to
width modulated (PWM) control signal from 5V to 12V. It these values. The application described is limited to a specific
is connected to Arduino Yun’s PWM pin 10. The amplified NTC sensor because constant NTC parameters from data
signal powers a thermal resistor which represents the heating sheets are deposed in the Arduino sketch. When the NTC
unit. sensor is replaced by an NTC from another vendor or batch,
The Arduino sketch implemented makes closed-loop tem- constant parameters can change and modifications in the
perature control possible using a PID control algorithm. For Arduino sketch are required. Therefore, we will make more
this purpose, the Arduino PID library is used. The AT- parameters modifiable to make maintenance more flexible
mega32u4 has 1 kB of EEPROM. The EEPROM is used via OPC UA. Our application is only focused on hot-end
to permanently store initial values such as PID parameters closed-loop temperature control, but it is also possible to
and the temperature set value. The temperature set value and make chamber/workspace or heating bed temperature control
PID parameters can be manipulated temporarily in SRAM and possible.
permanently in EEPROM via OPC UA. The actual tempera-
ture, the temperature set value and PID parameters can be V. E VALUATION
requested via OPC UA. Fig. 2 shows the procedure for data A private wireless network is established for prototyping
exchange. The procedure is described using an example: an using a private WiFi router (TP-Link TL-WR841ND). Special
OPC UA client requests the value of the PID Parameter P. router configuration is not necessary. The Arduino Yun’s WiFi
Communication steps are represented by numbered arrows. interface is configured for DHCP and to look for the SSID of
1) An OPC UA client calls the method called “Get PID our router. The router assigns it the IP address;
Parameter P”. therefore, the Yun’s OPC UA server can be reached at:
2) The OPC UA server receives the method call and opc.tcp:// When the router is not avail-
handles it. It requests the value from the Arduino side able, the Arduino establishes its own network and the OPC
(32u4) via serial communication. UA server can be reached at: opc.tcp://
3) The Arduino side receives the request and answers with Two separate OPC UA clients are used at the same time
the value of the variable referenced. to demonstrate vendor-independent and platform-independent
4) The OPC UA server receives the value from the Arduino communication. First, the Microsoft Windows version of the
side and sends it as an output argument of the method OPC UA client UaExpert is used to set the PID parameter P
call to the OPC UA client. value to 9.5, which is shown in Fig. 3. The Android version of
Prosys OPC UA Client is used to verify the modification. Fig.
1 2 4a shows that the value is 9.5. Following this, the Prosys OPC
UA Client is used to set the value to 12.5. This is shown in Fig.
OPC UA Client OPC UA Server ATmega32u4 4b. Finally, UaExpert is used again to verify the modification.
Fig. 5 shows that the value is now 12.5.
4 3 Finally, the Arduino Yun’s Ethernet interface is used to bring
it into the universities network. The evaluation procedure and
Fig. 2. Procedure for data request from OPC UA client and response from the results are equal. The open62541 client was deliberately
OPC UA server
not used for evaluation to demonstrate vendor-independent

Fig. 3. Method called by UaExpert to set PID parameter P value to 9.5 Fig. 5. Method called by UaExpert to get PID parameter P value: 12.5

not suitable for small applications such as built-in temperature

sensors, but the concept can be used to develop customized
built-in solutions because the plans of the Arduino boards are
published under the Creative Commons license. The develop-
ment of such built-in solutions is part of our further research.
With a focus on education, students are able to use Arduino
for building up service-oriented architectures without special-
ized knowledge in microcontroller programming.
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