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Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Review – Leadership 1

1. Fill in the gaps with the words given:

Institute – different – containers – discrete – seems – were – buying – most – controlled – focus

A recente survey held by the National Poll _________________ in the four continents _ some lights onto the
question of _ ________________ people do their shopping around the world.
Some findings from the survey indicate that Latin Americans are hooked up by colors, _ and shapes of the
_______________, while Asian people prefer _ sizes and __________________ colors.
Americans buy as much as they can. Indeed, _ ________________ to be in their blood, and most of the people
_ were used to buying _ than they needed every month.
People from the North Europe are seem as the _____________ _ and ____________________ _, while Africans
tend to ______________ on the _ of basic goods.

2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate tag question.

a. Zebras can be found in the South American Savanna, __________________?

b. You don’t have many rooms at home, ____________________?
c. We knew about everything when we decided to buy it, _________________?
d. They wouldn’t change my password account, ____________________?

3. Place the word’s number with synonyms.

1. Prompts – 2. Handy – 3. Essential – 4. Smart – 5. Relevant – 6. Commonplace – 7. Extracts – 8. Hint

4. Write about the Olympic and Paralympic Games. (80 words minimum)

The Paralympics has grown from 400 athletes with a disability from 23 countries in 1960 to thousands of competitors from
over 100 countries in the London 2012 Games. Paralympians strive for equal treatment with non-disabled Olympic
athletes, but there is a large funding gap between Olympic and Paralympic athletes.The Paralympic Games are organized
in parallel with the Olympic Games, while the IOC-recognized Special Olympics World Games include athletes
with intellectual disabilities, and the Deaflympics include deaf athletes. Given the wide variety of disabilities that
Paralympic athletes have, there are several categories in which the athletes compete. The allowable disabilities are broken
down into ten eligible impairment types.

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