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Name:_______________________ Yr.&Sc.

______________ Subject: Grade 9 English

Teacher: Arnel G. Boholst/ Fritz Laure Contact No. 09555585599 Email:

What I Know
Task 1. Which is Subject and Verb?

Let us recall your knowledge about subject and verb.

A. Underline the complete subject.

1. The man removed the scales of the fish.

2. This lady wanted attention from you.
3. Our friend needs someone to fix his faucet.
4. Maria and Fe came home with a smile.
5. The store owner gave his employees bonus.
6. Their captain asks for help.
7. My pet has eaten his food.
8. My family and I go to church every Sunday and Saturday.
9. I must study my lesson every day.
10. Along the way, a cat was rescued.
11. Her comes the aid from the government.
12. Are you sure of your decision?
13. Behind the tree is a lonely child.
14. Do you think she did the right thing?
15. Where are the kids now?
B. Using the above sentences, write the verb.

1. ___________________ 9._______________________
2. ___________________ 10.______________________
3. ___________________ 11. ______________________
4. ___________________ 12.______________________
5. ___________________ 13. ______________________
6. ___________________ 14. ______________________
7. ___________________ 15. ______________________
8. ___________________

Normal and Inverted Word

Lesson Order in Creative Writing
What’s New

Just saw this and thought I'd share

I'm very ugly
So don't try to convince me that
I am a very beautiful person
Because at the end of the day
I hate myself in every single way
And I'm not going to lie to myself by saying
There is beauty inside of me that matters
So rest assured I will remind myself
That I am a worthless, terrible person
And nothing you say will make me believe
I still deserve love
Because no matter what
I am not good enough to be loved
And I am in no position to believe that
Beauty does exist within me
Because whenever I look in the mirror I always think
Am I as ugly as people say?
(now read bottom up).

By Abdullah Shoaib
Is there a difference when you read it from top to bottom and from bottom to top?
In English language, the positions of the subject and the verb in the sentence
determine the sentence’s word order. There are two kinds of word order in English:
A. Natural/ normal word order
B. Inverted word order
Sentences that name their subjects and then say something about it are in
natural/normal word order. Most sentences follow this pattern. Even commands in
which subject is unstated are in natural/normal word order.

Natural/ (You) + Come ++ here ++ now.
Normal: (A) Many
+ Pray for healing.
(subject- (adverb
(subject) ++ (main verb) ++ (preposito
(main verb) (adverb of time)
unstated) of place)

When the verb or part of the verb comes before the subject, the sentence has
inverted word order. If the sentence starts with a negative, the auxiliary verb comes
Never + Would + he + come near year.
(negative (auxiliary
+ + (subject) (predicate)
word) verb)

A sentence has an inverted word order when an adverb, a helping/ auxiliary

verb, or prepositional phrase is located at the beginning of the sentence and
modifies/describes the verb instead the subject.
Certain sentence types require inverted word order, in which the verb is placed first
before the subject.
 Interrogative sentences (Questions)
Example: What haveyou done to the victims?

 Declarative sentences that begin with negative or restrictive words such as never,
rarely, scarcely, hardly ever, and not only.
Example: Not only had I gone to the market but also had cleaned the house.

What Is It

Task 1.2 What Am I

Activity: Determine whether the sentences are in natural/normal order or inverted word
order by placing check ( ) on the right column.
Sentences Natural/ Inverted
1. Most of the patients need immediate care.
2. The students are making so much effort.
3. Down the road are the drug dealers.
4. These guys attempted to make a difference.
5. Did they ever ask the victims?
6. Were you summoned by the Barangay Captain?
7. Most of the ripe mangoes were thrown in the canal.
8. Inside the cupboard were different condiments.
9. This pandemic shall pass very soon.
10. I gave my all to this vocation that I have chosen.

Task 1.3 I am the Subject and the Verb…

Using the sentences above, identify the subject and verb.
Subject Verb
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.

What’s More.

Is it possible to change the natural/ normal word order into inverted

word order? The answer is yes!
In transforming natural or normal order to inverted, you simply put the word (or group of
words- phrase) that follows after the verb on the first part of the sentence.
Ex. Many people are on the island. (natural/normal word order)
Subject verb prep. phrase
(Inverted word order) On the island are many people.
Task 1.3 Change Me…
In your activity sheet, write the inverted word order of the following normal word order
Example: Many dogs are in the street.
Answer: In the street are many dogs.
1. His daughter hid behind that big tree.
2. My mother is here.
3. She has never been to any of those places.
4. Those learners sit in front row.
5. Few thirsty children are in the line of the water fountain.
6. The athlete jumped over the hurdle.
7. Your friend is over there.
8. Juan is next to the celebrity.
9. Much sugar is inside the jar.
10. I couldn’t work because of the loud noise.

What I Have Learned

Task 1.4 Let’s now play a game…

Activity: A. Arrange the jumbled words that are given to you. Make sure you come
up with natural/normal word order first.
1. the fruits the farmers harvested Ans.________________________
2. his mother cooks deliciousmeal Ans. ________________________
3. bought importantgoods father Ans. ________________________
4. popcorneatthe children Ans. ________________________
5. could notthe starssee I Ans. ________________________
6. most of theare playingonlinegames boys Ans. _____________________
7. the teachers manycheckprojects Ans. ________________________
8. must takevitaminseverydaywe Ans. ________________________
9. doctorsthe patientmonitor Ans. ________________________
10. they the messagegot Ans. ________________________
B. After you answer activity A., change the sentences into a correct invertedword order.
Task 1.5… It’s Writing Time
Write at least two paragraphs about the following topicswritten below. Each paragraph
must contain at least five sentences. Underline the sentences which are written in an
inverted order.

* What Would I do to achieve my goals in life?

* My Greatest Achievement as a Student

Here’s a rubric in evaluating your work

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2
Content All sentences 4 sentences are 3 sentences are 1-2 sentences
are in inverted in inverted order in inverted order are in inverted
order order
Organization of All sentences One sentence Two sentences Clearly no
Ideas have both unity seem unrelated is not coherent organization of
and coherence. with the other ideas; unity and
sentences coherence are
not observable
Mechanics 0-1 error in 2-3 errors in 4-5 errors in Too many errors
grammar, grammar, grammar, in grammar,
spelling and spelling and spelling and spelling and
punctuation punctuation punctuation punctuation

What I Can Do
Let us find out how well you understand this module. Answer the activity below. Identify
whether the sentences are natural/normal word order (NWO) or inverted word order (IWO).
_______ 1. My toys are in the crates.
_______ 2. Most of the oil is spilled.
_______ 3. These girls need your attention.
_______ 4. The employees are already asking for a raise.
_______ 5. In the fields are the strong working farmers.
_______ 6. Around the corner is a huge mansion
_______ 7. The students are excited for the field trip.
_______ 8. I should have told you earlier.
_______ 9. Man is never satisfied.
_______ 10. Mix all the ingredients properly.
_______ 11. Does it have to end this way?
_______ 12. Behind those wall are the dying people.
_______ 13. Can you fill the emptiness I feel?
_______ 14. This book must be banned right away.
_______ 15. You can read my mind.

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