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This Chapter Present the research methodology which includes the research design used in
conducting the study. It also includes the source of data, locale of the study,
population/sampling, and the instrumentation and data collection

Research design

This study used quantitative research design Quantitative research design was used to collect
and gather information about the effect of covid-19 pandemic in the learning. Quantitative
research design was used to describe and to test relationships between objects. It was also
presented in numerical form, and analyzed through the use of statistics. It focused on gathering
numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular
phenomenon. This research design was used by giving questionnaires to the respondents of this

Source of data

Is the data that the researchers gathered from the students of Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology (BSIT) strand of the Colegio de Montalban.

Local of the study

The locale of the study was in the Colegio de Montalban (CDM)

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The instrument used in gathering the data was a questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared
by the researchers. Quantitative research questionnaire was used to gather the data and
information about the effect of covid-19 pandemic in learning

Statistical tool

Different statistical tools were used to determine the effect of covid-19 pandemic in learning.
The frequency of use of gadgets and the effect of covid-19 in learning were determined using
the Average Weighted Mean method (AWM).

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