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Ref. Calculations Output


Effective span, L = 3.658 m

Characteristic Actions:
Permanent, gk = 1.5 kN/m2 (Excluding selfweight)
Variable, qk = 2.0 kN/m2
Design life = 50 Years (Table 2.1 EN 1990)
Fire resistance = R60 (Uniform Building by Law)
Table 4.1 Exposure classes = XC4

3.1.2(3) Characteristics strength of concrete, fck = 25 N/mm2 Table F.1 EN 206
3.2.2(2) Characteristics strength of steel, fyk = 500 N/mm2
Characteristics strength of link, fyk = 500 N/mm2
Unit weight of reinforced concrete = 25 kN/m3 Table A.1 EN 1991-1
Assumed: Øbar1 = 12 mm
Øbar2 = 12 mm
Ølink = 6 mm

Overall depth, h = L/13 = 3658 / 13 = 281 mm Use: b × h
Width, b = 0.4 h = 0.4 × 281 = 113 mm = 150 × 600 mm


Table 4.2 Min. cover with regard to bond, C min,b = 20 mm

Table 4.4N Min. cover with regard to durability, C min,dur = 15 mm Min. required axis distance for R60 fire resistance, Table 5.5 EN 1992-1-2
asd = 30 + 10 = 40 mm
Min. cover with regard to fire,
Cmin = asd - Ølink - Øbar/2
= 40 – 6 – 0.5(12) = 28 mm Allowance in design for deviation, ∆Cdev = 10 mm Nominal cover, Use:
Cnom = Cmin + ∆Cdev = 28 + 10 = 38 mm Cnom = 40 mm


Action on Slab
Permanent action on Gk:
Self-weight = 25 × 0.125
= 3.125 kN/m2
Permanent load (finishes, ceiling, etc) = 1.5 kN/m2
Characteristic permanent load, gk = 3.125 + 1.50
= 4.625 kN/m2
Characteristic variable load, qk = 2.0 kN/m2

Distribution of actions from slabs are as follows:

FS6 : ly/lx = 3.658/1.524 = 2.4 > 2.0, One-way slab
FS7-8 : ly/lx = 1.829/2.439 = 0.750 < 2.0, Two-way slab

W7/8 = βvy.n.lx

w6 = 0.5.n.lx

Action from Slab

Shear coefficient, βvy.n.lx Table 3.15 BS 8110
w6 Gk = 0.5 × 4.625 × 1.524 = 3.524 kN/m
w6 Qk = 0.5 × 2.0 × 1.524 = 1.524 kN/m

Case 8 w7-8 Gk = 0.45 × 4.625 × 2.439 = 5.076 kN/m

w7-8 Qk = 0.45 × 2.0 × 2.439 = 2.195 kN/m

Action on Beam (5A/C-E)

Beam self-weight = 0.15 × (0.6 – 0.125) × 25
= 1.781 kN/m

Span 5A/C-E
Permanent action, Gk = 3.524 + 5.076 + 1.781
= 10.381 kN/m
Variable action, Qk = 1.524 + 2.195
= 3.719 kN/m

Gk = 10.381 kN/m
Qk = 3.719 kN/m

1829 1829

Design action
wd = 1.35 Gk + 1.5 Qk
= 1.35 (10.381) + 1.5 (3.719)
= 19.59 kN/m
wd = 19.59 kN/m

L = 3658

Shear Force,
V = wd.L/2
= 19.59 kN/m (3.658 m)
= 71.66 kN / 2
= 35.83 kN

35.83 kN

-35.83 kN

Bending Moment,
M = wd.L2/8
= 19.59 kN/m (3.658 m)2
= 262.13 kN / 8
= 32.77 kNm
32.77 kNm

Effective depth,
d = h - Cnom - Ølink - Øbar – 0.5Øbar
= 600 – 40 - 6 – 12 – 0.5 (12) = 536 mm
d’ = Cnom - Ølink - Øbar/2
= 40 + 6 + 0.5 (12) = 52 mm

Design bending moment, MED = 33 kNm

K = M / bd2fck
= 33 × 106 / (150 × 5362 × 25)
= 0.031

Redistribution = 0 % Redistribution ratio, δ = 1.0

Kbal = 0.454 (δ – k1) / k2 – 0.182 [(δ – k1) / k2 ]2 Using: EC2
= 0.454 (1.0 – 0.44) / 1.25 – 0.182 [(1.0 – 0.44) / 1.25]2 k1 = 0.44
= 0.363 (1.0 – 0.44) – 0.116 (1.0 – 0.44)2 k2 = 1.25
= 0.167
K ≤ Kbal
Compression reinforcement is not required
z = d [ 0.5 + √(0.25 - K/1.134)]
= d [ 0.5 + √(0.25 - 0.031/1.134)]
= d (0.97) = 536 (0.97) = 520 mm

Area of tension steel

As = M / 0.87fykz
= 33 × 106 / (0.87 × 500 × 520)
146 mm2 Use: 4H 8
(201 mm2) Minimum and maximum reinforcement area,
As,min = 0.26 (fctm / fyk) bd
= 0.26 (2.6 / 500) bd
= 0.0014 bd ≥ 0.0013 bd Use : 0.0014 bd
= 0.0014 × 150 × 536 = 113 mm
As,max = 0.04Ac = 0.04 bh
= 0.04 × 150 × 600 = 3600 mm2


Design shear force, VEd = 35.83 kN

6.2.3 Concrete strut capacity,

VRd, max = 0.36bwdfck (1- fck / 250) / (cot θ + tan θ)
0.36 × 150 × 536 × 25 (1 – 25 / 250)
(cot θ + tan θ)
= 225 kN → θ = 22º cot θ = 2.5
= 326 kN → θ = 45º cot θ = 1.0

VEd < VRd, max θ = 22º

VEd < VRd, max θ = 45º
→ Therefore angle θ < 22º

θ = 0.5 sin-1 [VEd / 0.18bwdfck (1 – fck / 250)

35.83 × 103
= 0.5 sin-1 [ ]
0.18 × 150 × 536 × 25(1-25/250)
= 0.5 sin-1 (0.11) = 3.2º

Use : θ = 22.0º tan θ = 0.40 cot θ = 2.5

Shear links,
Asw /s = VEd / 0.78fykd cot θ
35.83 × 103
0.78 × 500 × 536 × 2.48
= 0.069
Try link: H6 Asw = 28.3 mm2
Spacing, s = 28.3 / 0.069
= 410 mm
9.2.2 (6) Max. spacing, smax = 0.75d = 0.75 × 536 = 402 mm H6 - 400

Minimum links,
Asw /s = 0.08fck1/2bw / fyk
= 0.08 × 251/2 × 150 / 500
= 0.12
Try link: H6 Asw = 28.3 mm2
Spacing, s = 28.3 / 0.12 Use:
= 236 mm ≤ 0.75d = 402 mm H6 - 225

Shear resistance of minimum links,

Vmin = (Asw /s)(0.78dfyk cot θ)
= (28.3/225)(0.78 × 536 × 500 × 2.5)
= 65 kN

Links arrangement
x = (65 – 36) / 19.59
= 1.48 m
65 kN

36 kN

36 kN

65 kN
H6 - 225 H6 - 400 H6 - 225
1.48 m 0.70 m 1.48 m

6.2.3(7) Additional longitudinal reinforcement,

∆Ftd = 0.5VEd cot θ ≤ MEd, max / z
= 0.5 × 35.83 × 2.48 = 44 kN
MEd, max / z = 33 × 10 / 520
= 63 kN

Additional longitudinal reinforcement,

As = ∆Ftd / 0.87fyk To be added to the
= 44 × 103 / 0.87 × 500 As near support
= 101 mm2 (after curtailment)

Percentage of required tension reinforcement,
p = As,req / bd = 146 / 150 × 536 = 0.002
Reference reinforcement ratio,
po = (fck)1/2 × 10-3 = (25)1/2 ×10-3 = 0.005
Percentage of required compression reinforcement,
p’ = As’,req / bd = 0 / 150 × 536 = 0.000
Factor for structural system, K = 1.0
p ≤ po Use equation (1)
ρo ρo
l/d = K [11 +1.5√fck +3.2√fck ( -1)3/2 ]
ρ ρ
0.005 0.005
= 0.1 [11 +1.5√25 0.002 +3.2√25( 0.002 -1)3/2 ]
= 0.1 (11 + 18.75 + 29.39]
= 5.914
Modification factor for: span greater than 7 m
= 7/span = 7/3.658 = 1.914
Modification factor for steel area provided,
= As,prov / As,req = 201 / 146 = 1.38 ≤ 1.5
Therefore allowable span-effective depth ration,
(l/d)allowable = 5.914 + 1.914 + 1.38 = 15.6
Actual span-effective depth,
(l/d)actual = 3658 / 536 = 6.8 < (l/d)allowable

Table 7.1N Limiting crack width, wmax = 0.3 mm
Steel stress,
fs = fyk Gk +0.3Qk As,req 1
1.15 (1.35Gk +1.5Qk ) As,prov δ
= 500 10.381+0.3(3.719) 146 1
1.15 (19.59) 201 1.0
= 185 N/mm
Max. allowable bar spacing = 150 mm
Bar spacing,
s = [150 – 2(35) – 2(6) – (20)] / 2
= 24 mm < 150 mm


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