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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Quezon
School Canda National High School, Grade Level 10- Resilience, Compassion, Accountability
Junior High School Department
Daily Lesson Log Teacher Learning Area English-Celebrating Diversity through
JENNIFER M. OESTAR World Literature
Teaching Dates and Time June 19-23, 2017 Quarter First Quarter , Week 3

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. OBJECTIVES Objective must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and
competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment Strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum
Program Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other

Grade Level Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual
information, repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive pronouns.

B. Performance Standards The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives At the end of the session, learners are expected At the end of the session, learners are At the end of the session, learners are At the end of the session, learners are
to: expected to: expected to: expected to:
RC -Reading Comprehension
LC -Listening Comprehension
VC -Viewing Comprehension EN10RC-Ic-2.15.2: Determine the effect of EN10VC-Ic-1.4/2.4:Determine how connected EN10LT-Ic-2.2: Explain how the elements EN10OL-Ic-3.16: Describe the techniques
V-Vocabulary Development textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non- events contribute to the totality of a material specific to a genre contribute to the theme in effective public speaking
LT-Literature linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a viewed of a particular literary selection EN10G-Ic-26: Using words and
WC -Writing and Composition text EN10V-Ic-13.9:Differentiate formal from EN10WC-Ic-12.2: Formulate a statement of expressions that emphasize a point
F -Oral Language and Fluency
G -Grammar Awareness EN10LC-Ic-4: Determine the implicit and explicit informal definitions of words opinion or assertion
signals, verbal, as well as non-verbal, used by
the speaker to highlight significant points

1. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach, in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
MODULE 1: Overcoming Challenges
þ Icarus and Daedalus þ Answering of Module 1: Pre- þ Inspiration to Life - Motivational video þ Icarus and Daedalus
Assessment of a young boy, an inspiration to

2. LEARNING PROCESS List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulate materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept
A. References Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature Celebrating Diversity Through World Celebrating Diversity Through World
English - Learner’s Material English - Learner’s Material Literature Literature
First Edition 2015 First Edition 2015 English - Learner’s Material English - Learner’s Material
First Edition 2015 First Edition 2015

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages Pages 11-16 Pages 17-19 Pages 20-26 Pages 27-30
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Literature in K12, Isagani R. Cruz Ph.D. Literature in K12, Isagani R. Cruz Ph.D. Literature in K12, Isagani R. Cruz Ph.D. Literature in K12, Isagani R. Cruz Ph.D.
Learning Resource (LR) portal
K to 12 English Curriculum Guide May 2016 K to 12 English Curriculum Guide May 2016 K to 12 English Curriculum Guide May K to 12 English Curriculum Guide May
Page 199 of 244 Learning Materials are Page 199 of 244 Learning Materials are 2016 Page 199 of 244 Learning Materials 2016 Page 199 of 244 Learning Materials
uploaded at uploaded at are uploaded at are uploaded at

A. Other Learning Resources Materials Materials Materials Materials

A. Video of the material A. Video of the material A. Video of the material A. Video of the material
B. Laptop and speaker B. Laptop and speaker B. Laptop and speaker B. Laptop and speaker
C. Strips of Colored Paper, Tape and Marker C. Strips of Colored Paper, Tape and Marker C. Strips of Colored Paper, Tape and C. Strips of Colored Paper, Tape and
D. Copy of the Material Marker Marker
D. Copy of the Material
3. PROCEDURES These steps should done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that that the students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from the formative assessment activities. Sustain learning
systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for
each step.

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Preliminary Activities/ Routines/Checking of Preliminary Activities/ Routines/Checking of Preliminary Activities/ Routines/Checking Preliminary Activities/ Routines/Checking
presenting the new lesson Attendance/Classroom Management Etc. Attendance/Classroom Management Etc. of Attendance/Classroom Management of Attendance/Classroom Management
Etc. Etc.
1.Giving of the WORD for TODAY and students 1.Giving of the WORD for TODAY and 1.Giving of the WORD for TODAY and 1.Giving of the WORD for TODAY and
make a sentence using the word for today. students make a sentence using the word for students make a sentence using the word students make a sentence using the word
today. for today. for today.
-(papyuleys) -noun -adjective -adjective
-the people who live in a country or area -(gizmo) -(kolosal) -(prevalentl)
-High officials awkwardly mingling with -a usually small mechanical or electronic -very large or great -accepted, done, or happening often or
the general populace. device -The colossal staue of the town’s over a large area at a particular time,
-We found all sorts of interesting founder was inaugurated yesterday. common or widespread
woodworking gizmos in the garage. -These kinds of accidents seen in
3. Checking of Previous Activities places where mobiles are prevalent.
3. Review on the Previous Lesson
UNFREEZING ACTIVITY 3. Checking of Previous Activities
4.To catch students’ attention, the teacher plays UNFREEZING ACTIVITY 3.To catch students’ attention, the teacher,
a video clip of HEY MICKEY.. the teacher plays a video clip of the To catch students’ attention, the teacher,
4.To catch students’ attention, the teacher WALKING SONG. the teacher plays a video clip of the
5.The teacher gives intruction on what the plays a video clip of the TAICHI EXERCISE. STRETCHING SONG.
students should do during the song. 4. The teacher gives intruction on what the
5.The teacher gives intruction on what the students should do during the song. 1. The teacher gives intruction on what
students should do during the song. the students should do during the song.
The students perform the activity.
The students perform the activity. The students perform the activity.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Task 6 VOCABULARY SPINNER SPELLING DRILL Task 16 GRAMMARIAN FOR A DAY
lesson A. Scan the paragraphs below. Underline My Mission Statement
Your teacher will give you instructions on how to 1. mischeivous all the pronouns used by the author.
play the vocabulary spinner. 2. potlock He was then tried at the ___________________________
3. ragamuffin Areiopagus, which was the ancient Greek
4. impeccable court, and banished from his home city of
5. oblivion Athens. He fled to the island of Crete, ___________________________
6. populace where he began to work at the court of King ___________________________
7. labyrinth Minos and Queen Pasiphae, in the
8. minotaur magnificent palace of Knossos. ___________________________
9. alliteration It is said that Daedalus was the
10. onomatopoeia first to conceive masts and sails for ships
for the navy of Minos, helping Crete
become a naval power. The statues he
carved were so exquisite, they looked as if
they were alive. It is said that they would
have escaped were it not for the chain that
How do personal challenges make you a better bound them to the palace wall.
person? Daedelus also constructed a
wooden cow for the queen to hide in to
Task 7 OF FLIGHT AND LIGHT satisfy her amorous longings for a white
bull sent by Poseidon.
Discussion of Icarus and Daedalus When the dreadful Minotaur was
By Nick Pontikis born, Daedalus built the Labyrinth to
contain the monstrous half-man, half-bull.
For years, Minos demanded a tribute of
youths from Athens to feed the creature as
punishment for the accidental killing of his
son while he was visiting Athens.
Eventually, the Athenian hero
Theseus came to Crete to attempt to slay
the Minotaur. Princess Ariadne, daughter of
King Minos and Queen Pasiphae, fell in
love with Theseus and asked Daedalus to
help him.
Daedalus gave her a flaxen thread for
Theseus to tie to the door of the Labyrinth
as he entered, and by which he could find
his way out after killing the monster.
Theseus succeeded, and escaped Crete
with Ariadne.

C. Presenting examples/instances of Task 8 FACTS AND DETAILS Task 13 IMAGE IN MY MIND B. Pick at least five (5) sentences with Republic Act No. 10627 or the Anti-
the new lesson pronouns. Rewrite the statements and Bullying Act of 2013
1. Who hires Daedalus? Your teacher will group you into five. Illustrate make the pronouns reflexive. Make sure
2. What does Daedalus design to hold the the images in your mind as you encountered these pronouns reflect back to the subject “Bullying” refers to any severe, or
Minotaur? the following in the story. of the sentence. repeated use by one or more students of
3. What does Daedalus invent to help him and Group 1: The Labyrinth a written, verbal, or electronic expression,
Icarus escape from the Labyrinth? 1. ________________________ or a physical act or gesture, or any
4. What does he warn Icarus not to do? Group 2: Icarian Sea combination thereof, directed at another
2. _________________________
5. What happens to Icarus? student that has the effect of actually
Group 3: Minos’s shell
3. _________________________ causing or placing the latter in reasonable
Group 4: Minotaur fear of physical or emotional harm or
4. _________________________ damage to his property; creating a hostile
Group 5: Icarus’s wings 5. _________________________ environment at school for the other
student; infringing on the rights of another
student at school; or materially and
substantially disrupting the education
process or the orderly operation of a
school; such as, but not limited to, the

D. Discussing new concepts and Task 9 WHAT’S GOING ON? CONTINUATION 1. Any unwanted physical contact
practicing new skills #1 C. Construct your own sentences by using between the bully and the victim like
1. Why did Minos imprison Daedalus in the the following pronouns as reflexive punching, pushing, shoving, kicking,
Labyrinth? pronouns. slapping, tickling, headlocks, inflicting
2. Why did Minos think that, if Daedalus can’t school pranks, teasing, fighting, and
find his way out, “so much the better”? 1. (him) the use of available objects as
3. Minos tells Icarus that the plan is __________________________________ weapons;
dangerous. Why does he want them to take
this risk? 2. (her) 2. Any act that causes damage to a
4. Why did Daedalus leave his wings on the __________________________________ victim’s psyche and/or emotional well-
altar of Apollo? Why wouldn’t he want to fly 3. (them) being;
some more? __________________________________
3. Any slanderous statement or
4. (it) accusation that causes the victim
__________________________________ undue emotional distress like directing
foul language or profanity at the target,
name-calling, tormenting, and
commenting negatively on the victim’s
looks, clothes, and body;

4. “Cyberbullying” or any bullying done

through the use of technology or any
electronic means. The term shall also
include any conduct resulting to
harassment, intimidation, or
humiliation, through the use of other
forms of technology, such as, but not
limited to texting, email, instant
messaging, chatting, internet, social
media, online games, or other
platforms or formats as defined in
DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012; and
5. Any other form of bullying as may be
provided in the school’s child
protection or anti-bullying policy,
consistent with the Act and this IRR.

E. Discussing new concepts and Task 11 FACT OR NOT CHECKING OF OUTPUT YOUR DISCOVERY TASKS b. 1. The term “bullying” shall also include:
practicing new skills #2 1. Social bullying – refers to any
Tell whether the statement is a fact or not. Draw 1.Have the students exchange papers for the Task 17 MEN UNDER THE deliberate, repetitive, and aggressive
WINGS before each number if the statement is a checking of their work. LENS social behavior intended to hurt others
fact and SUN if otherwise. or to belittle another individual or
A. Make a list of all the personal
The teacher will discuss on ho wthey arrive to group.
_______ Daedalus was an inventor. challenges Icarus and Daedalus
those answers..
_______ King Minos wanted to kill the Minotaur. needed to overcome to escape 2. Gender-based bullying – refers to any
from the cruel living. act that humiliates or excludes a
_______ It would be easy to find your way out of
person on the basis of perceived or
the Labyrinth.
actual sexual orientation and gender
_______ Icarus design his own wings. B. Pick out similar personal challenges you identity (SOGI).
_______ The wings were made of chicken have experienced, as the two characters.
feathers. c. Bully – refers to any student who
commits acts of bullying as defined by
Processing Questions: the Act or this IRR.
1. What do the similarities of your d. Bullied or Victim – refers to any
personal challenges in life and those student who experiences the acts of
of Daedalus and Icarus tell? What bullying or retaliation as defined by the
new discoveries did you find? Act or this IRR.
2. What do these discoveries reveal
about myths and realities of life? Source: The Official Gazette of
the Republic of the Philippines
(Leads for Formative Assessment Task 21 DEALING WITH PERSONAL
3) Extract actions, dialogues, and thoughts of CHALLENGE What would you do to stop or at least
Daedalus from the text you have read, then minimize the cases of bullying if you
write a description about the character. Below are some personal challenges would be any of the following for a day?
encountered by Icarus and Daedalus. How Group 1: A Senator
would you deal with these challenges if you
encounter them? Group 2: A School Janitor
1. abuse of power Group 3: A Teacher
2. self destruction
3. foolishness Group 4: A Parent
4. lack of contentment
5. aggressiveness Group 5: A Priest/Nun
6. hard headedness
7. impetuousness
8. hostility
9. pride
10. boastfulness
11. egocentricity
12. procrastination
13. compulsiveness
14. envy

concepts and skills in daily living Things that worry us could be great
1.Have each student discuss his/her ideas with a 1.Have each student discuss his/her ideas with challenges. What worries you at this 1.Have each student discuss his/her ideas
partner. a partner. moment? What can you do about it? with a partner.
Accomplish the chart below: see page 22.
2.Have each pair join another pair to expand 2.Have each pair join another pair to expand Task 23 STRESS TABS
their sharing. their sharing. 2.Have each pair join another pair to
Stress is a personal challenge. It affects expand their sharing.
3. Call on a few students to share their small 3. Call on a few students to share their small your studies and slows you down in
group discussion. group discussion. accomplishing a lot of things. Use the chart 3. Call on a few students to share their
below to identify what causes you stress small group discussion.
4. Synthesize the lesson. 4. Synthesize the lesson. and how does it affect you.
4. Synthesize the lesson.

abstractions about the lesson
1. Have the students summarized what they 1. Have the students summarized what they 1. Have the students summarized what 1. Have the students summarized what
have learned for today’s lesson. have learned for today’s lesson. they have learned for today’s lesson. they have learned for today’s lesson.

2.The teacher gives necessary 2.The teacher gives necessary 2.The teacher gives necessary 2.The teacher gives necessary
corrections/additional insight regarding the corrections/additional insight regarding the corrections/additional insight regarding the corrections/additional insight regarding the
lesson. lesson. lesson lesson

1. The teacher checks and records students 2. The teacher checks and records students 1.The teacher checks and records students
work. work. work. 1. The teacher checks and records
students work.
The teacher makes necessary comments or 3. The teacher makes necessary comments or 2.The teacher makes necessary comments
suggestions on the students’ output. suggestions on the students’ output. or suggestions on the students’ output. 2. The teacher makes necessary
comments or suggestions on the students’

for remediation
Task 10 DIGGING DEEPER Task 14 TIMELINE You have been informed that the final task
Task 25 REACT TO THE MAX for this quarter is to write a short but
1. In a short paragraph, describe how Read the text once again. Create a graphic persuasive text. A concise oral
Daedalus planned to escape from the organizer of what happened in each of the Your instant reactions tell something about presentation on the causes / effects of
island prison of Crete. following places: yourself. How would you react in each of cyberbullying, would help you prepare for
2. Do you think Daedalus’s plan is a good 1. The palace of Minos the following situations? Write your answer such a performance at the end of the
one? Explain your answer. 2. In prison in the thought balloon. quarter.
3. Which events in the myth could have 3. Icarus in the sea Task 26 MATTER OF JUDGMENT
happened in real life? 4. Sicily
4. If you had access to building resources and Weighing two or more things to solve a
materials, how would you design a flying problem could be a real challenge. If you
machine to help you escape from the island were a judge and is to set free one of the
prison of Crete? following prisoners, who would it be and
why? Check the box of your choice and
justify your answer on the space provided

1. Murderer who has eight (8) children

2. Thief who stole your mother’s wedding
3.Convicted rapist who claims he’s
4. Innocent man convicted of a crime but
became a drug pusher while in prison.

5. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisor can provide for you so when you meet them, you
can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of

learners who have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue to require.

E. Which of the teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encountered which

my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I used/ discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Narrative Reflection

(Above information came from Division Memorandum 194, s. 2016 dated June 8, 2016)

Prepared by: Checked by:


Secondary School Teacher I English Coordinator
Noted by:

Principal II

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