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Placement test

Time allowance: 35 minutes

Bài thi này không lấy điểm, chỉ dùng để đánh giá năng lực thực sự của sinh viên. Vì vậy các em không dùng bất cứ sự trợ giúp
nào như tư vấn người khác, dùng từ điển hay các tài liệu hỗ trợ, không tick câu trả lời một cách ngẫu nhiên. Hãy làm bài bằng
tất cả khả năng thật có của mình.

Please DO NOT write on this paper. Transfer your answer to your answer sheet.
Các em không viết vào đề thi này, hãy chuyển câu trả lời ra giấy riêng nhé.

Choose the best answer

1. This is an office and ___________ tables.

a) that are b) these c) those are d) that is

2. Jenny works at a big hospital. She is _____________.

a) a nurse b) nurse c) the nurse d) nurses

3. I am taking ___________ some books.

a) hers b) to her c) her d) she

4. A: Where are you going? B: I am going to buy ____________.

a) a bread b) a loaf of bread c) some breads d) breads

5. A: What _____________? B: She’s writing a letter.

a) does she do b) she is doing c) does she d) is she doing

6. John ____________ tennis once or twice a week.

a) usually plays b) is usually playing c) is playing usually d) plays usually

7) _________ you open the window, please?

a) could b) shall c) may d) must

8) I haven’t seen Tom _____________ his last birthday.

a) for b) from c) since d) when

9) A: I finished my homework B: ____________ .

a) So do I b) So did I c) Nor was I d) Neither did I

10) Alice is going to help you,___________ ?

a) won’t she b) isn’t she c) aren’t you d) doesn’t she

11) There wasn’t ___________ speaking French at the conference.

a) somebody b) everybody c) nobody d) anybody

12) A: I don’t like this programme.

B: We____________ watch TV, we___________ listen to music.
a) can/must b) can’t/must c) can’t/have to d) don’t have to/can

13) My friend _____________ me since she _____________ to France.

a) didn’t telephone / went b) didn’t telephone/has gone
c) hasn’t telephoned/has gone d) hasn’t telephoned/went

14) They would like ____________ food but they haven’t got _________ money.
a) any / some b) a few/some c) some/any d) any/a few

15) We are _________ so we are singing ________________.

a) sad/happily b)happy/happily c) happy/sadly d) happily/happy

16) In Istanbul there are __________ cars but there aren’t ___________ parking lots.
a) too much/enough b) enough/too much c) enough/too many d) too many/enough.

17) Tom _____________work hard when he was young.

a) had to b) has to c) will have to d) must

18) If it ___________sunny tomorrow, we __________on a picnic.

a) is/will go b) is/go c) was/went d) is/going

19) Don’t make a noise. The baby ________upstairs. She _________for two hours every afternoon.
a) isn’t sleeping/sleeps b) sleeps/is sleeping c) sleeps/sleeps d) is sleeping / sleeps

20) I__________ a bicycle for two years. My father _________ it for me two years ago.
a) had/has bought b) have had/ bought c) was having/bought d) had/was buying

21) Nobody is ___________Andy in class. He is __________of all.

a) strongest/strong c) stronger than/ the strongest
b) stronger/the strongest d) strongest than/stronger

22) There isn’t _________ air pollution in a small town.

a) very b) a few c) many d) much

23) “We don’t want to go there without you”. The girls told us that___________.
a) they hadn’t want to come without you. c) they didn’t want to go there without us
b) they would have come with us. d) they want to go with us.

24) Could you please tell me where ___________?

a) does Peter live b) Peter living c) Peter lives d) Peter does live

25) I ____________very shy. Whenever a stranger came to our house, I ________in a closet.
a) would be/used to hide c) didn’t use to be/would hide
b) used to be /would hide d) would not be/used to hide

26) “You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon.” You ____________be really hungry!”
a) must b) will c) can d) might

27) I know the player __________leg was broken in the game.

a) whose b) whom c) of whom d) who

28) Peter asked Mark _____________.

a) where the hammer is c) where the hammer was
b) where was the hammer d) where is the hammer

29) That box is ________________.

a) very heavy for me to carry it. c) heavy for me to carry.
b) too heavy for me to carry. d) very heavy, I can’t carry.

30) My sister was born _______________.

a) at 1949, in April b) on April,1949 c) 1949, at April d) in April,1949

31) She is _____________ because the film is very ____________.

a) bored/boring b) boring/boring c) bored/bored d) boring/bored

32) I saw somebody _________ towards your house.

a) went b) going c) gone d) to go

33) While the man _________________ at the picture, the thief ____________ his watch.
a) looked / was stealing b) is looking / has stolen c) had stolen / stole d) was looking / stole

34) That is the house where we __________ but we don’t live there anymore.
a) are living b) used to live c) used to living d) have lived

35) He hopes to arrive ____________ Istanbul ___________ 8 p.m.

a) to / in b) at / on c) in / at d) - / -

36) That man ____________ under that tree ___________ six o’clock.
a) has been standing / since b) has stood / for c) has been standing / for d) is standing / at

37) You lost your way, ___________ you didn’t listen to the directions carefully.
a) while b) but c) because of d) because
38) _______________ he said was true, but ______________ believed him.
a) everything / anybody b) nothing / nobody c) everything / nobody d) anything / everybody

39) My father finished his dinner _________________ than my sister.

a) quickly b) more quickly c) more quicker d) the quickest

40) I wish you ____________ so much. It is bad for your health.

a) won’t be smoking b) aren’t smoking c) don’t smoke d) didn’t smoke

41) A: “How much does your secretary earn?”

B: They asked me how much ___________________________ .
a) does your secretary earn c) your secretary had earned
b) my secretary earned d) did my secretary earn

42) There are ________________ apples left, _____________ has eaten them all.
a) a few / someone b) some / anyone c) no / someone d) much / nobody

43) He is too old to paint the house himself, so he _________________ .

a) is painted the house c) is doing to paint his house
b) is having his house painted d) is having painted his house

44) You are wet. It ___________________ raining.

a) must be b) was c) can’t be d) might

45) London is the city ___________ my family lived for a long time.
a) when b) which c) whose d) where

46) George: “You ________________ hurry. You only have five minutes to take the bus.”
Helen: “Yes, I know, but I can’t find my ticket.”
a) had better b) can c) may d) could

47) As soon as Kate __________ a bath, she __________ out to meet her boy friend.
a) has/ will go b) will have/ goes c) is having/will go d) will have/will go

48) We went to the cinema. That was __________ film I have ever seen.
a) more boring b) boring c) not boring d) the most boring

49) I’m terribly tired. I __________ the windows all morning and I can’t finish my work yet.
a) cleaned b) was cleaning c) have been cleaning d) am cleaning

50) When my father came home last night, my mother __________ for two hours.
a) was cooking b) has been cooking c) cooked d) had been cooking

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