What Is Excel

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Welcome to the section 1 of beginners to advanced

course of excel. In this video we're going to go over what

exactly is Microsoft Excel. So how does this work, what is
it really used for and what are the different things you
can do in it and why is it important to organization?
That's what we're going to cover in this particular lesson.
So let's go ahead and jump into what exactly is Microsoft
Excel. Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program
that allows you to store ,organize, manipulate and
analyse information. you can create a variety of different
data visualizations, you're able to analyse information,
you're able to manipulate it, organize it and be able to
present it in a very unique and helpful manner. That's
essentially what Excel is. And so It's a spreadsheet
program which contains a number of columns and rows.
The intersection of column and row is what we call a cell.
Each cell contains one point of data or information. By
organising the data in this way, you can make
information easier to find, and automatically draw
information from the changing data.

So you can create a variety of different shortcuts,

different types of formulas that will allow you to add up
information. Now, let's say for example, you are looking
at your budgets and you're looking to see how much you
spent within a given month and you're adding up all your
different expenses. Well, there's different shortcuts and
formulas that you can use to add in all the information
based off the criteria that you put on Excel and have it
automatically added up all for you and give you the
actual numbers of how much was spent in every month.

so all of these different things that you're able to do will

store the data, manipulate it, analyse it and look at
where everything is coming from and look at the total
amount. And just think about the power for this in the
business sector, where businesses or organisations have
thousands and thousands of data types of information
where they're looking to see how they can analyse the
data, be able to make better use of it and be able to
make sure that it's presented in a way where they can
make Better Business decisions.
whether you're keeping a budget, organizing a training
log or creating an invoice, Excel makes it easy to work
with different types of data. We just went over the
example of a personal budgets where you are looking to
find out How much you've spent within a given month,
where that spending is coming from and then also how
much you spent within each category and then all
together as a photo. because of this power of the excel.
It's one of the most used software applications of all
times. hundreds of millions of people around the world
use Microsoft Excel. And like I said, it's just pretty much
one of those deals where you can use this tool to be able
to look at information and be able to make objective
decisions based off the information.

And there's just so much you can do here. Now. This can
be you know, a 10 20 30 minute lesson, but I really just
want to give you a foundational understanding of what
we're looking to do here within Microsoft Excel and like I
said, ultimately it allows you to store, organize,
manipulate and analyse information and that's exactly
what you're going to learn in this particular course so
that you can take these skills and be able to develop your
knowledge and be able to go out there and land a job or
get started freelancing which we are also going to learn
how to do in this course. And that’s all for this video so
let’s move over to next video.

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