MC200912013 - GSRM7223 - Kanggadevi Murthi

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MATRIC NO MC200912013
PROGRAMME Master of Business Administration (Online)
COURSE TITLE Marketing Management
SEMESTER September 2020
DATE 1/11/2020

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Marketing Management (GSRM7223) CONFIDENTIAL
September 2020 Final Examination

Matric No: MC200912013

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Answer no 1

In my point view as Marketing Manager One of the marketing environmental factors is Socio-
Cultural because The Socio-Cultural powers connect to factors that influence society's fundamental
qualities, inclinations and conduct. The reason for these variables is framed by the way that individuals
are important for a general public and social gathering that shape their convictions and qualities.
Numerous social bumbles happen because of the disappointment of organizations in understanding
unfamiliar societies. For this Santan study is show socio cultural is become one factor to affect their
business and activities. As Malaysia santan is Asian food and it can influence the consumer to taste their
culture food. By this is can create awareness for our all consumer about Asean cultural Santan and is can
give big profit to Air Asia Santan. At the same time As the Santan has been "tested extensively with
consumers" before its launch, air asia confident in the product, which is "definitely" a taste profile that will
suit the masses. Most of Asean cultural always like to have Santan food as their breakfast and lunch.
This is make this factor will really make attractive and will affect their activities. Air asia not need do huge
promotion as this cultural food will make it self be promoted and they aware the food is one of Asean
favorited. Based on below article as well, Santan create unique dining experience in the sky as is the
most delicious Asian flavours. This is why social cultural will become the factor connect our people Asean
to have the foods. Meanwhile is can the menu will become highlight to the countries that the airlines
connects and the best is menu form coffee to tea to spices will connect our people through the region.
They will keep on innovating and upgrading their lifestyle in order to improve the quality of their everyday
life. In order to suite the Air Asia Santan’ needs for quality, it is best for them to begin their day with high
quality which is Nasi Lemak Packaging Wrap. Nothing can be compared to a cup of high quality Santan
Nasi Lemak Wrap with tea to start their perfect morning, or any part of the day.

Secondly is Technological change generally refers to the advancements in the production and
manufacturing process of different goods and services. So it is when we improve the way products are
made or services are delivered. In these times there is always a new invention or better technology
around the corner. This technological change brings both opportunities and threats to a business. There
is always the advantage of assessing the technological environment and embracing the new technology.
This can make your product better, bring down costs, edge out the competition, increase production
capacity, etc. But at the same time, such changes if not adopted by the businesses can make them
obsolete and out of fashion very quickly. For our santan product technogical play big role as well to make
it successfully. Using the technology, customers are also able to enjoy the favourite food Asean Meals
and drinks at the convenience of customer’s fingertips thorough seamless and contactless ordering from
on as well as T&CO mobile apps. They can enjoy this high tech and not need
requited to go by fly to enjoying the foods. At the same time they also implement in few food chain to let
customer enjoying the food and dining in as well. This factor will make the Santan food successfully on
their activities. Besides that by using the technology they can use the delivery partner such as Grab ,
Food Panda and online service to make facility to customer to enjoy the food without dining and waiting
at the restaurant been created by Air Asia. The most important the price is same as fare at airliners food
price. So is make consumer will be more happy to get the quality food but with reasonable price. These
factors will affect the activity with positive vibes and Air Asia come out with more ideas and make this
ideas to create more opportunities to everyone.

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Marketing Management (GSRM7223) CONFIDENTIAL
September 2020 Final Examination

Matric No: MC200912013

Answer no 2

1. Segmentation in product life which is consider introduction.

Market segmentation is the process that companies use to divide large heterogeneous markets
into small markets that can be reached more efficiently and effectively with products and services that
match their unique needs. Segmentation is the dividing of a populations into groups according to certain
characteristics. Below can use for SANTAN under these segmentations and segmentation criteria:


- Region : Santan can focus domestic and international country

- Density: urban and rural.


- Age : Santan can focus from youngter to senior citizen

- Gender : males and females
- Income : middle and upper earning
- Occupation: student , employees, family and professional.

Psychographic: lower, working and middle class.

Other than that below is four factor for segment which is cultural, economic, social and
political. First cultural factor already implement in Santan as local food is one of our Asean favourite so
when doing segmentation cultural is already introduce in among the consumer. Secondly when the
economic factor happen during this Santan introduction will impact all consumer to get try new product
expect the other beverage at Air Asia. For this Santan study is show socio cultural is become one factor
to affect their business and activities. As Malaysia santan is Asian food and it can influence the consumer
to taste their culture food. By this is can create awareness for our all consumer about Asean cultural
Santan and is can give big profit to Air Asia Santan. At the same time As the Santan has been "tested
extensively with consumers" before its launch, air asia confident in the product, which is "definitely" a
taste profile that will suit the masses. Most of Asean cultural always like to have Santan food as their
breakfast and lunch. This is make this factor will really make attractive and will affect their activities.
Finally is political which is as Malaysia is strongly have good politic which can encourage new product
come in to the introduction. As we know the law to protect consumer so this is one factor can make
Santan become segmentation on Malaysia.

2. Targeting in product life which is consider growth. Target market consists of a set of
buyers who share common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve.

For the Santan product we can use undifferentiated marketing targets the whole market with one
offer mass marketing and focuses on common needs rather than what’s different. This undifferentiated
marketing target we able to sell low cost and targeting all level all earning. Is can make our product
growth very well and easy to getting attention to the Santan product.

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Marketing Management (GSRM7223) CONFIDENTIAL
September 2020 Final Examination

Matric No: MC200912013

The following strategies are followed by the business firms during the growth stage:

(i) Advertisement of Santan product on newspaper, social marketing and airline as brochure.

(ii) New versions of the product are introduced to cater to the requirements of different types of customers
which is Santan Air Asia with tea.

(iii) Brand image of the product is created through promotional activities. As Air Asia is one of strong
image brand so is will easy to people to recognize their new product.

(iv) The price of product is competitive as on airfare and local restaurant easy to attractive the customer.

The below refers to what’s needed to evaluate the potential and commercial attractiveness of
each segment.

Criteria Size: The market must be large enough to justify segmenting. We assume the Santan market is
large as is introduce at airlines and local restaurant.

At the same time during this time, we need do gathering feedback from our customer so we can
make sure the targeting is correct. So our target market is all level consumer. As we know santan always
eat by everyone either rice, curry or vegetable. Thus santan has wide targeting to target the consumer.
During this time we will face more feedback and is can make the product getting more good and well
known by the consumer.
Introduction Phase Growth Phase Maturity Phase Decline Stage
Santan become first When Santan unable to
Santan should use Air Asia Transition product from
product to offer at achieve the target the
Objective to develop maket high growth to sales
airlines and local with Santan should come out with
awareness to consumer stability.
same price. new product.
Sales Santan will first
Sales continue to
getting low as they need to Sales grow at
Profitability increase but at a Long-run drop in sales.
introduct and get consumer increasing rate.
decreasing rate.
believe their product
Market Conditions
Consumer will get to
As introduce at airlines not Will getting bored as all
used as is start Market is approaching
Market Segment everyone aware the Santan places start to selling the
selling at local saturation.
product same
restaurant as well
Targeted mainly middle and
All level consumer Majority Adopters everyone as is decline stage
Consumers profesionally
most unable to
other airlines and unable to stand as santan
Competitive no compettion as santain is competitve with santan
local will start to will become inhabit food to
Environment first product to introduce as is lower price as
introduce eat
promo combo
High-quality, innovative
will used to use by others unable to stand as most
Product design providing new better packaging
as well competitor will use the same
benefit to consumers.
will sold with good Offer product at low price
will use penetration price as
Price price which affordable will use skimming price point to try to stimulate any
Santan introduce low price
by all consumer remaining demand.
Cost of continued
will use the paltform
Marketing will use online promotion will promote using investment in marketing
as newpaper and
Communications and social network airlines sticker on planes communications not justified
by market conditions.

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Marketing Management (GSRM7223) CONFIDENTIAL
September 2020 Final Examination

Matric No: MC200912013

3. Positioning in product life is maturity and decline. The product enters into maturity stage
as competition intensifies further and market gets saturated. Profits come down because of stiff
competition, and marketing expenditures rise. The prices are decreased because of competition and
innovations in technology.This stage may last for a long period as in the case of many products with
long-run demand characteristics. But sooner or later, demand of the product starts declining as new
products are introduced in the market. Product differentiation, identification of new segments and
product improvement are emphasised during this stage.

In order to lengthen the period of maturity stage, the following strategies may be adopted:

(i) Santan Air Asia must be different in branding and image so all consumer will attractive and able to
consume the local product.

(ii) Reusable packaging may be introduced for the Santan.

Decline Stage, This stage is characterised by either the product’s gradual displacement by some
new products or change in consumer buying behaviour. The sales fall down sharply and the expenditure
on promotion has to be cut down drastically. The decline may be rapid with the product soon passing
out of market or slow if new uses of the product are found.

To avoid sharp decline in sales, the following strategies may be used:

(i) New features may be added to the product and its packaging may be made more attractive. Which is
other than santan must introduce with like beverage such as tea or coffee.

(ii) Economy packs or models may be introduced to revive the market.

(iii) Promotion of the product may be done on a selective basis to reduce the distribution costs.

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Marketing Management (GSRM7223) CONFIDENTIAL
September 2020 Final Examination

Matric No: MC200912013

Answer no 3

1. Problem recognition

The first step of the consumer decision-making process is recognizing the need for a service or
product. Need recognition, regardless of whether provoked inside or remotely, brings about a similar
reaction: a need. When buyers perceive a need, they have to accumulate data to see how they can
satisfy that need, which prompts step 2.But how we can impact shoppers at this stage? Since inner
improvement originates from the inside and incorporates essential motivations like yearning or an
adjustment in way of life, center your deals and advertising endeavours on outside upgrade. Build up a
thorough brand mission to fabricate brand mindfulness and acknowledgment – you need buyers to know
you and trust you. Above all, you need them to feel like they have an issue no one but you can tackle.
Example like Santan product. We can take as Old town white coffe, paparich and secret recipe. They will
recognizing the services and product. Consumer will do decision making by asking what product they
need and services from among the same dine in restaurant and they will start to compare. Compared to
the first description, the second description makes me feel more confident about solving the right problem
if I go through the rest of the process. So they will think which restaurant dine in need to be chosen.

2. Information search

While exploring their alternatives, purchasers again depend on inner and outer elements, just as
past associations with an item or brand, both positive and negative. In the data stage, they may
peruse through alternatives at an actual area or counsel online assets, for example, Google or client
audits. Your occupation as a brand is to give the potential client admittance to the data they need, with
the expectations that they choose to buy your item or administration. Make a pipe and plan out the sorts
of substance that individuals will require. Introduce yourself as a dependable wellspring of information
and data. Another significant procedure is verbal – since shoppers trust each other more than they do
organizations, make a point to incorporate buyer created content, similar to client surveys or video
tributes, on your site. So by decision making on step 2 they will think which restaurant need to to dine and
will check the review by using google and website review. If the dine restaurant mostly review on 5 start
most probability customer will choose it and dine in restaurant. For the example Santan product based
like Old town white coffe will get better price and place to serve compare to secret recipe.

3. Alternatives evaluation

Now in the shopper dynamic cycle, planned purchasers have created measures for what they need in an
item. Presently they gauge their planned decisions against equivalent other options. Options may
introduce themselves as lower costs, extra item benefits, item accessibility, or something as close to
home as tone or style choices. Your showcasing material ought to be outfitted towards persuading
purchasers that your item is better than different other options. Be prepared to conquer any complaints –
e.g., in deals calls, know your rivals so you can address questions and think about advantages. For the
example, the consumer thinks about a couple of brands that she enjoys such all dine restaurant like
secret recipe, papa rich and oldtown white coffe with santan air asia.

4. Purchase decision

This is the second the customer has been hanging tight for: the genuine buy. Whenever they have
assembled the real factors, including input from past clients, shoppers ought to come to a legitimate end
result on the item or administration to buy. In the event that you've managed your responsibility
effectively, the shopper will perceive that your item is the most ideal choice and choose to buy. For the
example, we can see in Old Town White Coffe we can just sit and serve by self-servicing but in Paparich
they will request us to be serve to seat. By this consumer will prefer to dine in those service is very good
and be pleasure by their staff will make the consumer to choose and will be the decision for them to
choose dine which restaurant.

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Marketing Management (GSRM7223) CONFIDENTIAL
September 2020 Final Examination

Matric No: MC200912013

5. Post-purchase evaluation

This piece of the purchase cycle includes reflection from both the purchaser and the vendor. As a vendor,
you should attempt to check the accompanying: Did the buy address the issue the customer recognized?
Is the client content with the buy? How might you keep on drawing in with this client? Keep in mind, you
must guarantee your client keeps on having a positive involvement in your item. Post-buy commitment
could incorporate subsequent messages, markdown coupons, and pamphlets to allure the client to make
an extra buy. You need to pick up long lasting clients, and during a time where anybody can leave an
online audit, it's a higher priority than any time in recent memory to keep clients upbeat. For the example
restaurant like santan based restaurant, old white town coffee will get feedback from consumer to
improve their services and their quality. This is most important decision making by consumer to repeat
the restaurant in future. A satisfied consumer is more likely to repeat the purchase from the same seller,
leave positive reviews and recommend products to friends and family too.

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Marketing Management (GSRM7223) CONFIDENTIAL
September 2020 Final Examination

Matric No: MC200912013

Answer no 4

1. Competitive Rivalry or Competition with F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe
(Strong Force)

F&B faces tough competition because the fast food restaurant market is saturated. This element of the
Porter’s Five Forces analysis model tackles the effects of competing firms in the industry environment. In
F&B, the strong force of competitive rivalry is based on the following external factors:

High number of restaurant– Strong Force

High aggressiveness of restaurant– Strong Force

Low switching costs – Strong Force

The fast food restaurant industry has many firms of various sizes, such as global chains like Santan,
Paparich and secret receipe restaurants. This external factor strengthens the force of rivalry in the
industry. Also, the Five Forces analysis model considers firm aggressiveness a factor that influences
competition. In this business case, most medium and large firms aggressively market their products. This
factor increases the intensity of competitive rivalry that Santan, Paparich and secret receipe experiences.
In addition, low switching costs make it easy for consumers to transfer to other restaurants, such as
Kopitiam. This external factor adds to the force of competition. Thus, this element of the Five Forces
analysis of Santan, Paparich and secret receipe shows that competition is among the most significant
external forces for consideration in the strategic management of the business.

2. Bargaining Power of F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe Customers/Buyers
(Strong Force)

F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe must address the power of customers on business
performance. This element of the Five Forces analysis deals with the influence and demands of
consumers, and how their decisions impact businesses. In F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret
receipe case, the following are the external factors that contribute to the strong bargaining power of

Low switching costs – Strong Force

Large number of providers – Strong Force

High availability of substitutes – Strong Force

The ease of changing from one restaurant to another (low switching costs) enables consumers to easily
impose their demands on F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe. In the Five Forces analysis
model, this external factor strengthens the bargaining power of customers. In relation, because of market
saturation, consumers can choose from many fast food restaurants other than F&B such as Santan,
Paparich and secret receipe. This condition makes the bargaining power of buyers a strong force in
affecting the company’s external environment. Moreover, the availability of substitutes is relevant in this
external analysis. In this case, the availability of many substitutes adds to the bargaining power of
customers. For example, substitutes include food like nasi lemak, mee goreng and other food that one
could cook at home. Based on this element of Porter’s Five Forces analysis, it is crucial to develop
strategies to increase customer loyalty.

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Marketing Management (GSRM7223) CONFIDENTIAL
September 2020 Final Examination

Matric No: MC200912013

3. Bargaining Power of F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe Suppliers (Weak

Suppliers influence F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe in terms of the company’s
production capacity based on the availability of raw materials. This element of the Five Forces analysis
model shows the impact of suppliers on firms and the fast food restaurant industry environment. In F&B
such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe case, the weak bargaining power of suppliers is based on
the following external factors:

Large number of suppliers – Weak Force

Low forward vertical integration of suppliers – Weak Force

High overall supply – Weak Force

The large population of suppliers weakens the effect of individual suppliers on F&B such as Santan,
Paparich and secret receipe. This weakness is partly based on the lack of strong regional and global
alliances among suppliers. In relation, most of F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe
suppliers are not vertically integrated. This means that they do not control the distribution network that
transports their products to firms like F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe. In Porter’s Five
Forces analysis model, such low vertical integration weakens the bargaining power of suppliers. Also, the
relative abundance of materials like flour and meat reduces individual suppliers’ influence on the
company. Thus, this element of the Five Forces analysis shows that external factors combine to create
the weak supplier power, which is a minimal issue in strategic management. F&B such as Santan,
Paparich and secret receipe corporate social responsibility strategy and stakeholder management
approaches help in addressing this force from suppliers.

4. Threat of Substitutes or Substitution F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe
(Strong Force)

Substitutes are a significant concern for F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe Corporation.
This element of Porter’s Five Forces analysis model deals with the potential effects of substitutes on firm
growth. In F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe case, the following external factors make
the threat of substitution a strong force:

High substitute availability – Strong Force

Low switching costs – Strong Force

High performance-to-cost ratio of substitutes – Strong Force

There are many substitutes to F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe products, such as
products from artisanal food producers and local bakeries. Also, consumers can cook their food at home.
In the Five Forces analysis model, this external factor contributes to the strength of the threat of
substitution in the fast food service industry. In addition, it is easy to shift from F&B such as Santan,
Paparich and secret receipe to substitutes because of the low switching costs. For example, shifting from
the company to substitutes typically involves insignificant or minimal disadvantages, such as slightly
higher costs per meal in some cases, or additional time consumption for food preparation. Moreover,
substitutes are competitive in terms of quality and customer satisfaction (high performance-to-cost ratio).
In this element of the Five Forces analysis of F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe
Corporation, external factors make substitutes a major strategic issue that requires approaches like
product quality improvement. In relation, the company’s efforts include encouraging people to eat in fast
food restaurants instead of resorting to substitutes.

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Marketing Management (GSRM7223) CONFIDENTIAL
September 2020 Final Examination

Matric No: MC200912013

5. Threat of New Entrants or New Entry F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe
(Moderate Force)

New entrants can impact F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe market share and financial
performance. This element of the Five Forces analysis refers to the effects of new players on existing
firms. In F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret receipe case, the moderate threat of new entry is
based on the following external factors:

Low switching costs – Strong Force

Highly variable capital cost – Moderate Force

High cost of brand development – Weak Force

The low switching costs allow consumers to easily move from F&B such as Santan, Paparich and secret
receipe toward new fast food restaurant companies. In Porter’s Five Forces analysis model, this external
factor strengthens the threat of new entrants. Also, variable capital costs of establishing a new restaurant
empowers new businesses to enter the global fast food restaurant industry. For example, small
restaurant businesses involve low capital costs compared to major corporations in the market. This
external factor leads to the moderate threat of new entry against F&B such as Santan, Paparich and
secret receipe. On the other hand, it is expensive to build a strong brand in the industry. Many small and
medium businesses lack the resources to create a strong brand to match the F&B such as Santan,
Paparich and secret receipe brand. Thus, the external factors in this element of the Five Forces analysis
shows that the threat of new entrants is a considerable but not the most important strategic issue.


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