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Our Aim is to develop new approaches to

stormwater management, demonstrate their
effectiveness, and then help integrate them into Low
our client’s resource protection and regulatory Impact
programs through master planning activities, Development
manuals of practice, and personnel training. Center,
A variety of research grants and projects sup- Inc.
port ongoing efforts to help our clients develop A non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization
cost-effective resource protection programs that Dedicated to Balancing Growth and Environmental Integrity
balance economic development goals, quality of
life ideals, and financial constraints. The Low Impact Development Center, Inc. was
established in 1998 to advance the use of Low
The Low Impact Development Center, Inc. Impact Development (LID) and other sustainable
5010 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 200 stormwater management techniques.
Beltsville, Maryland 20705 The Mission of the Center is to help communities
Phone 301.982.5559 Fax 301.982.1994 and institutions address the increasingly complex
and critical issues associated with their resource
For more information please visit our web site at protection programs and stormwater management regulations.
or contact:
Neil Weinstein, P.E., R.L.A., AICP, Executive Director The Organization is a multidisciplinary
at group of technically skilled professionals who
collaborate with nationally recognized experts
Spreadsheet for Calculating Effect of LID on the Runoff Hydrograph in the fields of engineering, biology, planning,
and public administration. Members of the staff
Current Projects include: have been directly involved in the development
of water resource regulations and policy at the
Technical Guidance
federal, state, and local government levels.
• LID Urban Feasibility Study: A national
manual on the use of LID in Urban Areas for
Wet Weather Flow Control for USEPA under
the 104 b grant program.
• LID Urban Retrofit Manual: A guidance
document for planners on how to identify
and implement LID as part of community
redevelopment projects.
• LID DoD Design Manual: A design manual
written for Naval Facilities Engineering
Command to help facilities meet natural
resource program and regulatory requirements.

LID Development - Somerset, Prince Georges County, MD

Design and Construction Projects • Highway Retrofits: Construction and
• Department of Energy National Renewable monitoring projects that demonstrate how
Energy Laboratory Open-End Task Order LID can be used to meet NPDES objectives.
Contract: This is a multi-year contract to help Partners: University of Maryland and the
federal agencies with LID, water, and energy Maryland State Highway Administration.
• LID Projects for Naval Planning
District Washington: A • LID Modeling Approach for
series of pilot projects is the Milwaukee Metropolitan Experimental Bioretention
being developed at the Sewerage District (MMSD): Facility at the University
of Maryland
Washington Navy Yard. Development and testing of
These projects were an analytic tool that evaluates • LID Clearinghouse: An internet based
designed to reduce and the degree to which LID clearinghouse that is being developed to
manage specific targeted features will meet regulatory facilitate the collaboration and dissemin-ation
pollutant load reductions peak flow targets and reduce of LID research.
as part of the NPDES the need for detention ponds.
Permit. • Austin, Texas Edwards Training
An Urban Retrofit Pilot Project Demonstrates Pollution- Aquifer Water Quality • Chesapeake Bay Program Scientific and
Control Effectiveness at the Washington Navy Yard
LID Retrofit Projects Protection Measures: Review Technical Advisory Committee: The Center
• Greening EPA, Low Impact Development and support for development of source has helped develop a series of workshops
Demonstration Projects: Design and water and endangered species protection throughout the Chesapeake Bay region on
construction of a series of innovative measures based on recommendations from the use of LID, impediments to LID, and
stormwater management and sustainable Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for implementation strategies.
landscaping features at EPA headquarters. extension of utilities into • Ft. Belvoir, Virginia LID
Partners: EPA and GSA. developing areas. Seminar: A multi-day
• District of Columbia Long training program on LID
Term Control Plan: The for Department of
Center worked with the Defense facilities.
Water and Sewer Authority • American Society of
to develop strategies for the Civil Engineers: An
use of LID in the Combined ongoing series of two-
Sewer Overflow management day professional
program. development courses,
offered nationwide,
Research that addres the analysis,
Preliminary GIS Analysis for Siting LID Devices for an
• LID for Linear Transportation Urban Retrofit Study in the Anacostia Watershed design, construction,
Projects: The Center is and management of LID
working with the Oregon State University techniques.
Team as part of National Cooperative • LID Training for Transportation Projects: An
The Master Plan for a Low Impact Development Demonstration Project at the Highway Research Program to determine the internet-based training program for highway
EPA Headquarters designers developed using National Highway
effectiveness of using LID for transportation
projects. Institute educational guidelines.

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