Chapter 2lesson 5 Art Appreciation

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Lesson 5: What NOW?: The Contemporary Times Critique the works of contemporary artists Have a'more comprehensive understanding of the implication of technological advancements to our art scene Develop a broader understanding of the application and connection of art to INTRODUCTION: ‘What isthe pulse of art today? ‘The “now is what critics call contemporary, ot postmodern, which is the product of artistic sensibilities and attitudes following the modernist period. If we look at world events against its background, we can take ito consideration one very important achievement: technology. Such was the Context ofthe postmodem era. Critics were at first uncertain of how they should describe the movements following the modern period, but later on, contemporary art formed its shape and convinced us that it is an era of is own, Technology and the rise of the World Wide Web have direct repercussions on the field of visual ats. New media was explored by artists. Subject matters were more diverse and also echoed the effects of technology. Approaches to art have become mul-aceted, mult-dimensionel, and multi-modal. Since information and communication our now at our fingertips, the effects of globalization are also evident in our jobs, tothe things we consume, othe intemational influences on our culture, and also to what we create in the art scene. In shor, one key word to deseribe the ats thats happening inthe now,” is pluralism. In this chapter we wil study some artists who have painted the beat of the postmodern. Let us look at and eam about how their work depicted the era and how the era influenced their interpretations, ACTIVITY: Lotus start this topic by conducting a simple debate and discussion ofthe folowing agendas. Divide the class into groups of thee to four. Select atopic that each group wants to discuss. The group then will be divided into two: opposition and goverment (according to how formal debates are conducted). The group wil also decide on any elated motion for each topic, Limi the debate to only 10 minutes per group. Example: (On displacement of Flpinos) “This house believes that nurses should be compelled to work for two years in public or private hospitals inthe country before going abroad.” Environmental issues War on drugs Displacement of Filipinos Corruption ‘Chapter 21'maFlipino but | Don't Know Manansala! Rediscovering Philopine At | 77 5. Poverty 6. Dictatorship 7. Activism 8. Cyberorimes 9. Human trafficking 10. Commercialization and capitalism ANALYSIS: ‘After immersing yourselves in these topics, answer the folowing questions: 1. What do you think ae the roles of artists inthe issues presented? 2. What are your suggestions for them to become socially relevant or active in the solution and ‘awareness of such pressing issues? 3, Why do you think the arts can be an avenue forthe discussion and dissemination ofthese realities in our country? How can the recipients of artworks be more involved? ABSTRACTION: Precursors of postmodern art in the Philippines can be dated back to the EDSA 1 revolution. During the Aquino government, many reforms in the once Marcos-controlled institutions like the CCP. National Museum, and Metropolitan Museum of Manila were implemented, There was a move toward the decentralization of art institutions. The three primary reform thrusts of the CCP were Fllpinization democratization, decentralization, and artistic excellence. Because of this, some marginalized artists ‘and art groups during the Marcos regime were given opportunities to display their works to the public Filipino masses also had more aocess tothe art collections and grants were given to those who aspired to produce and exhibit orginal works from their local areas. For a long time, art served as an instrument to promote the agendas of individual politicians, curbing the emerging rational identity of Philippine art. Hence, when we finally set ourselves free ofthe entanglements of such political powers, many independent artist organizations were formed in the country 78. | ART APPRECIATION such as Concemed Artists of the Philippines, Printmakers Association ofthe Philipines, Salingpusa, Ugatiahi and many others. To give more recognition to artists and flk artists who are important pillar ofthe society's notion patriotism, the government reestabished awarding systems through the National Artist award, Gawad ‘CCP para sa Sining, Gawad sa Manilikha ng Bayan for Philpine traditional arts, and the revived CCP Thirteen Artists Awards, Private bodies also developed their own awards systems and have helped in 3, promoting, and supporting emerging artists of the whole archipelago. These include the ‘Aleneo At Awards, Philippine Art Awards ofthe Philip Morris Group of Companies, Metrobank’ MADE. ‘competion, and others, Let us now study the Raed OA coterie leis Px yes ese woes wots sero issues you have discussed and debated previously. 1, BenCab — National Artist for Visual Arts-Benedicto Cabrera has works which span a lot of important periods in our history, especially the postwar period. One of his work series entitled “Sabet” depicts the disorientation that Filipinos experienced during the postwar period. David Medalla - “The avatar in Europe in performance ar,” as described by art crc Leo Benesa. Perfomance art is one of the new artistic expressions of the contemporary period where the artist himself isthe artwork. Pacita Abad — One of the women artists in he country that has produced a strong voice and identity when itcomes to women's art. Bor in Batanes, her works are characterized by bold and bright colors. She has traveled to more than 50 countries with works exhibited to more than 200 galleries. Elmer Borlongan — Painter of Filipino nuances which he depicted with much dignity in his ‘masterful works. His paintings are mostly figurative with subject matters that tackle mostly the daily and mundane activities and interactions of Filipinos. He is one ofthe most exceptional in the aspect of painting in our country. Mark Salvatus ~ Salvatus has created much discouise and narratives in his works on the Notions of urbanization, Internet, and technological age, with political, social, and economic grounding, His works are considered intermedia, combining mark-making, sounds, videos, and found objects in is works. Leeroy New — One ofthe youngest recipients of Thiteen Artists Awards, Leeroy is an artist ‘of his own, known mostly fr his installation art that are often other-worldly with an alien feel He pioneered the “Aliens of Manila,” which are cureted photographs of people wearing his ‘teations of bodysuits and headgear. ‘Archie Oclos ~ He has always been active in the public sphere, painting murals depicting social reales of both the present and the memories of the past governments, He was recently awarded one of the Thirteen Atists of CCP. Mars Bugaoan — A young and emerging artist whose works echo the displacement that we often experience because of the demands of work and globalization. His works have evolved from printmaking to being sitesponsive, incorporating the landscape of the site info the instalation ofthe at piece (Chapter 2'm 2 Filipino but Don't Know Manansala Reizcoverng Philippine Art| 79 Assessment: Pee en Ne Iu pie ane ee pee era The growth ofthe art scene after modernism has become fast paced, propelled more by the effects of globalization. Given the changes that happened after the revolution together with the decentralization, Filipinization, and diversification of modes and media inthe arts, write a short essay about your opinion about these events in our contemporary art scene, Guide Questions: 1. How has the Internet age affected the works of artists? 2. Whatare the factors taken into consideration inthe if ofan artist? What do you think are the implications ofthese in their lives? 3, What can you say about artist validation systems? (awards and competitions) 4, How has diaspora and displacement affected the and modified atstic expressions? 5. _ How do you think individual at badies or organizations are shaping our attitudes toward the arts? 80. | ART APPRECIATION (Chapter 2'm 2 Fisino but Don't Know Manancalat Relecovering Philippine Art| 81 82. | ARTAPPRECIATION

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