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Name -Sonia graak

Student Number- mac1266

SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations

1 Assessment Task – SITXMGT001 Assessment – Short-answer Questions Context and Conditions of

Assessment This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence
and knowledge evidence required and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit
assessment task.

• Read the assessment carefully before commencing.

• This is an online assessment and will be conducted at the campus.

• Provide all your responses in this document. • Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this
document and will provide feedback / comment. • You must answer all the questions in the assessment
tasks in your own words • This assessment will be required to be completed in 6 hours • Your Trainer /
Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task. • Your Assessor will grade as either S –
Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you with
feedback. • Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be deemed C –
Competent in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not satisfactorily complete all the
assessment tasks you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet Competent. Re-Assessment Conditions • If the
evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this case,
you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that they
can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment. • Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement
is made, you will be given guidance on steps to take to improve your performance and provided the
opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The assessor will determine and discuss
the reasons for NS – Not satisfactory on any of the criteria and will assess you through a different
method of assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercises. • You will be notified
within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment of their result in achieving competency o If a
student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did not
complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced. “This process is
detailed more in the “Training and Assessment Policy and Procedure” o In the above scenario, student
will be given an opportunity for reassessment within 5 working days with no reassessment fee charged.
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with information
identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students will then have the
opportunity to repeat the assessment task within 5 working days of notification with no reassessment
fee charged. o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student did not approach the
RTO within five working days with a valid reason for not availing themselves of the reassessment
opportunity, then those students will be given a final chance to re-sit the assessment and will be
charged at $200.00. o After this no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the student and
the student will be required to repeat the whole unit with full fee for the unit as per the fees policy of
the RTO. The student will be made aware of the impact of repeating the unit may have on their student
visa. (International students only) o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their assessment,
a $200.00 reassessment fee will be charged for reassessing the assessment within 5 working days. o If
the student is found to be plagiarising or cheating again after conclusion of the Intervention meeting
with the Course Co-ordinator, the matter will be referred to the CEO / Operation Manager which may
result in the suspension or cancellation of their enrolment o The RTO has intervention strategies,
including student support services available to enable students to complete qualification in the expected
time frame. Students at risk of not completing within this time frame are identified as early as possible
and an intervention strategy is put in place. The RTO will ensure access to: SITXMGT001 Monitor work
operations 2 • Commercial Kitchen Simulated Environment • Workplace procedures and instructions
relating to safe work practices • Workplace safety and emergency evacuation procedures • Hazardous
chemicals and dangerous goods information • Safety materials and equipment relevant to an
Commercial Kitchen • Fire safety equipment First Aid equipment and relevant stock • Documents for
recording workplace safety, accidents and incidents. Evidence to be submitted by the student: - •
Completed responses to the questions in a new word document. • Keep simple formatting with 12pt
Arial and single line spacing. • Upload file with name containing your student ID and unit code e.g.
MAC00XX_SITHIND002(Part A/Part B as applicable) Assessment Decision Making Rules Your assessor will
assess the evidence submitted for the following elements, performance criteria, performance evidence
and knowledge evidence to confirm that the student evidence submitted demonstrates validity,
sufficiency, authenticity and confirms current skills and knowledge relevant to the unit of competency.
Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: - • Monitor and improve
workplace operations. • Plan and organise workflow. • Monitor and support team members. • Solve
problems and make decisions. • work organization and planning methods appropriate to the industry
sector • leadership and management roles and responsibilities in the relevant industry sector •
operational functions in the relevant industry sector • procedures and systems to support work
operations: o administration o health and safety o human resources o service standards o technology o
work practices • concepts of quality assurance and how it is managed and implemented in the
workplace • sustainability considerations for frontline operational management: o relationship between
operational efficiency and financial sustainability o ways of minimizing waste in the relevant work
context o social responsibilities of the operation • time management principles and their application to
leaders and managers for planning own work and the work of others • principles of effective delegation
and delegation techniques in a frontline management context: o clear communication of what is
required o gaining commitment o no undue interference o regular reporting o selecting the right person
• problem-solving and decision making processes and techniques and their application to typical
workplace issues • industrial or legislative issues that affect short-term work organisation appropriate to
the industry sector: o relationship of relevant industrial awards to hours and conditions of work o
ensuring systems and procedures meet work health and safety requirements. SITXMGT001 Monitor
work operations 3 Resources required for Assessment: Students will require access to: - Internet -
Laptop / Computer - Microsoft Word/ Power-point Assessment – Questioning Short-answer Question
Assessment 1 Your task:

Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.

1. The process of monitoring work operations is often broken down into six stages. Name 3 of


1planning and preparing

2. Organizing
3. staffing

2. Monitoring the expected service provisions of your staff is an important part of a frontline
supervisor’s job. How often should this be done?

Ans: this should be done with good appearance and grooming because well groomed staff mainly the
frontline staff can put the customer in a positive frame of mind.

The process of monitoring should be done continuously and frequently because it is linked with the
quality and smooth operations of services.

3. Once workflows have been established, what should you do to determine whether the workflows you
have implemented are in line with achieving organizational goals?

Ans: Once the workflow chart is established it is important to review and monitor them and for this
we need to assess whether they help the staff to meet their objectives and timeline. One method of
this is to use Gantt charts.

4. List 3 ways to identify quality problems with your service.

Ans: 1 feedback from staff
2 monitoring work operations
3 stock control

5. ‘In house training’ is one example of a process or system which you might need to make
adjustments in order to resolve quality issues. List 4 other processes or systems from your

Ans: 1.standard of customer service

2. Work practices
3. Use of technology within procedures

4. Administrative standards

6. How can encouraging a culture of open communication and innovative thinking help you
improve efficiency and service levels?

Ans: because it increases the employee morale and open communication also promote
team building and motivate employee due to which employee do better work and enhance
the service level.

7. List 3 ways to identify current and emerging trends in your industry.

Ans; 1.research industry

2. Regular follow publications
3. Keep track of statistic and records

8. Sustainability is usually associated with the environment; however, it can also refer to the
operations of a business. Other than environment, what are the 2 other areas of operational
Ans: Social sustainability
Economic sustainability

9. What is the purpose of having a logical, well defined workflow?

Ans: the purpose of a logical and well defined workflow is that it maximizes the productivity
and minimizes the waste and creates a positive working environment.

10. List 3 business benefits of having an efficient and effective workflow?

Ans: 1. carrying out the work in time

2. Minimize the period of inactivity
3. Maintain the consistency in product and service quality

11. ‘Considering the task to be delegated’ is the first step in the delegation process. List 3
more steps in delegating work or job tasks to staff.

Ans: 1. Consider the workload of the chosen staff member

2. Highlight the importance of the task
3. Provide ongoing support

11. A Gantt chart can help you monitor your workflow progress against timelines to a help
ensure objectives are being met on time. List 3 things you need to do to develop a Gantt chart.

Ans: Dependability
Attention to detail

13. Coaching and mentoring staff, can help them prioritise their job tasks and workload. Name 3
functions of coaches or mentors.

Ans: 1. Guide or monitor performance

2. Motivate and encourage

3. Provide feedback that is specific for improving the skills

14. ‘Giving credit where credit is due’ is one effective way of providing feedback and guidance to your
staff. List 3 other examples.

Ans: 1. Reward them personally

2. Never criticize them in front of others

3. Provide feedback that is specific and useful

15. You must keep management informed if the workflow you have designed impacts on staff. What are
2 possible impacts implementing a new workflow may have on staffing requirements?

Ans: 1. Reduce confusion

2. Create positive working environment

16. List 5 aspects of staff behaviour or productivity that you should monitor.

Ans: 1.Discipline Matters

2. Lack of skills
3. Poor morale

4. Personality clashes

5. Poor performance

17. What are 4 common signs that there may be some performance problems or issues you might need
to deal with? SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations 4

Ans: 1. Time wasting

2. Absenteeism

3. Bad relationship

4. Reduced productivity

18. How can simply sharing what you know to staff members improve the performance of the business?

Ans: simply sharing is a best method to promote the transparency and collaboration among the staff
members. It also helps the staff to understand their goals which always improve the performance of a

19. Brainstorming is a fantastic way of creating, developing, challenging and testing ideas. List 3 ways
you can make sure your brainstorming sessions are effective.

Ans: 1.Pay attention to everyone’s ideas

2. Stick to the rules

3. Include both individual and group approaches

20. List 3 types of administration documents or workplace records you might need to complete and
submit in your industry.

Ans: 1. financial document

2. Licensing requirement document

3. Reconciliation of account documents

21. List 5 types of customer service related problems from your industry that would require your
attention as a supervisor.

Ans: 1. Drinks spilled

2. Frazzled staff

3. Messy plates

4. Long lines at the counter

5. Spelling mistakes in documents

22. List 5 common management problems or issues that you as a supervisor, may deal with on a regular

Ans: 1. Food Safety Breaches

2. Staffing level

3. Overbooking

4. Security issue

5. Maintenance problem

23. Consider the following scenario. A customer arrives to find that you have no record of a booking he
claims he made with one of your staff members several weeks ago. What is a possible short-term action
you could take to resolve the problem?

Ans: A possible short term solution of this problem is to provide a room to the customer and which is
good for to stop the dissatisfaction.

24. Considering the previous scenario. What is a possible long-term action you could take to resolve the

Ans: A long term solution of this problem is that monitoring and altering the workflow operations
followed by monitoring the previous existing strategies of book keeping with the staff.

25. What is the advantage of involving staff in the decision-making process?

Ans: Involvement of staff in the decision making process gives the chance to the staff to share their
ideas and knowledge with others. This also improves the good relationship between the managers and
employee and makes a strong sense of teamwork.

26. When a staff member raises a problem with you, write 2 questions you could use to encourage them
to help solve the problem.

Ans: Q1. Why this problem happened?

Q2. What we can do to resolve this problem?

27. How often should you review decisions you have made to see if they are still effective?

Ans: I review those decisions continuously and not periodically because it is directly related to the
quality of workflow operations.

28. Give an example of industrial awards or conditions in your industry, that may affect how you roster
staff, etc.

Ans: Restaurant Industry Award 2010

The Work Health and Safety Act (2011), along with the quality management standards followed by
tourism training Australia.

29. Name a website could you use as a reference to check the awards and conditions of your workplace.


30. For your department and your industry, list 4 job positions, and briefly describe the tasks and
requirements of each position. 2 of the positions must be management positions within your sector (the
positions must differ from the examples provided below) For example: Position Tasks and Requirements
F&B Manager Restaurant Supervisor Head Waiter Oversees bookings, training, budget, orders beverages
Ensures correct restaurant setup, service standards Looks after sections of the restaurant

Ans: 1 job position and tasks

Manager: oversees staff workflow, adequate staff working environment and recruitments.

2 job position and tasks

Executive Housekeeping: oversees the staff duties of room services, toiletry suppy and hptel room

3 job position and tasks

Function coordinator: Oversees the delegation and allocation of the staff members for the event
management functions

4 job position and tasks

Head waiter: allocate the staff for the catering services during the events

31. List 4 principles of time management.

Ans: 1. set aside time to plan

2. Allocate time according to importance

3. Schedule time for distraction

4. Stick to your schedule

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