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Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

Assessment:- Project

Context and Conditions of Assessment

This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria,

performance evidence and knowledge evidence required and conditions are
adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit assessment task.
• Read the assessment carefully before commencing.

• This is an open book assessment and will be conducted at Macallan


• Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will
provide feedback / comment.
• You must answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own
• Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this
assessment task.
• Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory
for the assessment. In all cases your Assessor will provide you with
• Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you
will be deemed C – Competent in the final result of the unit of
competency; if you do not satisfactorily complete all the assessment
tasks you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet Competent.

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Re-Assessment Conditions

• If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to

resubmit the evidence. In this case, you will be provided with clear and
constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that they can
improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
• Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given
guidance on steps to take to improve your performance and provided the
opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The
will determine and discuss the reasons for NS – Not satisfactory on any of
the criteria and will assess you through a different method of assessment
e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercises.
• You will be notified within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment
of their result in achieving competency o If a student does not complete
the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did not
complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must
be produced. “This process is detailed more in the “Training and
Assessment Policy and Procedure”
o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for
reassessment within 5 working days with no reassessment fee
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be
provided with information identifying the areas in which they
failed to achieve competency. Students will then have the

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opportunity to repeat the assessment task within 5 working days
of notification with no reassessment fee charged.
o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student
did not approach the MACALLAN COLLEGE within five working
days with a valid reason for not availing themselves of the
reassessment opportunity, then those students will be given a final
chance to re-sit the assessment and will be charged at $200.00.
o After this no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the
student and the student will be required to repeat the whole unit
with full fee for the unit as per the fees policy of the MACALLAN
COLLEGE. The student will be made aware of the impact of
repeating the unit may have on their student visa.
o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their
assessment, a $200.00 reassessment fee will be charged for
reassessing the assessment within 5 working days.
o If the student is found to be plagiarising or cheating again after
conclusion of the Intervention meeting with the Course Co-
ordinator, the matter will be referred to the CEO / Operation
Manager which may result in the suspension or cancellation of
their enrolment
o The MACALLAN COLLEGE has intervention strategies, including
student support services available to enable students to complete
qualification in the expected time frame. Students at risk of not
completing within this time frame are identified as early as
possible and an intervention strategy is put in place.

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Macallan College will ensure access to:

• Commercial Kitchen Simulated Environment

• Workplace procedures and instructions relating to safe work practices

• Workplace safety and emergency evacuation procedures

• Hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods information

• Safety materials and equipment relevant to an Commercial Kitchen

• Fire safety equipment First Aid equipment and relevant stock

• Documents for recording workplace safety, accidents and incidents.

Assessment Decision Making Rules

Your assessor will assess the evidence submitted for the following elements,
performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge evidence to
confirm that the student evidence submitted demonstrates validity, sufficiency,
authenticity and confirms current skills and knowledge relevant to the unit of

Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: -

• Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage

• Identify environmental regulations applying to the enterprise

• Analyse procedures for assessing compliance with

environmental/sustainability regulations
• Collect information on environmental and resource efficiency systems
and procedures, and provide to the work group where appropriate

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• Collect, analyse and organise information from a range of sources to
provide information/advice and tools/resources for improvement
• Measure and document current resource usage of members of the work
• Analyse and document current purchasing strategies

• Analyse current work processes to access information and data to assist

in identifying areas for improvement
• Set targets for improvements

• Seek input from stakeholders, key personnel and specialists

• Access external sources of information and data as required

• Evaluate alternative solutions to workplace environmental issues

• Set efficiency targets

• Implement performance improvement strategies

• Source and use appropriate techniques and tools to assist in achieving

efficiency targets
• Apply continuous improvement strategies to own work area of
responsibility, including ideas and possible solutions to communicate to
the work group and management
• Implement and integrate environmental and resource efficiency
improvement plans for own work group with other operationalactivities
• Supervise and support team members to identify possible areas for
improved practices and resource efficiency in work area
• Seek suggestions and ideas about environmental and resource efficiency
management from stakeholders and act upon where appropriate

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• Implement costing strategies to fully utilise environmental assets

• Monitor performance

• Use and/or develop evaluation and monitoring, tools and technology

• Document and communicate outcomes to report on efficiency targets to

key personnel and stakeholders
• Evaluate strategies and improvement plans

• Set new efficiency targets, and investigate and apply new tools and

• Promote successful strategies and reward participants where possible

Assessment Instructions:

1. Answer to the questions in a new word document.

2. Keep simple formatting with 12pt Arial and single line spacing.

3. Upload file to the drop box provided with a name containing your student
ID and unit code such as MACXXXX_BSBSUS401_Project.

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Section 1

Legislation and sources of information for resources and


1. Identify the environmental regulations which apply in your local

government area relevant to your workplace activities and provide
details what is covered by these regulations and by-laws.
Answer: good environment is very important for the humans and to
protect it from the harmful activities some environmental regulation and
initiatives are started by the government.
Environmental management law:
Environmental protection act 1994
Under the Environmental Protection Act 1994, operators transporting
regulated waste are required to hold a registration certificate with the
Department of Environment and Resource Management and comply with
a code of compliance for the transport of regulated (hazardous) waste.
Regulated waste includes materials such as tyres, grease trap waste, food
processing waste, waste from surface treatment of metals and plastics,
oils and oily wastes (see Schedule 7 of the Environmental Protection
Regulation 2008).

Water management act 2000 Trackable wastes are generally the same as
regulated wastes, but are found in Schedule 1 of the Environmental
Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000. Transporters of track
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able waste must also record information about the waste, including the
generator and receiver of the waste

In this act the water use should be reduced with the use of water
efficient appliances and government provide the grants for the use of
water efficient appliances.

Waste reduction and recycling act 2011

In this act local government may by resolution designated areas within its
local government area in which the local government may conduct
general waste or green waste collection and decide the frequency of
general waste or green waste collection in the designated area.
In this bin trim is an audit to reduce the waste and also recycling of the
product is also to minimise the waste.

2. Identify any resources and initiatives which are in place or available in

your state to help business to reduce their waste and use resources
more efficiently.
Answer : city of Perth waste strategy 2014-2024 assists in the improvement of
waste management, thereby reducing the potential for waste to impact on the
environment across the city 

The City of Perth is committed to being a waste conscious city. Australians

generate around 43.8 million tonnes of waste per year, and Western Australia

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has the highest per capita waste generation. Waste generation and
management have many environmental impacts, these can include
contamination of land and water, methane generation from landfills and the
use of energy and resources required to develop the infrastructure and systems
for collection, processing and disposal.  
It can be managed by
Waste avoidance: avoiding packaging and reducing consumption
Waste reduction: organic waste composting for example vegetable scraps
Waste re use: mulching green waste
Recycling: in yellow top bin waste disposal
Waste treatment

3. List 1 initiative that is relevant to your sector within the Tourism,

Hospitality and Events Industry and list all resources which are available
through these initiative(s). Outline how these would be used.

Answer: Initiative relevant to my industry is Green table Australia

The Green Table Accreditation program is a programme for education and
certification that honours cafes and catering firms, restaurants that do their
utmost to reduce their environmental effects. Established as the first of its kind
in 2009, the Green Table Accreditation program was the first program to
formally recognize hospitality businesses becoming environmentally friendly.
The criteria of this program are that the companies use or agree to make
improvements in their company that promote goods or activities that are
environmentally friendly.
Businesses are required to submit an application form, and if requested
provide further evidence of their commitment to:

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• Recycling all paper material, metal and glass;
• Sending food waste to compost or green waste;
• To reduce waste in general they are using the appropriate stock management
• Using natural gas to run stoves and ovens (where gas is used); or using a
minimum of 20 per cent green electricity or offsetting a minimum of 20 per
cent green electricity;
• Replacing all light fittings with energy efficient globes;
• Installing water-efficient taps on all faucets;
• Installing dual flushing toilets or dual flushing cistern valves in toilets;
• Undertaking to reduce water use and energy consumption;
• Using biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning products;
• Using recycled products that can be recycled and are biodegradable

4. Create a table, listing all energy resources that are used in your
workplace and outline for which work processes these are used. You
can use the template provided below:
Equipment Type Used for H in
use /day
Blender Commercia Cocktails 2.5 hours

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Fridge Under Mise en 24 hours
bench place
Microwave commercial reheating 3 hours
Coffee Commercia Drinks 8 hours
Machine l

dishwasher washing 8hours

Measuring current consumption and identifying existing
procedures of work practices and purchasing
Conduct a practical assessment of your organisation’s resources and
practices. You may use the forms attached below to collect your data or any
software available to you (for example you may create a spreadsheet using
Microsoft Excel).

For this purpose, you need to complete the following activities:

1. Take the current meter reading for gas, electricity and water. [Sample
template provided]
Water Appliances (determine usage)
Location Item Type Water flow Amount/

(L/min) Type
Bathroom shower standard 15L/mi 10mi 150L
n n
kitchen tap standard 2L/min 2 240L
bathroom Faucets standard 4L/min 3hou 720L

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Electricity Meter 1Current Reading: 7000Kwh

Meter 2 Current Reading: 6000Kwh

Meter 3 Current Reading: 5400Kwh

Meter 4 Current Reading: 10,000Kwh

Month Invoice Amount Peak Off Total Total Target Variance

# $ Peak for

Jan 1 28.9331 5Mva 3Mva 240KW 8900 8000 10%
h above
Feb 2 26.9331 5Mva 3Mva 210Kwh 8600 8000 7%
Mar 3 26.9331 5Mva 3Mva 220Kwh 8800 8000 9%
April 4 28.9331 5Mva 3Mva 250Kwh 9000 8000 11%

Gas Current Reading:

Month Invoice # Amount Total Total for

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Jan 1 2200 50 1500
Feb 2 1500 40 1200
Mar 3 4530 30 900

2. Create a table or list and enter:

All equipment and appliances used in one specific department (for example
Kitchen, F&B etc.), and measure the consumption of electricity as listed on the
appliance labels.

[Sample template provided]

Equipment Type Used for KW/h H in use Electricity
Blender Commercial Cocktails 0.800 2.5 hour 2 units
Fridge Under Mise en 2.250 24 hours 54units
bench place
microwave Commercial reheating 0.300 4 hours 1.2units
Coffee commercial drinks 0.600 8 hours 4.8units

3. Measure the flow rate for water of various taps using the formula “Flow
rate =

Volume/Time (L/min)”

Answer: hot water taps 12L/Min

Cold water taps 15L/min

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4. Inspect the type of lighting used and determine the KW/H (1000 Watt = 1
KWH) used in that department based on typical or given workplace
practices during operation.
Answer: CFL lights are used in my department which are of 23 watt and
these are 6 in number. These lights are energy efficient as compare to
halogen incandescent light bulb and moreover these are more eco friendly.
The life span of CFL lights is 10,000hours which is 10 times than the
incandescent. But we can use more energy efficient LED lights here to
reduce the electricity use.

5. Inspect the provisions for recycling.

Answer: Provisions of recycling are

1. Keeping recyclable items separate from other items is the first

step towards successful recycling process in your kitchen. Things
such as food leftovers should be kept separate from other items
such as polythene papers and other items
2. It’s possible to structure your plumbing in such a way that any
wastewater or rainwater can be used for other purposes such as
flushing the toilet. This water can be ‘harvested’ from the
dishwashing system and directed to the garden depending on the
kind of soap you use. At this point, it’ll be good to consider using
biodegradable soap in your kitchen.

3. Do you have broken appliances in your kitchen including

blenders, heaters or even fridge? There is no need of filling the
landmines with these broken appliances since most of them can

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be repaired or parts harvested from them and used to repair
4. Instead of throwing them in the trash, check with the local
authorities whether they can pick up and take them directly to
the recycling plant.
5. When you are using fresh veggies, keep the scraps separately.
Then, toss them in a pot and make vegetables broth.
6. Also, most of the items used in the kitchen can easily decompose
and used as compost to fertilize the veggies you can plant in your
own garden.

6. Determine the intervals of waste collection and determine the size of the
cubicle(s) used.
Answer: the interval of waste collection is twice a week Monday and
Friday. Sizes of cubicles are 240 litres (0.24 cubic meters)

7. This task is performed outside: Wearing gloves and using tongs, physically
inspect the contents of garbage bins from your department and inspect
the approximate waste for each category (Glass, paper, card board, green
waste etc) and express these in percent (approximately).

[Sample template provided]

a. Review current waste contractual arrangements

(Waste Wise Hotels, 2007)

Material Type of Collection Collection Average Contractor
container frequency frequency annual details
and (normal) (busy cost

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amount periods)
660Litre Once a week Three times $2,812 Waster
a week waste
Perth WA
12 month
660Litre Once a week Twice a $2,232 Waster

recycle week waste

Perth WA
12 month

Decomposable 660Litre twice a Three times $2,424 waste

week a week management
Perth WA
12 month

b. Over 1 period conduct a visual waste audit of all rubbish bins

• Observe what is being thrown away

• Look for contamination (materials disposed of wrongly)

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• Professional companies can undertake waste audits on a fee-for-service

Organic (%)
Milk Cartons (%)
Glass Bottles (%)

Other (Broken
Paper (%)
Plastic Bottles

Cans (%)

Card (%)
Bin Size


30 Perth city 140L 40% 15% 18% 8% 10% 5% 2% 2%

April Food court yello


1 may Perth city 140L 0% 3% 2% 7% 5% 0% 75% 8%

Fashion gree
store n

2 may Carlisle WA 120L 10% 5% 20% 5% 20% 0% 15% 25%

4:30p Grocery
m shop

3May Belmont 140L 18% 12% 10% 15% 2% 5% 20% 8%

Food court

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Calculate the daily total amount of rubbish from each department ‘Area’
Bin Plastic Glass Cans Card Paper Milk Organic Other
Size Bottles Bottles (%) (%) (%) Cartons (%) (%) –

(%) (%) (%) broken


60L 20% 4% 23% 5% 3% 30% 15% 0%

60L 5% 0% 3% 10% 54% 0% 8% 2%

Total 25%
4% 26% 15% 57% 30% 23% 2%

c. Work out your collection requirements

• Total the volumes of each type of waste per day

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• Some items can be combined such as glass, metal, plastic, paper & milk
cartons – referred to as ‘co-mingled’ waste. (but, no food scraps,
polystyrene or plastic bags)
• Calculate the required bin size and frequency of collection – e.g. if your
property produced 242.5 litres of ‘co-mingled waste’ per week then 1 x
250 litre bin should be sufficient with a once a week collection

Answer: required bin size is 60L per department and produced 92.4Litre ‘co-
mingled waste’ so it can be 2*60 litre bin should be sufficient for once a week
collection frequency.

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c. Review the packaging from your supplies

• Attempt to reduce or eliminate waste at the source

Supplier Packaging Waste Opportunities Benefits
Used on Disposal for Avoidance
Delivery Issues
Bob’s Fruits & Waxed Cause

Vegetables cardboard contamination These can be They can be

boxes returned and reuse

Stan lee Cardboard No issue they Drop at local Recycled and

crockery boxes can be recycling material can

supplier recycled centre be reused

Five star meat Plastic boxes No issue can Used as a Recycled and
supplier be recycled showcase of material can
product be used again

8. Determine the energy consumption ratings, use and settings of air

conditioners and heaters where applicable and document the potential
KWH usage for these units.
Retail stores Consumption Use Setting Unit

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rating consumed

Air 5 star To cool 18 degree C

conditioner down the at medium 15KWH
store air flow
5 star 21 degree C
Heater To warm 15KWH
the store

9. Determine the resources required for any plants, landscaping or outside

areas as relevant.
Answer: No plants and landscaping at my work place.

10.List the purchasing strategies which are currently in place including

environmentally sustainable approaches; carbon foot print
considerations (for example use local supplies from growers etc.)
Answer: 1. Use recyclable or compostable packaging for products.
2. Use energy efficient appliances in kitchen.
3. Use the local supplier from growers to reduce the
transportation emission.
4. Use the disposable cutlery.
5. Turn off the appliances when not in use

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11.Identify any workplace environmental and occupational hazards you may
encounter during your resource analysis.
Answer: During my resource analysis I found that old fridge was in use and that
fridge was using lots of power and emitting green house gases and it was not
energy efficient.

12.Identify any breaches or potential breaches for environmental practices

you have encountered in the audited area during your project and
outline the issues.
Answer: I found that chemicals and drinking broken glasses were dumped
in the recyclable bin. The issue with that was the drinking glasses are made
up of certain added. The chemical which were dumped in the recycled bin
has contaminated the other recyclable products.

Setting efficiency targets

1. Analyse the results you have obtained for usage of resources and
compare these results against:
• Work and workflow processes: – which improvements could be made?

Answer:1. During the dispose of waste please see the packaging and
dispose according to instructions.

2. Switch off all the appliances when they are not in use.

3. Use the compostable or recyclable plastic

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4. Use the local supplier and growers

5. Replace the old energy consuming appliances with energy efficient


6. use the solar power energy to save electricity.

• Industry Schemes: – How do your results compare?

Answer: in my practice I found the temperature of heater was 21 degree


But according to industry practice it should be 19 to 20 degree C because

every degree above that will cost you an extra 10 per cent on heating bill.

There was same bin for all waste but according to industry scheme the
bin must be different for recycle and rubbish.

• Technology: – Are you using efficient technology?

Answer: LED bulbs are used which are energy efficient.

Solar panel is available for alternative energy

Air conditioners are energy efficient and of 5 star rating.

• Resources: – Is there a benefit of switching e.g. from electricity to gas in

some areas or using other measures?

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Answer: Benefits were great when switching from old fridge to new
seven star rating energy efficient fridge because it saves the electricity,
save money, decrease the green house emission and pollution.
Second the use of solar panel also beneficial because it saves the power
and reduce the electricity bill.

• Best Practice: – Are there recommendations from manufacturers or

bodies that recommend particular practices?
Answer: Set heater 19 degree C.
Switch off the appliances after use
Use recyclable packaging
Use different bin for rubbish, recycle and compostable waste.
Use solar panel energy system
Use energy efficient appliances
Do not dispose the reusable products.

2. Set your targets in a table or spreadsheet based on your findings of the


[Sample template provided]

Month Invoice Amount Peak Off Total Total Target Variance
# $ Peak for


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Jan 1 26.6332 5Mva 3Mva 200 5326.64 6000 11%
KWH below
Feb 2 25.6338 5Mva 3Mva 190 4870.42 6000 19%
KWH below
Mar 3 25.6338 5Mva 3Mva 195 4998.60 6000 17%
KWH below
April 4 24.5442 5Mva 3Mva 185 4540.68 6000 14%
KWH below

Quarterl Water Aver Cost of Sewage Connection Target Variance
y Use Daily Water Disposal Fees
Period kL/period Use per kL Costs
1 Jan to 10.75 KL 0.71L $1.29 $96.60 $1284.18 11KL 2%
15 Jan below
16 Jan to 10Kl 0.67L $1.29 $96.60 $1284.18 11KL 9%
31 Jan below
10.50L 0.70L $1.29 $96.60 $1284.18 11KL 5%

1 Feb to below

15 Feb target
16Feb to 10.60KL 0.71L $1.29 $96.60 $1284.18 11KL 4%
2March below

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3. Outline the provisions for communication this would require with key
stakeholders relevant to your position and workplace and how this will
be achieved. Include a template for an agenda and table for entering
Answer: To


In the current report I found that the agency‘s energy usage is greatly increased
and the agency’s manager has agreed on it. To bring the principle aligned with
ISO 5000I requirement into practice.

Thus the cooperation in the form is completely expected from your side.



Meeting Agenda

Date 03-05-2021

Time 10:30

Place Conference room

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Members All Stakeholders

Meeting Duration 3 hours

Resources Power point

Discussion topics Action needed

Previous electricity bill comparison Staff training needed

Usage of energy Energy efficient appliances needed

Manual handling of equipments

Section 2

For this part of the assessment project you are required to write and
environmental resource efficiency improvement plan which details the

1. The purpose of the plan

Answer: The purpose of this plan was that to adapt such techniques
which help in the improvement of environmental sustainability issues.

2. An overview what has been undertaken and why

Answer: in this project plan the auditing has done with the power bills
and with the bin. This has been done because both the things affect our

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environment if not properly used in a negative way and it was important
to find out the solution for that.

3. The resource areas and targets you have established based on Part C,
Section 1 ;
Answer: Reduce electricity bills
Management of water use
Management of waste

4. The measures and tools you will implement to achieve these


Answer: The ISO 50001 energy management system will apply which
helps the organization to reduce their energy use, energy cost and their
green house emissions. ISO 50001-Energy management- ISO
According to that part we established that the energy efficient appliances
will be used such as LED lights, high star rating fridge, AC, and heaters,
moreover the training will provide to the staff how to use electricity
properly. Moreover, the different bin will use for different types of
To cut the electricity bill the solar panel will use.

5. Strategies that can be used to ensure staff compliance with

environmental requirements and to achieve new targets;

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Answer: The results of the audits and review of best environmental
management practice show that industry can improve its environmental
performance and reduce the potential for environmental harm by:
• identifying potential risks and developing monitoring pl ans to ensure a
systematic approach to monitoring
• conducting in situ and visual checks within processes to determine
environmental concerns prior to them becoming an ‘end of pipe’ problem
• properly maintaining plant and equipment used in the monitoring of
emissions to ensure the accuracy of data collected and minimise the risk of
environmental controls failing
• ensuring all specified methods and procedures are used when conducting
monitoring to accurately report results
• using monitoring data to make informed decisions to improve environmental
performance and minimise environmental impacts.
A systematic and rigorous process of follow-up actions has been completed to
ensure that issues identified at the audited sites are being addressed.

6. Strategies you will use for purchasing and selection of supply chains;
Answer: Over the last two decades, growing concerns about ecosystem quality
have led to a renewed interest in environmentalism, especially in many
customer bases. Purchasing professionals are now rethinking purchasing
strategies that have traditionally neglected environmental impacts. Areas now
being addressed are:

 Ecological factors reshape supplier selection decisions

 The role of “green” purchasing in reducing and eliminating waste

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 Effects of “green” purchasing on packaging decisions

 The effectiveness of regulatory compliance, pollution prevention, and

resource recovery

 Ethical worker policies of suppliers are beginning to impact decisions

7 A calculation which will provide information as to the potential

savings that can be achieved over time, given the investment;
For example:
Use of e.g. 10 light bulbs rated at 0.060 KWH in Kitchen area could be
replaced with 10 energy saving bulbs rated at 0.012 KWH which would
represent an energy saving of (10 * 48 = 0.480KWH) 0.480 KW per hour
x $ 0.28 = $ 0. 1344 per hour or at 10 hours per day: $ 0.1344 x 10 =
$1.35/ Day. For a 7 day operation this then equates to a potential
saving of $ 492.75 minus the proportion of the cost of the energy saving
bulb @ $ 7.50 /5000 hours ($1.50 per 1000 hours use)versus an
ordinary bulb @ $ 0.75 /1000 hours lifespan.

10 Showerheads in guest rooms rated A could be replaced by ones

rated AAA with a potential saving of (10 * 55 L = 550 L ) 550 Litres per
day etc. (0.55 x 1.80 = $ 0.99/day x 365 = $ 361.35/year) minus the
initial cost for purchasing the more efficient showerheads (for the first
year only)

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Answer: 20, CFL bulb power consumption per year
20(fixture)*23watt= 460watt
460watt/1000= 0.460kilowatt
0.46kw*2000hrs per year=920kwh
920kwh*$.10= $92.00

20, LED bulb power consumption per year

0.40kw*2000hrs per year= 800kwh
800kwh*$.10= $80.00

Yearly difference is $92.00-$80.00= $12.00

8. The provisions for communication to periodically discuss and network

with colleagues to adjust and identify progress;
Answer: one-one discussion meetings
Group discussions
Brain storming sessions

9. A spreadsheet or set of tools which can be used to record and monitor

periodic results from readings and invoices/ statements for utilities;
Answer: water utility
Time Previous Recent Target Variance Target Who

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duration invoice invoice set $ % achieved responsible
amount amount Yes/no
$ $

10.Examples how you will evaluate strategies and adjust the improvement


1. Ensure that activities are kept within the parameters of strategic goals

and objectives.

2. Guarantee that activities correlate with the company's mission, values

and overall vision.

3. Keep note of any external and internal adjustments that may need to be
made the match organization's strategy

Adjustments done with

Compare usage with target

Regular monitoring and evaluation

Staff training

Feedback collection

Regular communication

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