SEISAN Tutorial: Research

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SEISAN tutorial

Research · May 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1139.8005


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1 author:

Mehdi Maheri
Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences


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SEISAN Tutorial
Mehdi Maheri

Winter, 2014
Aims of this class

● Learning some Linux commands

● Physical understanding of seismic phases
● Locating earthquakes with different types
● Calculating magnitude
● Some statistical aspects

What is SEISAN

Seismic analysis system

Set of programs → Analyzing earthquakes data

Simple database


It's Open Source software

It runs under all operating systems
Sun Solaris, Linux, MacOSX, windows95/98/NT/2000/vista/7

It is simple

Making a lot of data bank is easy

With SEISAN it is possible using local and global
earthquakes to enter phase readings, locate events,
edit events, determine spectral parameters, seismic
moment, ...

We use SEISAN in Linux

Like Windows, in Linux we have tree style of directories:

Linux & commands

Knowledge about Linux OS


Commands for navigation:
ls & cd


Open terminal

Run command “ ls “


Navigate to “ seisan_new “ directory and view it's
contains by “ ls “ command

There are directories that we have to work with them.

Structure of SEISAN

In SEISAN we have important directories:

Directories description

Aliases for seisan
There are some aliases command for seisan to make a
simple way to navigate in seisan directories.


There is a data base, see data files. What's the
structure of data?

It's one earthquake that recorded in many stations,
what's the numbers at the end of files?

What do IRSC and INSN mean ?

Actually, this is simple example of data base and
we have always many earthquakes.

Seisan commands

In PRO directory we can see all commands that we
use in seisan:

Don't touch files in PRO and LIB directories

Before modifying any file, make a backup file
mulplt: See waveforms

In WAV directory run command “ mulplt “ and select
waveform file

Enter waveform
file →

Press enter
→ 14

In new window press “ o “ to see all waveforms in file

Click on “ menu “ at top right side of this window


Now we can see waveform of earthquake that is
recorded in first station

We can zoom in and out by clicking from left to right
and vice versa.

Press “ r “ to refresh waveform 16

Two important key: f & t

By pressing “ f “ we can go forward and see next
traces, to backward we have to press “ shift + b “
(remember: first refresh trace then navigate to
forward or backward)

Press “ t “ to toggle from single trace to view all


As said before, this file contains 30 trace, actually 10
station (not always!). Why??

Lets go forward

We can select any trace by clicking on it's station
name and zoom in.

Select closest station to earthquake, How?

We can peak many seismic phase in one trace.
Name some phases?!

Go forward and peak Pg phase: marking it by mouse
and pressing “ 4 “ key. For deleting a phase mark it
by mouse and press “d” key. (refresh!)


Peak some phase in some station

Maybe you are tired and want to take a rest! Press
“q” to quit from software.
Is it OK?

Now you want to come back and continue working!
Do as you learned.

What do you see?

Is it OK?

What does “ mulplt “ do?

We must register all data and make a data bank for
our works!

MENU in mulplt

In MENU we can see one section by name “ Regis
p “ in the left side.

This section register the file that you choose before.

It means that we must run “ mulplt “ for all data files
and register them one by one!

But there is another pretty good way!!

Making data bank

You know that waveform files are in WAV directory

Initially you must make data bank for requested

What does data bank mean?

Making data bank

Command that makes a place to keep your work is:
“ makerea “

Enter base name in UPPERCASE

Giving start and end time

Time interval depends on your study, don't limit
yourself! 24
Don't remember

Time interval depends on your study, don't limit

In next step type “ REA “ and press enter to make
all directories and s-files of requested events

Now we can register our data in seisan.

Registering events

First, select waveforms that you want to register by
command “ dirf waveform_files “

There is quick way to run one command for many
file, Wildcards . What is wildcards??

Registering events

Then enter data base name that you chose in
making data base: “ MOSHA “ for this example

!!! Important: this name must be same of data base
name. Then enter operator name in 4 character.


eev command

Everything is OK, now you can start working.

In this step, seisan command that we should use is
“ eev year-month-date “

Seisan command line

By pressing Enter you can move between files,
examine numbers (1-3).
Registering events

To view waveforms type “ po” in seisan command
line and press enter.

Locate event!

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