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Industrial Crops and Products 41 (2013) 319–323

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Industrial Crops and Products

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Optimisation of a method to extract the active coagulant agent from Jatropha

curcas seeds for use in turbidity removal
Zurina Z. Abidin a,b,∗ , Nur S. Mohd Shamsudin a , Norhafizah Madehi a , Shafreeza Sobri a
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Institute of Advanced Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An improved and alternative method for the extraction of the active coagulant agent from Jatropha curcas
Received 30 January 2012 seeds was developed and compared with the conventional water extraction method (JCSC-DW). In the
Received in revised form 2 May 2012 new method, the seeds were extracted using different solvents in different concentrations, using NaCl
Accepted 5 May 2012
(JCSC-NaCl) and NaOH (JCSC-NaOH) to extract the active coagulant agent from the Jatropha. In addition,
ultrasound was investigated as a potential method to assist the extraction process. Batch coagulation
experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the extracted coagulant achieved through
various schemes. The effects of the dosage, pH and concentration of solvents were investigated for opti-
Jatropha curcas
mum turbidity removal at different values of initial synthetic wastewater turbidity from 50 to 500 NTU.
Turbidity JCSC-NaCl at 0.5 M was found to provide a high turbidity removal of >99% compared to JCSC-DW and
Extraction JCSC-NaOH at pH 3 using 120 mg/l of the coagulant agent. Among these three solvents, NaOH demon-
Wastewater strated the lowest performance in turbidity removal. The conventional extraction method of the active
coagulant agent by blending the seeds in solvents for 2 min alone sufficiently extracts most of the coag-
ulant component from the Jatropha seed and provides up to 99.4% turbidity removal. Blending assisted
by ultrasound demonstrated comparable turbidity removal in a shorter period of time and thus showed
a potential to be used on a larger scale. Analysis was undertaken to determine the protein content as this
is believed to be the coagulating agent. It was found that extraction of the coagulant agent using NaCl
yielded more protein compared to when using water and NaOH.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction as acrylamide have neurotoxic and carcinogenic effects (Mallevialle

et al., 1987).
The application of a coagulation/flocculation process is applied One possible solution to these problems may be in the devel-
in water and wastewater treatment to remove turbidity, colour opment of new coagulants which are preferably extracted from
and natural organic matter (Aboulhassan et al., 2006; Chang et al., natural and renewable sources, such as microorganisms, animals
2009). Inorganic coagulants (e.g. aluminium sulphate, ferric chlo- or plants. These coagulants must be safe for human health and
ride and calcium carbonate) and synthetic organic polymers (e.g. biodegradable. In recent years, numerous studies on a variety of
polyaluminium chloride (PACI) and polyethylene imine) are com- plant materials which can be used as sources of natural coagu-
mon coagulants used in this treatment. Among all the available lants have been reported. For example, natural coagulants from
coagulants, including other inorganic and organic chemicals, alu- Calostropis procera (Okonku and Shittu, 2007), Nirmali seed and
minium salts are the most widely used worldwide because of their maize (Raghuwanshi et al., 2002), mesquite bean and Cactus lat-
effectiveness and competitive cost (Okuda et al., 1999). However, ifaria (Diaz et al., 1999), Cassia angustifolia seed (Sanghi et al.,
the sludge obtained from treatments using aluminium salts leads 2002), different leguminous species (Antov et al., 2010) and chest-
to disposal, problems, such as aluminium accumulation in the envi- nut (Sciban et al., 2009) have been investigated. The material which
ronment (Pillai and Divakaran, 2002). Moreover, some studies have has received the greatest degree of attention is the seed of Moringa
reported that residual aluminium sulphate (alum) and polyalu- oleifera (Antov et al., 2010; Ndabigengesere et al., 1995; Madrona
minium chloride may induce Alzheimer’s disease (Flaten, 2001; et al., 2011; Okuda et al., 1999; Nkurunziza et al., 2009).
Martyn et al., 1989), whereas the synthetic organic polymers, such Jatropha curcas is a shrub or tree belonging to the Euphorbiaceae
family. The seed and presscake (waste after oil extraction) are
believed to contain an active coagulant agent which can be used
in wastewater treatment (Abidin et al., 2011; Makkar et al., 1997).
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 3 8946 4371; fax: +60 3 8656 7120. This same coagulant agent derived from Jatropha carcas seed and
E-mail address: (Z.Z. Abidin). presscake has been reported to exhibit a strong coagulative as well

0926-6690/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
320 Z.Z. Abidin et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 41 (2013) 319–323

as a disinfectant effect, comparable to alum (Abidin et al., 2011; in an ultrasonic cleaning bath (Model: Branson 1510) and simulta-
Pritchard et al., 2009). Previous study reported a 99% turbidity neously blended using a hand mixer (Moulinex) for 1 min, 2 min,
removal in synthetic wastewater when using J. curcas seed dis- 5 min, 10 min and 15 min. This experiment was conducted at 28 ◦ C
solved in distilled water at pH 3 at a dosage of 120 mg/l (Abidin et al., using an ultrasonic wavelength of 42 kHz. The resulting suspension
2011). These results support the ability of J. curcas as a potential was collected at each time point (1, 2, 5, 10 and 15 min) and filtered
coagulant agent. through muslin cloth. Again the filtrate was used in a subsequent
In this study, the aim is to improve the extraction process of jar floc test.
the coagulant agent from J. curcas. Since the active coagulant agent
in the J. curcas seed is believed to be a soluble cationic protein 2.4. Coagulation experiments
(Abidin et al., 2011), it is of interest to investigate coagulant agent
extraction using different types of solvents, such as NaCl, NaOH The jar test was performed to evaluate the performance of
and water. In addition, previous research has also make use of ultra- the coagulant agent extracted from the various processes as
sound treatment in order to improve the extraction process (Sayyar described above based on standard methods (Okuda et al., 1999;
et al., 2011). Thus, the use of ultrasound-assisted extraction was Ndabigengesere et al., 1995; Abidin et al., 2011). Six 1 l beakers
also employed in this study to improve the extraction efficiency. were filled with 500 ml of kaolin suspension and placed in the slots
of a jar tester which was equipped with an illuminator. Various
2. Materials and methods dosages of J. curcas seed extract were added to each beaker and
agitated for 4 min at 100 rpm for rapid mixing. The mixing speed
2.1. Preparation of kaolin synthetic wastewater was reduced to 40 rpm for another 25 min. All the suspensions were
then left for sedimentation. After 30 min of sedimentation, the clar-
In this study, samples of synthetic turbid water were prepared ified samples were collected from the top of the beaker and filtered
by adding a stock kaolin suspension to tap water for all coagulation using muslin cloth to remove any remaining sediment. The turbid-
experiments. The stock kaolin suspension was prepared by dissolv- ity of each clarified sample was then measured using a turbidimeter
ing 10 g of kaolin powder in 1 L of distilled water. The suspension (HachTurbidimeter Model 2100 N).
was stirred slowly at 20 rpm for 1 h to achieve uniform dispersion of The coagulation experiments were investigated with respect to
the kaolin particles. The suspension was then permitted to stand for the effect of pH, dosage, types of solvent used for extraction, initial
24 h to allow for complete hydration of the kaolin. This suspension turbidity and also the use of ultrasound. The pH was varied from pH
was used as a stock solution for the preparation of water samples 1 to 12 while the dosages of Jatropha seed were studied from 20 to
of varying turbidity for the coagulation tests. Three groups of tur- 160 mg/l. The initial turbidity was investigated from 50 to 500 NTU
bidity were considered, namely; low turbidity (50 NTU), medium and three types of solvent namely NaOH, NaCl and distilled water
turbidity (100 and 200 NTU) and high turbidity (500 NTU). The stock were employed. The ultrasound treatment was varied from 1 to
kaolin suspension was diluted using tap water and the initial pH 15 min at a fixed wavelength of 42 kHz. These parameters were
was adjusted with 1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or 1 M hydrochlo- varied one at a time to identify the optimum conditions for each
ric acid (HCl) to obtain the desired values of turbidity and pH for parameter. All the experiments were repeated at least twice for
the synthetic turbid water. consistency, and the results averaged.

2.2. Preparation of J. curcas seed powder 2.5. Determination of protein content in coagulant extractant

The husk of the J. curcas seeds was removed manually. Good The active coagulant agent was believed to be protein (Abidin
quality seeds were selected and the kernels were ground to a fine et al., 2011). Here, the active component was purified using the
powder (63–500 ␮m) using an ordinary food processor. The J. curcas method by Sevag and dialysis as described by Okuda et al. (1999).
powder was then used in each experiment. 5 ml of chloroform and butanol mixture (5:1) were added to 1 ml
of the extractant solution (obtained after blending and filtering
2.3. Preparation of J. curcas seed coagulant with muslin cloth). This mixture was shaken in a rotary shaker for
30 min. This was followed by centrifugation to separate the aqueous
2.3.1. Conventional blending extraction method layer from the gel and organic solvents. This process was repeated
5000 mg of J. curcas powder was blended with 100 ml of solvent until no gel was formed. Next the sample was subjected to a dial-
using an ordinary food processor (Model BL 333, Khind) for 2 min ysis process using cellulose tubing with a MW cutoff 12–14 kDa to
to extract the active coagulation agent from the J. curcas seeds. The remove low MW impurities. Distilled water was used for the exter-
solvents used were distilled water (DW), sodium chloride (NaCl) at nal solution of the tube and changed during the dialysis period.
concentrations of 0.01 M, 0.05 M, 0.1 M, 0.5 M and 1.0 M and sodium The protein content of the extract was estimated by the method
hydroxide (NaOH) at concentrations of 0.005 M, 0.01 M, 0.05 M and of Bradford using bovine serum albumin as a standard (Bradford,
0.1 M. The solvent concentration selection was based on prelimi- 1976).
nary laboratory results. The suspension was filtered through muslin
cloth and the filtrate solution was used in a subsequent jar floc 3. Results and discussion
test. To prevent any ageing effects, such as changes in pH, viscosity
and coagulation activity due to microbial decomposition of organic 3.1. Effects of using different solvents as the extracting agent of
compounds during storage, fresh coagulant agent was prepared and the coagulant from J. curcas seeds
used immediately for each sequence of experiments.
In order to study the improvement of the extraction process
2.3.2. Ultrasound-assisted extraction method and hence the amount of coagulant agent extracted from the seeds,
Similarly, 5000 mg of J. curcas powder was mixed with 100 ml of different molar concentrations of NaCl and NaOH were used.
solvent in a 250 ml beaker. These experiments were only performed Fig. 1 shows the effects of using different NaCl concentrations
at the optimum concentration of the solvent (0.5 M NaCl, 0.05 M on the turbidity percentage removal of synthetic wastewater. The
NaOH and distilled water) which was determined in the earlier investigation was conducted at pH 3 and a dosage of 120 mg/l, as
part of the study. The powder and solvent mixture was immersed determined in previous work (Abidin et al., 2011).
Z.Z. Abidin et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 41 (2013) 319–323 321

Fig. 1. Effects of using different concentrations of NaCl for extracting the coagulant
agent from Jatropha seeds against the percentage turbidity removal of synthetic
wastewater at turbidity values of 50–500 NTU. Fig. 3. Effects of Jatropha curcas seed coagulant (JCSC) extracted with 0.5 M NaCl
(JCSC-0.5 M NaCl), 0.05 M NaOH (JCSC-0.05 M NaOH) and distilled water (JCSC-DW).

Turbidity removal was found to increase as the salt concentra-

tion increased until up to 0.5 M. Similar trends were also observed coagulation efficiency of the wastewater also increased until it
for all other initial turbidity values of the synthetic wastewater reached an optimum level at 0.05 M. After that, the percentage
studied. This meant that as the concentration of NaCl increased, removal started to decrease. A similar behaviour was observed for
more coagulant agent was extracted from the seed and thus dis- all turbidity values of wastewater studied. The decrease in coag-
solved in the extracting solvent. This phenomenon is known as ulation activity upon reaching the optimum level suggested that
the salting-in effect (Nelson and Cox, 2008; Voet and Voet, 1990). some protein may be denatured at NaOH concentrations higher
Since the coagulant agent is a protein, when the salt concentration than 0.1 M and hence this reduced the protein solubility in the crude
increased the solubility of the coagulant agent and hence its con- extract solution (Lestari et al., 2010). These results were similar to
centration in the solution also increased. More coagulant agent in those obtained when using NaCl as the extracting solvent.
solution means more coagulation activity can occur, thus leading to Fig. 2 also shows that higher initial turbidity values gave better
a higher percentage removal of turbidity. Above 0.5 M, the percent- percentages of turbidity removal. This again indicates its compati-
age turbidity removal started to decrease as the NaCl concentration bility with a higher range of turbidity levels. Under the conditions
increased. This was attributed to the salting-out effect whereby the of JCSC-0.05 M NaOH, for an initial turbidity value of 500 NTU, the
solubility of proteins decreases with salt concentration (Nelson and percentage reduction was approximately 91.4%. However, at 50,
Cox, 2008; Voet and Voet, 1990). The percentage removal increased 100 and 200 NTU, the percentage of maximum turbidity removal
as the initial turbidity increased. JCSC-0.5 M NaCl showed a greater decreased to 67.0%, 74.9% and 81.4%, respectively, using JCSC-
percentage reduction in turbidity (99.4%) at a higher initial tur- 0.05 M NaOH. In this case, 0.05 M NaOH solution can be considered
bidity (500 NTU) of the wastewater. For a lower turbidity (50 NTU) as the optimum concentration to enhance the solubility of the
and in the medium range of 100 and 200 NTU, at 0.5 M, the percent- active coagulation agent from the J. curcas seeds for an improved
age turbidity removal was approximately 96.8%, 97.9% and 98.9%, coagulation performance.
respectively. The ability of the coagulant to work at higher turbid- In the determination of the best solvent to be used for the extrac-
ity ranges reflected its versatility to treat various wastewaters. The tion of the active coagulant agent from J. curcas seeds, the effects of
optimum concentration to enhance the solubility of the coagula- JCSC-0.5 M NaCl and JCSC-0.05 M NaOH were compared with JCSC-
tion agent from the J. curcas seeds was 0.5 M and this lead to an DW. Fig. 3 shows the turbidity removal of synthetic wastewater
improved coagulation activity. using these three types of coagulants. At 500 NTU, JCSC-DW and
Fig. 2 shows the percentage turbidity removal using different JCSC-0.5 M NaCl could effectively coagulate more than 99% of the
concentrations of NaOH for extracting the coagulant agent from initial turbidity, while the JCSC-0.05 M NaOH provided 91.4% tur-
seeds at different initial turbidity values of the synthetic wastewa- bidity removal. Seeds extracted using NaCl demonstrated a greater
ter. Here, the range of NaOH concentrations used was 0.005–0.1 M. performance compared to the other solvents.
When the concentration of NaOH solution increased, the

3.2. Effects of pH and coagulant dosage on JCSC-0.5 M NaCl and

JCSC-0.05 M NaOH

Fig. 4 illustrates the effects of pH on turbidity removal using

JCSC-0.5 M NaCl and JCSC-0.05 M NaOH in comparison to JCSC-DW.
As the pH increased, the percentage turbidity removal decreased.
The highest turbidity removal using JCSC-0.5 M NaCl, JCSC-0.05 M
NaOH and JCSC-DW was observed to occur at pH 3 with a percent-
age of turbidity removal of approximately 99.4%, 91.4% and 99%,
respectively. This is in agreement with a previous study (Abidin
et al., 2011) in which it was found that Jatropha coagulant agent
is efficient under acidic conditions, especially at pH 3. A significant
reduction in turbidity removal (<60%) was observed for JCSC-0.05 M
NaOH and JCSC-DW when the pH was increased beyond 4. In com-
parison, JCSC-0.5 M NaCl exhibits better turbidity removal under
Fig. 2. Effects of using different concentrations of NaOH for extracting the coagulant
agent from Jatropha seeds against the percentage turbidity removal of synthetic alkaline conditions for which the percentage removal was on aver-
wastewater at turbidity values of 50–500 NTU. age greater than 80%.
322 Z.Z. Abidin et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 41 (2013) 319–323

Table 1
The effects of using conventional blending and ultrasound-assisted extraction methods on the coagulation activity of synthetic wastewater using pH 3 and 120 mg/l coagulant

Extraction method Blending (no ultrasound) Blending (with ultrasound)

Optimum blending time 2 min 1 min

Extracting solvent DW 0.5 M NaCl 0.05 M NaOH DW 0.5 MNaCl 0.05 MNaOH
Turbidity removal (%) 99.0 99.4 91.4 99.1 99.4 91.2
Sludge volume (ml sludge/ml treated wastewater) 0.0052 0.005 0.0036 0.0052 0.005 0.004
Sedimentation time (min) 30

from 2 to 15 min, the percentage of turbidity reduction using the

JCSC-DW and JCSC-0.5 M NaCl solutions were between 97.0% and
98.9%, while the percentage of turbidity reduction using JCSC-
0.05 M NaOH was between 86.6% and 89.3%. Again, prolonged
exposure to the treatment may eventually destroy the structure
of the coagulant agent and hence its ability to function in the coag-
ulation process. The combined blending and ultrasound-assisted
extraction method generated a greater force for cell disruption to
occur and thus eased the pathway for the coagulant agent to emerge
from the seed and dissolve into the solution. The performance of
these two methods is tabulated in Table 1. One minute of blend-
ing using the ultrasound treatment yielded a similar coagulation
performance compared to the 2 min blending alone. The ability to
Fig. 4. Effects of pH on turbidity removal at an initial turbidity value of 500 NTU shorten the processing time and to achieve a similar coagulation
of synthetic wastewater using Jatropha curcas seed coagulant (JCSC) extracted with performance can have a great influence, especially when dealing
distilled water (JCSC-DW), 0.5 M NaCl (JCSC-0.5 M NaCl) and 0.05 M NaOH (JCSC- with larger quantities.
0.05 M NaOH).
In addition, as given in Table 1, the sludge volume produced
from both JCSC-DW and JCSC-NaCl (around 0.005 ml sludge per ml
Fig. 5 depicts the results for the effects of coagulant dosage treated wastewater) is more than the sludge volume produced by
on turbidity removal at an initial turbidity of 500 NTU. It is clear JCSC-NaOH (0.0036 ml/ml). This is as expected since more particles
that the maximum turbidity removal for JCSC-0.5 M NaCl, JCSC- are removed (high % turbidity removal) from the synthetic wastew-
0.05 M NaOH and JCSC-DW were observed when using a dosage ater using JCSC-NaCl and JCSC-DW compared to JCSC-NaOH. The
of 120 mg/l. This conforms to a previous study (Abidin et al., 2011). sedimentation time taken for the flocs to settle at the bottom is
Therefore, 120 mg/l can be considered to be the optimum coagulant 30 min and this is shorter than the time taken by alum (Abidin et al.,
dosage for treating this type of synthetic wastewater regardless of 2011).
the type of solvent used. Since the active coagulant agent is believed to be cationic pro-
tein, the protein content of the extractant was analysed and the
3.3. Effects of using an ultrasound-assisted extraction method results are shown in Table 2. The amount of protein extracted
by using 0.5 M NaCl is greater than the protein content extracted
Fig. 6 shows the effects of using combined blending and ultra- using distilled water and 0.05 M NaOH as the solvent. NaCl suit-
sound for extracting the active coagulant agent from J. curcas seeds ability to extract more coagulant agent to dissolve into the solution
with different solvents. The longer the seed was subjected to the may be due to the salt-in effect at low salt concentrations and
combination treatment, the less was the turbidity removal from the salt-out effect at high salt concentrations that increase the
the synthetic wastewater. The maximum turbidity reduction for protein-protein dissociations and protein solubility in the solution
JCSC-DW, JCSC-0.5 M NaCl and JCSC-0.05 M NaOH were observed (Okuda et al., 1999; Voet and Voet, 1990) compared to other sol-
at minute 2, with percentages of turbidity removal of 99.1%, 99.4% vents. Similar findings by several researchers (Okuda et al., 1999;
and 91.2%, respectively. When the treatment time was increased Ali et al., 2010; Madrona et al., 2011) have also been reported for
optimising the extraction of coagulant agent from Moringa oleifera.

Fig. 5. Effects of coagulant dosage on turbidity removal at an initial turbidity value

of 500 NTU of synthetic wastewater using Jatropha curcas seed coagulant (JCSC)
extracted with distilled water (JCSC-DW), 0.5 M NaCl (JCSC-0.5 M NaCl) and 0.05 M Fig. 6. Effects of the duration of combined blending and ultrasound treatment on
NaOH (JCSC-0.05 M NaOH). the extraction of the active coagulation agent from Jatropha curcas seeds.
Z.Z. Abidin et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 41 (2013) 319–323 323

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