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Sold By: Servo Systems Co.

• 53 Green Pond Road, Suite #2 • Rockaway, NJ 07866

(973) 335-1007 • Toll Free: (800) 922-1103 • Fax: (973) 335-1661 •

Product Datasheet

DC Advanced Microstep Drive

Current range 2.35A to 8.0A peak of sine

Electronic damping (anti-resonance)
Microstepping & microstep emulation
Built-in self test move profile
Step & direction inputs
CW Pulse/CCW pulse operation
Idle current reduction
Selectable digital input filter


The STR8 st epper drive is a compact , powerful, digit al st ep & direct ion drive, great for OEM applicat ions requiring basic
st ep & direct ion cont rol of a 2-phase st ep mot or. The STR8 out put s up t o 8 A/phase t o t he st ep mot or, and is
compat ible wit h a variet y of 2-phase st ep mot ors t hat have been select ed t o opt imize performance of bot h t he drive
and mot or.

The STR8 drive feat ures advanced microst epping performance and sophist icat ed current cont rol wit h ant i-resonance.
Ant i-resonance elect ronically damps mot or and syst em resonances, which improves mot or smoot hness and t orque
over a wide speed range.

Each STR8 st ep mot or drive operat es in eit her St ep & Direct ion or Pulse/Pulse cont rol mode. Select ing bet ween t hese
t wo modes is done by moving a jumper locat ed under t he cover of t he drive. Each STR8 drive can microst ep up t o
20,000 st eps/rev wit h a 1.8º st ep mot or (1/100 st ep), and can even microst ep t he st ep mot or when t he command
pulses are low resolut ion. This feat ure is called Microst ep Emulat ion. All drive set up is done via dip swit ches and a
rot ary swit ch on t he side of t he drive, including mot or select ion, running current , idle current , and st ep resolut ion.

Model Number STR8

Part Number 5000-158

Supply Volt age 24-75 VDC

Supply Volt age T ype DC

Cont rol Modes St ep & Direct ion

Out put Current 2.35-8.0 A/phase

Communicat ion Port s NA

Encoder Feedback No

St ep Resolut ion Full

Microst epping
Microst ep Emulat ion

Idle Current Reduct ion 50% or 90%

Set up Met hod Swit ch / pot ent iomet er

Digit al Input s 3

Digit al Out put s 1

Analog Input s NA

Dimensions 4.65 x 2.97 x 1.30 inches

Weight 10.8 oz

Operat ing T emperat ure 0 t o 70 °C


Ambient T emperat ure Range 0 t o 50 °C

Ambient Humidit y 90% max, non-condensing

St at us LEDs 1 red, 1 green

Circuit Prot ect ion Short circuit

Over-volt age
Under-volt age


Soft ware Downloads There is no soft ware relat ed t o t his product .

Sample Code There are no sample code document s at t his t ime.


Manuals STR4-8_Hardware_Manual_920-0030G.pdf
STR_Quick_Set up_Guide.pdf

Dat asheet STR_Dat asheet _925-0002.pdf

2D Drawing STR4_8_drawing.pdf

3D Drawing STR4_8.igs

Speed-T orque Curves STR_speed-t orque.pdf

Agency Approvals STR_CE_DOC.PDF

Applicat ion Not es There are current ly no Applicat ion Not es available for t his product .

Torque Curves
2D Drawings

Products in the Series STR Stepper Drives

Supply Communication Encoder

Model Number Control Modes Output Current 1pc./50pc.
Voltage Ports Feedback

STR2 12-48 VDC Step & Direction 0.3-2.2 A/Phase NA No

STR4 24-48 VDC Step & Direction NA No
STR8 24-75 VDC Step & Direction NA No

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