Process Mode1

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Process model

1) Waterfall model: -
 Waterfall model is an example of sequential model. In this model, the
software development activity is divided into different phases and
each phase consists of a series of task and has different objectives.
 The waterfall Model shows the software development process in a
linear sequential flow.
 In the waterfall, development of phases starts only when the previous
phase is completed.

 Timescales are kept
 No financial surprises
 Testing is made easy
 The outcome is crystal clear
 Deal with issues in the design
 What you plan is what you get

 Needs can be difficult to define
 Potential lack of flexibility
 Longer delivery time
2) Prototype model: -
 In the prototype model after taken the initial requirement of
developing software there are multiple iteration are there and it’s
depended on user.
 Prototype model should be used when the desired system needs to
have a lot of interaction with the end users or we can say when the
user is changing the requirement of software rapidly then it’s better
that we should use prototype model.
 Typically, online systems, web interfaces have a very high amount of
interaction with end users, are best suited for Prototype model.


 This model is flexible in design.

 It is easy to detect errors.
 We can find missing functionality easily.
 There is scope of refinement, it means new requirements can be easily
 It can be reused by the developer for more complicated projects in the
 It ensures a greater level of customer satisfaction and comfort.
This model is costly.
1.It has poor documentation because of continuously changing customer
2.There may be too much variation in requirements.
3.Customers sometimes demand the actual product to be delivered soon
after seeing an early prototype.
4.There may be sub-optimal solutions because of developers in a hurry to
build prototypes.

3) Spiral model: -

Definition: The spiral model is similar to the incremental

development for a
system, with more emphasis placed on risk analysis. 
 It is the combination of waterfall and iterative model.
 Each phase in spiral model begins with design goal and end with
client reviewing.
 In this model software is developed in a series of incremental
 In the spiral model first spiral indicates the concept development,
next spiral indicates system development, third spiral indicates
system enhancement and last spiral indicates the system
maintenance. Spiral is also called as task region.

  The spiral model has four phases: 

1) Planning
1) Design
2) Construct
3) Evaluation.

This phase starts with the gathering of business requirements. In the
subsequent spirals as the product matures, identification of system
requirements and unit requirements are done in this phase.This also includes
understanding of system requirements by continual communication between
the customer and the analyst. At the end of the spiral the product is deployed.

Design phase starts with the design in the baseline spiral and involves
architectural, logical design of modules, physical product design and final
design in the successive spirals.

Construct phase refers to development of the final software product at every
In the spiral when the product is just thought and the design is being
developed, a Proof of Concept (POC) is developed in this phase to get the
users’ feedback.
Then in the successive spirals with higher clarity on requirements and design
a working model of the software called build is developed with a version
These versions are sent to the users for feedback.

Evaluation and Risk Analysis:

Risk analysis includes identifying, estimating, and observing technical
feasibility such as schedule slippage and cost overrun.
After testing the build, at the end of first iteration, user evaluates the software
and provides the feedback.
Based on the customer assessment, development process enters into the next
iteration and afterwards follows the linear approach to implement the
feedback provided by the user.
The process of iterations along the spiral carries on with throughout the life
of the software.
It’s favored for large, expensive, and complicated models.


1. Define the problem with as much detail as possible by interviewing the
client and potential users of the system, as well as, studying any
existing system.
1. A preliminary design is created for the new system.
2. A first prototype of the new system is constructed from the preliminary
design and is a scaled down version of the final product.
3. A second prototype is deprived by the following procedure
 Evaluate the first prototype for strengths, weaknesses and risks.
 Define the requirement of the second prototype.
 Plan and design the second prototype .

Spiral Model Strength and Weaknesses:

 Strengths
 Introduces risk management
 Prototyping controls costs
 Evolutionary development
 Release builds for beta testing
 Marketing advantage

 Weaknesses
 Lack of risk management experience
 Lack of milestones
 Management is dubious of spiral process
 Change in Management
 Prototype Vs Production

4) Agile model: -
 agile model is combination of iterative and incremental process
 Team will gather some information initial requirement for
software development.
 Now team will take core requirement and implement the initial
increment, now this step will repeat again in this increment after
observing feedback from stack holder some new feature added.

 Flexible.
 Embracing uncertainty
 Immediate feedback
 Less Defective


 Lack of documentation
 Scope creep
 Time
 Lack of Predictability
Which Model to choose?

5) Choosing a model has always been difficult for programmer.

6) It’s a big decision on which whole product will be made, so deciding a
model is always hard to choose.
7) A model should be fit as per user as well as production environment
and developer team.
8) For our Software we will be choosing Prototype model.
9) As per characteristics and benefits of it we are going to use Prototype

Why this model?

 In this model we can create demo or prototype of model and see

how our software will look like.
 And as per user requirement we can modify or add features and
see it.
 We can see how well it can perform based on user review.
 On an average of performance and look we can see an overall
 Since in this methodology a working model of the system is
provided, the users get a better understanding of the system being
 Errors can be detected much earlier.
 Quicker user feedback is available leading to better solutions.
 Missing functionality can be identified easily.
 Confusing or difficult functions can be identified.
 Requirements validation, Quick implementation of, incomplete,
but functional, application

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