Marignac, CH. (1989)

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Deposita 24, 176-182 (1989) MINERALIUM

@ Springer-Verlag 1989

Sphalerite stars in chalcopyrite: Are they always the result of

an unmixing process?
Ch. Marignac
Ecole des Mines de Nancy, Parc de Saurupt, 54042 Nancy C~dex, France; and C.R.P.G., Rue N.D. des Pauvres, BP20,
54501 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France

Abstract. Sphalerite skeletal crystals in inclusions in chalco- Tashiro 1957). It must be emphasized that such tempera-
pyrite (so-called sphalerite stars) are widely thought to be tures seemed to be in good agreement with the widely ac-
the result of high-temperature unmixing processes. Detailed cepted concepts of Lindgren (1933) concerning the forma-
observations in the chalcopyrite ores at A~n Barbar (Alge- tion temperature of the hypothermal classes of ore deposits,
ria) demonstrate that the unmixing theory cannot work in in sulfides of which "exsolution textures" are mostly found.
this case. It is here proposed that skeletal crystals are the It has become however more and more evident that in "hy-
result of a local supersaturation in sphalerite at the growing pothermal" deposits, chalcopyrite- or sphalerite-bearing
fronts of chalcopyrite. This implies a high precipitation rate, parageneses were deposited at low "mesothermal" tempera-
estimated to be ca. 1 0 - 6 m sec -1, remaining compatible, tures (for instance, at Panasqueira, Kelly and Rye 1979; and
however, with a recharge in ore-forming components by the in Miocene tin deposits of Bolivia, Kelly and Turneaure
flowing mineralizing solutions. In addition to A~n Barbar, 1970; Grant et al. 1977). Recognition of this fact led some
this explanation is probably of more general significance workers to question the existence of the unmixing process
since the kind of relationships described here is by no means (Kelly and Rye 1979).
restricted to this particular deposit. Moreover, recent experimental works on the Cu-Fe-Zn-S
system showed that Cu content of sphalerite and Zn content
of chalcopyrite are high at elevated temperatures, but are
significantly reduced at low temperatures (Wiggins and
Chalcopyrite blebs and dots in sphalerite as well as spha- Craig 1980; Hutchison and Scott 1981; Kojima and Sugaki
lerite skeletal crystals (so-called sphalerite stars) in chalco- 1984, 1985). When quantitatively determined, the copper
pyrite have long been considered to be exsolution products content in sphalerite due to chalcopyrite blebs usually ap-
(Schneiderh6hn 1922). Experimental results (high-temper- pears too high, taking into account the estimated tempera-
ature dissolution experiments, Borchert 1934; Buerger 1934; tures of ore deposition so that an exsolution mechanism
Nakano 1937) and crystallographic data (epitaxic inter- cannot be accepted in these cases (Barton 1978; De Waal
growth, Gruner 1929 in Sugaki and Tashiro 1957) gave the and Johnson 1981; Scott 1983; Barton and Bethke 1987;
theoretical basis for such an interpretation. Sugaki et al. 1987; Marignac 1988 b).
Until recently the exsolution theory was widely accepted Concerning the sphalerite stars in chalcopyrite, the only
among researchers of ore deposits (Edwards 1965; Ramdohr published quantitative determinations of the corresponding
1955, 1969, 1980; Craig and Vaughan 1981). It was sup- zinc content in chalcopyrite (Sugaki et al. 1987) led the au-
ported by new experimental data (Sugaki and Tashiro 1957; thors to the conclusion that sphalerite crystals are the result
Mob 1975), theoretical studies (Fujii 1970), and detailed of unmixing. The demonstration of Sugaki et al. (1987) is
micrographic studies of sphalerite-chalcopyrite inter- however questionable: (1) they give no direct measurement
growths (Firsov 1961; Aoki 1971). As the relationships be- of Zn content in the host chalcopyrite, which should be
tween the development of twins in chalcopyrite and the nonnegligible in the case of high-temperature unmixing, and
appearance of skeletal sphalerite in it are obvious (Ramdohr (2) they refer to the maximum Zn content of intermediate
1969; Aoki 1971; Stanton 1972), it is usually proposed that solid solution (iss), whereas they obtain compositions typi-
exsolution of sphalerite stars takes place during inversion of cal for Stoichiometric chalcopyrite; in such case limiting Zn
the high-temperature cubic form of chalcopyrite into the values are lower. They are 0.3 Zn at% at 300 °C and 0.5 Zn
usual tetragonal form, with the twins being inversion twins at% at 400 °C (Kojima and Sugaki 1985). These values are
(Ramdohr 1969, 1980; Hanus 1976). lower than the 0.6-0.7 at% Zn found by Sugaki et al. (1987)
Unorthodox views, however, were sometimes taken; for in the Kohmori chalcopyrites, which are thought to be
instance, Bonev (1974) proposed a metasomatic theory for formed at 370°-400 °C.
the appearance of skeletal crystals of sphalerite in chalco- It is thus apparent from the very measurements of Su-
pyrite. gaki et al. (1987) that their conclusion relative to the origin
Temperatures of unmixing, both of chalcopyrite from of skeletal crystals of sphalerite in chalcopyrite cannot be
sphalerite and of sphalerite from chalcopyrite, were esti- generally applicable.
mated from high-temperature dissolution experiments to be Detailed observations on sphalerite skeletal crystals in
on the order of 400 °C and more (Buerger 1934; Sugaki and chalcopyrites of the polymetallic ore veins at A~n Barbar

(northeast Constantinois, Algeria) provide further evidence pyrrhotite toward chalcopyrite-pyrite, with the iss (cu-
that skeletal sphalerite is not necessarily the result of an banite)-pyrite never being stable. Fluid inclusion data indi-
unmixing process (a view already taken by Ramdohr 1969). cate that chalcopyrite was deposited at about 320°-300°C,
while pyrite development took place between 300 °C and
250 °C (Marignac 1988 c). The estimated temperature of de-
Observations in chalcopyrites at Ain Barbar position of chalcopyrite is in good agreement with experi-
(northeast Constantinois, Algeria) mental data on the Cu-Fe-S sytem (Yund and Kullerud
1969; Sugaki et al. 1975), since iss (cubanite)-pyrite disap-
Chalcopyrite at AYn Barbar was deposited during an ad- pears between 350°C and 300°C, most probably at 328 °
vanced stage of hydrothermal evolution in polymetallic ore +_5°C (Yund and Kullerud 1969).
veins formed in a paleogeothermal field (Marignac 1983, The following facts are relevant for a discussion of the
1988 a). It is superimposed over earlier sphalerite, which is relationships of sphalerite skeletal crystals with chalco-
infiltrated by chalcopyrite veinlets and invaded by chalco- pyrite:
pyrite blebs (Marignac 1988 b). Chalcopyrite systematically 1. Pyrrhotite crystals are often superimposed onto the ag-
contains skeletal crystals of sphalerite, except in the veinlets gregates of skeletal sphalerite (Figs. 1 b, 2 a, d). Taking into
and blebs and in a rim of 100 gm or more along the contacts account the paragenetic data, this means that the appear-
with massive sphalerite. ance of skeletal crystals of sphalerite within chalcopyrite
Chalcopyrite is associated with cubanite (rare) and took place very close to the deposition of the primary iss +
monoclinic pyrrhotite. Textural relationships point toward chalcopyrite +_ pyrrhotite assemblage before the transfor-
the existence of a primary assemblage of iss + chalcopyrite mation of iss into chalcopyrite + pyrrhotite. Early appear-
+ pyrrhotite with further transformation of iss into chalco- ance of skeletal sphalerite is also indicated by complex inter-
pyrite + pyrrhotite (Fig. 1). Such a transformation can be growths with some primary pyrrhotite crystals (Fig. I c).
achieved either by decreasing temperature at constant fs2 or Early appearance of skeletal crystals is also recorded in
by increasing fs2 at constant temperature (Mukaiyama and other deposits, where the sphalerite stars are observed o n the
Izawa 1970). The transformation of iss into chalcopyrite + lamellar cubanite-chalcopyrite boundary (Ramdohr 1969;
pyrrhotite occurred prior to the appearance of pyrite, which Thole 1976).
developed from chalcopyrite or pyrrhotite. Thus, the miner- 2. Skeletal sphalerites display an uneven repartition: In the
alogical assemblage records a transition from chalcopyrite- same host they can appear as irregular patches (Fig. 2 b), as
linear arrays (with variable directions, Fig. 2 c), or as two-
dimensional patterns (with variable directions, Fig. 2d).
This strongly suggests that the skeletal crystals are, at best,
arranged according to a two-dimensional net.
3. The spatial density of skeletal crystals is irregular as well
(Fig. 2 b to d).
4. The morphology of sphalerite inclusions is either truly
skeletal (Fig. 2 e) or cauliflowerlike (Fig. 2 f).
5. The presence of skeletal inclusions is clearly linked with a
complex twinning of the host chalcopyrite, as previously
stated by a number of authors (e.g., Ramdohr 1969; Aoki
1971; Hanus 1976). At A~n Barbar, however, skeletal spha-
lerites are strictly located, for a given chalcopyrite crystal,
within only one of the two twin individuals (Figs. 2 e, f, 3).
(•) 0 100 200
, , ~m

100 200
, , em
Moreover, sphalerite stars appear to induce the develop-
ment of twinning (Figs. 2f, 3). A similar situation can be
observed on the figures published by Aoki (1971, Fig. 5,
~ Chalcopyrite ~ Pyrrhotite
p.. 32), Stanton (1972, Fig. 9-21, p. 260), and Hanus (1976,
Sphalerite ~ Siderite
Fig. 11, p. 139). Such a relationship is also interpreted by
Stanton (1972) as a proof of the anteriority of skeletal
crystals relatively to the twins.
6. The skeletal sphalerite crystals are often concentrated
@ 010 2~m along chalcopyrite crystal boundaries; there they exhibit a
somewhat distorted habitus, being usually elongated along
Fig. l a-c. Pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite relationships in the the boundaries (Fig. 3).
polymetaltic ore veins at Ain Barbar. Directions of twin grids in
chalcopyrite are schematized. Siderite is a late phase occurring in
dissolution microcavities mainly at the expense of chalcopyrite.
a Lamellar intergrowth of pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite (sample P20, Discussion
Playfair vein); note the parallelism of pyrrhotite lamellae with a
twin grid of the chalcopyrite. Such relationships are interpreted as The facts reported in the previous section hardly agree with
the result of the transformation of an early iss-chalcopyrite assem- the exsolution theory for the following reasons:
blage, b Pyrrhotite platelet superimposed onto a trail of skeletal
sphalerite in chalcopyrite (sample Playf I, Playfair vein); E, extinc- 1. Because sphalerite skeletal crystals appear very early in
tion direction of the pyrrhotite crystal; note again the relationships chalcopyrite, it follows that if there was unmixing of spha-
with twin grid orientations in chalcopyrite, c Intergrowth of a pri- lerite, it must have occurred at temperatures very close to the
mary pyrrhotite with skeletal sphalerite (sample G4, Gray vein) formation temperature of the initial solid solution, a rather

Fig. 2 a - f . Photomicrographs showing relationships between skele- band of reticular skeletal crystals locally superimposed by pyr-
tal sphalerite crystals and their host chalcopyrite in the polymetallic rhotite (po; sample Playf II, Playfair vein); e Relationships between
ore veins at Ain Barbar. All scale bars are 200 gm. a lamellar skeletal sphalerite crystals and chalcopyrite twins as revealed by
pyrrhotite (po) superimposed onto a linear array of skeletal crystals epitaxic oxydation (Arnold 1969; sample P7-67, Playfair vein);
(sp; sample Playf II, Playfair vein); b irregular patches of skeletal f Relationships between skeletal cauliflowerlike crystals and chalco-
crystals with variable abundances; bt, bismuthinite (sample A33, pyrite twins as revealed by epitaxic oxydation (Arnold 1969; sample
Aba'id vein); c linear arrays of skeletal crystals with variable orien- P7-67, Playfair vein)
tations and dimensions (sample Playf II, Playfair vein); d dense

Fig. 3. Relationships between skeletal sphalerite

and chalcopyrite in the polymetallic ore veins at
Ain Barbar (sample G4, Gray vein); g, microvugs.
Two facts are significant: (1) the presence of skele-
tal sphalerite crystals induces perturbations of the
grid twins inside chalcopyrite; and (2) the skeletal
crystals are concentrated along chalcopyrite
Pyrite boundaries; they take there a characteristic
[-~ Pyrrhotite elongated morphology. Note also the existence of
amoebal sphalerite crystals at the chalcopyrite
Calcite boundaries

Table 1. Analytical results of bulk chemical compositions for chalcopyrite containing starlike sphalerite crystals at Ain Barbar. Composi-
tions of starlike sphalerite crystals are mean values for each vein. Chalcopyrite is taken as stoichiometric CuFeS 2

Sample no. Volume % Sphalerite composition Bulk composition Atomic %

(wt %) (wt %)

Sp Cp Fe Zn S Cu Fe Zn S Cu Fe Zn S

A 33 (Fig. I b) 2.1 97.9 8.4 57.5 32.9 33.3 30.2 1.2 34.7 24.1 25.0 0.9 50.0
P7-67 (Fig. t e) 3.7 96.3 10.2 56.2 33.3 32.8 29.9 2.1 34.7 23.8 24.7 1.5 50.0
Playf II (Fig. I d) 6.6 93.4 10.2 56.2 33.3 31.8 29.3 3.7 34.7 23.1 24.3 2.6 50.0

unprobable situation. At most, the temperature interval for compatible with experimentally determined solubility limits:
unmixing would have been on the order of 50 °C. In the case mean Zn contents as measured by Sugaki et al. (1987) are
of starlike sphalerite in chalcopyrite at Panasqueira, Kelly therefore of limited significance in such cases. Zn content in
and Rye (1979) also notice that unmixing should have oc- areas of dense aggregates of skeletal crystals (Fig. 2 b - e )
curred in a very restricted temperature range and therefore was deduced from volume estimates in the same way as
doubt its existence. Moreover, in the case of unmixing in Sugaki et al. (/987), except that the composition of skeletal
such a restricted temperature range, the rate of unmixing crystals was directly measured with an electron microprobe.
would have been restricted; therefore, a measurable amount Zn content is between 0.9 and 2.6 at% Zn (Table 1), far in
of Zn would be expected in the chalcopyrite itself. Zn was excess of the maximum Zn content of iss at 300 °C (0.3 at%
never detected with the electron microprobe in the chalco- Zn, Kojima and Sugaki 1985). The unmixing hypothesis is
pyrites of Ain Barbar. This is a quite frequent situation for therefore inadequate in this case, because temperature depo-
chalcopyrites containing skeletal sphalerite (Fujii 1970; sition of chalcopyrite is estimated to be ~ 300 °C.
Aoki 1971).
4. Under the unmixing hypothesis, the observed change in
2. Whereas the appearance of a three-dimensional net of morphology of skeletal crystals of sphalerite would reflect
skeletal crystals is expected in the case of unmixing, the the transition from coherent to noncoherent exsolution,
sphalerite stars are actually arranged in less ordered arrays, which is determined by an increase in the rate of unmixing
at most along two-dimensional nets. (Brett 1964). There is, however, no correlation between mor-
3. The variable spatial density of skeletal crystals cannot be phology of sphalerite inclusions and their spatial density (cf.
a mere result of the unmixing process (Brett 1964) and must Fig. 2e, f), i.e., a fact which is again difficult to reconcile
therefore be primary in origin: under the assumption of with the unmixing theory.
unmixing, it would represent a Zn zoning in the iss. But, in 5. A possible explanation of the observed relationships be-
such a case the Zn content estimated from the volume of tween skeletal crystals and chalcopyrite twins, in agreement
skeletal crystals in the high-spatial-density zones must be with the exsolution hypothesis, may be found in considering

the twinning as the result of the inversion of high- sphalerite dendrites onto chalcopyrite from aqueous solu-
temperature cubic chalcopyrite into tetragonal c~and fl chal- tions, the theory gives a gross estimate of 10 - 6 m s - 1 for the
copyrite, the latter bein Zn-rich and subsequently exsolving growth rate of such assemblages as those observed at A/n
sphalerite, as theoretically (Fujii 1970) and experimentally Barbar (see Appendix 1). This is far more rapid than growth
(Moh 1975; 1977) demonstrated. However, the experimen- rates in hydrothermal conditions of minerals such as quartz
tally determined inversion temperatures (around 400 °C) are (at most 5 • 10-8 m s-1, Regreny 1973). It is however on the
by far higher than the formation temperatures observed at same order as the probable circulation rate in the A/n Bar-
A/n Barbar, and therefore this explanation is not valid. bar ore veins since these veins were ascendance zones in a
Although the complex twins in chalcopyrite are usually geothermal field (Marignac 1983, 1988 a): the estimated cir-
taken as an indication of the cubic-tetragonal inversion in culation rates in ascendance zones of geothermal systems are
chalcopyrite (Aoki 1971; Hanus 1976), this is not necessarily on the order of 10 6 m s- 1 (for instance, at Wairakei, Elder
the case (Mc Lean et al. 1972). In fact, it has recently be 1976). This means that the calculated high precipitation rate
experimentally demonstrated that they are strain-induced of 10-6 m s-1 is compatible with a recharge in ore-forming
deformation twins (Hennig-Michaeli and Couderc 1988), as components of the flowing mineralizing solutions.
already stated by Stanton (1972). This is in good agreement
with the observed relationships, the twins beings clearly in-
duced by the presence of the skeletal crystals of sphalerite.
6. The difference of habit of skeletal crystals when they In the A/n Barbar chalcopyrites the presence of skeletal
occur inside the chalcopyrite crystals or along their bound- crystals of sphalerite is not due to unmixing of a previous
aries is difficult to understand if sphalerite stars are to be the solid solution. It most probably results from super-
result of an unmixing: they would be expected to take the saturation processes at the growing fronts of chalcopyrite,
same whatever the kind of crystal defect which allows them inducing the epitaxic nucleation of skeletal sphalerite which
to nucleate. is subsequently trapped in the growing chalcopyrite host.
Valid for A~n Barbar, this explanation is probably of
7. It must be remembered here that experimental evidence more general significance since the kind of relationships
for an exsolution origin is quite scarce. During annealing
described in the previous sections is by no means restricted
experiments of Zn-rich iss, the exsolution products are
to this particular deposit.
usually different from what is found in natural occurrences:
tiny blebs at intergranular limits (Wiggins and Craig 1980); Acknowledgements. I am indebted to G. Lesoult from the Labora-
little stars, often inframicroscopic, and rare (Hutchison toire de G6nie M6tallurgique at the Ecole des Mines de Nancy for
and Scott 1981); skeletal crystals together with vermicules, his help in using the eutectic solidification model. The microprobe
blebs, and spots (Sugaki and Tashiro 1957, annealing at analyses were performed on a CAMEBAX apparatus at the Mi-
200 ° - 400 °C of iss formed at 475 ° - 530 °C; the authors state croanalyse Service, Nancy I University, with the help of J.-M.
that the "unmixing process is not conspicuous and, in some Claude. I thank two anonymous reviewers for their careful reading
case, no appearance of sphalerite has taken place"). In con- of the manuscript.
trast, Kojima and Sugaki (1985) obtained typical patterns of
skeletal crystals by exsolution from iss at 500 °C.

As a whole, the preceding facts are compelling evidence Appendix

against the exsolution theory in the Ai'n Barbar case. What
is then the origin of the observed textures? According to Tiller (1958) the growth rate V (cm s- 1) of a dendritic
An alternative explanation has been sought in metaso- species (e) during the eutectic crystallization of species (~) and (fl)
matic processes (Bonev 1974), starlike sphalerites in chalco- from a melt is linked to the interspacing 1m (gm) of the (e) dendrites
by the equation
pyrite being considered as an equivalent to chalcopyrite
blebs in sphalerite. However, textural evidence for such a
8s~p TED 11/m~ - 1/m~l
mechanism is completely lacking at A~n Barbar and in other 1m -
occurrences. Lffy0 V (1 - k ~) C z
It is proposed here that skeletal crystals are the result of
a local supersaturation in sphalerite at the growing fronts of with
chalcopyrite (the solution from which chalcopyrite is depos- s~p surface energy per unit area (ergs cm 2)
ited being close to sphalerite saturation). Such an hypothesis TE eutectic temperature (K)
is consistent with the epitaxic habit of skeletal crystals D diffusion coefficient of the (fl) constituent in the liquid
(Gruner 1929, in Sugaki and Tashiro 1957; Firsov 1961; (cm2 s- 1)
Aoki 1971) and with the preceding facts. In particular, it m i slope of the liquidus line for the i constituent (°C wt% 1)
L heat of fusion per unit mass of liquid (cal g- 1)
may explain why skeletal crystals exhibit variable habits
Q mass per unit volume of liquid (g cm- a)
according to whether they occur inside the chalcopyrite 7 shape factor (usually, 7 = 2)
crystals or along their boundaries (Fig. 3). 0 undercooling coefficient at the liquid-solid interface (usually,
Occurrences of dendritic inclusions cogenetic with their 0=0.75)
host are well known in metallurgical products, where they k ~ partition coefficient of the (fl) constituent in the (e) phase at
are apparently related to rapid cooling rates (i.e., rapid the eutectic concentration
growth rates in these cases; Flemings 1974). The theory of C E eutectic concentration of the c~constituent (wt%).
eutectic solidification from melt (Tiller 1958) allows an esti- This relation is supposedly valid for the case of an intergrowth
mation of the growth rate from the mean interspacing be- of sphalerite dendrites (e species) and chalcopyrite (fl species) pre-
tween dendrites. Applied to the case of epitaxic growth of cipitating from an aqueous solution. In this case the eutectic condi-

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