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Laguna State Polytechnic University

San Pablo City Campus
Brgy. Del Remedio, San Pablo City


Detailed Lesson Plan

English 4

Submitted by:
Perez, Dawn Angelique H.


Submitted to:

Ms. Guillerma R. Dijan

I. Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. identify cause and effect relationship in the story;

b. recognize the use of signal words that show cause and effect relationship; and
c. construct sentences that show cause and effect relationship.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Cause and Effect Relationship

Reference: Benchmarks: Fourth Grade Comprehension
Materials: Power point presentation, video, visual aids, props, and pictures.
Value Focus: The children will learn the value of cooperation, extending help to the
needy and the value of giving.
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparation
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!
Let us all please stand for our morning
prayer. You can sing along and dance with
the video.
You can now sit down.

Group 1 is there any absentee in your group? None Ma’am.

That’s great!

How about Group 2, is there any absentee in

your group? None Ma’am.

Very good! We have a complete attendance

for today.

A. 1. Review

Let’s have a short recap of what we discussed

yesterday. And what is it? Ma’am we discussed about sequencing
Very Good! If you really understand our
discussion yesterday we will have a game.

A. 2. Motivation

The name is called “What’s your order?’

First, I will divide the class into five groups.

Now, here are the directions:
 Each group will be given numbers
from 1-5.
 Each member should have a number
with him/her.
 I will flash a situation with different
steps or procedures, and you will
arrange the statements in ascending
 After arranging the numbers, the
group has to clap three times and
shout for their group.
 The first group to fall in line with the
numbers in correct order will earn a
point. The group with the highest
points wins.

Is everything clear? Yes Ma`am.

Okay! Now let’s play, are you ready? Yes Ma`am.

Now children settle down, did you have fun? Yes Ma’am.

B. Presentation
Children have you ever seen a mouse? Yes ma’am.

How does it look like? Ma’am it looks dirty, and it ate food stored in
our kitchen.

Oh, that’s unfortunate.

I have a story, it’s about a mouse and a little

boy. Are you ready to listen and watch the
story? Yes Ma’am.

That’s great!

But before that, what are the things we should

remember when listening to a story? Ma’am we should sit properly, keep quiet and
listen attentively to the story.

Very Good! Now here’s the story entitled

“If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”
by Laura Numeroff

If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going

to ask for a glass of milk. When you give him
the milk, he'll probably ask you for a straw.
When he's finished, he'll ask you for a napkin.
Then he'll want to look in a mirror to make
sure he doesn't have a milk mustache. When
he looks in the mirror, he might notice his
hair needs a trim. So he'll probably ask for a
pair of nail scissors. When he's finished
giving himself a trim, he'll want a broom to
sweep it up. He'll start sweeping. He might
get carried away and sweep every room in the
house. He may even end up washing the
floors as well! When he's done, he'll probably
want to take a nap. You'll have to fix up a
little box for him with a blanket and a pillow.
He'll crawl in, make himself comfortable and
fluff the pillow a few times. He'll probably
ask you to read him a story. So you'll read to
him from one of your books, and he'll ask to
see the pictures. When he looks at the
pictures, he'll get so excited he'll want to
draw one of his own. He'll ask for paper and
crayons. He'll draw a picture. When the
picture is finished, he'll want to sign his name
with a pen. Then he'll want to hang his
picture on your refrigerator which means he'll
need Scotch tape. He'll hang up his drawing
and stand back to look at it. Looking at the
refrigerator will remind him that he's thirsty.
So... he'll ask for a glass of milk. And chances
are if he asks you for a glass of milk, he's
going to want a cookie to go with it.

Did you understand the story? Yes Ma’am.

B.1. Raising of Motive Questions

If you really understand the story I have here

some questions.

1. What will happen if you give a mouse a If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to
cookie? ask for a glass of milk.

That’s correct!
2. What will happen if you give him the When you give him the milk, he'll probably
milk? ask you for a straw.

Great listening!
3. What will happen if the mouse is done When he's done sweeping, he'll probably
sweeping? want to take a nap.

Very Good!
4. What will the mouse do next if he Then he'll want to hang his picture on your
wants to hang his picture on the refrigerator which means he'll need Scotch
refrigerator? tape.

Good Job!
5. What will happen if he asks you for a If he asks you for a glass of milk, he's going
glass of milk? to want a cookie to go with it.

That’s correct!
Now children here are your answers to the Ma’am the sentences show the cause and the
questions, what can you notice with the effect of an event.

Great thinking!

B.2. Intellectual Discussion

Our topic for today is about Cause and Effect

Based from the sentences what do you think Ma’am I think “cause” makes something
is a “cause”? happen.

Very Good!

A cause is an event that makes another event


To determine the cause, ask the question

“Why did it happen?”

Do you understand what “cause” is? Yes Ma’am.

How about “effect” what do you think is it? Ma’am I think “effect” is the result.

Good job!

An effect is what happens as a result of the


To determine the effect, ask the question

“What happened?”

Do you understand what “effect” is? Yes Ma’am.

Now let us look at these sentences.

Can someone underline the cause once and

the effect twice? Yes Ma’am.

 The boy kicked the ball so the ball The boy kicked the ball so the ball rolled.
rolled. cause effect
Sally earned an A on her test because
 Sally earned an A on her test because effect

she studied hard. she studied hard.


 If Alex eats too much food, then he If Alex eats too much food, then
will gain weight. cause
he will gain weight.
Can someone underline the cause once and effect

the effect twice?

Great job!

In order to distinguish the cause from the

effect we use signal words.
Signal words are words that connect the cause
to the effect.

Example of signal words are:

 If….then
 therefore
 that’s why
 so that
 so
 as a result
 since
 because

 The boy kicked the ball the

ball rolled.

 Sally earned an A on her test

she studied hard.

 Alex eats too much food,

he will gain weight.

Can you encircle the signal words used in

these sentences?
Yes Ma’am.
 Dad doesn’t like Mom’s spaghetti;
as a result, Dad cooks for himself.

 The coffee was too hot when I took a sip;

therefore, I burned my tongue.

 Timmy stayed up too late

that’s why, he was tired.

 John got home late, he
missed his favorite TV show.
so that
 Mary wore eyeglasses she
could see the board well.

Good job class!

C. Generalization
Is everything clear to you about our lesson?
Yes Ma’am.
Cause and effect relationships occur
everyday; at play, at home, and at school.

To find cause-and-effect relationships, we

look for one event that caused another event.
Again what is a “cause”?
The cause is the reason why the event
Great remembering! happens.

What is an “effect”?
The effect is the result of an event.
Yes, Very Good!
It seems that you understand our lesson.
D. Application
Now Let’s have an activity. It is called
“Lights, Camera, Action!”

I’ll be dividing again the class into three. I

will give each group an envelope.
 Inside the envelope is the situation
that you have to act in front after 5
 You also have to identify and
underline the cause once and the
effect twice on the paragraph given to

Are you ready?

Yes Ma’am.
Group 1: Portray what the boy and the
mouse did and identify the cause and the
“If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to
ask for a glass of milk. When you give him
the milk, he'll probably ask you for a straw.
When he's finished, he'll ask you for a napkin.
Then he'll want to look in a mirror to make
sure he doesn't have a milk mustache. When
he looks in the mirror, he might notice his
hair needs a trim. So he'll probably ask for a
pair of nail scissors.”

Group 2: Portray what the boy and the

mouse did and identify the cause and the
“When he's finished giving himself a trim,
he'll want a broom to sweep it up. He'll start
sweeping. He might get carried away and
sweep every room in the house. He may even
end up washing the floors as well! When he's
done, he'll probably want to take a nap. You'll
have to fix up a little box for him with a
blanket and a pillow. He'll crawl in, make
himself comfortable and fluff the pillow a
few times. He'll probably ask you to read him
a story. So you'll read to him from one of
your books, and he'll ask to see the pictures.”

Group 3: Portray what the boy and the

mouse did and identify the cause and the
“When he looks at the pictures, he'll get so
excited he'll want to draw one of his own.
He'll ask for paper and crayons. He'll draw a
picture. When the picture is finished, he'll
want to sign his name with a pen. Then he'll
want to hang his picture on your refrigerator
which means he'll need Scotch tape. He'll
hang up his drawing and stand back to look at
it. Looking at the refrigerator will remind him
that he's thirsty. So... he'll ask for a glass of
milk. And chances are if he asks you for a
glass of milk, he's going to want a cookie to
go with it.”

IV. Evaluation
I. Instructions: Copy the sentences on a 1 whole sheep of paper. Identify
the cause and effect in the sentences. Underline ONCE THE CAUSE,
UNDERLINE TWICE THE EFFECT and encircle the signal words used.
Example: The boy kicked the ball the ball rolled.
cause so effect

1. Susie was hungry so she ate her apple.

2. The athlete was feeling exhausted so he sat down in the grass to rest.
3. If the school bus is late, Anna misses breakfast at school.
4. Peter won the race because he ran faster that all the others.
5. I started crying because I fell off my bike.

II. Instructions: Use the signal words inside the box below to write
sentences that show cause-and-effect relationship about each situation.

Signal words: If then because since so so that

1. Forgetting your homework at home

2. Getting a new puppy
3. A glass of water is close to the edge of the table
4. A new student joins your class
5. It’s raining hard

V. Homework
“The children were late for school.”
Write a short paragraph about why the children were late for school, the
paragraph should contain five (5) sentences with cause-and-effect relationships.
Write it on your English Notebook.

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