Computationally Analyzing Social Media Text For Topics A Primer For Advertising Researchers

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Journal of Interactive Advertising

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Computationally Analyzing Social Media Text for

Topics: A Primer for Advertising Researchers

Joseph T. Yun, Brittany R. L. Duff, Patrick T. Vargas, Hari Sundaram & Itai

To cite this article: Joseph T. Yun, Brittany R. L. Duff, Patrick T. Vargas, Hari Sundaram
& Itai Himelboim (2020) Computationally Analyzing Social Media Text for Topics: A
Primer for Advertising Researchers, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 20:1, 47-59, DOI:

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2020, VOL. 20, NO. 1, 47–59

Computationally Analyzing Social Media Text for Topics: A Primer for

Advertising Researchers
Joseph T. Yuna,b , Brittany R. L. Duffb , Patrick T. Vargasb, Hari Sundaramc, and Itai Himelboimd
Department of Accountancy, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign, Illinois, USA; bCharles
H. Sandage Department of Advertising, College of Media, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign, Illinois, USA;
Department of Computer Science, Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Champaign, Illinois,
USA; dDepartment of Advertising and Public Relations, Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia,
Athens, Georgia, USA

Advertising researchers and practitioners are increasingly using social media analytics (SMA), Social media analytics; topic
but focused overviews that explain how to use various SMA techniques are scarce. We focus discovery; topic modeling;
on how researchers and practitioners can computationally analyze topics of conversation in computational advertising;
machine learning
social media posts, compare each to a human-coded topic analysis of a brand’s Twitter
feed, and provide recommendations on how to assess and choose which computational
methods to use. The computational methodologies that we survey in this article are text
preprocessed summarization, phrase mining, topic modeling, supervised machine learning
for text classification, and semantic topic tagging.

Social media analytics (SMA) is the process of using practitioners, the use of these data has been largely
computational methods and tools to extract insights constrained to those with more technical knowledge
from social media data (Fan and Gordon 2013) as in computation and algorithms or those with access to
well as measure the performance of social media cam- professional tools that may be cost-prohibitive. While
paigns (Murdough 2009). SMA is widely used by there have been several recent academic papers that
companies and academia to measure and analyze con- help researchers discern how to go about analyzing
sumers’ reactions to advertising phenomena such as computational data for marketing and advertising
brand promotions and new trends (e.g., Daniel, research, most of these papers function as high-level
Crawford Jackson, and Westerman 2018; Fulgoni overviews (e.g., Humphreys and Wang 2018; Liu,
2015; Kwon 2019; Moe, Netzer, and Schweidel 2017; Singh, and Srinivasan 2016; Malthouse and Li 2017;
Rosenkrans and Myers 2018; Yun and Duff 2017). Murdough 2009; Rathore, Kar, and Ilavarasan 2017)
The growth of SMA parallels the growth of social without giving details on how to actually go about
media use, as a recent Pew Research Center survey conducting analyses. More focused “how-to” articles
showed that 75% of adults in the United States use on specific computational methods for research are
social media, and this percentage grows to 94% for limited, especially how to detect topics of conversation
18- to 24-year-olds (Smith and Anderson 2018). in social media text for the purposes of advertising.
While public social media posting creates a large As far as we know, there are no articles detailing what
set of data for advertising researchers and to consider when one wants to detect topics of

CONTACT Joseph T. Yun Department of Accountancy, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 2046
Business Instructional Facility, 515 East Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL 61820, USA.
Joseph T. Yun (PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign) is a research assistant professor of accountancy and director of the Data Science
Research Service in the Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
Brittany R. L. Duff (PhD, University of Minnesota) is an associate professor of advertising in the Charles H. Sandage Department of Advertising, College of
Media, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
Patrick T. Vargas (PhD, Ohio State University) is a professor of advertising in the Charles H. Sandage Department of Advertising, College of Media,
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
Hari Sundaram (PhD, Columbia University) is an associate professor of computer science and advertising in the Charles H. Sandage Department of
Advertising, College of Media, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign.
Itai Himelboim (PhD, University of Minnesota) is the Thomas C. Dowden Professor of Media Analytics, director of the Social Media Engagement and
Evaluation Suite, and an associate professor of advertising in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia.
ß 2019 American Academy of Advertising
48 J. T. YUN ET AL.

conversation from social media text for advertising. Numerous advertising and marketing studies have
This is an important area of investigation because incorporated automated topic detection in their
computational advertising is the primary revenue research. Liu, Burns, and Hou (2017) applied latent
stream for companies like Google (Schomer 2019), Dirichlet application (LDA) topic modeling to tweets
and one of the core analytics methods used in compu- to understand what topics brands were discussing
tational advertising is computational text analysis of overall. They separated the brand-generated tweets
topics (Soriano, Au, and Banks 2013). into positive and negative, and applied LDA topic
The focus of this article is to provide consideration modeling to the positive tweets and negative tweets to
to advertising researchers when computationally understand if different topics were being discussed.
detecting topics of conversation from social media Liu (2019) applied text preprocessing and LDA topic
text. First, we discuss and compare several ways to modeling in her efforts to discover a relationship
computationally detect topics of conversation in social between tweets and financial stock prices using
media text: text preprocessed summarization, phrase machine learning. Vermeer et al. (2019) analyzed
mining, topic modeling, supervised machine-learned Facebook brand pages and used supervised learning to
text classification, and semantic topic tagging. Second, detect whether consumer posts fell into the following
we present the results of comparing the various meth- categories: rejection, complaint, comment, question,
ods against a human-coded Twitter data set in which suggestion, acknowledgment, and/or compliment.
coders identified topics of conversation via a human Although these categories are a bit different than
content analysis approach. Finally, we provide a refer- detecting the topic a consumer may be discussing, the
ence matrix that outlines a summary of each method, process they used to categorize the posts (supervised
when to consider using that method, and tools to exe- learning) is the same process through which myriad
cute that method.1
topics could be detected. Okazaki et al. (2015) con-
ducted a similar study using supervised learning to
Topic Discovery in Mass Communication understand how consumers were discussing IKEA (a
Research, Consumer Research, and home furnishing brand) on Twitter and divided con-
Advertising Research sumer conversations into the categories of sharing,
information, opinion, question, reply, and exclude.
There has been previous research regarding topic dis-
covery in the areas of mass communication research, Liu, Singh, and Srinivasan (2016) used principal com-
consumer research, and advertising research. ponent analysis (PCA) to summarize what topics were
Humphreys and Wang (2018) recently outlined being discussed on Twitter by consumers of television
research steps for incorporating automated text ana- programming. PCA is like LDA topic modeling in the
lysis into consumer research. In their breakdown of sense that it provides groups of words that statistically
approaches, they discuss topic discovery but focus belong in the same groupings as each other, but PCA
only on unsupervised learning (topic modeling). We ignores class labels as compared to LDA. We focus on
broaden the possibilities of topic discovery within our LDA topic modeling in this article due to its popular-
article to include text summarization (counting) as ity over its PCA counterpart, but interested readers
well as supervised learning. In their overview of jour- should see Martınez and Kak (2001) for more infor-
nalism-focused computational research Boumans and mation about the pros and cons of LDA versus PCA.
Trilling (2016) suggested that to see more computa- Recently, Malthouse and Li (2017) suggested that
tional research produced, researchers should build big data analyses in advertising research could
custom-made tools and share not only their results uncover “exploratory insights to create better messages
but also their code. Our focus digs more deeply into and motivate new theories … [and] can provide
how to detect topics of conversation within social insights on what consumers think and feel about a
media text. In addition, we provide the links to our brand” (p. 230). Our article directly builds from
code for those researchers who have more advanced Malthouse and Li (2017), as we provide instructions
computational skills, and we went a step further and on how researchers can conduct analyses of topics of
built the methods we describe into an open-source conversation within social media text to understand
tool called the Social Media Macroscope (SMM), what consumers think and feel about a brand. Taking
which is available to all researchers, so that those with this even further, topics of conversation can be ana-
less of a technical background can use these methods lyzed to understand the profile of an audience more
for their research. accurately, and this profile could be used to better

create advertising messages (Kietzmann, Paschen, and detection. Text preprocessed summarization uses
Treen 2018). words that occur within social media posts as proxies
for topics.
In their book on text mining, Miner et al. (2012)
Detecting Topics of Conversation in Social
outline the general steps of preprocessing text: choose
Media Text
the scope of text to be processed, tokenize, remove
Here we briefly discuss what constitutes a topic of stop words, stem, normalize spelling, detect sentence
conversation computationally. For the purposes of this boundaries, and normalize casing. Depending on the
article, we adhere to the definition of a conversational context of what they are trying to extract from text,
topic as “short descriptions of the members of a col- researchers can include/exclude some of these general
lection that enable efficient processing of large collec- steps according to their research objective. The steps
tions while preserving the essential statistical that we followed to analyze the social media posts for
relationships that are useful for basic tasks such as this article are as follows:
classification, novelty detection, summarization, and
similarity and relevance judgments” (Blei, Ng, and 1. Collected social media posts. Although a specific
Jordan 2003). In addition, the realm of social media is how-to on collecting and aggregating social media
vast, making “social media data” a very broad term. posts is beyond the scope of this article, research-
Therefore, for the purposes of this article, we limit ers who have a limited background in this area
our scope of social media data to short form/micro- could consider some existing tools that do not
blogged text, such as status updates (e.g., the text of require extensive programming to collect social
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit posts). media data (Smith et al. 2009; Yun et al. 2019).
Our list of methodologies is not meant to be We pulled the tweets for our analyses using the
exhaustive, but they should give advertising research- Tweepy Python package (Roesslein 2009), but
ers who are newer to social analytics a satisfactory some alternative considerations would be the
starting place for engaging in detecting topics. We twitteR R package (Gentry 2015) or using SMM.
provide a high-level summary of five methods of SMM leverages the Tweepy Python package.
detecting topics: text preprocessed summarization, 2. Tokenized the text from the social media posts.
phrase mining, topic modeling, supervised machine- Tokenization is the process of reducing text into
learned text classification, and semantic topic tagging. smaller chunks (tokens). We suggest using white-
Some of these methods are subsets of another (e.g., space tokenization to separate social media posts
semantic topic tagging is a subset of supervised into separate words. For example, a tweet may
machine-learned text classification), but we have read “I love Fridays!” White-space tokenization
pulled each of them out individually due to special after our previous preprocessing step would
considerations that we outline in each respect- reduce the tweet to “i” and “love” and “fridays.”
ive section. Other more nuanced forms of tokenization exist
(e.g., Hochreiter and Schmidhuber 1997; Trim
2013), but we focus on the most common tech-
Text Preprocessed Summarization
nique for this article. We used Python’s NLTK
Text preprocessing can be defined as bringing “your (Natural Language Toolkit) package (Loper and
text into a form that is predictable and analyzable for Bird 2002) for this step, as well as for steps 3
your task” (Ganesan 2019). It is almost always the first through 5.
step when preparing text for advanced analytics tech- 3. Normalized the text from social media posts.
niques such as machine learning, but it can also be Normalization involves tasks such as converting
used on its own to understand what is being discussed all text from uppercase to lowercase, removing
within a corpus of text. Using text preprocessing to numbers (unless numbers mean something within
summarize text could be considered a naive approach the context of the topical analyses), and removing
to topic detection in social media text, but it is almost punctuation.
always a proper starting place to understand what is 4. Removed stop words from social media posts. Stop
being talked about within a grouping of social media words are the most common words that appear
posts. Our previously stated definition of “topic” sug- in a text but are not actually important to under-
gests that short summarized descriptions of a text to standing the topical content of what is being dis-
help understand the larger whole qualifies as topic cussed (e.g., the, with, to, a, and).
50 J. T. YUN ET AL.

5. Stemmed all the remaining words within social Table 1. Top 20 most common words of Fitbit’s
media posts. Stemming is the process of reducing Twitter posts.
words to their word stems. For example, the Topic of Conversation Number of Occurrences
words walking, walked, and walk would all stem Happystep 462
Step 418
to the word walk. fitbit 347
6. Sorted the remaining words in descending order of goal 221
fitbitfriend 209
frequency of the words. Sorting in this way will hear 207
identify the most important words (topics) within great 201
fit 193
the body of posts. job 169
awesom 160
congrat 159
We built all of these steps into the SMM’s natural lan- make 148
guage processing function within SMM’s SMILE tip 137
day 136
(Social Media Intelligence and Learning Environment) tracker 123
tool. SMILE’s natural language processing function is good 119
a graphical interface presentation of our NLTK workout 119
share 115
Python code, which was created for researchers who work 112
are not experts at coding.2 love 108
We ran this text preprocessed summarization on
Fitbit’s Twitter timeline snapshot taken in October 2017
using the SMM’s SMILE tool (Yun et al. 2019). We
chose Fitbit’s Twitter timeline because Yun (2018) pro- which is simply that each individual word is handled
vided human-coded topic analyses of six brands’ Twitter as isolated from the other words, and multiword
timelines (Fitbit, Wyndham Hotels, Royal Caribbean, phrases (also referred to as n-grams) are separated.
American Heart Association, National Rifle Association, For example, the phrase “United States” would be sep-
and World Wildlife Foundation), as well as collecting all arated out as “united” and “states” in our previous
of the brands’ postings using the Twitter public applica- approach. One way to address this issue is to prede-
tion programming interface (API) from September 6 fine the size of the tokens prior to tokenization, thus
through 20, 2017. For the sake of consistency and ease choosing to make all the tokens 2-grams (two-word
of comparison across so many different methods, we tokens) or 3-grams (three-word tokens), for example,
chose to focus on only one of the brand’s Twitter time- but this would clearly cause problems because many
lines: Fitbit. Within Yun’s (2018) Fitbit data set, Fitbit’s words are supposed to be single words. Another prob-
Twitter timeline data included 3,200 Fitbit tweets. lem with the bag-of-words approach is that phrases
Twitter’s public API limits timeline downloads to the that include stop words and punctuation may be
most recent 3,200 tweets. An example of the top topics incredibly important for understanding the overall
for Fitbit’s social media posts using text preprocessed conversation.
summarization is found in Table 1. Brown et al. (1992) introduced a concept they
Text preprocessed summarization is usually a great called “sticky pairs,” in which they used a statistical
place to understand topics of conversation within formula to calculate the probability of whether two
social media posts because the computational com- words are most likely supposed to be paired together
plexity is low and the computing resources required as a phrase or handled separately as two distinct
are low. With this said, one of the most apparent lim- words. In one analysis, they used a 59,537,595-word
itations to text preprocessed summarization in discov- sample of text from the Canadian Parliament and
ering topics of conversation within social media is found that the words “humpty” and “dumpty” occur
that phrases will sometimes be unnaturally separated together as “humpty dumpty” 6,000,000 times more
by the tokenization process (e.g., “united” and “states” frequently than one would expect from the individual
would be separated). Therefore, we turn to the next frequencies of “humpty” and “dumpty.” Although this
method of discovering topics within social media was a major step forward, this type of statistical word
posts: phrase mining. comparison is quite computationally expensive, as it
requires parsing through all 59,537,595 words and cal-
Phrase Mining culating the probabilities of each word occurring next
The primary limitation of text preprocessed summar- to another word, and it is also limited by focusing
ization is that it relies on a bag-of-words assumption, solely on 2-grams. This also does not address phrases

that include stop words and punctuation that are Table 2. Top 20 AutoPhrase phrase-mining topics of Fitbit’s
important for understanding the conversation Twitter posts.
within text. Topic of Conversation AutoPhrase Confidence Score
Red carpet 0.9731376
More advanced statistical techniques in detecting Enrollment program 0.96542927
phrases have since been published that handle varying Personal trainer 0.96466617
lengths of n-grams (e.g., Deane 2005) and even Peanut butter 0.96342927
[Unsupported characters]a 0.96067927
include stop words (e.g., Parameswaran, Garcia- Ultramarathon man 0.95777018
Molina, and Rajaraman 2010), but, as mentioned by Case number 0.95597927
Stay tuned 0.9545134
Liu et al. (2015), many of these purely statistical tech- Water resistant 0.9537634
niques still suffer from other limitations to detecting Losing weight 0.95368565
Woody scal 0.95216303
quality phrases. For example, what if the word just Bay area 0.95116938
was part of the larger phrase “just do it”? Many Corporate wellness 0.94877018
Slow cooker 0.9487499
phrase-mining techniques would struggle with differ- Weight gain 0.94727732
entiating these types of situations. Recently, Shang Continuous heart rate 0.94268006
Weight loss 0.94174546
et al. (2018) built on previous phrase-mining work Wireless headphones 0.94141542
focusing on the popularity, informativeness, and inde- Alta hr 0.94097494
Yoga poses 0.94007653
pendence of phrases. Their goal was to create an auto- a
AutoPhrase parses English words only; thus, characters such as emojis
mated phrase-mining method that was “domain- and other nonsupported Unicode characters do not report correctly.
independent, with minimal human effort or reliance
on linguistic analyzers” (Shang et al. 2018, p. 1825). phrases, it cannot assess larger topics of conversation
The result of their work is a framework called and themes that are not directly written in the posts.
AutoPhrase (with associated code found at https:// For example, if the phrases “united states,” “congress,” At the core and “supreme court” were found within social media
of AutoPhrase is the use of existing databases of posts, the higher-level topic that is being discussed is
human-created quality phrases, such as Wikipedia, to most likely “U.S. government.” This is a scenario in
refine their phrase detection. For example, they might which topic modeling is more appropriate to address.
detect two distinct phrases within a body of text:
“Barack Obama” and “this is.” Wikipedia has an entry Topic Modeling
for “Barack Obama” but not for “this is.” Thus, the
phrase “Barack Obama” would be weighted higher in Topic modeling is a method to summarize a large cor-
their results as compared to “this is.” AutoPhrase also pus of documents to provide a quick summary of
incorporates parts of speech (POS) tagging (i.e., sepa- what the documents are about (Blei, Ng, and Jordan
rating text into various parts of speech, such as nouns 2003). The most common form of topic modeling is
and verbs) to contribute to the weighting of results. LDA topic modeling, which assumes that there are a
An example of the top topics for Fitbit’s social media set number of latent topics across a collection of
posts using phrase mining is found in Table 2. documents, and a probabilistic equation is used to
Phrase mining provides a more complete picture of allocate words to each latent topic. This is one of the
topics being discussed within social media posts as major differences between topic modeling versus text
compared to text preprocessed summarization, but preprocessed summarization and phrase mining; topic
many of the phrase-mining algorithms require more modeling does not actually output topics but rather
advanced levels of computer programming knowledge. outputs words from the documents that are related to
We recently incorporated AutoPhrase into SMM, thus one another (e.g., instead of outputting a topic such
allowing for programming-free access to the frame- as “Burger King,” a topic modeling exercise would
work.3 As far as we know, phrase mining has not output a grouping of words such as “whopper, flame-
been applied to advertising studies or practice as of broiled, nuggets”). Topic modeling simply groups
yet, but we believe this is a promising new technique words together that probabilistically belong together,
to consider due to the probabilistic determination of and the researcher needs to review the word clusters
phrases and the importance of understanding phrases, to determine what the underlying topic is. This is
such as taglines, for advertising research. essentially a coding exercise of determining topics,
Phrase mining is an elegant and powerful way to which is not a trivial task; and proper coding of topics
analyze topics within social media posts, but one of should be based on theoretical knowledge and con-
its major limitations is that while it can collect text-specific expertise (Humphreys and Wang 2018;
52 J. T. YUN ET AL.

Table 3. LDA topic modeling topics of Fitbit’s Twitter posts.

Topic of Conversation Words in LDA Cluster
Marketing Fitbit happystep, step, fitbitfriend, know, fitbit, thank, good, awesome, happi, come
Exercise goal, great, happystep, step, goalday, crush, challeng, work, like, hear
Exercise encouragement congrat, awesome, share, congratul, workout, love, fitbit, cook, free, butt
Healthy lifestyle fit, tip, healthi, time, stay, health, help, weight, fitbit, sleep
Fitbit customer service fitbit, hear, sorri, help, hope, thank, tracker, email, phhrmhlmt, check

Salda~na 2009). Some recent research using topic mod- Supervised Machine-Learned Text Classification
eling in the context of marketing and business ana-
Supervised machine learning is “the search for algo-
lytics are Liu, Burns, and Hou (2017) and Liu (2019).
rithms that reason from externally supplied instances
Topic modeling assumes there are many documents
to produce general hypotheses, which then make pre-
within a corpus and that each document has many
dictions about future instances” (Kotsiantis 2007, p.
words. The problem with applying topic modeling to
249). One of the most common tasks for machine
social media posts is the question of what to consider
learning is the task of classification, which is the pro-
a document. If you decide to consider each individual cess of applying meaningful labels to data to help
post a document, then data within each post will make sense of that data. Supervised machine learning
likely be insufficient to adequately do what topic mod- for classification can be applied to text, especially
eling was originally conceptualized for. More recent when the goal is to classify (or categorize) text accord-
topic modeling methods created specifically for ing to a predefined goal. At a basic level, the steps
Twitter have attempted to work around this limitation involved are (1) identification of required data and
through various strategies, such as considering each preprocessing the data (using techniques mentioned
conversation string between Twitter users as separate in the text preprocessed summarization section); (2)
documents (Alvarez-Melis and Saveski 2016), consid- determining which part of the data will be used as the
ering all the tweets that mention the same hashtag a training set from which the computer learns patterns
document (Mehrotra et al. 2013), or considering all (each data point must be labeled or categorized by
the tweets from the same author a document (Hong either a human coder or an automated labeling pro-
and Davison 2010). cess); (3) selecting which machine-learning algorithm
An example of the word clusters and projected will be used for the computer to learn patterns within
topics for Fitbit using LDA topic modeling is found the labeled data training set; and finally (4) allowing
in Table 3. For LDA topic modeling, the number of the algorithm(s) to predict a test set of data that has
latent topics must be predefined before running the also been labeled to evaluate how well the algo-
clustering algorithm, because LDA topic modeling rithm(s) can guess the prelabeled test set
cannot estimate how many latent topics are within a (Kotsiantis 2007).
series of documents on its own. For the topics in This same process can be applied to social media
Table 3, we ran LDA topic modeling multiple times posts in which humans label posts into topic categories
with different numbers of topic clusters on Fitbit’s based on theoretical knowledge and context-specific
social media posts, considering all tweets from the expertise (Salda~ na 2009). Thus, supervised machine-
same author as a document (Hong and Davison learned text classification brings together the best of
2010), and found the most intuitive results with the both worlds in leveraging human labeling of topics and
value of five total latent topic clusters. We conducted pairing this with a computer’s ability to find the statis-
this topic modeling using the genism Python library tical relationships between words in social media posts
 ůrek and Sojka 2011), and we also built our code
(Reh and topics. We do not provide an example of topics
into SMM’s topic modeling function for researchers using supervised machine-learned text classification on
who would like to use that tool.4 the Fitbit social media posts in this section because this
One of the weaknesses of topic modeling is that classification is dependent on an initial phase of
much of the work is ultimately done by humans in human-labeled topic training.5 For additional reading,
determining what topics are indicated by various some recent studies that have used supervised machine
word clusters. This human-decision part of the topic learning within the realm of advertising and marketing
modeling process is not typically documented and are Vermeer et al. (2019) and Okazaki et al. (2015).
saved in a format that can be assessed or used by Supervised machine-learned text classification is
future researchers. This is where supervised machine- excellent for creating topic categories that can be
learned text classification can help. trained as granularly as a researcher may want to train

them, but the downside is that the process of hand- Table 4. Top 20 TagMe semantic topic tagging of Fitbit’s
coding a set of social media posts large enough to Twitter posts.
adequately train a machine-learned model can be Topic of Conversation Number of Occurrences
Fitbit 562
extremely time-consuming. Thus, we turn to our final Physical fitness 105
method of detecting topics within social media posts: Physical exercise 90
semantic topic tagging. This method leverages a com- E-mail 64
Health 57
bination of techniques borrowed from many of the “Woohoo” (Christina Aguilera song) 55
previously mentioned topic detection methods. Motivation 43
Fun 43
U.S. dollar 39
Billboard 200 35
Semantic Topic Tagging Steps (group) 34
“With You” (Chris Brown song) 34
Semantic topic tagging is “the extraction and disam- The Who 33
Deutsche Mark 33
biguation of entities and topics mentioned in or Calorie 32
related to a given text” (Jovanovic et al. 2014, p. 39). Heart rate 31
Today (U.S. TV program) 31
At the heart of semantic topic tagging is the recogni- Recipe 30
tion that humans have already prelabeled large num- Thanks for sharing 26
For good 26
bers of topics (called concepts within semantic
tagging) in public Web repositories, such as
Wikipedia. This is similar to phrase mining, which
has leveraged Wikipedia entry titles to better rank the semantics of the main content of the page” (p. 39).
importance of existing phrases within social media Semantic topic tagging should almost always be pre-
posts (Liu et al. 2015), but semantic topic tagging ferred for detecting topics of conversation in social
extends the usage of Wikipedia-like repositories by media posts because it leverages many strengths of
also using data such as whole description words other topic discovery methodologies, but there are still
within Wikipedia entries themselves. The typical important weaknesses to take into consideration. One
semantic topic tagging process for social media posts of the biggest weaknesses of semantic topic tagging is
involves text preprocessing of the posts (e.g., “Try an its heavy reliance on the public repositories that were
Impossible Whopper!” to “try” “impossible” used to train the topics. For example, with TAGME,
“whopper”; much like text preprocessed summariza- the topic tagger was trained with data from a
tion), semantic similarity probabilistic calculations of Wikipedia snapshot taken on November 6, 2009.
the posts to determine n-grams and phrases using Wikipedia has clearly evolved and changed from 2009
repositories like Wikipedia (much like phrase mining), to current day, and many of the topics that are on
and machine-learning techniques using the content of Wikipedia now may not have existed in concept in
Wikipedia to help predict topics being discussed (as 2009. For example, Kendall Jenner, a currently popu-
explained in supervised machine-learned text classifi- lar social media influencer, did not have a Wikipedia
cation). Various frameworks exist for applying seman- entry until 2010.
tic topic tagging to text (for a comprehensive list, see
Jovanovic et al. 2014), but two frameworks that have
been proven to work well with microblog social media
Computational Topic Methods versus Human-
posts are TAGME (Ferragina and Scaiella 2010) and
Coded Topics
the work of Meij, Weerkamp, and De Rijke (2012). Our next step was to compare each topic detection
TAGME is currently presented as a pretrained topic method against a human-coded baseline, as human-
tagger that can be accessed via API (Parameswaran, coded content analyses of social media data has been
Garcia-Molina, and Rajaraman 2010).6 Examples of used successfully in previous studies (e.g., Chen et al.
the topics tagged for Fitbit using semantic topic tag- 2015; Kwon and Sung 2011; Lin and Pe~ na 2011). For
ging are provided in Table 4. this study, we chose an available data set with topics
To the best of our knowledge, semantic topic tag- already coded from a study that looked at Twitter
ging has not yet been incorporated into advertising timelines from brands and charities (Yun 2018). Yun
and marketing studies, but Jovanovic et al. (2014) dis- (2018) used traditional content analysis techniques
cussed how semantic topic tagging is currently being (e.g., Harwood and Garry 2003; Krippendorff 2013;
used in contextual advertising “to enable better posi- Skalski, Neuendorf, and Cajigas 2017) to analyze
tioning of advertisements on webpages based on the Twitter timelines of the brands and charities of Fitbit,
54 J. T. YUN ET AL.

Wyndham Hotels, Royal Caribbean, American Heart nature, oceans, religion, sports, technology, vacations,
Association, National Rifle Association, and World weather, and wildlife. He then presented each coder
Wildlife Foundation. He recruited two full-time with the Twitter timelines from the three brands
employees from a large midwestern university to con- (Fitbit, Royal Caribbean, and Wyndham Hotels) and
duct the content analyses. the three charities (American Heart Association,
The first content analysis phase was an effort to National Rifle Association, and World Wildlife
decide which topics should be included in the set of Foundation) separately as HTML web pages. Upon
topics that they would look for when reviewing the discussion, the coders suggested that 100 to 150 tweets
Twitter timelines for the brands and the causes. Yun were as much as they could process visually and cog-
(2018) adopted a provisional coding approach nitively when attempting to look for topics being dis-
na 2009), which begins the coding process with cussed, so 150 tweets from each brand and each cause
a “start list” of potential codes to use as a base prior
were chosen via a random selection script and pre-
to coding. His start list was taken from survey
sented as separate HTML pages. The coders reviewed
responses where participants were asked to list what
each Twitter timeline and indicated on a separate
topics they believed each brand and cause would talk
spreadsheet the topics they believed were being dis-
about. After reviewing the suggested topics across all
cussed from the previously constructed start list of
the brands and causes, it was determined that there
was consistency in responses for the following topics: topics. They also were given the opportunity to write
business travel, charitable giving, climate change, in suggestions of other topics being discussed that
cruises, customer service, diet, environmentalism, were not covered by the provided start list of topics.
exercise, fashion, firearms, gun politics, gun violence, Upon completion of this coding task, Yun (2018) ran
health, heart, hotels, hunting, marketing, medicine, a reliability analysis and found substantial agreement
(j ¼.70) between the two coders according to Viera
and Garrett (2005). In addition, after discussion of
Table 5. Human con- potential topics that were not part of the original start
tent analysis of Fitbit’s list, the coders came to a joint conclusion that the
Twitter posts.
start list was comprehensive enough without any
Content of Posts
necessary topics missing. However, they did indicate
Charitable giving
Customer service that two topics from the start list (business travel and
Diet religion) did not seem to be discussed across the three
Fashion brands and the three causes. Table 5 contains an
Health example of the topics identified by the results from
Technology the two human coders. Table 6 presents the results
from each method (excluding the general supervised

Table 6. Results comparison for one brand’s (FitBit) topics as determined by each method.
Human Coded Text Preprocessed Summarization Phrase Mining Topic Modeling Semantic Topic Tagging
Charitable giving happystep red carpet Marketing Fitbit Fitbit
Customer service step enrollment program Exercise Physical fitness
Diet fitbit personal trainer Exercise encouragement Physical exercise
Exercise goal peanut butter Healthy lifestyle Email
Fashion fitbitfriend [Unsupported characters] Fitbit customer service Health
Health hear ultramarathon man Woohoo (Christina Aguilera song)
Marketing great case number Motivation
Technology fit stay tuned Fun
job water resistant United States dollar
awesom losing weight Billboard 200
congrat woody scal Steps (group)
make bay area With You (Chris Brown song)
tip corporate wellness The Who
day slow cooker Deutsche Mark
tracker weight gain Calorie
good continuous heart rate Heart rate
workout weight loss Today (U.S. TV program)
share wireless headphones Recipe
work alta hr Thanks for Sharing
love yoga poses For Good
Table 7. Social media topic detection decision matrix.
When Is This Method How Can I Execute
Method How Does This Method Work? Appropriate? This Method? Advantages Disadvantages
Text preprocessed This method breaks down each It is almost always a proper Various Python and R It is very simple to run via Due to numerous limitations
summarization social media post to starting point to quickly packages/code are available available packages and for such as mishandling of
stemmed words, removes view the text, but not (e.g., Benoit et al. 2018; the most part does not take phrases, this method alone
stop words, and ranks by appropriate to be used as Loper and Bird 2002); SMM many cannot be trusted as a final
word frequency across the sole means for incorporates this method computational resources. determinant of topics.
all posts. detecting topics. without the need
for coding.
Phrase mining This method algorithmically It is appropriate when AutoPhrase’s code can be It is a major upgrade to text It is natively a bit complex to
discerns which words researchers believe that found via GitHub (Shang preprocessed summarization run via original codebase,
should remain together as topics are accurately et al. 2018); also can be that still allows for fully although it is easier to run
phrases and ranks by represented in social media used via SMM. automated topic detection. via SMM.
phrase certainty across posts as explicitly
all posts. mentioned phrases.
Topic modeling This method algorithmically It is appropriate when topics Various Python and R It is a nice balance between The quality of topics is
aggregates words from are not explicitly mentioned packages/code are available human content analysis and dependent on the skill level
social media posts that are in the posts, and (e.g., Mabey 2015; 
Rehůrek automated help in reducing of the human coder(s).
related to one another, computational help to and Sojka 2011); also can words to analyze when
depending on the aggregate topically related be used via SMM. coding topics.
researchers to then words is desired before
qualitatively define topics qualitatively assigning
from the word clusters. topics by human coding.
Supervised machine learned This method takes social It is appropriate when domain- The most recognized package It allows for the highest level It is extremely time- and
text classification media posts that have been specific topics have been for machine learning is of fine-tuning of topics. resource-consuming to train
human coded into topics predefined and coded by Python’s sklearn (Pedregosa topics correctly.
and uses them to train a humans and researchers et al. 2012); also can be
mathematical model in subsequently want to detect used via SMM.
which a computer can then those predefined topics
classify future posts. from social media posts.
Semantic topic tagging This method uses repositories It is appropriate when TAGME is currently the most It draws on the vast Wikipedia can be edited and
like Wikipedia as a large- repositories like Wikipedia appropriate tool for short crowdsourced knowledge updated by anyone;
scale, human-coded training contain the appropriate texts such as social media base of Wikipedia, which therefore, there is the
set of topics to topics and are updated and has an API that is allows for very up-to-date possibility for erroneous
algorithmically label social enough to be considered a functioning (Jovanovic topic possibilities. categorization of topics.
media posts with topics. proper computational et al. 2014).
training set for discovering
topics in social media posts.
56 J. T. YUN ET AL.

machine-learned text classification) side by side a subjective assignment process. Therefore, having a
for comparison. sound qualitative coding process is important for the
As seen in Table 6, the only methods that included human-coding step of topic modeling. Our
any overlap in topic phrases from the human coding recommendation with topic modeling is that it is
were topic modeling and semantic topic tagging. Each more useful as a preparatory step for supervised
method of topic detection has unique nuances that machine-learned text classification. Topic modeling
stem from how it determines topics from social media helps provide a sense of what chunks of words could
text. This emphasizes the importance for researchers form certain topics that are emerging from the posts.
and practitioners to understand how computational After a proper coding scheme is developed, research-
algorithms work, as using them with a misunderstand- ers can then code a larger number of social media
ing of how they determine the output can posts for a hyperspecific supervised machine-learned
dramatically affect research results. Thus, rather than topic classifier for the exact topics they are seeking.
a one-size-fits-all approach to analyzing social media Semantic topic tagging then becomes just one example
text, researchers should consider their goals and the of a detection algorithm that is built on shared princi-
strengths and weaknesses of the various methods con- ples of supervised machine-learned text classification
sidering those goals. (in fact, some semantic topic taggers using supervised
machine learning; e.g., Meij, Weerkamp, and De
Rijke 2012).
When to Use Which Computational Methods
Thus, it would benefit researchers and practitioners
For quick reference, a brief comparison of method to consider running through most, if not all, compu-
considerations is presented in Table 7. One of the first tational topic detection methods to gain a greater
things researchers and practitioners should consider understanding of what is being discussed within their
when analyzing topics of social media posts computa- aggregated social media posts. The purpose of the text
tionally is whether they believe the actual topics of analysis and the project’s research questions should
conversation are explicitly mentioned in the posts then inform the best approach to finally choose. A
themselves. If this is the case, then phrase mining is major consideration for researchers should be the
an appropriate choice. However, running a text pre- realization that there is quite a bit of subjectivity with
processed summarization analysis is a good first step these computational methods, as there is a tendency
before running a more computationally expensive to believe that computational methods are objective in
phrase-mining exercise. Phrase mining on large bodies nature. In addition, an important future research dir-
of social media posts can take substantial computa- ection is the creation of tools and environments that
tional resources to run, whereas text preprocessed can reduce the barrier of entry to these kinds of com-
summarization can usually be achieved with minimal putational methods. Just as web-authoring technology
computational resources. Unfortunately, text prepro- went through an evolution of direct HTML-based
cessed summarization suffers too greatly from the coding to software like Dreamweaver to most recently
issue of segmented phrases to be useful as the only websites like Squarespace and Wix, computational
means of detecting topics of conversation within data science methods need to be made more accessible
social media posts. However, when comparing text via efforts such as SMM to enable researchers to focus
preprocessed summarization and phrase mining to the more on their research questions, as opposed to need-
human-coded topics in Table 6, it is clear that the ing to focus on becoming an expert in any given algo-
way actual people may conceive of topics is different rithmic computational method.
from what may explicitly be mentioned in the social
media posts.
Concluding Remarks
Topic modeling forms somewhat of a hybrid
between text preprocessed summarization and human In this article, we discussed various ways of computa-
coding of topics. As can be seen in Table 3, LDA tionally detecting topics of conversation in social
topic modeling helps aggregate stemmed words that media text, namely, text preprocessed summarization,
belong together, but it is up to the researcher or prac- phrase mining, topic modeling, supervised machine-
titioner to determine the underlying latent topic. We learned text classification, and semantic topic tagging.
assigned the LDA word clusters to the topics of mar- We also compared those methods against human cod-
keting Fitbit, exercise, exercise encouragement, healthy ing of topics on social media brand posts and pre-
lifestyle, and Fitbit customer service, but this is clearly sented a matrix that researchers and practitioners can

use to make decisions when they want to analyze 3. Researchers desiring to run our code/scripts themselves
social media posts for topics of conversation. While can access the Dockerized script that we used to run
all methods are currently used for analyzing what is AutoPhrase at
being discussed on social media, the results of each batch/smile_autophrase/dockerfile.
show that there are significant differences in what a 4. For researchers interested in the Python code, it can be
researcher might conclude is being discussed based on found at
the method used. Rather than leading to standardized projects/SMM/repos/smm-analytics/browse/batch/batch_
or objective outcomes, we can see the role of subject- topic_modeling/
5. Machine-learned text classification is often conducted
ivity and the strengths and weaknesses of the various
using Python’s sklearn package (Pedregosa et al. 2012),
methods. Thus, researchers should start with their but we have also built in text classification to SMM.
research question. We also referenced advertising and Our code can be found at https://opensource.ncsa.
marketing papers that have used the various methods
so that researchers can get a more in-depth illustra- analytics/browse/batch.
tion of each. Finally, we included the code used for 6. We used the TAGME API to conduct our semantic
topic tagging. All documentation on how to call the
each analysis reported in this article so that research- TAGME API can be found at https://sobigdata.
ers can assess and use that code themselves. In add-
ition, we built that code into an existing open-source,
free environment for conducting social media data
analysis ( to allow ORCID
computationally nonexpert advertising researchers to
Joseph T. Yun
try the various methods out directly for their own Brittany R. L. Duff
research questions. Although this article was not
meant to be an exhaustive list of topic detection
methods and considerations, it should function as a References
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