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Forests cover 30% of the area of Earth. Human depend on forests for their
livelihood and getting various raw materials, and a plethora of animal species rely
on forests as their habitat. Forests purify air and water, help mitigate climate
change by acting as a carbon sink, and form a whole ecosystem around
Deforestation is the razing of forest cover area by natural or man-made means. It
happens when a lot of vegetation and outgrowth, such as trees, shrubs, herbs etc.
are cut down or razed from the forest area, and are in turn replaced by a barren
In the natural means, it can happen by forest fires, overgrazing by herbivorous
animals, low water retention in the water cycle, floods, tsunamis etc. Forest fires
can in turn be started by either natural or man-made made means, such as by dry
leaves, lighting, throwing lighter or matchsticks in a dry area, deliberate fires set
up by poachers etc. Forests fires can change the structure and composition of
forests, and open them up for invasive species who could further destroy the
forest habitat, adversely affect the water cycle and biological diversity, increase
soil erosion, destroy livelihoods of numerous people.
In the man-made means, forests are cut in large quantities to make way for
agriculture, malls, cities, dams, making wood products, mining etc. Poorly planned
infrastructure projects, rapid urbanization, fast growing human population,
mining and illegal logging are also the main man-made caused contributing
towards rapid deforestation in the world.
Deforestation is a really worrisome topic in this day and age, because huge
amounts of forests are getting depleted at a fast pace, with no similar re-growth
rate. This is causing an acceleration in the deposit of carbon, nitrogen and Sulphur
oxides in the atmosphere, and is causing an acceleration in the global warming. It
is also leading to destruction of natural habitats of thousands & millions of species
living in the forests, and is causing huge amount of soil erosion and occurrence of
extreme weather patterns.

Deforestation is also leading the clashes between humans and the animals, whose
homes were destroyed in the process. This is also leading to more deaths of the
forest dwelling species, and an increase in poaching and animal trafficking.
Deforestation has spread in large parts of the world, and has adversely affected
the forest and ecosystems of Brazil, Indonesia, Amazon etc.
Deforestation as a topic is discussed among many global leaders at international
forums, and by many environmentalists in rallies. But not much is being done to
match the words of those leaders and rallying crowd. If left unchecked,
deforestation can wreak havoc on the common human population, and lead to a
global imbalance in the ecological cycle, thus making humans extinct from this
planet, like millions of other species before us.
Deforestation can be combated by taking some precautionary measures, such as
a) minimizing the cutting down of trees, b) properly managing the conservation
areas, and increasing the efficiency of conservation projects, b) creating
sustainable infrastructure that is designed and planned by taking in the
consideration of forests in an optimum manner, like promotion of vertical growth,
usage of bio-degradable material for buildings etc., c) promoting sustainable
environmental practice like bio-energy, decreased use of plastic and wood
products, d) creating efficient agricultural practices, e) promoting awareness
campaigns and planting of trees at local and international levels, and giving
incentives to those who achieve a particular set target, by giving them benefits
such as cutting down the tax rates, giving them employment etc., f) creating
effective monitoring policy to oversee the conservation and development
projects, and stop any illegal activities harming the forest ecosystem.
That’s why, thinking & working on the problem of deforestation is so necessary,
and if done successfully, would lead to a brighter and a more hopeful future for all
of humanity.

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